The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 04, 1899, Image 3

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Bicycles . . .
Clearance Sale of Bieyeles
Zspo Weather
Suggests comfortable clothing. . To add
to your comfort we offer this week a few
specialties in good, seasonable Footwear,
which, compared with their real market
value, will be sold at almost
Zero Prices.
Men's heavy, solid Box Calf Lace : $3.00
Men's heavy, solid Tan Box Calf Lace .: 3.00
Ladies' heavy, solid Vici Kid Button . 2.25
Ladies' heavy,' solid Vici Kid Cloth Top, Button 2.25
Ladies' heavy, solid Calf, Button .........7.... 2.00
Misses' Pebble Grain Button, sizes Hi to 2 1.00
Misses' Kangaroo Calf, Button, sizes 11 to 2 1.25
Childs' Heavy Sole Kid, Button, sizes 8 toll.-. .75
A few pair of Women's Pebble Grain, Button, sizes 3 to 6 60
All Goods Marked ia
Plain Figuree.
The Dalles My Chronicle,
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes ia Advertisements must
be banded in before io o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January io, 1899.
Hear McEwen
At the Vogt tonight.
Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents admission.
Elks meeting at 7 :15 o'clock tonight.
Certainly yon must see the cake walk
at the McEwen entertainment tonight.
Don't miss the fan.
At tbe three-cornered bowling contest
last night at the club a team composed
of A. L. Guile, S. Nutting and J. Vogt
captured the medals.
At the close of his entertainment to
night Prof. McEwen will be entertained
by the Elks of our city, who always
make visiting members welcome-
Presiding Elder Warner bas arranged
to remain over Sunday and conduct the
services at the Methodist church tomor
row. They will partake of tbe revival
nature, and all are invited to be present.
A gentleman s dog Ekm glove was
picked up on tbe street this morning and
brought to this office. As it is com para
tively new, no doubt the owner will be
Milling to pay for this advertisement and
receive the glove.
At 2 o'clock today Pat Kelly, one of
McEwens subjdcte, was put to sleep by
the great hypnotist, and hia resting
place ia in E. Jacobeen'a window, which
is continually surrounded by a crowd of
spectators. If he dreams at all, he'll
surely imagine himself in a refrigerator.
Tonight at 8 :45 he will awake, and take
part in the entertainment.
This morning about 3 o'clock, the city
jail came near getting its share of the
work of the fire demon. The stove pipe
which passes through the wall, and
which is encased in cement, became over
heated and the wall began to smoke.
Phirman was in the marshal's office at
the time and with the assistance of a
prisoner, ripped a board from the wall,
and soon prevented what gave promise
of bem a genuine fire. '
: Superintendent Gardner, of tbe Boys
and Girlb' Aid Society, arrived in the
city last night and is today inquiring
Into the c Fe of t e fcur boys mentioned
yeBterdav. - it is alto said there are
some other children to whom hia atten
tion has been called. If ever there was
an officer suited to his position it is Mr.
Gardiner, and whatever children are
committed to his charge are in good
hands, and will fare well.
Tbe winter is certainly a continued
one and comes in short chapters. This
morning very early the ice began to come
down the river as placidly j6s if it had
received an inyitation, sou by noon the
river was blocked up teynbout the foot of
Washington street. Anticipating no
such an occurrence, iieither tbe D. P. &
A. N. boats nor theKlickitat had been
taken to Hungry JSarbor, and now are
at the mercy of the ice blockade. What
the result will be, remains to be seen. It
is hoped, however, they will not fare
For the past week there have been two
man advertising and introducing a new
kind of soap among our citizens. It is
known as Blue Mountain toilet soap.
Tbe above named soap is made from the
product of a mineral eoap mine located
in Eastern Oregon, and is without a
doubt the best five cent soap on the mar
ket. It is put up by the Columbia Star
Manufacturing Company of Portland.
