The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 07, 1899, Image 4

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Is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fig SrRtrp
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
fill the importance of purchasing-.the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the California Fig Syrup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
Imitations manufactured by other pah
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Flit Syhvf Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. : It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
Jurors For February.
The following have been summoned
as jurors for the February term of the
circuit court, which convenes on Mon
day, the 13th :
Thomas Bishop, Hood River.
T C Benson, Cascade Locks.
J V Koontz, The Dalles.
Charles Early, Vieuto.
Frank Fleming, Bakeoven.
Geo Rice, Boyd.
W M Hayner, Uood River.
Fred Fieber, The Dalles.
A J Graham, Hood River.
T H Johnston, Dnfur.
J J Lucky, Hood River.
John Wagon blaet. The DalleaV
Elmer Green, Dufur.
J H Hibbard, Hood River.
. Jesse Iinbler, Hood River.
W R Winans, Hood River.
C Dethman, Hood River.
F H Button, Hood River.
j j uioDone, nooa itiver.
E E Lyon, Hood River.
Wax T McCiure Mosier.
Alexander Frazer, The Dalles, "
,-J H Harper, The Dalles.
-James Fulton, The Dalles.
..A B Connolly, The Dalles.'
W H Taylor, The Dalles.
C V Haight, The Dalles.
Frank Peabody, Dufur.
W M Lauder, Sherar's Bridge.
O M Smith, Boyd.
J . F .M.ajkham, Dufur.
. Killed, a Cougar.
AV. R. Winans killed his seventeenth
cougar, or mountain lion, at Green Point
on West Hood river. . Mr. Winans got
on the animal's trail and found where
be had killed a deer and was dragging it
to his lair. He bad no difficulty in
tracking it in tho enow, and soon found
bis game up a tree. He came upon the
cougar eooner that he expected, and
when he saw hiiu in the tree the ani
mal's eyes were gleaming at him, while
his tail played like that of a bouee cat
when ready to spring upon its prey. A
center shot between tbe eyes brought
him to tho ground.
He is the largest cougar, Mr. Winans
says, he ever killed. His weight was
about 250 pounds and his length eleven
feet from tip to tip. He was an old set
tier and hia ears were torn in Bhreds,
showing that he had been in many bat
tles. Jim Crow, an old Indian hunter,
says he has seen the same cougar many
a time and is glad he is dead. Mr. Wi
nans will send the skin to Portland and
have it made into a rug. Glacier.
Elegant new Pullman palace sleepers
between Portland and Chicago have just
been placed in service via the O. R. &
N., Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific
and Chicago & Northwestern railways
daily every day in the year. Cars are of
the very latest pattern, in fart being the
moet improved up-to-date sleeping cars
tamed out by the Prill man Company,
These new palaces will leave Portland on
the evening fast train of the O. R. & N,
arriving at Chicago the morning of the
our th day and running through with
out change via Granger and Omaha. 19tf
Mystery Cleared Up.
Astoria,. Or. Feb. 9. The body of
William Chapman, formerly night
watchman on the steamer Geo. W.
Elder, was found yesterday near the
chore back of tbe O. R. & N. dock. Jt
was in a bad condition, but its identifi
cation is complete. On the morning of
January 4, the Elder arrived down the
river, and left out at 5:30. When she
arrived at the dock here on that morn
ing, Chapman came ashore and contin
ued to keep up a drunk that he had
started before leaving Portland. When
the whistle blew for her to start ont,
Policeman Phillips saw him staggering
toward the dock, and followed him un
til ne was eaieiy on toe dock, tie was
never known to have gone on board the
boat that morning, so he must have
fallen overboard while attempting to
get aboard. His widow, who lives at
306 Burneide street between Fifth and
Sixth, Portland, was here a few days
ago, making inquiries for him. His
body is in the possession of Coroner
Pohl, subject to directions from his
widow. He was quite well known here.
and has worked on the' ocean steamers
for a numbers of years.
Teachers' Examlnstlon.
Notice is hereby given that for the
purpose of making an examination of
all persons who may offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
the county, the county superintendent
thereof will hold a public examination
at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, beginning Wed
nesday, February 8, 1899, at 1 o'clock
P m.
