The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 08, 1899, Image 1

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NO 261
Otis Controls tie Situation Witlin a Ra
dius of Nine Miles of Manila.
Of the Orignal Force of Twenty Thous
and Rebels Drawn Up Aguinst the
Americans Fully One-Third Are
Manila, Feb. 7. General Otia aa tbia
dispatch is sent ia in fall control of the
eitnation within a radina of nine miles
of Manila. The American lines extend
to Malabon on the north and to Par
anque on the south, fully twenty-five
miles. While a few detached bodies of
Filipinos offer disultory opposition, the
main body is in full retreat and utterly
routed. Of the hordea of troops origin
ally drawn np in battle array against
the Americans, fully one-third are al
ready incapacitated and the rest are
scattered in every direction.
The Americans now have a steam car
line to Malabon, and 600 marines with
four Maxims have been landed from the
fleet, on the beach north ot the city.
Among the important points captured
was a strong embrasured earthwork in
eight of Caloocan.
There was considerable firing from the
upper' windows of houses in the native
quarter of the city laBt night, but no
casualties have been reported as a result
of it.
The signal corps was compelled to run
lines along the firing line during the
fighting, and consequently there were
freqnent interruptions in communica
tion, owing to the cutting of wires, and
' the signal men were ordered to kill
without hesitation anyone who attempt
ed to interfere with the lines!
American Losses 250; Insurgents, 4000.
.Washington, Feb. 7. The. war de
partment has received the following dis
patch from Otis :
Manila, Feb. 7, The insurgent army
concentrated around Manila from Luzon
province, numbers over 20,000 men pos
sessing several quick-firing and Krnpp
field guns. A good portion of the enemy
are armed with Mauser's latest pattern
guns. Two Krnpps and a. great many
rifles were captured. Insnrgents fired a
great quantity of ammunition. Quite a
number of Spanish soldiers are in the
insurgent service, and these served the
artillery. .,
The insurgents constructed a " strong
intrenchment near our lines, mostly in
bamboo thickets. These our men charged
killing or capturing many of the "enemy.
Our casualties probably aggregate 250.
Full reports today.
The casualties of - the insurgents are
very heavy. Have buried some 500 of
their dead and hold 500 prisoners. Their
losses in killed, wounded and prisoners
will probably aggregate 4000.
We took the waterworks pumping sta
tion yesterday, eix miles out, after a
considerable skirmish with the enemy,
which made no stand. Tha pumps that
were damaged will be working within a
week. Have a number of condensers
set np in the city, which furnish good
water. The troops are in excellent spir
its. Quiet prevails.
Americans Caring for the Dead.
Manila, Feb. 7. The terrible loss of
the rebels may be gathered from the fact
that sixteen of them were buried in one
lice field Monday near Pasas, and eighty -seven
were interred between Peco and
Santa Ana.
A converted river gunboat did terrible
j-y Upo-ki powder
" Issciuteey Pure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
execution among the rebels, -sweeping
both banks of the river with the gatling
guns and heavier battery. Hundreds of
the Filipinos undoubtedly crawled into
the canebrakea and died there.
The Americana are working nobly in
their efforts to find the wounded, and
are bringing hundreds of suffering rebels
to the hospitals for treatment. The na
tives are unable to understand the hu
mane motives which prompt the victors
to succor the wounded of the enemy.
A correspondent of the AesociatedPress
is informed that numbers of the hospital
corps have made the startling discovery
that there are several women in male at
tire, and with hair cropped, among the
It is regarded as a significant fact that
many of the Filipino officials of this city
disappeared from Manila as soon as
hostilities commenced. Some of them
are supposed to be still hiding herd.
Hundreds of women are pouring into
Manila from all districts, and the villages
around Manila, as a rule, have been de
stroyed by the troops.
. The further the Americans extend
their lines the more the need of trans
portation increases. The American
commanders have already been com
pelled to impress horses and Vehicles on
all' eidea, to tbeinconvenience,naturally,
of rati ves and civilians.
Last night the inhabitants generally
believed a battle was raging at their own
doors. Lights were extinguished inside
dwellings and the majority of the people
were in a state of terror.
Gen. Hughes has the interior situation
absolutely in hand. '
Deafness Cannot be Cared
by local applications, aB they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness
and that is by constitutional remedies
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this , tube is in
flamed yon have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever ; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which ia nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. "
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars ; free.
: F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
J.ySoldT)y Druggists. 75c. 6-10
Six Years For Eagan.
Washington, Feb. 7. ;The . sentence
ot the court-martial in the Eagan case
baa been commuted by President Mc
Kinley to susDecsion for six years. This
will give Gen. Eagan an opportunity to
retire on pay in case be is re-instated
at the expiration' of six years to full
rank. . v
, Eleg&nt new Pullman palace sleepers
between Portland and Chicago have just
been placed in eervice via the O. R. &
N., Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific
and Chicago & Northwestern railways
daily every day in the year. Cars are of
the very latest pattern, in fart being the
most improved up-to-date sleeping cars
turned out by the Pullman Company.
