The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 16, 1899, Image 1

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v.- - l n n r ma r,zj v-vr-w r 1
NO 241
Continues with greater vim than ever. We are pleased to note the liberal returns daring the opening week of oar Sale, and to remind our customers that all lines advertised last week, will continue
at same reduced prices during the entire month of January, This week we. add new items, good seasonable items to which, in turn, will be added other lines a.3 we progress.
Heavy Ribbed
The value is 75c
per garment. . .The
weight and color
for warmth and
service. Our clear
ance sale
price is UUU
Our Clearance Sale
of Tatle Linens
and Napkins at
Per Cent
will be remembered is still on.
"DftTTo' QTirl We have decided to
Dvjro CtJ-LU. close three lines of
Girls' Hosiery. SX STJSZ
which we advise all mothers to see.
15c and 20c Miss' and Child's im- -ported
black cotton hose -LUC pair
25c Boys' heavv black cotton school .
m. best quality J.OC pair
Extra Pants
Made of a heavy solid
wool kersey cloth; colors
a gray mixed; seams
warranted not to rip.
-Anyone wanting a warm durable pair of Pants sure
ly will be interested in these. The price
of 2 is now red used to
x hum nujc-
Men's Duck.
Coat. Special!
This coat is made
of. a heavy brown
or black Duck,
lined with a heavy
wool blanketing and interlined with rubber, making
the garment perfectly wind and water proof.
The value is $2.45 Our Clearance d- QK
Sale Price is p.L.OO
White Coats
For barbers, butchers,
bartender's and waiter,.
wear. 'An entirely newstock.
dTOOlCll We have placed on sale today a
OJJcUxdl. heavy 36-inch bleached cotton
Towel at $1 per dozen.
Men's Colored
Dress Shirts
68 cents.
These shirts, sold
readily earlier in the
season at $1.00 We
had a liberal lot of
them. We sold a
great many of them.
The balance of eome three dozen are now selling at
68 cents. Study shirt economy in this buying,
there's money to be saved by it.
that are cut right, fit right
fit right and look right,
should be quite in demand
in this kind of weather.
That reminds us as having an all-wool Covert' Cloth,
light brown, double breasted box Mackintosh Coat,
that is the perfection of style, at only $6.50
which is three dollars and a half below real value.
BOV' Long Pants Suits for Boys
-fKJJr 0 from 11 to 19 years are in the
O'fTl 1 TI CT majority with us. To re-V-'XvJ
llXXJ-lg . verse matters we will offer
during our Clearance Sale, four lines of pppular
priced.reliable winterweight Suits in the above sizes,
at following reductions.
$5.00 Suits For $4.12
$6.50 " " 5.35
$7.50 " 6.15
10.00 " 7.90
s If your hat is' turning slightly shabby, it may in
interest you to know that we have a special counter
of fine hate, worth from $2.00 to $3.50, which are sell
ing at $1.25. Costs nothing to look at them.
Fur Collarettes, fine Cloth Capes and Jackets may
be bought now ot us at J less their regular price,
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No! a Man on Boari Escape! to Tell tie
Tale of ttie
Disaster Occurs During the Prevalence
of the Worst Blow Ever Known
There Direct Cause the Breaking
Loose of One of the Boom Logs
Between Which the Vessel Was
Moored Sunk in More Than
Twenty Fathoms of Water.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum baking; powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
Tacoma, Jan. 14. During a heavy
storm early thia morning the British
ehip Andalana was caught by a squall
and capsized in the harbor, sinking in
twenty-two fathoms oi water. The ac
cident occurred some time between the
hoars of 2 and 4 o'clock, but was not dis
covered until daylight.
All on board were drowned. The crew,
in command of Captain G. W. Stalling,
consisted of twenty-eight men all told.
Eleven of these had been discharged
yesterday, thu9 leaving the captain and
seventeen men to perish in the waves a
few hundred yards from land.