Dated this 28th day of January, 1899.
' C. L. Gilbert,
28-td Co. Snpt.. Wasco Co. Or.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drives out pains and aches.
Onlv 25 cte. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Biakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. 2
See Yourself as Others See You.
Win. Mich ell has the agency for a
very resjtonsible firm in Portland, who
will etilarge pictures in a splendid man
ner and at a reasonable price. Give
him your photos and be will see that
they are enlarged. Call and see tbe
eamples and select your frames so that
you will get what you want.
La Grippe is -again epidemic. Every
precaution shouid be taken to avoid it.
Its specific cure is One Minute Cough
Cure. A. J. Shepard, publisher Agri
cultural Journal and Advertiser, Elden,
Mo., says: "No on will be disappoint
ed in using One Minute Cough Cure for
La Grippe." Pleasant to take, quick to
act. Snipes, Kineraley Drug Co.
Mr. S. A. Fackler, editor of the
Micauopy (Fla.), Hustler, with his wife
and children, suffered terribly from La
Grippe. One Minute Cough Cure was
the only remedy that helped them. It
acted quickly. Thousands of others use
this remedy as a specific for La Grippe,
and its exhausting after effects. Never
fails. , Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Wood Wood Wood.
We can furnish you with strictly first
class, dry, fir wood at the same prices
which you have been paying for inferior
quality. Send us your orders and get
the best, i'none 2o.
Mchl. Jos. T. Peters & Co.
Casb In xour Checks.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Mch. 14, 1895, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Jan. 14,
1899. " C. L. Phillips,
Conntv Treasurer.
Horrible agony , is caused by Piles,
burns and skin diseases. - These are
immediately relieved and quickly cured
by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Be
ware of worthless imitations. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co. .
The smallest things may exert the
greatest influence. De Witt's Little
Early Risers are unequaled for overcom
ing constipation and liver trouble. Small
pill, best pill, safe pills. Snipes-Kin
ersly Drug Uo.
Good Wood.
To get tbe best dry fir and pine wcod
that tbe market affords ling up 40.
Prompt delivery. The Dalles Lumber
ing Co. ' Jan27-2m
Cook Wanted.
A good female cook can get a position
in a restaurant in the city. Apply at
this office. 23-tf
On account of sickness the restaurant
at 126 Court street. Inquire of
lfeblw Mkb. E. Julian.
. For the best results use tbe Vive
Camera, For sale by the Postoffice
Pharmacy. tf
Use Clarke & Falk's . Quinine Hair
Tonic for dandruff and falling hair. " tf
Yoa need have no' boils if you will
take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for tbe
teeth. tf
To Whom It May Concern : I have
this day disposed of the dental office
heretofore occupied by me, to Dr. G. E.
Sanders, who will continue the same in
the rooms formerly occupied by me In
the Chapman block, Tbe Dalles, Oregon.
I take pleasure in recommending Dr.
Sanders to all my old friends and
patrons and ask for him a continuous of
tbe liberal patronage, heretofore .given
. I have seen Dr. Sanders work ' for tbe
last four years and I must say it places
him among the best operators of the
present time. And I am sure that he
will treat all who call upon him kindly,
patiently, intelligently and fairly.
- - S. H. Fkazier.
The Dalles, Oregon, Jan. 31, 1899.
For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
hat will take larger pictures than any
other Camera on the market. For sale
by Clarke & Falk. tf
DeWitt'j Witch Hazel Slve
Cures Piles. ScaM (tnnu.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
. That l tt t ws n. lor. -
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That a what It was m-de for.
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess and indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
blood, builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
By mail SOc per box; 6 boxes
for $2.50; with a 'written guaran
tee to cure or refund tbe money.
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, 1UU
- Notice is hereby gtven that the undersigned
has filed bis resignation as one of tbe adminis
trators of tbe estate of Ferry Wat kins, deceased,
and the county court of the state of Oregon for
Wasco county, has appointed the 80th day of
January, 1899, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a
the time for benring the same and the accounts
of said administrator up to said date. All per
sons interested in said estate are hereby notified
to appear iu said court at said time to show
cau-e, if any exists, why said resignation should
not be accepted and said administrator discharg
ed. Dalles City, Or., Dec. 27, 1898.
