-v; . E " VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1899 NO 240 I our ce&tf Annual ie3ei3toy clearance sale. I Continues with greater Tim than ever. We are pleased to note the liberal returns daring the opening week of onr Sale, and to remind our customers that all lines advertised last week, at same reduced prices during th.e entire month of January, This week we add new items, good seasonable items to which, in turn, will be added other lines as we progress.' will continue Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear. The value is 75c per garment. The weight and color for warmth and service. Our clear ance sale tif price is.... OvO, Our Clearance Sale & of Table Linens and JNapkins at 25 Per Cent Discount will be remembered is still on. Boys' and Girls' Hosiery. which we advise all mothers-to see. 15c and 20c Miss' and Child's im ported black cotton hose 25c Bovs' heavy black cotton school - K . Hose, best quality IOC pair We have decided to Close three lines of black cotton Hos iery, extra values, 10c pair Men's Extra Pants Made of a heavy solid wool kersey cloth ; colors a gray mixed ; seams warranted not to rip. Anyone wanting a warm durable pair of .Pants sure ly will be interested in these.- The price of $2 is now reduced to . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . $1.55 Men's Duck Coat. Special! This coat is made of a heavy brown or black Duck, lined with a heavy wool blanketing and interlined with rubber, making the garment perfectly wind and water proof. . The value is $ 2.4o . Our Clearance Sale Price is. ... ; UUl. $1.85 jb. jt. jy. jajjj -p- -p- "TF "TXrVlTO ""rkOCS For bakers, butchers, VV JLLX l0 VyUdtO bartenders and waiters wear. An entirely newstock. . Q0ctT. We have placed on sale today a OJCUXdl. - heavy Scinch bleached cotton Towel at $1 per dozen. Men's Colored Dress Shirts 68 cents. These .' shirts sold readily earlier in the season at $1.00 We had a liberal lot of them. We . sold a great many of them. The balance of some three dozen are now 'selling at 68 cents. Study shirt economy in this buying,, there's money to be saved by it. Mackintosh Coats that are cut right, fit right fit right and look right, should be quite in demand in this kind of weather. That reminds us as having an all-wool Covert Cloth, light brown, double breasted box Mackintosh Coat, that is the perfection of style, at only $6.50 which is three dollars and a half below real value. Boys' Clothing1. Long Pants Suits for Boys from 11 to 19 years are in the majority, with us. To re verse matters we will offer during oar' Clearance Sale, four lines of popular priced, reliable winterweight Suits in the above sizes, at following reductions. $5.00 Suits ...For $412 $6 50 " 5.35 $7.50 " .:. 6.15 10.00 " . . 7.90 If your hat is turning slightly shabby, it may in-, interest you to know that we have a special counter of fine hats. worth from $2.00 to $3.50, which are sell ing at $1.25. Coats nothing to look at them. Far Collarettes, fine Cloth Capes and Jackets may be bought now ot us at less their regular price, A. M WILLIAiaS & CO. idftr n&rc iAr -fpir jnmi. -ji- pf. jffc JHp "kpT- jv BROOKE TO FORM A CABINET Four CM Secretaries fill Ail Him in AtmiiistMiE Alairs. . ALL WILL BE PROMINENT One or Two May Be Spaniards, Though Probably All Will Be Cubans General Ludlow Announces a Long List of Civil Appointments, Includ ing That of Menocal to Be Chief of Police. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders are the greatest xnenacers to health of the present day. ROYAL BAK1WQ PQWPCT CO. , NEW YORK. scription: "Independence or death." It is. said native troops in the environs of Manila number 30,000. , All profess great batred for : the Americans. The correspondent was arrested frequently on suspicion of being an American, but was released upon showing his consular papers. Agninaldo's soldiers one and all are longing to attack Manila. They declare they will accept no terms except abso lute independence. -' CONGRESS TO INVESTIGATE Havana, Jan. 13. Governor General Brooke has been carefully considering the formation of a cabinet of - civil ad visers, and has decided to have four sec-retaries-the first of state ' and govern ment j the second of finance ; the third of justice and public instructions; and the fourth of agriculture, industry, com merce and public works. Only promi nent residents of the island will be in vited to join' the cabinet. The governor-general has received ac ceptances from two, whose names are to be reserved until all four can be an nounced. One of the other two may be a Spaniard, though it is probable that all four will be Cubans. The appointments will take effect at noon on Saturday next, when the retir ing officers will turn over to their suc cessors their books, funds and public belongings. There are- two Spaniards among the appointees, Councilor Jose '- Somona and Senor Balbino Gonzales, . the I mayors secretary. The others ere Cabana, well-known lawyers, merchants, landowners, engineers, doctors and rep- reeentative men of all classes. . .' Coun cillor Matias Infanson is a colored man. The selections have been very, carefully made. The council will have. the same general function as attached to an ordi nary municipal council in the United States. has been made public, with - the excep tion of portions which are reported to relate to the controversy' with General Ludlow. The admonitions from Wash ington seem to have ended the contro versy, and checked some of Gen. Lud low's radical changes in what bad . been done by his predecessors. Gen. Ludlow and Gen. Menocal, of the Cuban army, bad a conference with Gen. Lee, relative to the organization of a rural police, Gen. Lee expected Menocal's active co-operation, but eince the latter is to be in Havana some other insurgent com mander can be designated for the work.