The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 13, 1899, Image 3

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Clearance Sale of Bicycles
Is.t in chewing the string, any more than the nuotine of low crices is a Droof
' of a reduction in the cost of goods, tothe consumer; but the quoting of prices has
proven two things conclusively
FIRST-T-That the public read our advertisements, v
SEDOND That they believe wliat they read.
If the public will continue" thereading - of these qu anions they will find seme new things every few days
that will surprise them, as all Winter Goods must be cleaued up' preparatory to the great change we are going to
make in our numerous departments. REMEMBER that all goods previously quoted for this Clearance Sale re
main the same price until closed out or. the sale is discontinued.
60c Blankets for 1 45c
75c Blankets for 49c
$1.00 .Blankets for. .. : 78c
$1.00 White Blankets for 79c
10- 4 Gray Blankets, $1 50 for $1.23
64-76 " " 1.75for 1.49
11- 4 " " 2.00 for .. .: 1.73
10- 4 " 2 25 for 1.87
10 4 " special $2 50 for 1.55
11- 4 " $4 50 for 3.57
11-4 " " 5.00 for 4.33
101b " 6 50 for 5.39
72x84 " " 8 00 for : 7 15
10 4 White " 4.00 for " 3.19
70x82 " " 8.50 for 7.23.
66x80 " ' 9.00 for 7.57
72x94 " " 10.00 for 8.73
68x86." 11.00 for ,.9.57
Far Rugs will interest a'lmopt anyone theeo de
lightfully cold njormngs, especially when they learn
that we have just four email lots left "that we are
selling regardless of cost.
One lot... $2 50 now $1 57
One lot 3 5Q now 2 35
One lot 5 Ou now 2 95
One lot 6 50 now 3 95
. Mast share the same fate as the For Bugs..'
One lot....... ..$1 00 pow $ 67
One lot...: 125 now , 85
One lot 1-75. now' .l 19
One lot 2 '26 now 1 50
One lot 2 50 now 1 67
One lot 2 75 now 1 85
One lot. . '. 3 00 'now 2 00
Ocelot 4 00 now 2 67
One lot -. 4 50 now 3 00
Another good chance to eapply yourself with re
liable Footwear at almost Half Price. These goods
are not shop worn, but clean, shapely shoes, and of
the best makes.
Men's tan box calf lace, heavy soles, $4 00 shoes
for $3 00.
Men's- calf congress, broad toe,-54 to 8, $5 00
shoe for $3 00.. ' ,.'
Men's cordoyan congress, narrow toe, ii 00 shoe
for $2 75.
. .
Men's kangaroo congress, square toe, $4 00 shoe
for $2-75. -
Ladies'calf button, common sense welts, $3 50
shoe for $2 50. ,
Ladies' cloth top button, common eeuse welts,
$3 50 shoe for $2 50.
Ladies' vici kid button, common sense welts,
$3 50 shoe for $2 50.
! Ladies' vici kid button, narrow equare toe, $3 00
shoe for $1 50. .
..Ladles' pebble and glove-grain button, $1 50
shoe for 75c. ,
Misses'.cloth iop button. $2 50 shoe for'$l 50..
Misses' vici kid button, coin toe, $1 50 shoe for,.
95 cents. - .. :: "
- Misses' vici kid button, squarje toe, 1 50 shoe for
95 cents. ' '.
Misses' pebble -grain button, $1 50 shoe for 95c".
Boys' veal lace, broad toe, 2 to h, $1 50 shoe
for 95c. ' ' ,
Bovs' satin calf congress, 2 to 5, $2 00 shoe
for $1 25. . . ,
Child's kid button, square toe, 8o to 11, $1 50
shoe for 95e. - ',
.': Child's kid. button, coin toe, 8g to 11, $125 shoe
for 75 cents, - -
Child's calf lace, heels, 6 to.7,1 25c. . v
Beginning with the new- year we propose
to impress upon all the fact "that we are sel
ling GROCERIES. Below we give you a few
prices to prove to yon that we are after your
trade, and - if Cheap Prices. Good Goods and
Prompt-Attention will, accomplish it, we leel
assured of Success. '.