Their Sunshine scouring soap is without
an equal for cleaning or scouring of what
ever nature, and is harmless to the skin,
aa it contains no acids. For sale - by all
up-to-date grocers. Aek your dealer for
Usually newspapers, as well as in
dividuals, never know just how much is
thought of them, nor how good they are,
as the Irishman would say, until they
are dead. There are exceptions to every
rule, however, and The Chronicle finds
itself tbe exception in this case. The
Moro Observer eulogizes us, tbe while
it mourns over onr demise thusly : "The
demise of Tbe Dalles Evening Chronicle
is regretted. It was a lively little
paper. We miss its daily visit.
While we appreciate the fact that we
are so sincerely mourned by so close an
Observer, we would beg leave to inform
Brother Ireland that Ths Chronicle ia
a pretty lively corpse, and while we
Michael Schwartz Almost Lose His X.lfe
By a Shot Fired By John Sheeny.
FOR 1899.
The models for the coming season will
bo No. 61, men's roadsters, $50; No. 62,
woman's epecial light roadster, $50;
No. 66, men's regular roadetere, $75; No.
67, woman's regular roadeter, $75; No.
69, men'a roadeter thirty-inch wheel,
$75. Quality is Cleveland throughout,
not a part elighted not a machine un
worthy of a Cleveland nana plate.
1899 changes Wider handle bars, with
new internal expanders, improved auto
matic oiling device, flash frame head,
increased gauge of tubing, longer frame
and new reinforcements, new ball bear
ing spokes, also new nubs. The Burwell
detachable tire, more air, more comfort;
special bearings along new lines. Crank
yoke changed, doing away with disc on
chain side; dust proof pedels; im
proved Cleveland gear case; new saddles.
The 1899 models are superior to any
Cleveland ever offered to the public.
They have more original ideas.
We have just receved some '99 models.
Call and see them. It's quality that
talks these days, and Cleveland quality
ia talking loud.
Sole Agents for Cleveland Bicycles.
The Great BIcEwen Appeared
Vort Lait Night.
at the
have found it necessary to call twice a
week instead of six times, yet we are
not ready to have our obituary written
nor to be buried alive. We ara neither
dead nor Bleeping, as the Observer will
find out if it again presumes to hold an
inquest over ue. ;
Fleaae Notice,
C. T.
Co. tele-
Pease & Mays' S. &
phones are as follows :
No. 17 Grocery department.
' No. 17 red Dry goods department,
No. 17 black Office.
Cook Wanted.
A good female cook can get a position
in a restaurant in the city. Apply at
this office. 23-tf
To Care a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it Jails to cure. Hoc.
An exciting scene took place at Mich
elbach's saloon this morning at 4 o'clock
when Michael Schwartz, a bartender
by profession, and known to be a
peaceable man, came near losing his life
by being shot by a man who has always
been considered a respectable, law-abiding
citizen, making the occurrence doub
ly regretted. It seems that Frank Sum
mers and John Sheehy, both of whom
were said to be under the influence of
liquor, became involved in adiscuseion,
which resulted in a quarrel. At the
time of the shooting tbe saloon was oc
cupied by Summers, Schwartz, Sheehy,
and Chenoweth.
The two men who were quarreling
stood in front of the bar, but a
distance apart, while behind Summers
was Schwartz. When the discussion be
became heated, Sheehy pulled out a 44-
calibre British1 Bull Dos revolver and
fired at Summers, who stepped aside,
when the ball struck Schwartz on the
right side of the face, slightly under and
in front-of the ear, and, passing through
the head, came out on the opposite tide
in about the same place that it entered.
Another shot was fired, but Bummers
struck bis hand and caused the shot to
miss tbe mark and lodge in the ceiling.
Nightwatchman Phirman was sum
moned and immediately took Sheehy in
charge, and in a short time Sheriff Kel
ly, who had received work of the shoot
ing, made his appearance, when Sheehy,
who made no resistance, was arrested
and taken to the county jail to await de
velopments in the case. '
Tbe unfortunate victim, Schwartz,
who was more than pluoky, endeavoring
to prevent further trouble after he had
been shot and bearing up bravely for a
time, was finally taken to bis room over
the saloon, and. Dr. Hollister being
called, examined the wound and found
the upper part of the jaw badly shat
tered. However, the patient ia able to
talk a. little and is conscious. Tbe doctor
seems to be of the opinion that there is
some show of recovery, which all con;
cernvd sincerely hope will be the. out
come of the dreadful affair.