One of the Administrators of the Estate o
Perry Walkina, Deceased. d28-4w
Sheriff's Sale.
J. Oregon, for Wasco County.
J. P. Shannon, Plaintiff,
Marv W. Lewis. Wayne F". Lewis and Wm. Mo D,
Lewis, Minors, by M. A. Moody, their guardian
aa litem, ana i. x . mooay, executors 01 toe es
tate of w. Ale. a. lewis. deceased, ueienoants.
Bv virtue of an execution, decree and order of
sale, duly issued out of and under the seal of the
circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the
county of Wasco, to me directed and dated the
asm day ot December, iys, upon a aecree ior me
ioreciosure oi a certain mortgage, reuaereu ana
entered in said court on tbe '20th day of Decem
ber, 1898, in tbe above entitled cause in favor of
the plaiutirt ana against aetenaants, in tne sum
of Thirtv-two hundred and Fitty-tour dollars.
and commanding me to make sale ol the real
property embraced in such decree of foreclosure
ana nereinaiier aescrinea, i win, on ine
7th day of February, 1899,
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, and at
tne front aoor ot tne bounty uourt House in
Dalles Citv, Waeco Count, Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for cash in
hand, all the right, title and interest which the
defendants or either of them had on the 11th
day of June, 1883, the date of the mortgage fore
closed nerein, or wmcn saiuaeienaaut or any oi
the defendants herein, have since acquired, or
now have in and to the following described
Sroperty, situated and being in Wasco county,
regon, to-wit:
TheS'X. NW'xf.and the faK NE!. Section 19.
Township 5. south of range 12, East of Wil
lamette meridian, containing lbo.47 acres accord
ing to the government survey thereof, the same
being known on the maps and plats of tbe
United States as Cash Entry No. 85, of John P.
Shannon; or so much of said property as will
satisfy said judgment and decree. Said property
will be sold subject to confirmation and re
demption as by law provided.
Dated at The Dulles, Oregon, this 28th day of
Decern oer, ious.
Iec31-U Sheriff of Wasco County, Or,
Guardian's Sale. '
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
guardiun of tne person ana estate . of r rancls. c
C. Fox, an insane person, will on the .
i 6th Day of March 1899,
at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said
day, at tbe front door of the county court bouse
in Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, sell to
the higDest Didder tor casn, toe louowing de
scribed real property, situate and being in
Wasco countv. Oregon : The s wl of the n e W.
the s e W of n w J4, the n e of s w lA, and the
n w J4 oi s e l oi section o, ip z , oi Kangey
w jh. saia property win ne soia suDject to con
firmation. febC-i SARAH L. FOX, Guardian. '
Lakd Office at Vakcouvkr, Wabb..
January 14. 1899. t
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settlers have filed notice of their inten
tion to make final proof in support of their
claims, and that said proofs will be made b?fore
W. B. Presby, United States Commissioner for
District oi wasmngton, at his office In Golden
dale, Washington, on Thursday, March 2, 1899.
" - 11 G. Copeland.
Homestead Entry No. 7775, for the south half of
northeast quarter, ana lots l ana 2. section 3,
township S. north of range 13 East, Will. Mer.
He names tbe following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, ana cultivation ot,
said land, viz:
Charles E. Berrv, Samuel Courtney, Angns
C. CmpbeU, all of Hartland P.O. Wash.; Wen-
aenn liai, oi ooiaenaaie tr. j.t w asn. Also
Charles B. Berry.
Homestead Entrv No. 8644. for the southeast
quartar of section 2, township 3, north of range
13 East, Will. Mer. . '
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, ana cultivation
of, said land, viz.:
Eli a. Coneland. An mi 8 C. Campbell. Samuel
Courtney, of Hartland P. O., Washington; Wen-
deitn Leiai, oi uoiaenaaie f. -., wasnington.
