The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 30, 1899, Image 3

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    Clearance Sale of Bicycles
e) (9
Maier & Benton will give away one
In anticipation of the approaching
Elks ball, we have just received from
New York a few high-grade Novelties
in Dress Trimmings for evening wear.
The assortment, though limited, com
prises the choicest creations of the
largest exclusive manufacturers of
Dress Trimmings both in this country
and Europe.
All Goods Marked in
Plain Figures.
HflW Steel Bangs
For every One Dollar pur
chase during January and
February we will give one
chance free on the steel range.
...piaier Won
167 Second St. THE DALLES, OR.
RiteP the Holidays.
I We have a large etock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
The Dalles Daily Chfoniele,
JANUARY 30. 1899
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January 10,1899.
Dalles Club Minstrels
At the Vogt opera house tonight.
Going Manhattan shirts at 98 cents
A. M. Williams & Co.
A good strong wind has been blowing
for the past few days and at present
writing our streets are comparatively
Remember the Club Minstrels will re
peat their performance tonight. Do not
fail to see them. They are par excel
Saturday our streets were filled with
farmers, who, taking advantage of the
pleasant weather and good roads, came
to town to do their early spring trading,
There is an unfortunate disposition in
man to attend much more to the (faults
of his companions which offend him
than to their perfections which please
The Dalles Club . Minstrels gave
grand street parade today and created
great deal of attention. Undoubtedly
they will be greeted with a good house
, At the residence of Geo, L. Mann, to
day at noon, Mr. Ira L,. Decker was
united in the holy bonds of matrimony
I to Miss Alta M. Durham, justice Bayard
1 officiating.
Miss Michel 1 is absent from school to
day on account of sickness. Her place
is being filled by Miss Mabel Collins
.auss wrenn ot me tjourt st. ecnooi is
also on the sick list, Miss Ida Priday is
ber substitute. -
Floyd and Robert, -of Seattle, will
leave for Dawson City, Alaska, February
15th, and will carry letters for fifty cents
each. Forward letters to 105 Cherry
Street, Seattle, Wash. D. C. Floyd is a
former resident of this city. 30-td
There will be a cattle men's meeting
held at the court house in this city on
Saturday, February 4th at 1 p. ml . The
object is in regard to protecting their
right on the forest reserve. All interested
in the matter are earnestly requested to
be present.
- At the fire last evening :t was agai
Shown that tne nre department it in
need of an efficient hook and ladder I
truck and rigging. A committee has j
been appointed to solicit funds for the
purchase of a suitable outfit and it is
needless to state they will meet
with success. .
A very pleasant dancing party was
given last Saturday night at the resi
dence of Micheal Doyle on Chenowith
creek. About twenty-five couples were
present and a roost enjoyable time was
bad. Excellent music was furnished
and the lunch served was one of the
The following is the high score at
Estebenet & Esping'a bowling alley for
the weekending Sunday night: Mon
day, Chas. Frank, 57; Tuesday, D. W.
Mann, 66 ; Wednesday, O. Kelsay, 55;
Thursday, II. Staniels, 50; Friday, W.
Wilhelm, 55; Saturday, Speiceinger, 54;
Sunday, Scot Cathcart, 50.
It has been mentioned by one of bur
citizens that some compensation be ren
dered to those who at fires ruin their
clothes. For some cause or other, the
fires in this city lately have occurred on
Sunday when the majority of people
have on their best. In many instances
men render valuable assistance to prop
erty owners and the city and by so doing
damage their wearing apparel to a great
extent. It has often been noticed and
commented on numerous times, that
those who have the least at stake do the
larger pari of the work at fires. It is
suggested that either the property own
ers or the city should make some com
pensation for the loss sustained by hav
ing clothes mined by water and other
wise. Our fire companies are volunteer
and their services are always at the dis
posal 01 tne city. However, a man
working for small wageB can ill affoid
to lose Eeveral dollars for clothes ruined
at each conflagation. Somebody has got
to do the work.. . Who usually does it?
We will leave it with you. Give those
who are willing to work and save prop
erty for others, as good as they had when
they went to the assistance of those who
needed it immediately.
A Serious Conflagation Narrowly Averted
KxceHent Work Done by the Vol
unteer Firemen.
Wood Wood Wood.
We can furnish you with strictly first
claa?, dry, fir wood at the same prices
which you have been paying for inferior
quality. Send ns your orders and get
tne best, f none Zo.
Mchl. Jos. T. Peters & Co
Caih tn lour Cheeks.
All county warrants registered prior
to Mcb. 14, 1895, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Jan. 14
1899. C. "L. Phillips,
Conntv Treaenrer.
Cook Wanted.
A good female cook can get a position
in a restaurant in the city. Apply at
this office. 23-tf
Men Wanted
To cat cord wood.
Dalles Lumbering Co.
Inquire at
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That la what It was made for.
