VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1899, NO 239 ap. jp. 3prcjK jc'ke ay ayK St aftraiyt jc ac :ys: jc g- OUIR GREAT AWW.UAL -IWVEMTORY -CLEARANCE- . SALE. "" , . -. ... - . Continues with greater vim than eyer. ' We are pleased to note the liberal returns during theopening week of our Sale, and to remind our customers that all lines advertised last week, will continue at same reduced prices during the entire month of January, This week we add new items, good seasonable items to which, in turn, will be added other lines as we progress. Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear. The value is 75c per garment." The weight and color for warmth . and service. Our clear ance sale fcCOf " price is . Ow Our Clearance Sale of Tatle Linens and Napkins at 25 Per Cent Discount will be remembered is still on. Boys' and Girls' Hosiery. We have decided to close three lines of black cotton Hos iery, extra values, which we advise all mothers to see. 10c pair 15c and 20c Miss' and Child's im ported black cotton hose 25c Boys' heavv black cotton school icft .. Hose, best quality J-OC pair Men's . Extra Pants of $2 is now redused to Made of a heavy solid wool kersey cloth; colors a gray mixed ; 6eams warranted not to rip. Anyone wanting a warm durable pair of Pants sure ly will be interested in these. The price i-i KK yx.uu TVTfln 'o T" n -!? - This coat is made JXLCJJ. O XJ XjX. of a heavy brown Coat. Special! lined with a heavy wool blanketing and interlined with rubber, making the garment perfectly wind and water proof. The value is $2.45 Our Clearance i4 OK SalePriceis tpX.OO White Coats bartenders and waiters wear. An entirely newetock. ' Q!for"? Cll We have placed on sale today a 0jGUJ.dX. heavy 36-inch bleached cotton Towel at $1 per dozen. Men's Qolored -S season at $1.00 We bad a liberal lot of them. We sold a great many of them. The .balance Of some three dozen are now selling at 68 cents. , Study, shirt economy in this buying, ' there's money to be saved by it. Dress Shirts 68 cents. Mackintosh Coats that are cut right, fit right fit rights and look right, should be quite in demand in this kind of weather. That reminds us as having an all-wool Covert Cloth, light brown, double breasted box Mackintosh Coat, that is the perfection of style, at only J6.50 which is three dollars and a half below real value. BOV' Long Pants Suits for Boys -v"'7 from 11 to 19 years are in the (""1 Vl 1 Tl 0 maiority ' with us. To re 'XvJ I J-LJ.JJ.g3 . verse matters we will offer during our -Clearance Sale, four lines of popular priced, reliable winterweigbt Suits in the above eizes, at following reductions. $5.00 Suits For $4.12 $6.50 " . 5.35 $7.50 " y 6.15 10.00 " 7.90 If your hat is turning slightly shabby, it mav in interest you to know that we have a special counter of fine hats. worth from $2.00 to $3.50, which are sell ing at $1.25. Costs nothing to look at them. Fur Collarettes, fine Cloth Capes and Jackets may be bought now oi us at J less their regular price, TOT A. HA. . WILLIAMS - CO. t SAYS MILES IS A PLAIN LIAR E33E Calls tie CommanJini General Sine Hard Names. SAID BEFORE WAR BOARD His Testimony Proves to be Both Vigor ous and Sensational Declares That When Miles Said the So Called Embalmed Beef Was Sent to Porto Rico Under Pretense of Experiment, He Willfully and Ma liciously Lied. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders arc the greatest . menacers to nealth of the present day. " ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. this beef or anything; whatever was fur nished the army under 'pretense of an experiment.' " GETTING READY J SENATE NOW THE- ' BATTLE-GROUND -TO LEAVE '. Washington, Jan. 12. The most vig orous and sensational testimony was given before the war investigating com mittee today by Commissary-General Eagan, who appearing nnezpectedly to meet the allegation against the beef is issued in the war, vigorously arraigned General Miles, commanding the army. He denied numerous statements made by Miles, charged that the latter's testi mony constituted several reflections on commanding generals of the expeditions and referred to him as ''This same Com manding General Nelson A. Miles," and said: "Who ever called beef furnished 'embalmed beef, is a liar." W. B Miles, in charge, of Armour & Co. 'a plant, appeared for the packing bouse. He testified aB to the quantity of the canned meats and methods of inspection. Commissary Eagan, in the course of his testimony, called Gen. Miles, com manding the army, "A liar, who lied in bis throat, lied in bis heart, lied in ev ery part of his body," who perpetrated a gross scandal and" who should be drummed out of the service and im prisoned, and should be avoided by ev honest man and barred from every club, He characterized1 bis interviews as "filth." Eagan's testimony on this point was: - "Miles was asked by your commission bow tinned beef became part of the army . rations. His answer was 'You had bet ter ask the secretary of war or the com issarygeneral. I think they can tell you. I know it was sent to the army as food, and the pretense is that it was sent as an experiment.'' This he says, not even giving credit to me for sending it as an experiment, but that I furnished it under 'pretense of an experiment.' This serious charge should be made by no man lightly, not without evidence to support. "Taking it in the sense that it was prob ably intended, the sense that will be ac cepted by the country at large, the sense that already the press ot the United States has accepted it (indeed, some of the press, because it called ' for my dis missal from the army and my court martial). I answer that it was not fur nished under pretense of an experiment, nor even as 'an experiment, and when Miles'charged that it was furnished as a 'pretense of an experiment' he lies in throat, he lies in his heart, lies in every hair of hie head, and every pore of his body. He lies wilfully, deliberately, in tentionally and maliciously. "If his statement is true that this beef was furnished under 'pretense of an ex periment,' then I should be drummed out ot the army and incarcerated in prison with the other, libelers. His statement is a scandalous libel, reflect ing'npon the honor of every officer in the department; who has contracted for or furnished this meat, and