1-18 i W. R. DUNBAR, Register
Bouuling Alley
Nextto Columbia Hotel.
- Open Day and flight.
' Courteous treatment
to all. Bowlers...
Speeial attractions
For Bowling Parties. Patronage of
the public respectfully solicited.
Estebenet & Espincj, Props.
and by virtue of an execution dated the
10th day of November, u8, issued out of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Grant
County, upon a judgment given and rendered
therein on tbe 5th day of October. 189A. (h trans.
cript of which was filed and docketed in office of
me county cierK oi wasco uounty, Oregon, on
tbe 2-2d day of October. 1896,) in lay or of E. B.
Penfield and against Mary D. Hess, for the sum
of 1368.4a, and the further sum of tSO.OO'as at
torney a iees,ana n.uo costs ana disbursements,
which said execution is directed to me and com
manding me to levy upon and sell the property
of tbe said Judgment debtor, Mary D. Hess, or
so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy
said judgment aforesaid with interest thereon
at the rate of ten -per cent per annum from said
5th day of October, 1S96, and the costs and ex
penses of and upon this writ I aid on Saturday
the 17th day of December, 1898, levy upon and
Thursday the 19th day at January, 1899,
at one o'clock p. m. at the County Courthouse
door, in Wasco County, Oregon, will sell, to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, for the pcrpose
of satisfying said judgment, interest, costs and
expenses, the undivided oue fifth interest of
tne said judgment debtor in and to the follow
ing described lands and premises, to wit:
All of sections 21, 23, 35, 37 and 35: the south
east quarter and tne north half of the northwest
quarter of section 22; the northwest quarter of
section 26; the west half of the west half and the
south half of the south half of section 31; the
south half of the' northwest quarter of section
86, all in township 7 south, range 17 east, and all
of section 3 in township 8 south, range 17 east,
Willamette meridian, in Wasco Countv, Oregon,
containing 4600 acres more or less.
wanes city, Oregon, December 10. 1898,
Sheriff of Wasco Ccuntv. Oreeon.
By X- C. Sexton, Deputy. Dec21-4w
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the Slate of Ore-
eon for Wasco Countv.
Edgar 8. Pratt, Plaintiff,
vs. -Emily
Pratt, Defendant.
10 j&miiy rratt, tne above named delendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon, vou are
hereby required to appear in the above en
titieu court on or Deiore tne aay ox January
1899. then and there to answer the comnlalnt of
plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled
cause, and if you fail so to appear, acd answer
said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff
win appiy to tne aoove entitled court tor tne re
lief psayed for in his complaint to-wit.
r or a aecree 01 tne aDove cntitiea court dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now existing
Detween piaiuiin ana aeienaant.
That Dlaintitf be awarded the sole care and
custody of their minor children. Katie Prate and
iteuDin rrau, ana torsucu otner ana turtner re
lief as to tne court may seem ea unable and lust.
This summons is served upon you, the said
Emily Pratt, by publication thereof, by order of
the Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Jude of the above
entitled court, which order bears date the 12th
day of December, 1898, and directs d that said
amount be published once a week for not less
tnsn six consecutive weens in the dalles
CHRONICLE. ' a newsTjarter of creneral circula
tion published in Dalles City. Wasco couutv.
Oregon, and said publication to begin w'th Sat-
uruay, ine ltn aay 01 vecemuer, ia, ana end
wicn Saturday tne 21st aay ot January, 1899.
Dufor & Menefse,
1213-1 Altorneys f9r Plaintiff.
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,)
December, 12, 1898. i
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of Ms claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Register
ana Keceiver at 'ine Dalles, Oregon , on
xuesaay, January a-, ioyy, viz;
Lewli A, Sears. The Dalles,
NWU Bectl-n 31, Township 1 north, Range 14,
East W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz:
Newton Patterson, of The Dalles. Oregon:
John Ferguson, of The Dalles, Oregon; Henry
Ryan, of 'ine Dauec, Oregon; Andrew juccaoe,
01 i ne Danes, Oregon.
13-14-i jAy P. Lucas, Register..
