The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 11, 1899, Image 3

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Clearance Sale of Bicycles
Men's heavy soled Box Calf Lace $3.00
Men's heavy soled Tan Box Calf Lace ... 3.00
Ladies' heavy soled Vici Kid Button 2.25
Ladies' heavy soled Vici Kid Cloth Top, Button... 2.25
Ladies' heavy soled Calf, Button ... 2.00
Misses' Pebble Grain Button, sizes 11 to 2 1.00
Misses' Kangaroo Calf, Button, sizes to 2 .". 1.25
Childs' Heavy Sole Kid, Button, sizes 8 to 11.'. .75
A few pair of Women's Pebble Grain, Button, sizes 3 to 6 .60
All Goods Marked in
Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.,
. .FEBRUARY 11, 189i
Telephone No. 1.
. All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as
' no changes will be accepted in the aft'
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January io, 1899.
Pague says tonight and tomorrow will
be fair and colder.
Circuit court convenes Monday. On
Wednesday Forester's case comes up for
Arthur Walker is reported as beyond
hope of recovery, and not likely to sur
vive until morning.
The family of D. J. Cooper received
notice last night of the death of Miss
Viola Mann in Salem. The funeral will
V.Je held tomorrow morning in that city.
One of the boys employed at the club
alleys, picked up a small cape on our
streetB yesterday, which he left at this
office. Will the owner please call for it.
Next Monday evening Smith Bros.
win devote two nours, irom o till s, in
teaching the ladies the two-step. From
8 to 10 the gentlemen will have their in
nings on the same dance.
W. S. Geary, the piano tuner, will be
in The Dalles the first week in March
uraer9 leic at eitner Jacobsen s or
Nickelaen's will receive prompt at
tention. 10-td
, On next Tuesdav evening the Ladies'
Aid Society of the Christian church will
give a valentine social ' at the church.
A basket lunch will be the feature of
. the tvening, and a general good time is
seeming to De little hope 01 the ice
moving, and the jiver continuing to
raise, it was thought best to move the j
Regulator entirely out of harm's way, and
workmen are again busy cutting the ice
out preparatory to moving her further
up the beach. "
Paul Paulsen was notified this morn
ing that the remains of his cousin,
Arthur Edward Thomas, who "died
Thursday night in Portland, would be
brought here for burial, arriving ' this
evening. The service will take place at
the Lutheran church tomorrow at 9:45
a. m. Friends of the family are invited
to -attend. -
f The three-cornered bowling tourna
ment at the club alleys last night cre
ated a great deal of amusement, one
young man who won" the' "medal "a
i week before being so eure of his success
Zero Weather
Suggests comfortable clothing. To add
to your comfort we offer this week .a few
; specialties in good, seasonable Footwear,
which, compared with their real market
value, will be sold at almost
Zero Prices.
that he had to be carried from the
ley" when he discovered he had lost byl
one pin. The successful players were
De Huff, Phillips and Joe Bonn.
An exchange says the correct wav td
pronounce Aguinaldo is "Ah-we-nal-do
Accent third syllable, give "a" the sound
it has in the word father, "i" is like "e'
long, and "g is silent. vve Know o
some people who have a shorter way tn
pronounce it than that, and if
isn't M-u-d either. Ah-we-mauled-yod
would be as good as any pronunciation
If you have never thought of attend
ing the Elks' ball it will make you danca
to look at the decoration in Pease
Mays' center window. Besides being
draped in the purple and white, it con
tains some of the most beautiful dress
patterns, fans, gloves, elippere, etc.,
ever displayed in The .Dalles. ureat
preparations are being made for this
social event.
Fordney, the fun-maker, had an ob
jection to make at last night's session of
the house. He said that Speaker Carter
is in the habit of placing Mr. Roberts In
the chair at the night sessions, and the
lights of the house reflected with such
force from the bare and polished cranium
of that gentleman as to dazzle the .eyes
of the ladies in the ball, for whose com
fort the gentleman from Wallowa is ex
ceedingly anxious. Statesman. ,
The remains of F. A. Abernetby
reached this city on the evening train
yesterday and wore taken to the under
taking parlors of Crandall & Burget.
This morning tbey were removed to the
Masouic hall, from which place at 2
o'clock tomorrow the procession will
proceed to Odd Fellows cemetery. At
the grave the Masonic burial services
will be conducted and the remains of
Frank Abernetby be laid to rest
When Mr. Flagg introduced his bill io
the legislature to prohibit exhibitions of
mesmerism, hypnotism and artificial
somnambulism, it was taken as a joke
and created a laugh, but when it came
up for consideration in the bouse its
author convinced the house taat it was
no joke; that it was serious, and was
backed by merit and a regard for public
decency, as well as public good. It was
passed by a good majority. Its' arrival
in the senate created a smile which also
changed to seriousness when they began
to consider it
A High Jinks, party was given last
night at the home of Miss Margaret Kin
erely, only a few friends being present,
among them "Cbolly Knickerbocker
and the Bowery Girl, rChappie", from
the East End, Ednahand "Tommie
Jones, "Prinze '. Chaming," "Cinder
ella," "Trilby" and 'flLdttle Billie." The
cake walk was the principle feature of
the evening. Songs' and dancing were
also indulged in and a lunch, which was
very tempting to the guests, was served.
