The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 18, 1899, Image 1

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    VOL. XI
NO 243
Still On.
A. M-
& CO.
Wo had fifteen hundred yards of a cer
tain full weight, all-wool, fancy winter suit
ing two ruontho ago; we now have only one
hundred and and eighty yarda. By Febru
ary 1st, from present indications, there'll
be a clean counter only.
The materials are of this season's im
portations 40 inches wide and worth 65c
per yard. QQ -i On
Sale price OO 1-OU
Cheaper than Calico is our next Dress
Goods special : a fancy two-toned bourette
weave of convenient width 27 in. . ff
Clearance price
1-4 off on
Golf Cloakings.
Ladies who have viewed our select
styles in Golf Cloakings will thoroughly ap
preciate this reduction.
25c Half
16 2-3c.
Good soft, worthy hose ; firmly knit of
a long all-wool thread iu Camel's hair, with
white heels and toes. All needing good
hose will buy these.
12 l-2c "Wrap- 9c
per Material
This calls attention to the popular
fleeced back, fancy figured flannelettes, so
much used and so very servicable. Wrap
pers by the yard or made up we have both
16 2-3c
12 l-2c.
For a cheery looking, soft and cozy
house gown, there is no material more
adapted than the Do met Flannels, and then
such styles, such patterns. 8 an 10 yards
for a wrapper.
75c All-wool
Striped 48c.
Infant's Cloaks andLadies' Dressing
Sacqnes are very pretty when made of this
itaterial. We have a few pieees of the very
choicest patterns in this lot at 48c.
Dress G-oods Remnants
at Half Price.
95c Boys'
Sweaters Doa
Special clearance sale of a line of Boys
Children's heavy wool Sweaters, " in dark
blue and red, with striped ends. Your boy
would like one and the price is low.
Dark Outing1
Flannels 4c.
We have always had the reputation of
showing best Outing Flannel values. This
week we again demonstrate that fact.
Other stores 5c and 6c Outing Flan
nels, here
25c and 50c fancy silk -f fc; j
t Neck Kibbons. loc yard.
Reductions on
Table Linens
A lb all-wool Blankets.
Special at 3.00
-wool Oregon Blanket, An IVK
mottled, worth $4.90 ipO. ( O
4J lb all-wool Oregon Blanket
Regular price $3.90
7 lb all-wool Oregon Blanket,
reduced from $6:00 to
7 lb all-wool Oregnn Blanket,
good value at $6 85, now . . .
10 lb all-wool Klondike Blanket, d QfcT
extra value at $7.90 reduced to
Bat a Start Needed Is Precipitate a
Americans With Difficulty Restrained
From Resenting Their Insolence
Situation at Iloilo Remains Unchanged.
New Yosk, Jan. 17. A special to the
Herald from Hong Kong says :
The Herald's Manila correspondent
reports a strict censorship on dispatcher
The latest advices, dated January 13th,
says that the situation in the Philip
pines is etill acute. Aguinaldo is hold
ing his forces in check with difficulty,
and natives have been arrested for smug
gling arms into the walled city. On one
occasion a coffin was found filled with
arms, and onnotber six Mauser rifles
and a stock of ammunition were dis
covered hidden in a load of straw.
- The natives residing in the city pre
dict an attack on Manila Sunday, the
15th, but the foreigners maintain that
there will be no attack if the Americana
do not precipitate it.
The position of the Americans is very
unpleasant. Their Spanish prisoners
are unfriendly and the hostile natives
are numerous and well armed both' in
side and outside the city.
In Iloilo the situation remains the
same except that natives are intrench
ing themselves, they have blockaded the
river by sinking barges loaded with
The native troops outside of Manila
are most insolent, and it is bard work to
restrain the Americans. The Filipino
soldiery come out to their lines, close up
to the American outposts, load their
rifles, deliberately point them at the
American soldiers, and then walk de
risively back to their own lines.
Under such conditions as these there
might be a fight at almost any moment.
, An American Protectorate.
New Yoek, Jan. 17. A dispatch to the
Herald from Hong Kong says: Rev.
Clay McCauley, professor of theology at
Tokio, who recently arrived from the
Philippines, says that as the result of
his study of the situation at Manila, be
thinks there are only three ways open to
the United States to solve the Philippine
question. The first is annexation by
force of purchase. To use force means
the most disastrous foreign war in
American history, entailing great loss of
life and expendituie of money. More
over, it would be a violation of national
The second solution is a complete sov
ereignty from Spain to a Filipino repub
lic and the retention by the United
States for her own use of Manila bay
and port, just as Hong' Kong is kept
by Great Britain. This solution means
the exposure of the defenseless Philip
pines to the greed of the powers, with a
consequent acute crisis in Europe over
the far Eastern question.
The third possible solution is autono
my under an American protectorate.
This means an independent Filipino
government controlling the administra
tion of internal affairs, the United States
taking charge of the supreme judiciary
and foreign relations such as the"" power
to make war or treaties, .while having
charge of the customs. This solution,
Mr. McCauley thinks, might bring about
a tutelage which would result for the
future in the absolute independence of
the ielands, or voluntary annexation to
the United States.
