The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 23, 1899, Image 3

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Clearance Sale of Bieyeles
Time is BMc
The days of the Clearance Sale are fast drawing to a close, and you
should make hay while the sun shines. These rare bargains that we have been
presenting you are not to be sneezed at. . Don't think because we are having a
few pleasant days that we are going to have spring at once. One bright day
does not make springtime any more than one swallow makes a summer time.
We have offered you a full line of seasonable and serviceable goods. You have
shown your appreciation, as 'our fixtures will testify. We will add a couple of
lines to make the list complete. -
Children's Jackets.
All $4.50 Jackets ... . $2.50
All 5.00 Jackets now 2.75
All 7.00 Jackets. , now 4 25
All 12 00 Jackets now 8.25
Infants' Long Coats.
All $3.00 Coats now $1 97
All 3 25 Coats now 2.13
All 3 50 Cdats now 2.37
All 3 75 Coats now 2.50
All 4 00 Coats now 2.59
All 4.50 Coats .- now 2.97
All 5.00 Coats now 3.50
All 5 50 Coats now 3.97
Misses' Jackets.
Beaver Jackets .$5.00; to close at $3.75
Heavy Armure Jackets. ..... . 6.00; to close at 425
Brown and Black Boucle 7.00 ; to close at 4.85
Blue and Black Boucle. . 7.50; to close at 5.25
Cloth Jacket, braided 10.00; to close at 6.25
Tan Cloth, braided. 10.50; to close at 7 25
Ladies' Jackets.
Kersey Jackets $5.00 ; to close at $3.75
Astrachan Jackets 7.50; to close at 5.50
Same .12.50 ; to close at 7.65 .
Boucle Jackets. 14.00; to close at 885
Beaver Jackets 15.00; to close at 9.50
Broadcloth, elegantly trim'd. .15.00 ; to close at 9.50
Same, handsomely braided 20.00; to close at 13.25
Ladies' Colored Silk Shirt Waists former price, $6.50 ; to close at $3.65
Ladies' Black Silk and Satin Shirt Waists ... former; to close at $4.00
All Goods Marked in
Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Ctoniele.
JANUARY 23, 1899
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January 10, 1899.
Dalles Club Minstrels
At the Vogt opera house Jan. 23th.
Keeerved 6eat sale commences Jan. 24.
Additional local on foartb page.
The Washington and Oregon inter
state fish committee will meet in Ta
coina next Saturday eveniug.
The lecture to be given at the Baptist
church this evening has been postponed.
On account of sickness in the family of
the lecturer, he was unable to reach the
Tomorrow evening a social will be
given at the Christian church by the
Christian Endeavor and Ladies' Aid so
cieties, jointly. Admission, 20 cts. Let
everyone attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Butler have rented
the MuGee property on the corner of
Pourth andaPmop attest.! and we are
pleased to say, will re mam in The Dalles
for a few months at least.
Secretary Fred W. Wilson has just re
ceived word as we go to press, that
Captain Ormeby, who was present
at the Woolgrowers - Association would
be unable to reach the city until the
5 :30 train tomorrow afternoon.
The teachers of the public schools of
Our city spent a delightful afternoon
with Mrs. Wilson and Miss Wrenn at
the home of the former Saturday after
noon. After a week of extra bard work.
the afternoon spent in pleasant conver
eation and in partaking of a fine lunch,
was doubly enjoyed.
r . jr. inays, one 01 tne attorneys in
the Forester case, is in the city today,
and this morning the judge set the date
of the commencement of that case for
the afternoon of the third day of the
next term of court, which is February
16tb. No doubt this will be one of the
most interesting and hotly contested
cases which has occupied the attention
of the court for years. W. H. Wilson.
xx. a. Wilson ana a. tr. Mays appear
for the defense and A. A. Javne and A.
S. Bennett for the prosecution.
Rev. Poling being unable to fill hi
pulpit yesterday. Rev. D. B. Gray, who
fifteen years ago was pastor of the Con
greational church in this city, conduct
ed the services. . His many friends and
former parishonere were pleased to greet
him again and listen to bis counsel. In
the morning his text was "Lay up for
yourselves treasures in heaven;" in the
evening, "Am I my brothe'rs keeper?"