Mr. Kinersly took a flas'-j . light picture
of the party, whidb it is said, would keep
you guessing to determine who the
originals were
Judge K racist) aw committeeman in
is county for the monument to be
erected in honor of our dead heroes, has
appointed the following committees to
act in conduction with him in raising
subscriptions for the same: From the
Methodist church, S. Bolton ; Congrega
tional, B. S. Huntington ;Latheran,Rev.
Grey ; Episcopal, Rev. Jos. DeForest ;
Catholic, Father Bronsgeest; Christian,
E. Bayard; Baptist, W. C. Allaway;
Schools, Profs. Gavin and Landers;
Commercial Club, G. C. Blakeley ; Pub
ic Library, Miss Dean ; Hood Riyer, E.
L. Smith; Antelope; W. Bolton; Dufur,
Johnston Bros. ; Wamic, E. N. Chandler ;
Cascades, D. L. Cates; Mosier, J. M.
Yosterday afternoon about 2 o'clock
when John Ryan and his wife had
reached the 9-Mile hill on their wav to
their home on 5-Mile, they met the
stage coming into the city. The curtain
of one of the stage windows was flapping
back and forth, and their horses, becom
ing frightened, shied to one side, throw
ing the old lady and gentleman over a
grade from four to six feet steep. Mr.
Ryan escaped injury, but Mrs. Ryan
was badly hurt, haying three ribs and
her collar bone broken. She was at once
put into the stage and brought to the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Dar-
nielle, in this city. Dr. Rinehart was
called and set the broken bones, making
the unfortunate woman as comfortable
as possible, and she is now resting easy.
Oar Mtj at Heppner.
Evidently our boys made quite an im
pression during their visit at Heppner,
and certain it is that they were more
than favorably impressed with the little
city and its citizens. If sweethearts and
wives have any doubt concerning their
behavior while there, let them read the
following from the Gazette:
"The strictly gentlemanly deportment
of the young business men of The Dalles
made the night's pleasure an example
for young men who deem rudeness and
excess necessary for "a jolly good time."
A column was devoted to a very com
plimentary write-up of the show, and
among other things it says :
"Today a bond of friendship is estab
lished between the young people of The
Dalles and Heppner that will enjoy a
period of lifelong duration. The talented
gentlemen of the minstrel club in their
entertainment exceeded the expectations
of the packed audience. Every member
played bis part with the grace of a pro
fessional "star." This visit and success
ful termination of the most enjoyable.
entertainment and social affair will re
bound to our small city's credit from the
fact that the young business men of
both towns are in an . everlasting mood
of kindly consideration which bard busi
ness competition cannot remove, and
they will encourage the prosperity qf
each other's interests and towns."
For Five Dollars jou can buy a Camera
hat will take larger pictures than any
other Camera on the market. For sale
by Clarke & Falk. . tf
FOR 1899.
The models for the coming season will
be No. 61, men's roadsters, $50; No. 62,
woman's special light roadster, $50;
No. 66, men's regular roadsters, $75 ; No.
67, woman's regular roadster, $75 ; No.
69, men's ' roadster thirty-inch wheel,
$75. Quality is Cleveland, throughout,
not a part slighted not a machine on
worthy of a Cleveland nam plate.
1899 changes Wider handle bars, with
new internal expanders, improved auto
matic oiling device, flush frame head,
increased gauge of tubing, longer frame
and new reinforcements, new ball bear
ing spokes, also new babs. . The Burwell
detachable tire, more air, more comfort;
special bearings,along new lines. Crank
yoke changed, doing away with disc on
chain eide; dust proof pedpls; im
proved Cleveland gear case; new saddles.
The 1899 models are superior to any
Cleveland ever offered to the public.
They have more original ideas.
We have just receved some '99 models.
Call and see them. It's quality that
talks these days, and Cleveland quality
is talking loud. .
Sole Agents for Cleveland Bicycles.
Wesley Bice Dies In California,
Straggle fur Life.
About two years ago Weiley Rice, who
had for three years previous been travel
ing from one place to the other in an
attempt to conquer that unconquerable
disease, consumption, which had fasten
ed itself on his svstem, determined to
try Southern California as a last resort.
He therefore moved to Perris, and. for a j
time the change seemed to benefit him,
and' he gained hope, as did also his
friends; but it was soon discovered that
he must yield to the Inevitable, and yes
terday at 4 o'clock the end came,
A telegram was received by his sister,
Mrs. Mann, which said his body would
be brought here for burial, and Mr.