These new palaces will leave Portland on
the evening fast train of the O. K. & N.
arriving at Chicago the morning of the
onrth day and running through with
out change via Granger and Omaha. 19tf
Oregon Boys Fight .
Manila, Feb. 7. Late yesterday after
noon the Oregon regiment took part in
a short, sharp engagement', driving back
the enemy without sacrificing a man.
Horrible agony is caused by Piles,
burns and skin diseases. -These are
immediately .relieved and quickly cnred
by De Witt's Witch Hazel Save. Be
ware of worthless imitations. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
To Gain Flesh, to Sleep Well, to Know
W hat Appetite and Good Digestion
No trouble is more common or more
misunderstood than neryoua dyspepsia .
People having it think their nerves are
to blame and are surprised that they
are not cured by nerve medicines. The
real seat of the mischief ia lost sight of.
The stomach is the organ to be looked
Nervons dyspeptics often do not 'have
any pain whatever in the stomach, nor
perhaps any of the symptoms of stom
ach weakness. Nervous dyspepsia shows
itself not in the stomach so much as in
nearly every organ. In some cases the
heart palpitates and is irregular; in oth
ers the kidneys are effected ;in others
the bowels are constipated., wiCt head
aches ; still others are troubled with loss
of flesh and appetite with accumulations
of as, sour risings and heartburn.
1 It is safe to say that' Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets will cure any stomach weak
ness or disease except cancer of the
stomach. They cure sour stomach, gas,
loss of flesh and appetite, sleeplessness,
palpitation, heartburn, constipation and
Send for valuable little book on stom
ach diseasee by addressing F. A. Stuart
Co., Marshall, Mich. . All druggists sell
full sized packages at 50 cents. Prof
Henry W. Becker, A.M., the well-known
religious'worker and writer.of &(. Louis,
secretary . of the Mission Board of the
German Methodist chnrch ; chief clerk
and expert accountant of the harbor and
wharf commission ; public secretary for
the St. Louis school patrons' association,
and the district conference of the stew
ards of the M. E. church ; also takes an
active part in he work of the Epwortb
League, and to write on religious and
educational topics for several magazines.
How he found relief is best told in his
own words :
"Some weeks ago my brother beard
me say something about indigestion.and
taking a box ont of his pocket said : 'Try
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.' I did, and
was promptly relieved. Then 1 investi
gated the nature of the tablets, and be
came satisfied that they were . made of
just the right things and i if just the
right proportions to aid in the .assimila
tion: of food. I heartily indorse them in
all respects, and I keep them constantly
on hand. ' . -
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. ' All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
- . Wounded Slightly.
Washington, Feb. 7. Among the list
of those who were wounded slightly in
the recent conflict, are the following
from the First Washington :
Captain Albert H. Otis, First Lieut.
Ed. K. Erwin, Second Lieut. Jo, Smith,
Quartermaster-Sergeant Rufus D. Clark
and Oliver Clancey; company A, Cor
poral Kendall Fellows, Charles F. De
lago, John F. Mitchell, Fred W. Schan
der, James A. Timewell; company I,
Corporal Miles McDoogal.
Seriously wounded, company A, Pri
vates Joseph E. Dongherty, James F.
Greik, John Cline, Richard P. McClain,
Oscar ' Seward ; company 1, William
Hepburn, Nicholas Poly, Walter P. Fox,
George M. Duncan, William J. Kais;
company I, Ernest A. Fisher ; company
L, John Ponitt; company M,' Jesse H.
Morgan; civilian, J. 1. Weatherby,
cook. -
Slightly wounded, company A, Pri
vates William Everett, William R. Fait,
Otto H. Hoppe, Albert W. Owen, Frank
Rivers company B, Lanrin D. Lawson,
Albert F. Pray ; compauy G, Augustus
Ztlodor; company F, Herbert E. Os
born; company I, Mira Kucker, Rolla
Proudfeet; company M, Jos. P. Bernler,
Wesley Walton ; company G, George
McNeil, Wm. J. Hayes.
Ills Life Was Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen
of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder
ful deliverance from a frightlul death.
In telling of it he says: "I was taken
with typhoid fever, that ran into pneu
monia. My lungs became hardened. I
was so weak I couldn't even sit np in
bed. Nothing helped me. I expected
to soon die of consumption, when I
heard of Dr. King's New Discovery.
One bottle gave great relief. I con
tinued to use it, and now am well and
strong. I can't say too mnch in its
praise." , This marvellous medicine is
the surest and quickest cure in the world
for all throat and lung trouble. Regular
size 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle
tree at Blakeley & Houghton's drug
store ; every bottle guaranteed. 2
Oregon and Washington Boys Perish.
Washington, Feb. 6. The periodical
sickness and casualty report from Gen
eral Otis, received today, disclosed, a
death rate among the American troops
at Manila from smallpox of one man per
day for the past nine days. . The death
list contains the names of Royal
Fletcher, First Washington ; Miles E:
Kyger, corporal. First Washington ;
Pearl Detty, private. Second Oregon.
La Orlppe Successfully Treated.