-- - - - The graves of the Maine victims in the Columbus cemetery will be enclosed by a simple railing, which will preserve the spot from neglect until it is determined whether a monument shall be erected or whether the bodies shall be disinterred and removed to the United States. The working men in the city are show ing an uneasiness over the change in money values, They want their" wages in American money as a safeguard, and the laborers on the docks have struck to enforce their demand that American currency, be : substituted for Spanish gold. - ' - ": - SITUATION AT MANILA GRAVE War Board Censures Eagan, Who It Is Said Will Back Down Miles Will m Ignore Eagan's Screed. the instincts of a gentleman. If the secretary of war chooses to take cog nizance of General Eagan's language well and good. I certainly ehall not do so. "I have not volunteered any informa tion regarding the controversy over the beef furnished the army during the Spanish-American war. I was asked to go before the investigating commission, and did so. Being before the cocomis sion, I felt it my duty to state facts as I understand them, and- to furnish such corroborative evidence hand." as I had at Ludlow Goes a Little Slow. New Yobk, Jan. 13. A dispatch to the Tribune from Havana says : Col. Moulton's report on the organiza Insurgents Are Enthusiastic at the -.v-l1cfca of Attacking the City, and lirsist Upon Independence. New Yobk, Jan. 13. A dispateh to the ' Herald from Manila says : The situation here . becomes graver hourly. The Herald correspondent visited Agui- naldo'6 nntposts around Manila Saturday and Sunday- The native troops seemed enthusiastic at the idea of an attack up on Manila. . Oo all: the houses -are dis played H.tming posters bearing this in Washington, Jan. 13. Army circles this morning had scarcely recovered from the s nock caused yesterday by the state ment of Commissary-General Eagan. Still, in consideration of the matter, the officers have reached a point where they begin to appreciate the real gravity of the event and understand its probable effect on the future of the army and of its probable influence on legislation which may be desired for the military establishment. From of ficers of the highest rank down, nothing is said for publication, though general regret is felt at the occurrence. '- Sober second judgment of the coolest minds on both eides, meaning the friends of Eagan and Miles, inclines to the opinion that no action will follow yesterday '8 eruption. The general feeling in the matter has narrowed down to a personal issue between Eagan and Miles, and owing to ' the president's promise to protect' witnesses who might appear before the . war investigating commission from 'consequences of any testimony they might give there, no department of the government can take cognizance of the affair. - Up to 1 :30 o'clock neither Miles nor Breckinridge bad ' appeared at their offices. Eagan was at his desk as usual. He. refused to say anything beyond what be had given to the war commia sion yesterday, saying, that the state- ment was an official utterance and fully covered bis feelings and belief. " Chicago, Jan. 13. A special to the Tribune from Washington says: When General Miles was seen in regard to General Eagan's statement before, the war investigation commission he said "I shall pay no attention to a man who seems to forget that he wears thf uniform of the United States army, and that this dignity should .carry with it Washington, Jan. 13. The, war in vestigating commission today passed a resolution censuring Eagan for the language hie used yesterday when he appeared to answer charges made against the commissary branch of the army by Miles, and returned to him the carefully prepared typewritten statement which he left with the commission after read- ing it to that body. Brigadier-General Leonarad A. Wood was the star witness before the commission today. He praised the quality of the much-talked-ot beef furnished the army, and said ex cept for some cans that were tainted and consequently promptly " thrown away, the beef was of good quality, and be himself has used the meat both in the war and in his own family. - Washington, Jan. 13. It was gath ered from friends ofEagan today that be is prepared to accept the suggestion in the letter of the war inquiry commission and will amend his statement so as to exclude the matter complained of. W ould Be Taken as Casus Belli. New Yore, Jan. 13. A dispatch to the Herald from Hong Kong says: A steamer just arrived from Manila brings a large number of rich, and influential Filipinos and their families, who have left the Philippines owing to the situa tion there.. -r --: The refugees state that the landing of American troops at IIo Ho would be treated as a casus belli, and that the Filipino army thereupon would attack General Otis at Manila. - : ' The Filipino government has offered an asylum in the provinces to foreign families, including Spaniards who are now inhabiting Manila. - ' Bow to Prevent Pneumonia. " You are rhaps aware that pneu monia always results from a cold or from an attack of. La' Grippe. .'Duriog the epidemic of La Grippe a. few years ago when so many cases resulted in pneu monia, it was observed that the attack was never followed by that disease when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or La Grippe to result in that dangerous disease. It is the best remedy, in the world . for bad colds and La Grippe. Every bottle warranted., For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggiste. - "; DeWitt'a Lin e tcty Risers, -The timuui li tic Dills. , JUST ONE NIGHT, MONDAY, JAN. 16, THD COMEDY NOVELTY ON THE A PURE STORY OF TRUE SOUTHERN HEARTS. A SMILE, A LAUGH, A YELL, A SIGH, A SOB, A TEAK. A CAREFULLY SELECTED COMPANY. NEW AND FETCHING SPECIALTIES. OLD AUNT LINDY IS A WONDER ALL SPECIAL SCENERY. Back Seats 50c. Reserved 75c. Children 25c A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. : . "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set it and finally termi nated ' In - consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior,, determined if I could not stay with my frlends-on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My hue-band was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and .colds.- I gave it a trial, took io all eight bottles. It has cured me, . and thank God, I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at Blakfley & Hoaghton's.drnir store. Reg ular hz 50c and $1. Guaranteed or price refunded. . - 1 Wood Wood Wood , We can furnish you with strictly first class, dry, 8r wuod at - the same prices which you have been paying for inferior quality. Send us your orders and get the bst. Phone 25. - Mch. 1 Jos. T. Petebs & Co. Public Boualinp; Alley Next to Columbia Hotel. ; Open Day and Sight CouKtaous tfeatfioent to all Boccilers... Special Attiraetions For Bowling Parties. Patronage of the public respectfully solicited. Estebenet & Esping, Props Branch OfSae Oregon Viavi Company, Boom 7, over French's Bank. Office hours, 2 to 4 p. m- Charlotte F. Roberta. , Local Manager. tion of the police force and bis part in it