Mann left this morning to meet them. in
San Francisco. However, another tele
gram reached here this morning saying
that on account of the illness of bis son,
George, it would be impossible to come,
and . that he would be buried there to
morrow. Mr. Rice, who was born in Lane
county forty-five years ago in April, is
very well known here, having lived on
15-Mile from boyhood to the time when
his health failed.. His mother and
father, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rice, reside
in The Dalles at present. Besides them
be leaves a wife and three children
George, Hattie and Hazel.. Also two
brothers, Geo.' and Austin Rice, and
three sisters, Mrs. D. W. Mann, of this
city; Mrs. M. Waterman, of Fairfield,
and Mrs. Southern, of Boyd.
It is customary to speak well of the
dead, but surely in this case no word we
can say can add to the reputation which
the upright honest life led by the de
ceased, won for him. He was known to
bean exemplary man, and one whom it
was a pleasure to meet a true gentle
tiis mends deeply regret the circum
stances which prevent them from pay
ing the last respect to one whose friend
ship they prized so highly.
The smallest things may exert the
greatest influence. De Witt's Little
Early Risers are unequaled for overcom
ing constipation and liver trouble. Small
pill, best, pill, safe pills. Snipes-Kin-ersly
Drug Co.
Northern Grown
In Bulk at"
Feed and Grocery store
Cor 2d & Federal Sts.
D 3
For Less than Half Price
We wish to clejir out all old stock before mov
ing into new store and have some bargains.
This is an opportunity to get bicycle heap
All wheels sold at half regular price.
Mays c&3 Oro-wo-
After the Holidays..
We have a large stock of Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street,
...He Heuowiiefl DM Qro Fioo Saloon..
90 Second St., second door from Court.
I 118 October "l5Jj
S . The Dalles, Or. 3
S $0.90. 3
S $1 worth of checks 3
is good for 10c drink, sj
jjj or cigar. 3
Wasco Warehouse
Headquarters for "Byers Best Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flour
use : every
We sell our eoods lower than any
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Adversely on tba Sugar Bill.
State House, Salem, Feb. 11. The
Loewenherg company ha? settled with
the state.
Senate has passed several charters and
local measures today.-
The house passed a bill preventing
swine from running at large.
The "Hospital tor the Insane" bill
failed to pass.
Bills providing for Multnomah county
tax collector has passed.
Today Michell introduced a bill pro
viding for three commissioners of the
eu preme court.
Lust night the bouse adjourned until
Wben the senate met at 9 - today the
committee on commerce reported ad
versely on the tugar bill. A motion to
indefinitely postpone the matter failed.
The belief is strong that the 'measure
will not be considered again.
A bill providing for food and dairy
commissioner passed.
Adjourned till Monday.
Closed Area Kastof Mt. Hood.
To the Editor:
The commissioner of the General Land
Office has forwarded to this office the
following decision and definition of the
closed area east of Mount Hood.
The boundaries of the closed area east
of Mount Hood 'are hereby defined as
follows: Beginning at the point where
the east fork of the Hood river crosses
the north line of township 1 south, range
10 east, which is the north line of the
old stand.
and Books is complete
The Dalles, Oregon.
Tom Burke's fp Homestead Whiskey
Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac.
Best Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars.
The Largest and Best of August Buchlcsr
Home-made Beer and Porter.
for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York.
for Seed Grain of an kinds.
for Feed Grain tt e 11 kinds.
for Rolled Grain, an kinds.
for Bran. Shorts, stE",
is manufactured expressly for family
sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
house in the trade, and if you don't thmk so
rjserve; thence easterly along said town
ship line to the northeast corner, of said
township; thence southerly along tbe
range line between raDges 10 ami 11
east, which is the eastern boundary ,of
the reserve, to its intersection with the
White river; thence westerly along said
river to tbe point where it intersects the
diyide east of tbe east fork of the Hood
river; thence southwesterly along said
divide to the point where it intersects
the Barlow road.
The commissioner further directs that,
"in addition to excluding sheep from,
this closed area, no stock of any kind
shall be driven into or retained therein
by a herder or herders."
S. B. Obmsby, ,
Forest Superintendents
In Olden Times .
People overlooked the importance of
permanently beneficial effects and were
satisfied with the transient action ; but
now that it is generally 'known tbafc
Syrup of Figs will permanently over
come habitual constipation, well in
formed people will not buy other laxa
tives, which act for a time, but finally
injure the Bystem. Buy the genuine,
made by the California Fig Syrup Co.
Special meeting of Wasco Lodge Kb.
15, A. F. & A. M. will be held, at Ma
sonic hall, at 1 p. m. Sunday, February
12. All Masons are requested . t be
present. By order of tbtr W. M.
S. E. Van Vactob, Stcy.
You need have no . toils if you will
take Clarke & Falk's sure .care or boils.