His 'audiences were deeply, interested
and hope to hear ' him preach in The
Dalles soon again.
This morning a few minutes after' J.
Peters had left his home, the sitting-
room was found to be on nre, and what
gave promise of being a serious conflagra
tion was discovered just in time. In a
few minutes the fire would have been
beyond control. It started from a quilt
which had been' placed to warm near
the fire, and the children in being called
to breakfast, had overturned it on the
stove. It had been burning briskly for
twenty minutes when discovered. The
damage is confined to the carpets and
walls principally.
Saturday evening Marshal Lauer ar
rested Ernest Patton, the other and
worst of the two morphine fiends whom
we have spoken of recently. This morn
ing he was taken before Recorder Gates
and fined $20 or ten days in jail. He
chose the later. Although the most re
pulsive and pitiable object imaginable,
be is said to be a very intelligent man,
and a member of one of the best families
in Salem. He claims to have been given
the drug by doctors when being treated
for rheumatism. - Says be has been
adicted to the habit for eight years and
does not hope to ever be cured of it.
On account of .the illness of the pastor
Presiding Elder Warner ably filled th
pulpit at the Methodist church yester
day, taking as his morning text, "He
that is not for me, is against me, and
be that gathereth not with me
suatleretb abroad.". : la the evening
speaking from . the words, "Behold I
stand at the door and knock." The
evening services were of a revival nature
and will continue during the week.
Wedneeday evening it is expected that
John Naegle, the famoua "Campmeet
ing Johnnie" will conduct the meeting.
Next Sunday Chancellor Tboburn, of
Portland, will preach both morning and
The new county of Wheeler, the bill
providing for which has been intro
duced in the legislature, is to be 54
miles in its greatest length' north and
south, and 36 miles east and west, tak
ing in the towns of Mitchell in Crook
and Fossil in Gilliam county. The
Statesman says : "The residents of the
territory named want the new county.
Those of that part of Grant are about 90
miles from their present county seat,
those of Crook being also a long distance
by circuitous route from theirs and the
southern portion of Gilliam being sim
ilarly situated. It meets '. principal op
position from the northern portion of
Gilliam county." . ,
The ladies' of the Commercial elub will
now have an incentive to bowl '.such 'as
has never been given before. Saturday
we were shown a beautiful trophy which
is the handiwork of Mr. J, ' C. Hoetetler
and will be given by , him to . the moBt
successful lady bowler." It is an orna
ment in bent iron 'work,? consisting of a
gilded pin set in scroll work, above
which is a ball, also gilded, and crown
ing all, the emblem of the club white
wings, extending from the arrow point.
Around the pin are arranged the gilded
letters "D. C. A. C." Altogether it is a
beautiful design which must have re
quired much skill and work. Any lady
would be proud to own it as an orna
ment. 1
At this time of the year the sidewalks
are necessarily in a bad condition before
the snow is entirely removed and the
chinook has gotten in its cleaneing work.
There is much that can be done in an
individual way toward keeping the side
walks and pavements of our city in such
a condition that pedestrians are not
sickened by passing ever them. In As
toria and other cities there is a law
against expectorating on these highways
and such an ordinance should be passed
in The Dalles. It is fairly nauseat
ing many times to be compelled to
walk along after some consumptive or
other person has made a cuspidore of
the sidewalk. Besides,' physicians tell as
that this is a most effective way to spread
tuberculosis and other diseases broad
cast. Something should be done to com
pel the use of the sewers or street for
sucn purposes, leaving the walks as
lean as possible.
On account of the ill health of their
daughter, Dr. Gertrude French, Mr. and
Mrs. S. French have prevailed upon her
to take a trip to New York City, in the
hope that thechaage will benefit her
le for depai LUISF UUM 11UL UH yet
been fully arranged, but will probably
be some time this week, when Mr. and
Mrs. French will accompany her. They
will remain for a time, their return be
ing determined by the benefit derived.
Yesterday during the session of the
Methodist Sunday school, Rev. Wood
announced the necessity of electing a
superintendent to fill Mrs. .French's
place during her absence. He also epoke
of Ibe efficient work done byMrs.Trench
in that capacity, of the affection of the
school for her, and the regret felt at her
departure, calling for a rising vote , ex-
preesive of the feelings of the school.