Bulk Roasted Coffee .. $ .11
Morning Star Coffee, M and J blend ...... .29
Pare Kettle Rendered Lard, 5 to 101b pail .09
Country Lard, 10 pound paile j07
Valencia Raisins . . ; 05
California Black Figs -. . .04
" . White Figs 04
" Table Raspberries, Strawber
ries and Cherries': 11
California Table Grapes.. 09
- Cotton Float Laundry Soap, 12 oz. ....... .03
White Cap Floating Soap, for bath or toi
let, 10 oz. . 06
White Cap Flpatiug Soap, for bath or ioi-
Ief,6oz , .04
White Ash Soap, for bath or toilet, 8 oz. . . .05
" " " ' . . 4 oz. . .03
Capco Toilet Soap, large bar. . .04
Gold Drop Washing Powder, 3 pound pkg .17
. . 1 " 07
15 pound pail Jelly, any flavor ., . .53
Old Tim Maple Syrup', gallon cans. . . .37
Charco New Health Flnid each package-
equal to V pound of Tea or Coffee ; . .05
15c size Boston Baked Beans 07
20c ; " - - 09
.4 pound package Germpa. i .15
. Spear Hed Tobacco. 16 oz plugs, per plug .45
Biggest and Best, 10 oz " " . .25
Quality and Quality, 16 oz " " .30
6 for 10, . 16 oz " " " .25
X T C 16 oz " " " .25
T. and B Plug Cut, high grade, per pound .50
Sorg Mixture, 2 oz pkgs, granulated, each , .04
Red Cross Chewing, per 12 oz plug .18
All Goods Marked in
Plain Figures.
For Less than Half Price
We wish to clear but all old stock before mov
ing into new store and. have some bargains.
... This is an opportu nity to -get a bicycle cheap
All wheels sold at half regular price.
Mays d25 Crowe.
, Opposite old stand.
.We have the largest assortment ever displayed in The Dalles, and
you will find our prices are lower than all of our competitors.
Books, in Endless Variety.
Cloth bound, 12 roo., 200 titles, 12c each. Chatterbo'x, latest edi
tion, only 69c. All goods marked in plain figures.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
Tlie Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JANUARY 13. 1899
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, Jan uary io, 1899.
The best dry fir cord
Benton's.' .
wood at Maier &
1 lw
Weather Tonight, fair; Saturday,
enow or rain ; warmer,
-Somehow news reached Goldendale
today that the stage driver, Howard
Marshall, had been drowned in the Co)-.
rumbia. They immediately telephoned
oyer for particulars and were delighted
to have the report denied. .
Members ol the Ep worth League are
reminded of thV business meeting to be
held tonight in the basement of the
church. '
A latch key was picked up. on the cor
ner of Sixth and Washington streets yes
terday. The owner can have the same
by calling at this office and paying for
advertising. -
Rev. J.I. G. Steverson, of the Ger
man Baptist denomination, .arrived in
the' city yesterday, and will preach ttyifi
evening in the Christian- church. Ail
are invited to be present. . " V i
Everyone is invited to be a passenger
on the Y. P. S. C. E. sleighVide. If
you do not get your tickets during the
'day you can secure them at the church
tonight before starting. ' :
Capt. Lewis delivered bis lecture In ,
Hood River . Monday evening, which
proved to be about the stormiest night,
of ttoe season, and in consequence the
audience was small. This was unfortu
nate for the people of that town, as they
missed a treat. We have not beard from
the country where he lectured at Bar
rett and Odell school bouses.
W. H. Williams, representing the
Portland firm of W. P. Fuller & Co.,
came up from that city laet night, and
is today engaging in finishing up the
work on the plate glass windows of
Mays & Crowe's new bnilding.
The Qiegon Railroad"" & Navigation
Company's passenger station at Pendle
ton was destroyed by fire . early yester
day morning, entailing a loss 'of from
$2500 to $3000.' The fire caught in the
baggage-room, and totally, consumed
naif the depot building, badly damaging
tie remainder.
A merry crowd was out cptfsting on
Union cut last night.- .They report the
hill in tip top condition .from Phillips'
grocery store down to Second street. In
'fact they don't stop there, but turn the
earner and go up a half-block, on Second.
There is no end ofamusement this win
ter. - The Dalles Was' the test all-around
climate on earthany way. ' ' .
i - -
. The sleighing party to be given by the
Y. P. S. C. E. of the Congregational
church tonight will be jk jolly affair.
Especially enjoyable be the time
spent at-the Roberts' farm, in Dry
Hollow, where a lunch .will be served.
