Cleveland Clearance Sale of Bicycles NEW A.TTD 2d HAND WHEELS, For Less than Half Price We wish to clear out all old stock before m v ing into new store and have some bargains. This is an opportunity to get -bicycle cheap All wheels sold at Tialf regular price. Bicycle Siii Important Jotice FOR 1899. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. The Dalles Batty Chronicle, FRIETAY.' FEBRUARY 3, 1899 Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements must be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as no changes will be accepted in the aft ernoon. This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January io, 1890. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Hear McEwen At the Vogt tonight. Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents admission. .Regular meeting of the city council tonight. The county court is still in session, engaged in auditing the books of the county officers. The friends of John Booth, who have heard of his illness in Portland, will be glad to know that he is again able to be out. At a fire in Vancouver, B. C, yester day in the Chinese quarter a number of Chinamen were burned to death, while several were fatally injured. Inspectors Edwards and Fuller in spected the steamer Regulator and ferry boat Klickitat" yesterday evening and found everything satisfactory, and will undoubtedly grant the licenses required. Four carloads of bogs from Idaho and two carloads from Kiddle Bros., of Island City, are at the stock yards and will be shipped to Troutdale in the morning. The steamer Dalles Uitywm not ar rive this evening, but wil endeavor to make a trip tomorrow. The locks are frozen up, but it is expected they will be in running order by that time. No bank will be established in Golden dale at present. Some of their merch ants have money deposited with them, and therefore are opposed to a bank be ing established there at this season cf the year. This morning special car No. 02 passed through the city. Supt. O'Brien oc cupied the car, on bis way to Portland He has been engaged in determining precisely the tonnage of each engine along the line. Floyd and Robert?, of Seattle, will leave for Daweon City, Alaska, February ' 15th, and will carry letters for fifty cents - l T7 x l.ii . i me nk.. Street, Seattle, Wash. D. C. Floyd is a . Mrs. JLeland Stanford, 'executor of the estate of tbe late Senator Stanford, ban TO THE LADIES OF . THE DALLES AND YICESTITY. In anticipation of the approaching Elks ball, we have just received from New York a few high-grade Novelties in Dress Trimmings, for evening wear. The assortment, though limited, com prises the choicest creations of the largest exclusive manufacturers -of. Dress Trimmings both in -this country and Europe.. , ' V. PEASE died $24,869,245. The' fees and percent ages to which she was legally entitled amounted to $357,768, but Bbe waived all' claim for her services. She paid her attorneys $60,000 for their services and allowed tbem $7,000 for expenses. The storm of Tuesday at Seaside is de scribed as something sublimeand at the same time terrifying. The surf beat clear up to the portico in front of the Grimes house, and grea)r logs of drift wood were actually ground into powder before the eyes of thp beholders. Mr. Grimes states that iret all his experience at Seaside he never saw such a furv of tbe elements, Governor Geet has received an invita tions to attend the annual banquet of tbe Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, which is to be held on Washington's birthday, and the meeting of the Pacific Northwest Woolgrowers Association in this city in March. He savs he will de cline tbe Los Angeles invitation, but if nothing happens to prevent, will attend the woolgrowers meeting. Last night was said to be the coldest of the year, tbe thermometer loafing around below zero one degree down in the city, but, according to one thermom eter oil the hill, four below. Tne boys are today skating on the Bloughs and ponds. We are not tbe only ones who are suffering with tbe cold ; Portland and the Valley towns are even worse off, although they claim it is much colder in Eastern Oregon. Those who so enjoyed McEwen's en tertainments last year, are anxious to see him again, and from those who have attended then: in the Valley we learn that they are doubly interesting.- This year he has with him Miss Grace May nard, who is the subject in one of tbe greatest cataleptic scenes ever performed on the stage. Then he introduces a number of musical specialties and baton swinging in the class. He may. put his subjects to'sleep, but his' audiences are always wide awake and Sometimes con vulsed with laughter. The Dalles reporter for the Oregonian must have been unusually cold when he sent his report Wednesday; perhaps bis best girl had given him the "cold frost," the "icy mit," or the "marble heart." Be that as it may, our residents -were amazed to see by the paper that the thermometer stood at 15 below zero on that day in Tbe Dalles, when we had all read the thermometer at 16 above. We are inclined to believe the correspondent was not. to blame, but, as usual the "measly' compositor had a finger in the pie. Compositors are used to making pi, anyway, and can bear tbe blame. Although it is not anticipated that the river will again be blocked, there is just a slight coating of ice visible this morn ing. At the locks there is some ice, but not sufficient to have caused any dif ficulty to the Dalles City yesterday, had not the' streams being frozen in tbe mountains prevented the reservoir from filling and so made the water very low. She, however, managed to get through; & MAYS, butHhought it entirely too risky to at tempt to make the trip today.. If pos sible she will come up tomorrow and will make a return trip Sunday. The present indications are not promising for her. Among the passengers from Salem to Portland yesterday was Mrs. Abigal Dunniway, who had a . flmiie on her countenance which defied competition, and said as plainly as words could tell, " We've won the day." Her fellow pas sengers declared that she was preparing her ballot, as she scribbled a few lines. Her-'our-minute speech Tuesday, night did moch to impress the legislators with the fact that women' can be brief when there's anything to be gained by it. Several of our legislators were heard to remark, '.' While I'm not in favor of the amendment, the best way to get around it is to vote for it, for I'm willing to trust it to the people." It might, how ever, be a parallel case with that of the young lady who married a man to get rid of him. A clipping appeared in The Chronicle of Wednesday, stating that a Catholic priest in Chicago had joined the Knights of Pythias. In justice to the priest in question. Rev. F. J. Walsh, we quote the following from the St. Louis Review of Jan. 12th : "The Buffalo Volkfreund of the 6th inst. asserts that tbe report that be joined or intended to join the Knights of Pythias was denied by Rev. F. J. Walsh of Chicago, immediately upon its first appearance in tbe Chicago papers, and was telegraphed over the land by the Associated Press ; but that few of the journals served by this agency deigned to notice it, despite the fact that they had conspicuously printed the fake.