The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 07, 1899, Image 3

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Bicycles . . .
Men's heavy soled Box Calf Lace $3.00
Men's heavy soled Tan Box Calf Lace... : 3.00
Ladies' heavy soled Vici Kid Button 2.25
Ladies' heavy soled Vici Kid Cloth Top, Button,..; 2.25
Ladies' heavy soled Calf, Button .'. 2.00
Misses' Pehhle Grain Button, sizes 11 to 2 1.00
Misses' Kangaroo Calf, Button, sizes 11 to 2 1.25T.
Childs' Heavy Sole Kid, Button, sizes 8 to' 11..... 75
A few pair of Women's Pebble Grain, Button, sizes 3 to 6 . .60
All Good 9 Marked in
Plain Figuree.
The Dalles Daily Chroniele.
FEBRUARY 7. 1899
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as
do changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January io, 1899.
Mr. and Mre. Otis
panied the minstrel
Patterson accom
boys to Heppner
laet evening.
Ed M. Williams returned ' Sunday
evening from a few weeks visit with his
mother and sisters in Portland.
Jackson Engine Company will hold a
meeting tonight at the council chambers.
All members should be present as elec
tion of officers will take place.
The ladies of St. Paul's Guild are pre
paring for their fourth annual Easter
' sale, and will take orders for fancy or
neeful articles from any one wishing to
aid them in their good work.
Miles Kyger, who died at Manila a few
days since, was a popular Walla Walla
boy, and his death has caused wide
spread grief throughout that city. He is
the third Walla Walla boy to perish in
that far distant country. ,
"Do you believe in hypnotism?"
"les. una you notice mat yonnir wo
man who just passed out of the office?
Well, she got me to subscribe for a $4
book that I shall never want, and that
she knew I'd never want."
We feel that we owe an apology to
the young ladies of The Dalles for allow
ing our type yesterday to say that . Will
orossen would take a carload of young
. ladies from lone to Heppner to attend
the minstrels. Not that Will has not
the a;ood taste to do so ; but in this case
it is Will Corson wno has the honor.
If the weather at Heppner is anything
like it is here, 'tis not likery that our
boys kept step to the music ot the young
laaies Dani today, front reports eome
of them could not any way, as it is. said
they were placad under arrest by order
of citizens here who declare their silk
hats are missing since their departure.
Capt. P. S. Davidson and son have
.written from their home in Wisconsin
that they will be in Hood River Feb.
10th, and will be ready to make a start
toward building their mill as soon as
the sidetracks are completed. Their
mill machinery' is ready for shipment
. and only Awaits the construction of the
pur. - .,"-'
Last night t hp thermometer stepped
up a little un 1 etooil at 15 degrees abuve.
Zero Weather
Suggests comfortable clothing. To add
to your comfort we offer this week a few
specialties in good, seasonable Footwear,
which, compared with their real market
value, will be sold at almost
Zero Prices.
About 10 o'clock snow began to fall, and
at noon today five inches had fallen. The
"beautiful" is all right, but is making
its appearance a little too often to be ap
preciated, especially by stockmen, who
tear the result -of such a protracted
Secretary Batchelder, of the Oregcn-Trans-Miesiesippi
and International ex
position committee, is in receipt of a
notice from State Treasurer Moore to
the effect that citizens holding certifi
cates of the commission for money ad
vanced by them can have face value of
game returned by presenting said cer
tificates at bis office in Salem, or by
sending same through any bank, prop
erly endorsed.
In e pi to of the inclement' weather, a
large number gather at the M. E. church
each evening, and much good is being
accomplished, every meeting witnessing
eome conversion or visible eigne of peni
tence. The ill health of the pastor has
thrown the responsibility of the work
on the shoulders of .Presiding JMder
Warner, who has been untiring in his
effrtp, and therefore very successful.
The meeting will continue during the
T. T. Nicholas & Co. have secured an
option on all lands included in the coal
belt on Chenoweth creek, and as soon as
spring opens developments will be made
which will surprise the most sanguine.
The following deeds and contracts were
filed in the clerks office today. From
Max Yogt et al., a mineral deed ; H. 6.
Halvor and. wife, .agreement; Andrew
Ganger and wife, contract lease ; A. Y.
Marsh and wife, contract lease; W, H.
Vanbibber and wife, mineral deed ;' O.
R. & N. Co., contract; G. B. Halvor,
right-of-way deed.
