The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 25, 1899, Image 1

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    VOL. XI
NO 249
rfV tt lAr aUr
. yw rfK. fc. J. JK.
i Ja
- ""IS" NOW ON'. Jn announcing this' sale we lay particular stress upon the fact that every broken line or odd lot of Ladies,' Misses' and Children's Fine
Shoes in the house are subjected to a SLASHING PRICE CUT deep enough to interest every shoe buyer, and "especially those looking for shoes of quality, Just a few
hints here more in our Shoe Department. .,' ' ' - . .. ;;. - .. , -:
-ftr -artt '
Misses' and
Fine Shoes
at Clearance Prices. Kid
button, with cloth or kid
top ; "square and opera toes,
patent tip.
Sizes 8 to 11
reduced from $1.50 to $1.05
Sizes llj to 2
reduced from $1.90 to $1.15
A. Popular Shoe.
Two handsome toes in. lace or
congress. Have been selling Sil 'AH
at $2.50; Our clearance price pA,Vvy
"Walking Shoe.
Act) o --v A shoe, fashionable, com-OJ-LC'Jr
fortable, seasonable. and
serviceable, is here offered at a bargain
price. Made- of box calf; bulldog toe.
beavy extension soles, yellow
silk stitching. $4 Shoe, now
Black or Brown.
Shoes made for winter wear; heavy exten
sion soles, broad low heels, serviceable
uppers, wide coin toes; regu- dJO HH
larly $3, clearance price. . tpw .vJU
Quality, not Style.
If you are not particular as to the style,
these will suit you. An assorted lot of
Men's Fine Street Shoes in seal and kan
, earoo stock, including also fine calf Shoes
with cork soles. The regular
prices are $4 and $450; the SiO 7)
clearance price f '
Men's Fine Cordovan Shoes,
Reduced from $5. to $3.30.
Lace or Congress; narrow, square and
coin toes. .. '.
Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid
T3n-r-T-i CtViroe narrow, square and coin
X3U.bI.UIl OXXUUb, toes; patent tips; genu
ine hand-tQrn soles. The regular price fcO KC
is 14.00; clearance price p.OU
Ceremony Tooi Place at Maloloss, Wit
nesseO? His CaMnet. ' "
; News of their Leader's Step Received By
Manila Insurgents With Lukewarm
Enthusiasm Disaffection in Rebel
1 , ' -
Chicago, Jan.' 24. A special to the
Tribune from Washington says :
The government has been notified that
Agninaldo took a decisive stepand pub
licly proclaimed the republic of the
Philippines. The ceremony ' took
place at Maloloss, and was witnessed the
members of his ' cabinet. This news
comes from Manila, where the tidinge of
Aguinaldo's procedure was received
with public demonstrations of a mild
All is not plain sailing for the insurg
ents, as it is said the rival authorities at
Ceba are fighting. The trouble has not
reached an acute state, but the safety of
the town and surrounding country is in
The northern provinces have recently
given indications that they are not in
accord with Aguinaldo, and should his
proclamation lead to hostilities with the
Americans, he may have a revolution as
well as a war of conquest thrown on bis
hands. , ' . . -
Another serious feature, according to
the dispatches, ia that .the interior of
Luzon is in ferment. Native officers
have been murdered, and no effort made
to punish the criminals.
A Mine's Big Ran, '
Bailee City, Or., Jan. 23. Albert,
Edward and Frank Geiser brought in
this evening, from . the . Bonanza mine,
2070 ounces of gold, melted into four
bricks, valued at $34,008, the result of a
12 days' run. For several days it re
quired a fask of quicksilver, containing
tz pounds, tor eacn enitc, to aDscro tne
gold on the plates. " With the last clean,
up of seven days, this makes $48,000 in
19 days out of 570 tons of ore, each ton
yielding over $84 free gold in addition to
concentrates, which' are all being saved.
To Gain Flesh, to Sleep Well, to Know
K hat Appetite and Good Digestion
MeahS.- ' ' '
United States Consul Randal Reports
FniThat the Outlook for Re-peopling
Palestine With Hebrews, and for
. the Country Itself, is Brighter
Than Ever Before. .
Washington, Jan. 24. In view of the
interest manifested recently in the
Zionist movement looking to the re
opening of Holy Land by Jews, statis
tics sent to the state department by
United States Consul Randal at Beirut
of the number of Jews now in Palestine,
are of great interest. ,
- He say s that one-half of the popula
tion are Jews, whereas there was only
14,000 twenty years ago. In Jerusalem
there are 22,000 Jews, half of whom have
come from Europe. After a statement
of the condition and resources of all of
the principal Jewish .p colonies, the con
sul says:. ' .' - -
".Entirely irrespective of . whether.- or.
not the Zionists will succeed in awaken
ing in the Jewish people a national
spirit and forming a Jndean, monarchy
or republic with its parliament in Jeru
salem, the present agitation makes fori
the development of a country which is
only a shadow of its former self, which
will generously respond to modern in
fluences. . The sultan eeemed disposed
to grant railway and other franchises,
and the movement is bringing , out new,
qualities in the Jews in Palestine. They
are no longer content to study the
Talmud and live on charity, but are
waking to the fact, as the Hebrew would
put It, that to till the ground is worship
of God." - '
The. consul says that while there are
many obstacles to the retnrn of peace
and prosperity, he feels justified in de
claring that the prospects are brighter
than ever before for the Jews in Pales
tine and for the country itself. :;'
No trouble is more common, or more
misunderstood than nervous dyspepsia.
