The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 20, 1899, Image 1

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NO 245
am r flv 4 1 nrY va
SeiIg i I
Still On.
A. M-
& CO.
We Bad fifteen hundred yards of a cer
tain foil-weight, itll-wool, fancy winter Bait
ing two months ago; we now have only one
hundred and and eighty yards. By Febru
ary let, from present indications, there'll
be a clean counter only.
The materials are of this season's im
portations 40 inches wide and worth 65c
per yard. QQ -i On
Sale price OO ItOL.
Cheaper than Calico is our next Dress
Goods special : a fancy two-toned bonrette
weave of convenient width 27 in. yV
Clearance price
14 off on
Golf Cloakings.
Ladies who have viewed our select
styles in Golf Cloakings will thoroughly ap
preciate this reduction. - ,
25c Half
16 2-3c.
Good soft, worthy hose; firmly knit of
a long all-wool thread in Camel's hair, with
white heels and toes. All needing good
hose will buy these.
12 l-2c "Wrap- 9c
per Material
This calls attention to the popular,
fleeced back, fancy figured flannelettes, go
much need and so. very eervicable. Wrap
pers by the yard or made up we have both
12 l-2c.
16 2-3C
For a cheery looking, soft and cozy
house gown, there is no material more
adapted than the Dotnet Flannels, and then
such styles, such patterns. 8 an 10 yards
for a wrapper.
75c All-wool
Striped 48c.
Infant's Cloaks and Ladies' Dressing
Sacques are very pretty when made of this'
iiiaterial. We have a few pieces of the very -choicest
patterns in this lot at 48c.
Dress Goods Remnants
at Half Price.
95c Boys' 6gc
Special clearance Bale of a line of Both'
Children's heavy wool Sweaters, in dark
blue and red, with striped ends. Your boy
would like one and the price is low.
Dark Outing"
Flannels 4c.
We have always bad the reputation of
showing best Outing Flannel values. This
week we again demonstrate' that fact,
. Other stores 5c and 6c Outing Flan- An
nels, here.' tcv.
25c and 50c fancy silk - fc;
NeckKibbons loc yard.
Reductions on
Table Linens
. Napkins,'
4. lb all-wool Blankets.
Special at $3.00 . . ,
4 lb all-wool Oregon Blanket rf0 QfcC
Regular price $3.90 tptC.XJO
5 lb all-wool Oregon Blanket, dQ iK
gray mottled, worth $4.90 pO. i O
7 lb all-wool Oregon Blanket
reduced from $6:00 to.
7 lb all-wool Oregon Blanket. dK ((H
good value at $6.85, now '..CpO.OVJ
10 lb all-wool Klondike Blanket,d QK
extra value at $7.90 reduced totpO.OcJ
i i
tL-- J -J, -L -.Lr- -J - -Jt -t- -Jkr -JIE- -JU- Ar A- - JC- iU- Ar Jf Ar -jfedT -aAar -far -aAv- -tV Jtr -JUT-- -mfr- -JW A" -vftr -rjfar -jtr -Sr 1W- -JPhr tftwT TeT TaftlT
Consul Declares tie Alrent an Insult
to tie MM States.
German Consul Forcibly Expelled From
the Supreme Court Buildiug by the
American and British Consuls,
Backed by a Force of Marines.
Auckland, New Zealand, Jan. 19.
Further particulars regarding the dis
turbances at Samoa show that Mataafa'a
followers numbered about 5000 men and
the adherents of Malietoa Tanus only
about 1000. There was tw o hours' fight
ing between the rival forces, during
which several of the warriors were de
capitated. The American consul iesued a procla
mation claiming the Berlin treaty had
had the same force as a law of congress
and that an insult to the supreme court
of Samoa is therefore equivalent to an
insult to thn government at Washington.
Washington, Jan. 19. The navy de
partment has issued orders to the cruiser
Philadelphia to proceed to Samoa at
once. The Philadelphia, with Admiral
Kautz on board, arrived at San Diego,
Cal., this morning from Acapulco,
Wellington, New Zealand, Jan. 19,
It is reported that owing to the trouble
in Samoa three British warships will
proceed there, and one American war
ship will start for the islands from Honolulu.
German Consul Evicted.
London, Jan. 19. A special from
Aukland, N. Z., says
The British and Ameiican consuls
were compelled to force the doors of the'
supreme conrt at . Apia, in which the
German coneul bad established Limself,
and to push him into the street. All
parties at Apia, the dispatch continues,
unite in condemning the German consul
for the fighting which has taken place,
but not the rival kings. It is pointed
out that in violation of all agreements;
the consul accompanied Mataafa'a force
when the claimant invaded the town
and encouraged opposition to Malietoa
When the British and American con
suls were informed as to the situation
they adjourned the court and locked the
building. The German consul then de
manded the keys, and they were refused
him. He then broke open the doors, re
moved the locks and replaced them with
others. He afterward brought the Ger
man municipal president into the cbam
ber, and the latter went ' upon the bal
cony and shouted to the British and
American marines assembled in the
square: "I am the supreme court; I
am the chief justice." The crowd re
plied with jeers, and the British consul
demanded the keys of the building,
which were refused. A Scotchman
named Mackie thereupon climbed on
top of the building and hoisted the Sa
moan flag, while the British and Amer
ican consuls and a number of marines
forced the doors and hurried the German
consul into the street.
Then the two consuls formally and
legally, according to thedispatch,opened
court and issued a warning against any
further interference with its jurisdiction
threatening to arrest and imprison any
one attempting to do so.
Later dispatches say the situation" is
now quiet and the German consul re
mains in his consulate.
German Officers to Blame.