With the pleasure of skating at The
Dalles, usually comes the inconvenience
of walking almost a mile before good ice
is reached and many who would other
wise enjoy it, are compelled to forego the
sport for lack of time. Yesterday this
difficulty waa obviated, and a large
crowd of skaters found the ice at the
edge of the river at the foot of WaehiDg
ton etreet in good trim,' and made the
most of it. It waa of short duration,
however, for bad not the ekating been
spoiled by the channel, for the Regn
lator, the snow would have done the
work. We should not complain, though,
for this has been an exceptional year
in this line. -
It is gratifying to parents and, friends
of our boys at Manila that among the
names of the dead and wounded ot the
recent conflict, not one of the names of
the Second Oregon appears.' let we
imagine we can hear the boys saying
"Ob that we might have been' in the
thickest of the fray," for their discontent
has been, caused from the fact that there
waa no fighting to be done; the inactiv
ity of the situation seeming to be unen
durable. 'No doubt they will yet have
ah opportunity to show their metal,
they are not now in an encounter. And
when they do, Oregon will again be
auiong the bravest. While the sym
pathiee of the entire state is with them,
and hopes and prayers are that not one
will be numbered among the slain, we
would not see them shirk a single duty
nor fear the foe. And they will not.
The workmen engaged in cutting a
channel for the Regulator to pass
through in reaching a -.nook further up
the river, where she will be secure from
the ice jam, have undertaken a difficult
job, but expect to see her in a eafe posi
tion by tomorrow afternoon.- They' are
at present sawing off immense chunks
of ice and with the aid of large hooks,
1 pulling them under the body of ice, well
out of the way. It is no Email task to
manage ice of the thickness -of five or
six inches, and as a number of Bkatera
watched them yesterday they expected
each moment that "ome workman would
lose hia footing and fall in, aa they
worked on the very edge of the ice.
This has been an extremely bard and
expensive winter for the D. P. & A. N.
Co., which has been compelled to en
counter the inconvenience of three
winters in one.
A queer character has been making
the rounds of the city for several even
ings past, and inquiring at the various
homes for a night's lodging. He haa a
weird appearance, is tall and thin, with
bushy brown whiskers, and has long
hair. He claims to be an evangelist and
that the Lord requires his people to
ma&e provision lor his wants. At one
place be ' surprised the man ' who
answered his knock at the door, by ex
claiming "Peace be unto this house,"
and with the next breath asking for a
bed. The gentleman refused to admit a
stranger into his home, but offered him
money with which to procure a lodging;
but hia visitor refused say ing, "Bless you,
man', I can't take your money, The Lord
will provide." He seems to believe that
the Lord takes care of those who depend
on their neigbbore, and haa since been
doing the town, frightening many ladies
whom he haa demanded conversations
with. No donbt he is insane; but al
though the attention of the authorities
has been called to hia queer actions, he
has succeeded in eluding them.
5 Reward.
Lost, somewhere between the postof-
fice and my home on west Second street.
a gold watch. -' $5 reward will be paid
for its return. Full name, Emma Janet
Fisher, engraved inBide. . Return to this
office or to Mrs. Emma J. Rees.
Scmrfpln Lost.
A gold scarfpin was lost yesterday, the
design being a wish-bone, with a email
opal in the center. The finder will be
liberally rewarded by leaving the
same at thia office. -' 6-3 1
Coughing injures and inflames sore
lungs. One Minute Cough Cure loosens
the cold, allays coughing and heals
quickly. The best cure for children,
perfectly harmless. Snipes-Kinersly
1 Dm Company.
FOR 1899.
The models for the coining season will
be No. 61, men's roadsters, $50; No. 62,
woman's 'special light roadster, $50;
No. 66,'men's regular roadsters, $75; No.
67, woman's regular roadster, $75; No.
69, men's roadster thirty-inch wheel,
$75. Quality is Cleveland throughout,
not a part slighted not a machine un
worthy of a Cleveland nami plate.
1899 changes Wider handle bars, with
new internal expanders, improved auto
matic oiling device, flush frame head,
increased gauge of tubing, longer frame
and new- reinforcements, new ball bear
ing spokes, also new hobs. The Burwell
detachable tire, more air, more comfort;
special bearings along new lines. Crank'
yoke changed, doing away with disc on
chain side; duet proof pedpls: im
proved Cleveland gear case; new saddles.
The 1899 models are superior to any
Cleveland ever offered to the public.
They have more original ideas.
We have just receved eome '99 models.
Call and see them. It's quality that
talks these days, and Cleveland quality
is talking loud. . ' '
Sole Agents for Cleveland Bicycles.
O ill- Correspondent Airs Bis Views Con
cerning; Legislation at Salem.
Salem, Or., Feb. 6. (Special to The
Chronicle. The press statement bere
that Joa. A. Wright, of Union county,
was to supercede the present superin
tendent of the penitentiary, is very pre
mature, and, in fact, is liable to be alto
gether talk. '
The facta of the case are that Governor
Geer has promised no appointment iu
that direction, and all such rumors
eminate from ' those who believe that
they have all power with the state's
chief executive, and by their wind and
gall can force or coerce him to do their
Didding. We do not doubt that Mr.
Wright would make an excellent officer
at that institution, yet we are inclined
to distrust the statement of such choice
as being a little short of the truth.