At 5 :15 last evening the shrill whistle-
ing of a locomotive was heard and al
most Immediately the peals of the fire
bell rang out announcing to our citizens
another fire. It was found that the
Columbia hotel was in flames and with
in a few minutes the Hook and Ladder
Co. was on the scene, followed closely
by the Columbia Hose Co., who in six
minntes from the time the alarm
Bounded, bad a stream of water playing
on the flames. The Jackson Eneine Co.
had their engine located at the intersec
tion of Second and Court streets and did
most effective work. The fire caught
from eparks falling on the roof from a
flue in the northeast, portion of the
building. Mr. Toomey, proprietor of the
hotel, formed a bncket brigade and was
doingj effective work when the wind
which was blowing furiously at the time
caught the flames and spread them
rapidly, so whenthe firemen arrived it
appeared as though the whole east side
of the hotel was on fire. Many ex
pressed themselves as confident the
building was doomed and also a great
portion of that end of town. However,
the firemen worked gallantly and too
much praise cannot be given them, for
it was one of the best fought fires that
ever occurred in the city. Inside of fifty-
five minntes from the time the alarm
was sounded the fire was ont. This
wonld have been good work for a paid
Our water commissioners are ' to be
congratulated, for yesterday's fire
proved that the new system which was
recently put in is a decided Success.
There were seven streams from the city
water works playing on the building,
and at tle time, the indicator at the
engine house showed mnty-five pounds
preeBure. This alone is undoubtedly the
cause of saving a greater portion of the
town from a conflagation similiar to the
ones of '91 and '98. '
During all the other large fires there
has always been a lack of water but
from present indications we need have
no further fears in this line for as soon
as all streams were cut off the . resevoir
showed that the water bad fallen but
four inches. The O. R. Sc N. Co. did
most excellent service and the pressure
from their pump house was sufficient to
blow eeveral of the nozzles off.
With this great amount of water pour
ing into the building the bouse was fair
ly flooded and the flames checked. The
entire roof of the east wing of the hotel
was burned and charred but the rest of
the building was not damaged only by
water. - as yet the actual losses cannot
be ascertained, but it is estimated that
T. X. Nicholas, owner of the building
wMI sustain a loss of between four and
five thousand dollars. No insurance. J.
A; Toomey, lessee, will lose about $400
with no insurance, while - numerous
roomers lost a great deal of their belong
Estebenet and Esping's bowling alleys
were flooded with water but they went to
work immediately after the fire and
drained their building and today the
alleys are in as fine condition as usual.
Chas. Frank, proprietor of the Butchers
and Farmers Exchange will, sustain a
loss of about $500, mostly caused by
breakage and leakage, for everything in
his place of businees was taken out. He
is fully covered by insurance. Some
things were removed from Wm. Jones'
cigar store but his loss was eo trivial
that it is not estimated. Further partic
ulars in regard to theloseee will be given
as soon as we are able to ascertain them
Fred Wallace, of Antelope, is in the
T. H. Johnston, of Dufur, was in
city today.
M. J. Monteith, of Chicago, is in the
city on business.
Chas. B. Johnson and wife, of Moro,
spent Sunday in the city
W. W. Ames and son, Arthur, of
Columbus, are in the city.
Wm. HeiBler, who is interested with
the Dnfur Miling Co., is in the city
business. -
Miss Mamie Smith, of San Francisco,
is visiting at the residence of Mrs. L,
H. Brash, manager for Biseinger &
Co., in this city, returned last night
from. a short visit to Portland.
Joe Howard returned this morning
from the .bast, where he has been some
time. He will leave in the morning for
bis home at lJnneville
Mrs. W. A. Kirby andXttle 'daughter
Maude, who nave beeX sojourning in
Portland for the pastew days, returned
home baturday ev
Capt. Waud returned Saturday from
Alaska, where he has been for the past
few months. As the boat he is master
of on the Yukon is frozen in, he will
probably remain in the city until the
nrst ot March.
In Olden Time
People overlooked the importance of
permanently beneficial effects and were
satisfied with the transient action ; but
now that it is generally known that
Syrup of Figs will permanently over
come habitual constipation, well in
formed people will not buy other Iaxa
tives, which aet for a time, but finally
injure the system. Buy the genuine.
made by the California Fig Syrup Co.
For Less than Half Price
We wish to clear out all old stock before m v
ing into new store and have some bargains.
This is an opportunity to get bicycle cheap .
All wheels sold at half regular price.
Mavs c&5 Growe.
Opposite old stand.
Elegant Gostoip. Latest songs, specialties
General Admission 50c. Children 25c.
Reserved seats on sale at the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. a'
Northern Grown
In Bulk at
Feed and Grocery store
Cor 2d & Federal Sts.
fiot Cheap Coods,
bat Cood Goods Cheap.
We are determined to sell the
entire stock of Dry Goods,
Clothing, Notions, Groceries
Cheap iov Gash.
Successor to E. J. Collins & Co.