Hen Wanted
To cat cord wood. Inquire at The
Dalles Lnmberine Co. 24tf
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotine for
sunburn and wind chafing. tf
Ask yonr grocer for. Clarke & Falk's
pare concentrated flavoring extracts. ' tf
Chronicle Pub. Co.
iTHe GOlDHlDia PacKlDiGo.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Ccrersof BRAND
) i 5 ) BEEF. ETC.
U. 8. Land Offich, Vancouver, Wash., J
January 14, 1899. (
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before W. B. Pres
by, United States Commissioner for District of
Washington, at his office in Goldendale, Wash
ington, on Friday, March 10th, 1899, viz:
Carl C. Franien.
Homestead Entry No. 7688, for the fractional
W) of 6W!, section thirty, township three
north, ot range thirteen East, W. M.andSof
section twenty-five, township three north,
of range twelve east. W. M. '
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Stephen Marlett, Porter Hardison, Robert An
derson, Lyle P. O., Washington; Gabriel Hardi
son, of Hartland P. O., Washington.
1-18 1 W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Day U?eK or
5or. 4M7 apd elisor;.
$6.50 PER .TON
For car load lots call on
E. KURTZ, Agent,
Tel. 38. The Dalles Or,
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that tbe undersigned
has been regularly appointed, by the county
court of the State of Oregon or Wasco county, as
administrator of the estate of John Broolthouse,
deceased. All persons having claims against
saia estate are nereoy nounea to present them,
with the proper vouchers, to me at the office
of Binnott & Binnott, in Dalles- City, Oregon,
witnin six montns irom tne aate ox tms notice.
Dalles City, Oregon, January 20, 1899.
R.J. GORMAN, Administrator.
Sleeping Car.
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
. . HELENA an
' BTJtlE
Through Tickets
For Information, lime cards, maps and ticket,
cat on or write to . ,
W. C ALLAWAY. Agent,
The Dalles, Oregon
i A. D. AELTON, Asst. G. P. A..
. 26 - rrisort Cat. Third. Portland Oiccod
noil MLdq
Rooms on Third Street,
One Block Back'
'--V v of . - ' .
French & Co.'s Bank.
H. M. But ,
First National Bank.
General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Chao.k.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
l'sw tors, can jprancisco anc Port
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schkkck.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likb.
a. M. Bkali..
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
ThM an! Jefferson. Pnone 159
Regulator JAne
Tie Dalles. PortM and Astoria
Navigation Co.'
sti Regulator & Dalies City
The Dalles, Hood Klver, Cascade Locks and Fort
land daily, o-rcent Sunday.
Are vou going
If so, sa-re money and enjoy a beautiful trip on .
the Columbia. The west bound train arrives at
The Dalles in ample time for passeneers to take
the steamer, arriving in.Portland in time for the
outgoing Southern and Northern trains; East
bound passengers arriving In The Dalea in time
to take the East-bound train.
For further information apply to
Or W C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt.,
' The Dailes. Oregon.
"North-Western" Advertisers
Is the Shortest and Best Route to
And also, the equipment of its trains is the most
modern of the car builder's art embodying all
the luxuries, comforts and necessaries of travel.
(20th Century Train)
Is Mectric lighted both inside and ont, and
equipped with handsome butfet smoldng-librarj
ar. compartment and standard sleepers, fre
chair car and modern day coach; and on which
no EXTRA PAKE is charged. It makes connec
tions at Minneapolis and 6t- Paul with Northere
Pacific Great Northern, amd "Soo-Pacific"
trains; and leaves daily Minneapolis 7 80 p. m.;
St. Paul 8.11 p. m. ; and arrives Chicago 9.80 a. m.
For berth reservations, rates, folders and
illustrated booklet KEEE of the "Finest Train
in the World " call at or address Ticket
Offices 218 Washington St.. Portland; 608 First
Avenue. Seattle; 20S Granite Block. Helena;
113 Nicollet Avenna. Minneapolis; 895 Robert
St.. St. Paul; 405 West Superior St.. Duluth.
3T address T. w. Teas dale General PassecfSI
Agent, St. Paul Mian.,