The past week has been taken up at
the state capital by measures, the more
pointed of which have been either back
ed or bucked by lobbyists. Among the
most conspicuous cases were the . Daly
echool bill, the sugar beet bounty bill,
the bill fixing salaries of district attor
neys, and the great medical bill. This
latter measure is a scheme, whereby the
the so-called "regular school" physicians
were to be declared by law "the only
doctors which might practice medicine
in the state. The matter will be prop-
ferly sat upon when it reaches tbe house
The district attorneys are very eager
for that law to be enacted whereby they
can receive more money for tbeir serv
ices, from the public treasury, but they
may get a dampener put on their un
holy ambition when an august assembly
of lawmakers eys "nit."
This will apply also to the gang that
is trying to run the sugar beet bounty
steal through the senate. It won't go,
unless your correspondent has counted
some member against it twice.
The Daly echool bill will undoubtedly
become a law, although a dozen repre
aentativea ot tbe book trusts are urging
every available means to, in some man
ner, cripple the measure, so that it
might become inoperative.
Several meritorious measures are up
for consideration, relative to the fishing
industry, educational matters, and re
Northern Grown
In Bulk at '
Feed and Grocery store
Cor 2d & Federal Sts.
g ES HE 35
Clearance Sale of Bicycles
For Less than Half Price
We wish to clear out all old stock before mov
ing into new store and have some bargains.
This is an opportunity to get bicj'cle cheap
All wheels sold at half regular price.
Opposite old stand.
flf tcf the Holidays.:
We have a large stock of Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street,
Jot Cheap Goods,
but Good Goods Cheap.
Cheap for Gash.
Successor to E. J. Collins & Co.
vision of laws relating to election, but
the remaining days of the sesson are
few, and it is hardlv presumable that
much will be done outside of. consider
ing the general appropriation bills,
which will be introduced Wednesday.
Railway Mast be Fenced Between Hunt
ington and Portland.
State Housb, Salem, Feb. 7. The
mortgage tax law passed the house this
morning. It provides for the exemp
tion of indebtedness. Although it had
little opposition, it caused much debate.
Flagg's bill appropriating $2000 relief
for Magnes, who was injured in the
penitentiary, baa passed.'
A general appropriation bill for tbe
expenses of the state for two years was
introduced yesterday and carried for
nearly a million, a third of which the
asylum gets.
The senate today is busy with loci!
measures and routine work.
Tbe house yesterday passed a meas
ure relative to placing district attorneys
on a salary. Also one requiring the
fencing of the railway between Portland
and Huntington.
Pol loo Patrol.
Last Saturday evening an organization
known as tbe Police Patrol was perfected
and its work in the future will no donbt
prove of great benefit to residents of this
citv who have previously haa no
protection for goods' carried out of build
inge during a conflagration Tbeir pur
pose is to prevent pilfering of furniture,
etc., which is carried out and left to tbe
mercy of passers bv. At tbe time. of the
fire in tbe Maya & Crowe block, many
articles were saved from ttje flames
which were never afterward ' Been by
their owners. '.'. ' 'V'
In tbe future the following patrolmen,
appointed from each company, will act
aa a police, and prevent any theft which
would otherwise occur. The marshal
and Books is complete.
The Dalles, Oregon.
We are determined to sell the
entire stock of Dry Goods,
Clothing, Notions,, Groceries
will act as chief. The patrolmen are :
East End No. 3. J. L. Thompson, C.
B. Fleurer, D. Wilder.
Jackson, No. I. J. W. Fisher, John
Crate, A. Sandrock.
Hook and Ladder, No. 1 H. Liebe,
T. Ward, V. Marden. I
Columbia Hose H. A'. Falk, J. C.
Hertz, W. A. Johnston.
Mt. Hood C. L. Pbillips, Ben Eben,
James Harper.
It has been suggested that the various
insurance companies provide badges for
the patrol, which will protect their in
terest as well as those who insure with
In Olden Times
People overlooked the importance of
permanently Denenciai eneccs ana were
satisfied with the transient action ; but
now that it is generally known that
Syrup of Figs will permanently over
come habitual constipation, well in-
formed people will not buy other laxa
tives, which act for a time, but finally
injure the system. Buy the genuine,
made by the California Fig Syrup Co. '
For the past week there have been two
men advertising and introducing a new
kind of soap among our citizens. It is
known as Blue Mountain toilet soap.
The above named soap is made from the
product of a mineral soap mine located
in Eastern Oregon, and ia without a
doubt tbe best five cent soap on the mar-.
ket. It is put up by tbe Columbia Star
Manufacturing Company of Portland.
Tbeir Sunshine scouring eoap is without
an equal for cleaning or scouring of what
ever nature, and ia harmless to the skin,
aa it contains no acids. For sale by all
up-to-date grocers. Ask your dealer for
To the Public.
r We are authorized to guarantee ever
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and if not satisfactory to refund the
money to the purchaser. There is no
better medicine, made for La Grippe,
colds or whooping rough. Price 25 and
50 cents per bottle. Try it. Biakelt-y &
Houghton, druggists. , '