People having it think their nerves ' are
to blame and are surprised that they
are not cured by nerve medicines. The
real seat of the mischief is lost sight of.
The stomach is the organ to be looked
after. . 7 -
. Nervous dyspeptics often do not have
any pain whatever in the stomach, nor
perhaps any of the symptoms of stom
ach weakness. Nervous dyspepsia shows
itself not in the stomach eo much as in
nearly every organ. In some cases the
heart palpitates and is irregular ; in oth
ers the kidneys are effected ; in others
the bowels are constipated, - with head-
ach diseasee by addressing F. A. Stuart
Co.vMarshall, Mich. All druggists, sell
full Bized packages at 50 - cents. Prof.
Henry W. Becker, A.M., the well-known
religious worker and writer,of St. Louia,
secretary of the Mission Board of the
German Methodist church ; chief clerk
and expert accountant of the harbor . and
wharf commission ; public secretary for
the St. Louis school patrons' association,
and the" dis trict conference of -the stew
ards of the M. FJ. church ; also takes an
active part in the work of the Epwbrth
League, and to write on religious and
educational topics for several magazines.
How he found relief is best toM in his
own words:
VSome weeks ago my . brother heard
j me eay something about indigestion,and
taking a box out of bis pocket said: 'Try
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.' I did, and
was, promptly relieved. Then 1 investi
gated the nature of the tablets, and be
came satisfied that they were ' made of
just the right things and in just the
right proportions to aid in the assimila
tion of food. I heartily indorse them in
all respect 8, and I keep them constantly
on hand. . , '
aches-; still others are troubled with loss
of flesh and appetite with accumulations
of gas, sour risings and heartburn.' -It
is safe to eay that Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets will cure, any stomach' weak
ness or- disease except cancer of the
stomach. They cure sour stomach, gas,
loss of flesh and appetite, sleeplessness,
palpitation, heartburn, constipation and
- - Send for valuable little book on ttom-
But a Change at Oljmpia is Probable
. By Tomorrow Night.
Gxympia, Jan. 24. The voting for
United States senator today was spirit
less and tame, the only .stir being when
Gundereon turned from Humes to Wilson
Two ballots were taken, although an ef
fort was made by fusion' members to ad
journ after the 14th ballot. -, - -:.
The deadlock will probably -continue
nntil tomorrow, evening, when it is prob
able a republican caucus will . be -held
with problematical results. .
Conway of King, persists in passing
the honor of his vote around, today vot
ing for B. F. Heuston. Senator Yeend
cast his last vote for Thomas Vance, as
sistant attorney-general.
Both ballots today resulted as follows r
Foster, 25; .Wilson.- 28-; Humes, 20;
Ankeny, 8 ; Lewis, 25 ; Heuston, 1.
Filipinos About, to Forcea Fight.
Washington, Jan.! 4. Senor Lopez,
secretary to Agoncillo, the Washington
representative of Aguinaldo.; called at
the state department this afternoon and
lodged with the chief clerk a com
munication which, according to common
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
expectation, marked a critical stage in
the Philippine question. This is the
third attempt made by the Filipino rep
resentatives to secure official recognition
from the United Stated government.
Advices from Manila which have
reached the war department are far
from reassuring. It is understood Otis
reports an expectation on his part that
the insurgents are about to force the
issue, and if this should be so, the result'
cannot be foreseen.
- La Grippe Successfully Treated. '
"I have just recovered from' the sec
ond attack of La Grippe this year," eayB
Mr. J as. A. Jones, publisher of the
Leader, Mexia, Texas.N "In Ihe fatter
case I used Chamberlain's Cough' Rem
edy, and I thiak with considerable suc
cess, only being in bed a little over two
days against ten days for the former at
tack. The eecond attack I am satisfied
would have been equally as bad as the
first bnt for the use of this remedy as 1
had to go to bed in about six hours after
being 'struck' with it, while in the first
case I was able to attend to business
about two days before getting 'down.'"
For sale byBlakeley & Houghton. .
Half a Coffee Crop.
Managua, Nicaragua, Jan. 1. (Cor
respondence of the Associated Press.)
Heavy rains, unusual in this latitude at
this time of the year, have injured the
spring crop of sugarcane.. . -;
' The coffee crop in Nicaragua, now be
ing gathered, will not exceed half of the
annual crop. Laborers are asking high
prices to gather the harvest, and are in
disposed to work, . preferring to be in
the army or act as government officials.
JBlsmarck'a ' Iron Kena
Washe result of hia splendid health.
Indomitable wilTand tremendous energy
are not found - where stomach, liver,
kindeys and bowels are put of order. If
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. - Only 25c at Blakeley
& Houghton's drug store1. V 2
DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
'' ' Tho famous lit tla. Dill. ..
$6.50 PER TON
For car load lots call on ,
. - - r
E KURTZ, Agent,
Tel. 38. The Dalles. Or.
Boualinct Alley
Next to Columbia Hotel.
Open. Day and flight
Courteous treatment .
to all Boculefa...
Special Attractions
For Bowling Parties. Patronage of
the public respectfully Bolicited.
Estebenet & Esping,, Props.
Branch Offiee-
Oregon .Viavi Company,
Room 7, over French's Bank. '
Office hours, '
2 to 4 p. iii-
Charlotte F. Roberta.
Local Manager.
Oflice ovei First Nat. Bmik.