especial ly and particularly on the commissary general, myself. . "In denouncing Miles as a liar when be makes this statement.I wish to make it as emphatic and coarse as the state ment itself. I wieh to force the lie back into bis throat, covered with the con tents .of a camp latrine! I wish to brand it as a falsehood of the ' whole cloth, without a particle of truth to sustain it, and unless he can prove bis 'statement, he should be driven out of clubs', barred from the society of decent people, and so ostracized that the street bootblack would not condescend to epeak to bim, for he has fouled his .own nest, he has aspersed the honor of a brother officer without a particle of evidence or fact to sustain in any degree the f scandalous, libelous,' malicious falsehood, viz: That California Volunteers- Preparing For the Muster Out ClerMiB SpaMe Will Probably Be Re: luM There. . Vancodve, Wash., Jan. 12. Since the receipt of the telegram . directin g the mustering out of the . battalion of the Eighth California volunteers, now stationed here, the -men and officers have been busy putting their affairs in shape to turn over tq their successors, when they are designated. There is a report that a troop of the Fourth cavalry, now stationed at Fort Walla Walla, will be eent here, but no orders have been issued to that effect, and officers in position to know do not know what troops, if any, will be sent. . It ia possible that the small detach ment of men from the' Fourteenth in fantry, comprising those who returned from Alaska, and a few men who have returned from Manila, will be expected to do the duty of eight companies. The volunteers expect to be able to leave here within two weeks, and the men who relieve them will probably be ordered to this point within the next few days. ' J - ; No Columbia Dock Soon. Washington, Jan. 11. Senator Mc Brldn has determined to leave no stone nnturned to secure a dock for th Columbia riyer, but it looks a little doubtful of getting anything of the kind at this session of congress. The sena tor has introduced two propositions tor' this purpose and is trying to have them made a part of the naval appropriation bill. T The fact that the government has entered upon the construction of several new docks throughout the country will probably prevent anything being done for the Columbia just now. It is gener ally conceded that, more docks are needed, but just where they will be lo cated and when they will be built is yet a question for the future to decide. - Suicided on the Street. Butte. Mont.' Jan.' 11. Albert James Lee, aged 35, who came here 15 months ago from Chicago as aesistant steward at the Butte hotel, committed suicide on Broadway, one of the main business streets of the city, by shooting himself through the head. Lee was separated from bis wife, and for some months past had been doing odd jobs about town; Tbia morning he went; to the bank, drew $50, bought a revolver, and went to the office of Dr. L. E. Holmes, who was treating him for' a secret 'disease. Coming out of the office, he placed, the pistol to bis head and fired. SENATE WANTS MORE CLERKS And the Present Indication . is That They Will Make a Vigorous Fight in Order to Get Them The Tilt Between the Governor and the Senate Amicably Settled. Capitol, Salem, Jan. 12. While the clerkship equabble ia disposed of, for the time being at least, in the house, it is by no means yet settled in the senate. The house submitted to the inevitable with good grace, and will endeavor to struggle through the session with a greatly reduced ciaricel force. Most of the committees will perhaps be able to get along with the allowance given them under the resolution passed yesterday, and those that require more assistance will have no difficulty whatever In get ting them.' In the senate the matter remains in status quo, and the prospect is that the present force of clerks will be consider ably increased before the honorable sen ators will have peace of mind. The tilt between the governor and the senate over the unconfirmed appoint ments of the board of regents of the state university yesterday morning promised to lead to some racy and in teresting developments, but with the concession of the senate yesterday after noon, represented . by the returning of the appointments to the chief executive, I'tbese prospects vanished. The gover nor's right to recall the appointments was conceded, and the hitherto friendly relations existing between the governor and senate have been restored. The result of., the return of the ap pointments, it is predicted,' will effect only one of ex-Governor Lord's appoint ees. 'This appointee is ex-Secretary of State Harrison B. Kincaid, who will probably be relieved on political grounds, lican. There is little question but that VOGT OPERA HOUSE. JUST ONE NIGHT, MONDAY, JAN. 16, TUB COMEDY NOVELTY ON THE E HlEt 8 ulBIU"MJI"-'irmmiriiflMMnf7toB . I A PURE STORY OF TRUE SOUTHERN HEARTS. A SMILE, A LAUGH, A YELL. A SIGH, A SOB, A TEAR. A CAREFULLY SELECTED COMPANY. NEW AND FETCHING V SPECIALTIES. OLD AUNT" LIN DY IS A WONDER ALL SPECIAL SCENERY. Back Seats 50c. Reserved 75c. Children 25c C. A. Dolph and K. S, Bean will be re-, appointed. S. H. Holt, whose appoint ment as trustee of the - Soldier's Home was also returned to the governor, will no doubt aleo be reappointed. A Narrow Escape. . Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. : "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on . my lungs ; cough set it and finally termi nated In consumption. - Four doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I. gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis covery for. consumption, coughs and colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God, I am saved and now a well and bealthy woman." . Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Reg ular ize 50c and $1. Guaranteed or price refunded.' .. 1 De Witt's Little Early Risers, The amiHu li.rtc oilia. Poblie BoLUling Alley .... Kext to Columbia Hotel. Open Day and Sight. Courteous treatment to all Booulers... Special Attractions For Bowling- Parties. Patronagre of " . the public respectfully aoUciied. Estebenet' & Esping, Props. Branch Offiea Oregon Viavi Company, Boom 7, oyer French' Bank, Office houxB, 2 to 4 p. m- Charlotte F. Roberto, , Local Manager.