Good hot coffee never tastes better than
at the-end of a ride in the wintery ' at
mosphere. You can enjoy the whole f
fir for 35 cents by being at the Congre
gational church at 7 :30 o'clock ready to
start. If you drive out in yonr own con
veyance take 10 cents along for lunch.
' At a meeting of the stockholders of
the Arlington National bank tbe follow
ing were , elected directors: 1). M,
French," ot The Dalles : W. W. Steiwer,
of Fossil ; W. Lord, of The Dalles ; L. C.
Edwards and A. C. Haweoo, of" Arling
ton; The directors later elected D. M.
French president, W. W. Steiwer vice
president, and F. T. Hurlburt caBhier.
These officers have had charge of the
bank for tbe last five years. ' They say
that the past year has been the most
prosperous one In the history of the in
stitution.. - .
Fred Burchtorf returned from Port
land last night in splendid condition,
and will no doubt be . able to greet bis
friends on the street by tomorrow. ' He
says there is qaite a Dalles delegation In
St. Vincent hospital. Mr. Blakeney is
getting along nicely, also Will Herrin,
who went through an operation similar
to Mr. Burchtorf's. He will probably
return home next week.. Before leaving,
Mr. Burchtorf called on William O'Neal.
whose case he saysjs hopeless, although
he himself does not tealize his condition,
but says he expects to be home in two
months at tne most. ' -'
Ladies doing shopping on Second street
need not be ignorant of the length of
time which remains ' be lore tbe - dinner
hour; for by consulting the large new
electric' clock just placed' in front of
Daut's store they will be advised of the
correct time. This- clock is connected
by electric wires with a time pieye'in
tbe optical room, - and etcb . moment
when the connection is made- the hands
on the large clock jump ahead a minute.
It would be a splendid device for a town
clock. '
Last night when J. Jackson Jr., and
Chas. Catbcart were preparing to take a
crowd out to a dance at Marquiss' place,
on Cbenoweth creek, the horses, which
bad not been driven much since the
storm, became frightened and dashed
down Second street, from the East End,
'.turning the corner at Union, and up
setting the large sleigh in front of S L.
Brooks' 'residence. Fortunately none
of the party was yet in the sleigh, and
Jackson, whe was driving got.out before
they had gone far and was not injured.
. Yesterday afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
Smith French received a telephone mes
sage from Dr. Ford Warren, of Portland,
Isaying that their daughtei,' Dr. Ger
If rude, was againlll and requesting the
do come aown on tne atternoon train
atllie sirl&e time Adding that they
not unduly alarmed. In an hour they
were on their way to the city, and upon
reaching there were immediately taken
to Dr. Warren's home, to which place
tbe patient bad been removed. This
morning Wm. Condon telephoned and
received word1 that her ailment was
about tbe same as before pa far as the
heart trouble was concerned, but that
there is now no cause for alarm. . Know
ing the anxiety Mr. and Mrs. French
would feel, and the regret were th
worst to take place during their absence!
ur. warren thought best to 1 send Io;
them at once. ' :
The ladies of the Aid Society of th
Congregational church would have no
objections if Mrs. C. B. jjushing bad
wedding in her family every week, pro
viding tney were permitted to Ed
thoroughly enjoy the hours of -the fol
lowing afternoon as they did yesterday,
The parlor decorations were left just as!
they were on the occasion of the wed 4
ding, and the house' lit up by fancyy
candles, which' made the effect very;
pretty. Indeed, the ladies say tbey had.
the wedding festivities, minus tbe bride
and groom, and. tbey declare tbe re-j
. 1 V. 1 . .
11 ;au 1 1 1 cuia tuum uui unto ucm vetter
'Tie needless to cay tbe afternoon was si
perfect one, full of enjoyment. .
Roberta Introduced a Bill for Fruchim
for Toll Road.
170; SecondlHreet
r -in
The Dallee, Oregon.
Tbe Brave Postmistress Successful
Foils Tneir Plans.
Mrs. J. A. Croaeen not only proved
herself equal to the emergency in suc
cessfully preventing burglars from enter
ing tbe postoffice Wednesday night, but
also evaded the vigilance of the ever
present newspaper reporters, and cheat
ed them out of a first-class sensational
item yesterday. However, her . bravery
in this case totally precludes any com
plaint which might be made by us.