- Such proceedings are charac teristic of our yellow journals. There is method in their madness." 1 . On tbe platform at ,. the Agricultural College Wednesday, when the legislators visited that institution, was Prof. Gatch, who though eomewhat older in; appear ance than when be was professor of the academy at The Dalles, looked very natural to many - of his former pupils from various schools of the state, who were present. Among the distinguished visitors on the' platform were several who had attended school when he taught in the university at Salem, and while he looked over them, as he did in former days in the school room, many seemed to be-wondering, as they did then, if he really were looking at them, and if he were going to ask them to speak. This time they were safe, for while be might have insisted on speeches in former days. he acknow ledged he hesitated to do so now. In Olden Times People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with the transient action ; but now that it is generally known thap Syrup of Figs will permanently over come habitual constipation, well in formed people will not buy other laxa tives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. Buy the genuine, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. -' The models for tbe coining season will be No. 61, men's roadsters, $50; No. 62, woman's- special light roadster,' $50; No. 66, men's regular roadsters, $75; No. 67, woman's regular roadster, $75; No. 69, men's roadster thirty-inch - wheel, $75. Quality is Cleveland throughout, not a part slighted not a machine un worthy of a Cleveland nam plate. 1899 changes Wider handle bars, with new internal expanders, improved auto matic oiling device, flush frame head, increased gauge of tubing, longer frame and new reinforcements, new ball bear ing spokes,also new hubs. The Burwell detachable tire, more air, more comfort; speojal bearings along new lines. .Crank yoke changed, doing away with disc on chain, side; dust proof pedels: im proved Clevelandgear case; new saddles.- The 1899 models are superior to any Cleveland ever offered . to the public. Tbey i.ave more original ideas. We have just receved some '99 models. Cajl and see them. It's quality that talks these daye, and Cleveland quality is talking loud. - ...jnaiei & Beaton Sole Agents for Cleveland Bicycles. SUBJECTS FOR CHARITY. Tne utiles Boys to Be Taken to the Boys and Girls' Aid society, and tne Motherto the Poor farm. a. A case deserving of special attention and the charity of the people was brought before Judge Mays yesterday by several citizens, under whoBe notice it came. It is that of the Stiles family, who for some time has resided in a little house up in tbe pines. .The family consists of a mother and four boys, the father having been killed two years ago while working on a threshing machine at Henry Gilpin's place near this city. Since then tbe mother has been endeav oring to support tbem, but owing to a lack of training herself, and what might be termed incompetency to manage tbem. haB made almost a dismal failure Now the poor woman is ill and unablw to further provide, and the county' ba taken the matter in hand. The tvrj younger boys are aged 6 and 11 years, while tbe older ones are 13 and 16 years old. With some training they ma? be taught to be good, industrious boys Accordingly, Superintendent Gardner, of the Boys' and GirlB' Aid Society, was telephoned for and will arrive tonight. Tomorrow he will look into the case and if he deem it best, take tbem to that institution. . In the meantime a committee of citizens haB " been busily engaged in making the boys respectable looking and has patronized Parkins' bath rooms, the clothing stores, etc., so that their former friends would hardly recog nize in tbem tbe boys of yesterday. v We have heard of the effects of a rattlesnake bite, when the skin of the person turns brown and epotted. Such is tbe case of one of these boys, who was some years ago bitten by a rattlesnake. Mrs. Stiles has been made comfortable and will be taken to the county poor farm until she recovers. 'Thinking that she would no doubt appreciate a picture of her sons who are to leave her, Mr. Gifford kindly took -their photographs today, which will be presented to her. To Care a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. . Use Clarke. & Falk's Quinine Hair Tonic for dandruff and falling hair. tf E5 E5 23 ... CHOICE Northern Grown 13 In Bulk at J. H. CROSS Feed and Grocery store Cor 2d & Federal Sts'. 3D Opposite Ritep the Holiday s We, have a large stock o I Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices. . Our stock of Stationery r - Jacobsen Book & Music Co. 170 Second Street, fiot Cheap Goods, i bat Good Goods Cheap. Cheap fot Gash. SAJVlUELt li. BfOOS, Successor to E. J. Collins & Co. Durability KOGKtord yuicKbnot No Complaints ' 12-Plate Magazine Camera. "Turn the leveand you are ready for another.". No plate holders with slides to draw. No sleeve or changing bag. No chance to fog plates. No failures. If you want 12 pictures quick, buy the "Quick-Shot. 'J tbe only magazine cams era that holds the plates securely after ttfey are exposed. No rattling or break ing of plates. Best on earth. 3XX $6.00 4x5 ...$9.00 Witli one dozen plate holders. Manufactured under the Conley patents by the Rockford Silver Plate Co., BOCKFORD, ILL. 'We sell only through local events. Ask our agents to show you this "Qaick bhot." ' pfogt ipera Jouse.j 1 TWO NIGHTS. J I Friday M Satuitfay, ? 1 FEBRUARY U CilU "M The Great McEwen ! I ASSISTED BY 9 6 . M Grace Rlaynard, a ' . ' - The greatest 9f Cataleptic Subjects. . 6 old stand. and. Books is complete. ' The Dalles, Oregon. We are determined, to sell the entire stock of Dry Goods,, Clothing, Notions, Groceries i -ti c-i... . " oinptKS-rwiiioi oijr AGENTS, The Dalles, Oregon.