Sheehy is a freight conductor on-he
O. R. & N. road, and, as far as we can
learn, is well thought of by not only his
employes, but all of his friends, who
deeply regret tbe occurrence. Upon
realizing the enormity of the crime be
was very remorseful and wept bitterly.
There ia but one lesson 'to be drawn
from these tragedies, which are con
Etantly being enacted about us, and
which frequently cause the death of citi
zens, often men who are respected, but
who, failing to learn from the experience
of others, themselves become ac
tors in the fatal scenes. 'All who neg
lect to heed the lessons, place themselves
in a position to soger the same conse
quencea. - - - ' -
Use Clarke & Falk's Quinine Hair
Tonic for dandruff and falling hair.
flftet the Holidays.-
We have a large stock of Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Onr stock of Stationery and Books is complete.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co,
170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
It waa a difficult matter to get the au
dience warmed up to tbe situation last
night at the Vogt, and when tbe curtain
rose they came to tbe conclusion that
they were to play freeze ont, the cold
ness of the night, making it difficult to
heat so large a hall. McEwen seemed
to think be was to be tbe principal par
ticipant in the game', aa it waa with
difficulty that ho secured a class with
which to commence bis entertainment.
While there may seem to be no reason for
hesitancy on the part of the audience in
acceeding to the requests of the great
hypnotist for subjects with which to
carry on his class, yet we cannot see, as
he aeema to, that it ia through any dis
respect for him, but merely a hesitancy
on their part to face an audience and
peform actions while in that state.
However, in time the required number
was obtained and an entertainment at
once wonderful and pleasing to the be'
holders waa wiven. Dalles people who
heard McEwen last year and were so
delighted with the performances, knew
what to expect, and were not disap
pointed. This year a number of new
features are introduced, adding much to
the entertainment. McCoy is an artist
on various musical instruments, in
batoon swinging and juggling, and the
fact that he executes these so admirably
while under the hypnotic influence,
makes them the more appreciated.
Tbe most remarkable part of the pro
gram is that in which Miss Maynard up
pears and is placed in a cataleptic state
She is claimed to be the greatest of
cataleptic subjects, and surely, judging
from tbe performance last night, no one
will doubt than the claim is just. -Whi'e
in this state she is placed in a position
with her head resting on one chair and
her feet on another, when five men
stand upon her rigid form. Afterward
McEwen stood alone and at his word the
form waa bent and then resumed its
former position. This feature baa never
been introduced but once before on the
While a fairly good audience was
present last night, no doubt the ball
will be jammed tonight, when tbe cake
walk will be introduced, presumably led
by "Pat" McNeil. It ia also promised
that the hall will l e sufficiently warm
S Ha
Northern Grown
In Bulk at
Feed and Grocery store
Cor 2d & Federal Sts.
For Less than Half Price
We wish to clear out all old stock before mov
ing into new store and have some bargains.
This is an opportunity to get bicycle cheap
All wheels sold at half regular price.
Opposite old stand.
fiot Cheap Goods,
bat Good Goods Cheap.
We are determined to sell the
entire stock of Dry . Goods,
Clothing, Notions, Groceries
Cheap 01 Gash.
Successor to E. J. Collins & Co.
Rockford Quick Shot"
12-PIate Magazine Camera.
Quick Sellers.
No Complaints.
"Turn the lever and vou are readv for
another." No plate holders with slides
to draw. No sleeve or changing bag. rio
chance to fog platee. No failures.
If you want 12 pictures quick, buy the
Quick-Shot,' the only magazine cams
era that bolds tbe plates securelv after
they are exposed. No rattling or break
ing of plates. Best on earth.
Z)4MM ..$6.00
4x5 $9.00
Witb one dozen plate holders.
Manufactured under the Conley patents by tbe
Rockford Silver Plate Co.,
We sell only through local ajrents. Ask onr
agents to sbow you this "Quick bbot."
The Snlpes-Kinersly Pru Co.
ARENT8. tbe Dalles. Oreeon.
.3 B5
FrWay and
The Great IMwen
Miss Grace Maynard,
The greatest of Cataleptic Subjects.