The disaster is one of the most mel
' ancholy ever recorded, and of much sim
ilarity to that which befell the British
ehip Blairmore in the harbor of San
Francisco about four years ago, of which
the details are still fresh in the minds of
the public.
The Adalana arrived on the Sound
from Shanghai December 2Sth, in bal
last. She was under charter to Epping
er & Co., to load wheat for the United
Kingdom, and four days ago was towed
into the harbor at Tacoma and moored
to a ballast buoy to have her hold cleared
for the cargo.
This was accomplished last evening,
and it was the intention to have the ves
sel shifted to the dock this morning
when the loading would have been com
menced. As is usual when a vessel ia lying light
on open water, ballast logs had been
made fast on either side to prevent any
accident should a blow occur.
Late . last night a strong wind com
menced sweeping over the' bay and it
Hearffallra tie. Cause, Besaffiu From
steadily grew in fierceness until during
the early part of this morning it had at
tained a velocity of seventy miles an
hour. It was a living gale bordering on
a hurricane.
Although the ship was under bare
poles, her high sides and lofty rigging
caught the wind so much that the chains
fastening the ballast logs to the ship's
side snapped. Thus without any sup
port the vessel could not withstand the
terrific squalls, but careened over to her
beam ends. A9 the ship was to have
commenced taking cargo this morning
the hatcbes had been left open, thus al
lowing the water to pour into the' hold
In large volumes. What took place on
board the ship from the time she cap
sized until she went to the bottom of
course is not known, as Dot one of those
on board remains to tell the tale, but the
general opinion is that all the men were
drowned in their bunks. It is estimated
that the Ehip sank within 15 minutes
after capsizing.
As soon as the accident had been dis
covered tuga steamed np and rushed out
in Bearch of possible survivors. A life
boat and much wreckage has come
ashore and tugs are now searching Com
mencement bay for rafts, boats and dead
bodies. ' . "
The Andalana was a four-masted iron
bark of 2395 tons net register, was built
in Wilkeson, Nova Scotia, in 1889, and
is owned Dy j. x. x w. jtooeris. one
was a first class vessel, and valued at
about $180,000.
Captain G. W. Stalling hails from
Annapolis, Nova Scotia, where he leaves
a wife and three children. The names
of the officers and crew are not known.
The storm which swept over the bay
last night is the most violent yet re
corded in this section. Reports from
neighboring points on the sound give
the velocity of the wind at 70 miles per
hour. At this place it is blowing at the
rate of 38 miles per hour today.
Chairman of the Ways and Means Com
mittee, and Leader of the Repub
licans in the House.
Freas Saunders has purchased the
wood buBidees of J. T. Reynolds in thia
city. Those desiring good wood will find
him by ringing up 'phone number 12.
house of representatives on Monday neit
The body will be taken to the horse at
o'clock, and there lie in state until
noon, when the service will becondncted
in the presence of the senate and house.
At 4 :20 in the afternion the funeral
party will leave for Lewiston, Me., ar
riving there at 2 o'clock Tuesday after
Washington, Jan, 13. Hon. Kelson
Dingley, of Maine, leader of the Repub
lican side on the floor of the bouse of '
representativep,, died here tonight at
10:30 o'clock, of heart failure, resulting
from extreme weakness due to pnu'e
inonia. He was unconscious during
most of the day, and death came quiet
ly, without consciousness being regained
All the members of his family were at
his bedside. To within a few hours be
fore his death, the family firmly believed
as it bad throughout his illness, that he
would recover. While the past few
days have given great hopes of recovery
the progress of the disease had made the
patient so dangerous' weak, and had
seriously affected his heart. Late last
night and again this morning, Mr. Ding
ley had another sinking spell, from j
which he slightly recovered. There
were further evidences of heart failure
as the day progressed, and the greatest
stimulants weie administered without
effect. He failed perceptibly during
the day and as night approached hope
was abandoned.' Mrs. Dingley is very
much prostrated by her husband's death
and she is now under the care of a phys
ician. Mr. Dingley bad spent all of the last
sixteen years of his life, when his con
gressional duties called him to Washing
ton, at the Hamilton House. He occu
pied rooms on the second floor and bad
with him his wife and daughter, the
eons being here but little.