Washington, Jan. 19. It has been
realized for a long time past that there
was need for a modification of the terras
of the tripartite treaty by which we as
sumed joint guardianship of Samoa with
England and Germany, but np to this
point it has not been possible to get all
three of the powers to agree on any one
Negotiations have been on foot in re
lation to the succession to the Samoan
throne, and it is calculated to lead to ill
feeling, at least, that. German officers
should resort to a coup d'etat at this
stage of the negotiations. It is believed
much of the responsibility for this arbi
trary action must rest upon Kaffel, the
German president of the municipal
council at Apia, whose troublesome at
titude of late has led to remonstrances
on the part of other powers.
The United States, Great Britain and
Germany, it is believed, could easily
reach a satisfactory solution of the crisis
in Samoa if they could deal with the
subject themselves in the usual course,
but there is some fear of ill considered
action on the part of some of the agentB
of these governments in Samoa before
they can receive instructions from their
The interests of the United States are
in the hands of Lloyd W. Osborne, in
whose discretion the state department
repoees great confidence. ' N
, Arrested a Thief.
Eoskbcbg, Or.,toJan. 18. About 'a
week ago $500 in coin and some valuable
articles were stolen from an old man
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
named John Weaver, near Canyonville.
Curtis Hartline, 22 years of age, was ar
rested there yesterday by Constable T.
J. Butcher on a charge of having stolen
the money. After his arrest Hartline
admitted his guilt and was held to
answer. . The constable started with
him to Boseburg, boarding the train at
Riddle. The prisoner went outside to
get a drink of water and failed to return.
He has not been seen since. Hartline is
a stranger in this country.
Vessel Lost Off Point Reyes.
San FhanciscO Jan. 19. From re
ports brought in by the steamer collier
Wyefield, Captain Cartmer, some un
known schooner has gone. to. pieces off
Point Reyes, and the probability is that
all hands were lost, as the wreck has not
been reported.
While off the point the Wyefield sailed
through a floating mass of wreckage of
ship's timbers, bulwarks, ballast and
deck fittings that looked as though they
had been , a part of some coasting
The name of the ship, could not be
found on the timbers, nor were any
bodies seen, although a vigilent lookout
was maintained.
La Urlppe Successfully Treated.
' t"I have just recovered from the seer
ond attack of La Grippe this year," says
Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of the
Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter
case I used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy, and I think with considerable suc
cess, only being in bed a little over two
days against ten days for the former at
tack.' The second attack Iam satisfied
would have been equally as. bad as the
first but for the nse of this- remedy- as 1
had to goto bed in about eix hours after
being 'struck' with it, while in the first
case I was able, to attend to business
about two days before getting do"wn.' "
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Freas Saunders has purchased the
wood business of J. T. Reynolds in this
city. Those desiring good wood will find
him by ringing np 'phone number 12.
A Pleasant, Simple but Safe and Effec
tual Cure For It.
Catarrh of the stomach has long been
considered te next thing to incurable.
The usual symptoms are a full or bloat
ing sensation after eating, accompanied
sometimes with sour or watery risings, a
formation of gases, causing pressure on
the heart and lungs and difficult breath
ing, headaches, fickle appetite, nervous
ness and a general played out, languid
There is often a foal taete in the
mouth, coated tongue and if the interior
of the stomach could be seen it would
show a slimy, inflamed condition.
The cure for this common and ob
stinate trouble is found in a treatment
which causes the food to be readily,
or thoroughly digested before it has
time to ferment and irritate the delicate
surface of the stomach, To secure a
prompt and healthy digestion is the one
necessary thing to do and when normal
digestion is secured the catarrahal con
dition will have disappeared.
According to Dr. Harlaneon the safest
and best . treatment is to nse after each
meal a tablet' composed of Diastase,
Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Gclden
Seal and fruit acids. . These tablets can
now be found at all drug stores under
the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets,
and not being a patent medicine can be
nsed with perfect safety and assurance
that healthly appetite and thorough di
gestion will follow their regular use
alter meals.
Mr. N. I.'Booher, of 2710 Dearborn at.,
Chicago, 111., writes: "Cattarh is a
local condition resulting from a neglected
cold in the head, whereby the lining
membranes of the nose - becomes in
flamed and the poisonous discbarge
therefrom passing backward into the
throat reaches the stomach, thus pro
ducing catarrah of the stomach. Medi
cal authorities prescribed for "me for
three years for catarrah of stomach
without cure, but today I am the
happiest of men after using only one
box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I
cannot find appropriate ' words to ex
press tny good feeling. , I have found
flesh, appetite and sound rest from' their
Stuart's Dyspepsia . Tablets is .. the
safest preparation aa well as the very
simplest and most convenient remedy
for any form of indigestion, catarrah of
stomach,' billiousness, sour . stomach,
heartburn and bloatfng after meals.
Send for little book, mailed free on
stomach troubles, by addressing Stuart
Co., Marshall. Mich. The tablets can
be.found at all drng stores. .
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That U wbat it wu made for. . .
Vogt Opera House
' CHAS. E. BLANEY'S Big Extravaganza Success,
A modern conception of Comedy happily fashioned.
Back Seats 50c. Reserved 75c. Children 25c
$6.50 PER TON
For car load lots call on
E. KURTZ, Agent,
jTel. 38. The Dalles. Or.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That i- le or-
- ( ,
. Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf
Bovulitig Alley
Next to Columbia Hotel.
Open Day and Hi'Sht.
Courteous treatment
to all Botulevs...
Speeial Attractions
For Bowling Parties. Patronage of
the public respectfully nolle! ted.
- Estebenet & Esping, Props.
'Branch Offiaa
Oregon Viavi Company,
Room 7, ott French's Bank.
Office hours, :
2 to 4 p. m-T
Charlotte F. Roberta.
Local Manager,