Negotiations Looking to Spanish Recog
nition of the Filipino Insurgents
Nkw York, Jan. 17. A dispatch' to
the Herald from Paris says: News has
been received here - that the Spanish
government has begun negotiations with
Aguinaldo, through the agency of cer
tain Filipinos. in Madrid, for the release
of the Spanish prisoners. Having be
gun to treat directly w itb the insurgents.
Spain is likely to go a step further and
accord them the recognition hitherto re
fused by any government. The idea is
to call upon President McKinley to re
deem his promise and obtain the release
of the prisoners.
The difficulties confronting the Amer
ican government are all understood in
Madrid, and as soon as official recog
nizance of them is obtained, the gov
ernment will consider itself free to treat
with the Filipino government if neces
sary aB power to power, in order to se
cure the liberty of its subjects. That
Spain should take Buch revenge upon us
would surprise nobody.
- Furnished rooms to rent. Steam heat
and electric lights. - Apply to Max Vogt
& Co. Chapman block.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
All the Distinguished Men of the Na-
: tion Attend.
Washington, Jan. 16. A state funeral
almost majestic in its impressiveness
was given the late Representative Ding
ley at noon today in the house of repre
sentatives. The president and bis cabi
net, distinguished members of the dip
lomatic corps, members of the supreme
court, eenate and house, and distin
guished men in military and civil life
were arranged about the bier on the
floor of the hall, -while the galleries were
occupied by the families of those who
sai. upuu iuu uu'jr, uuu prominent per
sons invited to be present.' The re
mains were taken from the Hotel Ham'
ilton to the capitol this morning at 10
o'clock, and were borne into the hall cf
representatives by a sub-equad of capitol
The casket was placed on a bier in
front of the speaker, and for an hour the
public, which would have no oppor
tunity to witness the official ceremonies
later, was allowed to view the remains
aa they lay in state.
The services were conducted by Be v.
S. M. Newman, of the First . Congre
gational church of this city, assisted by
Rev. Dr. Couden, chaplain of the house.
It was a very simplv- service. When
Newman delivered the benediction, the
entire assemblage arose.
The bodv lay in state in the hall of
the house until shortly before the tirre
for the departure of the special train,
which conveyed the remains and party
to Lewiston. It was then conveyed to
the Pennsylvania station, whence the
train departed at 4 :10 p. m. - The ' train
consisted of four Pullmans and a bag
gage car. One of the cars was occupied
by the family, and the others by the
remainder of the party.
A Pleasant, Simple but Safe and Effec
tual Cure For It.
Catarrh of the stomach has long been
considered te next thing to incurable.
The usual symptoms are a full or bloat
ing sensation after eating, accompanied
sometimes with sour or watery risings, a
formation of gases, causing pressure on
the heart and lungs and difficult breath
ing, headaches, fickle appetite, nervous
ness and a general played out, languid
There ia often a foul taste in . the
mouth, coated tongue and if the interior
of the stomach could be seen it would
show a slimy, inflamed condition.
The cure for this common and ob
stinate trouble is found in a treatment
which causes tbe food to be readily,
or thoroughly digested before it has
time to ferment and irritate the delicate
surface of tbe stomach. io secure a
prompt and healthy digestion ia the one
necessary thing to do and when normal
digestion is secured the catarrahal con
dition will have disappeared.
According to Dr. Harlanson the safest
and best treatment is to use after each
meal a tablet composed of Diastase,
Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Gclden
Seal and fruit acids. These tablets can
now be found at all drug stores under
the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets,
and not being a patent medicine can be
used with perfect safety and assurance
that healthly appetite and thorough di
gestion will follow their regular use
aiter meals.
Mr. N. IBooher, of 2710 Dearborn St.,
Chicago, 111., writes: "Cattarh is a
local condition resulting from a neglected
cold in tbe bead, whereby the lining
membrance of the nose becomes in
flamed and the poisonous discharge
therefrom passing backward into the
throat reaches tbe stomach, thus pro
ducing catarrah of the stomach. Medi
cal authorities prescribed for me for
three years for catarrah of stomach
without cure, but today I am the
happiest of men after using only one
box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I
cannot" find appropriate words to ex
press my good feeling. I have found
flesh, appetite and sound rest from their
use "
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the
safest preparation as well as the very
eimpleet and most convenient remedy
for any form of indigestion, catarrah of
stomach, billiousness, sour stomach,
heartburn and bloating after meals. '
Send for little book, mailed free on
stomach troubles, by addressing Stuart
Co., Marshall. Mich. The tablets can
be found at all drug stores.
Tape worm and cancers removed by
the Quaker Doctors.
Vogt Opera House
k A
CHAS. E. BLANEY'3 Big Extravaganza Success,
A modern conception cf Comedy happily fashioned.
Back Seats 50c. Reserved 75c. Children 25c.
QdE!1 Il.aDQ
$6.50 PER TON
For car load lots call on
E. KURTZ, Agent,
Tel. 38. The Dalles, Or.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
Tha m-ir -w-1e for.
Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf
Boculing Alley
Next to Columbia Hqtel. , '
Open Day and flight.
Courteous treatment
to all Boculeps...
Speeial flttFaetions
For Bowling Parties. Patronage of
. the public respectfully solicited.
Estebenet & Esping, Props.
Branch Office
Oregon Viavi Company,
Room 7, over French' Bank.
Office hours,
2 to 4 p. IB-
Charlotte F. Boberta.
Local Manager.