During th'e absence of Postmaster
Crossen, his wife has assumed charge of
tbe office, and Wednesday night her
duties kept her at her post until the
midnight hour, when she was engaged
in distributing the mail which came up
on tbe 11 :30 train. -Having no thought
of fear she paid slight attention to a
noise which once or twice came from
tbe direction of the window in the south
west corner of the. room, until it became
so loud as to startle her. Looking in
that direction she saw the large iron
windows being opened. As the glass
window is secured by iron bars, the
outside windows are frequently left no
clasped that the- night watchman may
open them and have a view of the office,
tbe bars preventing any one entering.
In a moment more two men appeared at
the window, with hats pulled down over
their eyes and high collars turned up
over their ears so that it was impossible
to recognize them.
Mrs. Crossen stood fora moment dumb
founded, but at once remembered the
telephone. Stepping to the 'phone, at
the eauie time. keeping her eye on the
man who bad his arm through tbe bars
attempting to raise the window, she
rang up the night watchman. .
. Evidently the culprits saw she had
the drop on them, as no doubt their
object was to raise 'tbe window, cover
her with their revolvers and demand her
to open the door, which of course tbey
could have done bad help not been
Capitol, Salem. Jan. 13. Among the E1
measures introduced in the house today within reach.
was a bill to pay Rosanna Lancaster or I However, taking in tbe situation they
heirs, four- thousand dollars. She , is Withdrew a few feet ; when, with a cour
the widow of Columbia Lancaster, who ge born of desperation, Mrs. Crossen
was supreme judge of Oregon territory
in 1849.
Hogg introduced a temperance, bill,
which provides that saloon keepers
petitioning for license must secure a ma
jority of the names of the bona fide
electors in the precinct before said
license is granted.
Geer'a message accompanying the re
port of tbe agricultural college, thanked
the legislature for the appropriation and
presented the future needs of the in
stitution. The aid rendered in replac
ing mechanical ball is fully adequate.
The bill in behalf of the Denny
pheasants, dieallowing the sale for four
years, except alive, was introduced by
Lewie. ' The memorial to congress re
garding the justice of the claims of the
Indian war veterans was adopted.
K Roberts introduced the bill granting a
franchise to Hoag for. a toll road and
bridge across tbe John Day from Sher
man county to Fossil.
' House adjourned until 2:30 Monday.'
alked to the spot, raised the glass win
ow and in an instant pulled the iron
indews to and clasped them.
In about five minutes from the time
he rang the . 'phone Nightwatchman
?PhIrman. arrived, but tbe robbers bad
gdisappeared, leaving no trace save the
heavy foot prints in the snow under the
window. '-
It is believed tbe men were not pro-
essionals. Certain it is that a woman's
ravery foiled them in perhaps their
ret attempt at such a dastardly piece
business. -
nd so again a woman, whom it' might
beVhougbt from her physical appear
ancevtoo weak to brave tbe slightest
danger, proves herself a heroine.
"On the Suwanee River,", ie described
as a new southern comedy drama. It
appeals to all classes of theater-goers.
There are many novel developments in
tbe plot, and the greatest advantage has
been taken of the' possibilities for. the
scenic embelishments. The company is
a good one. all being equally well adapt
ed for their respective parte, and in
cludes such favorite players as Polly
Stock well, Allen H. Bailey, Stella May
hew, Lawrence Earl Atkinson, Fannie
Mathias, Fred 'Jrausdell, Harry Sted
man, Wiliiard Newell, R. A. Gilmore,
C. A. Lacy and the Fountain City Quar
tet. At tbe Vogt Monday evening.
In Olden Times
People overlooked the importance of
permanently beneficial effects and were
satisfied with the transient action ; but
now that it is generally known that
Syrup of Figs will permanently over
come habitual constipation, well in
formed people will not buy other laxa
tives, which act for a time, but finally
injure the system. Buy tbe genuine,'
made by the California Fig Syrup Co.
Coughing injures and inflames sore
lnngB. One Minute Cough Cure loosens
the cold, allays coughing and heals
quickly. The best cure for children,
perfectly harmless. Snipes-Kinersly
Dru Company.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
Thut is what It was md- for
gD (9
Maier & Benton will give away one
For every One Dollar pur
chase during January and
February we will give one
chance free on the steel range.
& Benton
167 Second St THE DALLES, OR.