"I have just recovered from the sec
ond attack of La Grippe this year," says
Mr. J as. A. Jones, publisher of the
Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter
case I need Chamberlain's Congh Rem
edy, and I think with considerable suc
cess, only being in bed a little over two
days against ten days for the former at
tack. The second attack I am satisfied
would have been equally as bad as the
first bnt for the use of this emedy as 1
had to go to bed in about six hours after
being 'struck' with it, while, in the first
case I was able to attend to business
about two" days before getting 'down.' "
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
- Stay of Execution Granted. v
San Francisco, Feb. 6. Mrs. Botkin's
attorneys gave notice today of an appeal
from the conviction and sentence of life
imprisonment recently passed upon her.
Jndge Carroll Cook allowed 10 days'stay
of execution, and 20 days in which to
prepare s bill of exceptions.
" Bow to Prevent Pneumonia.
, You are perhaps aware that pneu
monia always results from a cold or from
an attack of La Grippe. Daring the
epidemic of La Grippe a few years ago
when so many cases resulted in pneu
monia, it was observed that the attack
was never followed by that disease when
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used.
It counteracts any tendency of a cold or
La Grippe to result in that dangerous
disease. It is the best remedy in the
world for bad colds, and La Grippe.
Every bottle warranted. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. .
Wood Wood Wood.
We can furnish you with strictly first
class, dry, fir wood at' the same prices
which' you have been paying for inferior
quality. Send us yonr orders and get
the best. Phone 25.
Mchl. . Jos. T. Pbtkks fc Co.
Will soon be the order of the day. What
a relief to see new ' goods suggestive of a '
a new season, and remindful of the fact that
winter cannot last all feummer.
We believe we are a trifle in advance of
other stores in showing new things for boys
wear but then that's our way.
New Caps.
Your little boy wants one, we
know it and you would want him
to have one if yon allowed your
self to look over this array of new
styles in little boys' headw
Fifteen different stylee all Dew.
" Three different prices
29 cents.
33 cents.
69 cents.
New Styles for Girls.
I At R. OQ. ttlilliams & Co. t
The Knack of Summer Entertaining:.
Elaborateness is neither fitness nor
art U summer entertaining, and it
should be put aside, with heavy drap
eries and other impediments, to breezy
ease or freedom. On? more word
about hoi-weather luncheons. Do not
have your flowers too profuse. Do not
oversalt anything, as ii. induces thirst;
and do. not forget that the trickle of
ice 13 sweetest of hot:v.eather music.
Use it, cracked, under olives and
around tomatoes if they bp served
alone; shave it, and fill tumblers for
lea, grape juice or other cold bever
ages; indeed, introduce it wherever
possible. Ella Morris Kretschmar,
in Woman's Home Companion.
The Fly In trie Ointment.
Dusty Rhodes Say, Weary! I'm
goin to dem Fillj-pener islands. Dey
say uat all de food j-er need grows
right on trees,.
Weary Walker (with a look of scorn)
Dat is just like yer! Yer ain't got no
farsightedness. Don't yer know dat
dem people as lives in der tropics' are
so blamed lazy dat yer wouldn't be
abbe ter git no one ter pick it off fer
yer? Puck. .
Boarders 4
Day U?eK or
Qor. 4M7 and Union.
-DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
The limuul IlitU- Dili. s
I Public J
I Boculing Alley
5 Next to Columbia Hotel. ' 5
l Open Day and flight.
fa ' Courteous treatment fa
9 to all Boculeps... 7
9 Special Attractions 9
For Bowling Parties. Patronage of h
P the public respectfully solicited. "J
Z Estebenet & Esping, Props. Z
New Sweaters
For Men and Boys. Not mere
ly new Sweaters, but entirelv new
styles as well. "Sweaters' will
not all look alike" to you when
you see these they're entirely
new and very attractive.
The qmility is all wool; they're
heavy and warm and are intended
as much for present wear as for
later on.
$1.32 and
See our Boys' "Dewey" Sweater.
Cream of Carrot Sonp.
Grate three good-sized' carrots;
cover them with a pint of hot water;
add a slice of onion, a bay leaf and
two cloves; cover and cook slowly for
one hour. Ilub together two table
spoonfuls of butter and three of flour;
add to the carrot mixture a quart of
milk, stir in the thickening1 and stir
carefully until the boiling point is
reached and press through a sieve.
Season with a teaspoonful and a half
of salt and a quarter of a teaspoon
ful of pepper. Ladies' Home Journal.
W , Wagon and Carriage Work.
b Fish Brothers' Wagon. 4
TMrt ana Jefferson. Phone 159
Regulator lAne
Tie Dalles, Portlani ni Astoria'
Navigation Co.'
sirs. Regnlator & Dalles City
The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port
land daily, cett Sunday.
Are tou going
If so, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on
the Columbia. The wee t-bound train arrives at
The Dalles In ample time for passengers to take
the steamer, arriving In Portland in time for the
outgoing Southern and Northern trains; East
bound passengers arriving in The Da(les In time
to take the East-bound train.
" For further information apply to
Or W C. AIXAWAY, Gen. Agt.,
Tha Ddiles. Oregon.