All present arose en masse and tears were
Bjen in many eyes as each considered
te eon bw which has seemed to over
whelm their superintendent daring the
past few months. : !
Maier & Benton will give away one
Garland Steel Range
For every One Dollar pur
chase during January and
February we will give one
chance free on the steel range.
...IttfS Demon
.THE tffiltf)WrIiiE DEMEflS.,
167 Second St. THE DALLES, OR.
For Less than Half Price
We wish to clear out all old stock before mov
ing into new store and have some bargains.
This is an opportunity to get a bicycle cheap
All wheels sold at half regular price.
Opposite old stand.
Ritett the Holidays.
We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet 11 uic, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete.
Jaeobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
Oar Minstrel Show.
J. F. HamDshire jfiade a flvincr trirj to
Portland yesterday for the purpose of
procuring costumes for the minstrel
show to bevveu by local talent Satur
day nighf'at the Vogt. While most of
them will arrive later in the week, the
reporter has been permitted to see those
to be worn by the principal characters,
and they are "beauts So handsome
is the white velvet suit of the interlocutor
that it might put alf the others in the
shade were the rest not loud enough to
make themselves seen.
The opening scene cannot fail , to be
very striking if the costumes give any
idea of its appearance. In factf'the whole
performance is to be costumed to the
queen's taste. - J
The show opens with a grand first
part, with N. J. Sinnott a a- interlocutor
and Clarke, Hampshire, Croseen and
Hollister as end men, supported' by a
large chorus of our best male voices. The
jokes are all new and the"' musical selec
tions the most catchy. This part closes
with ''Did you hear about Brown."
The curtain then riseB on the little
mascots, Lei a Kelsay and Hazel Waud,
who give a song and cake walk, which le
said to be "too cute for anything."
Next comes a male; quartet, in cos
tume, and after a short intermission the
last part . opens with a tumb.
ing act by Ballard and Kelsay. A sim
ilar performance last year was considered
one of the best on the program, and is
equally as good this year. Dawson and
Heroux will also je seen in a leger de
main act, which is excellent. Frank
and Crossen will appear in the dude
black-face sketch, and their reputation
as singers assures a fine turn.
Then we are to see Hampshire and
Clarke in a turn which surpasses any
thing they have yet attempted. This
announcement is sufficient to pack the
house. ,
Baldwin's darkey band is a prominent
feature of the evening, while many other
sketches, etc., not mentioned, will be in
evidence.- Not to' speak of the grand
cake walk as a pleasing finale.
Legislature Again at WorK.
To Gar Cola In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund. She money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
De Witt's Little Early Risers,
The tamiMts mtl oiluv.
Capitol, Salem, Jan. 23. The assem
bly convened at 2 :30 o'clock this after
noon, after an adjournment since Fri
day. After convening Myers presented
Speaker Carter with a hugh gourd to be
used aa a defensive weapon, making a
very humorous presentation speech.
The weapon is four feet long.
Several new bills have been intro
duced. One by Myers amending the
law relative to the punishment of
ghouls, which provides ior penal servi
tude for from five to ten years.
The pilot bill is beginning to. assume
greatness. Comment on both- sides is
M. - .. .
aijd lodrs
Day U?eI( or
montl?. .. ... . ;; .-' ;
Qor. 4tr) and Union. V
r - i At aftf TafV -fr :
Elegant Costumes. Latest Sengs, Specialties
Reserved Seats 75c. General Admission 50c.
Reserved seats on sale at the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.b'
store, commencing Tuesday morning, Jan. 24, 1899.
fiot Cheap Goods,
bat Good Goods Cheap.
We are determined to sell the
entire stock of Dry Goods,
Clothing, Notions, Groceries
Cheap foi Gash.
Successor to E. J. Collins & Co.
Wood Wood Wood.
We can furnish you with strictly first
class, dry, fir wood at the same prices
which yon have been paying for inferior
quality. Send us your orders and get
the best. Phone 25.
Mch. 1 Jos. T. Pktbrs & Co. J
Coughing injures and inflames sore
lungs. One Minute Cough Cure loosens
the cold,- allays coughing and heals
quickly. "The best cure for children,
perfectly harmless. SnipeB-Kinersly
Drug Company. .