Representative Dingley's illness dated
back to December 19th. The physicians
diagnosed his case as one of grip, so
commonly prevailing here, and cautioned
the patient to keep bis room. The fol
lowing Saturday, pneumonia developed
in the left lung, complicated with- the
irregularity of the heart. -
-The funeral will be conducted in the
A Pleasant, Simple but Safe and Effec
tual Cure For It.
Catarrh of the stomach has long been
considered te next thing to incurable.
The usual symptoms are a full or bloat
ing sensation after eating, accompanied
sometimes with sour or watery risings, a
formation of gases, causing pressure on
the heart and lungs and difficult breath
ing, headaches, fickle appetite, nervous
ness and a general played out, languid
There is often a foul taste in the
mouth, coated tongue and if the interior
of the stomach could be seen it would
show a slimy, inflamed condition.
kThe cure for this common and ob
stinate trouble is found in a treatment
which causes tte food to be readily,
or thoroughly digested before it has
time to ferment and irritate the delicate
'surface of the stomach. To secure a
prompt and healthy digestion is the one
necessary thing to do and w hen normal
digestion is secured the catarrahal con
dition will have disappeared.
According to Dr. Harlanson the safest
.and beet treatment is to use after each
meal a tablet composed of Diastase,
Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Gclden
Seal and fruit acids. These tablets can
now be found at all drug- stores under
the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets,
and not being a patent medicine can be
used with perfect safety and assurance
that .healthly appetite and thorough di
gestion will follow their regular use
after meals.
Mr. N. I.'Booher, of 2710 Dearborn St.,
Chicago, 111.; writes: "Cattarh' is a
local condition resulting from a neglected
cold in the bead, whereby the lining
membrance of the nose' becomes in
flamed and. the poisonous discharge
therefrom paesing backward into the
throat reaches the stomach, thus pro
ducing catarrah oi the stomach. Medi
cal authorities prescribed for me for
three years for catarrah of stomach
without cure, but today I am the
happiest of men after using only one
box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I
cannot find appropriate words to ex
press my good feeling. I have found
flesh, appetite and sound rest from their
use "
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets - is the
safest preparation as well as the very
simplest and most convenient remedy
for any form of indigestion, catarrah of
stomach, billionsness, sour, stomach,
heartburn and bloatfng after meals.
Send for little book, mailed free on
stomach troubles, by addressing: Stuart
Co., Marshall, Mich.' The tablets -can
be found at all drug stores. -
Back Seats 50c. Reserved 75c. Children 25c
A Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. : "Was taken
with a bad cold which settled on my
lungs ; cough set it and finally termi
nated In consumption. Four doctors
gave me up, eayiog I could live but a
short time. I gave myself up to my
Savior, determined if I could not stay
with my friends on earth, I would meet
my absent ones above. My husband
was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis
covery for consumption, coughs and
colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight
bottles. It has cured me, and thank
God, I am saved and now a well and
healthy woman." Trial bottles free at
Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Reg
ular size 50c and f 1. Guaranteed or
price refunded. 1
Wood Wood Wood.
We can furnish you with strictly first
class, dry, fir wood at tbe same prices
which you have been paying for inferior
quality. Send us , your'orders and get
the best. Phone 25.
Mchl 1 Jos. T. Pktzbs A Co.
Public I
Bomling Alley
Next to Columbia Hotel.
Open Day and flight
Couffteoas treatment
to all Boculevs...
Speeial Attractions
Tot Bowling Parties. Patronage of
the public respectfully aoUclted.
Estebenet & Esping, Props.
Branch Office
Oregon Viavi Company,
Room 7, over Franco's Bask.
Office hours, .
2 to 4 p. m-
' Charlotte F. Roberta.
Local Uanagec.