C3J Clearance Sale of Bieyeles NEW ATSTD 2d HAND WHEELS For Less than Half Price Is not in chewing the string, any morefthan the quoting of low prices is a proof , of a reduction in the cost of goods, to the consumer; but the quoting of prices has proven two things conclusive ; FIRST That the public read our advertisements. SEDOND That they believe what they read. If the public will continue the reading of these quotations they will find seme -new things every few days that will surprise them, as all Winter Goods must be cleaned up preparatory to the great ciiange we are going to make in our numerous departments. REMEMBER that all goods previously quoted for this Clearance Sale re main the same price until closed out or the sale is discontinued. BLANKETS. 60c Blankets for 45c 75c Blankets for 49c $1.00 Blankets for 78c $1.00 White Blankets for 79c 10- 4 Gray Blankets, $1.50 for . .$1.23 64-76 " " 1.75 for 1.49. 11- 4 " " . 2.00 for ; 1.73 10- 4 " " 2 25 for 1.87 10 4 " special $2.50 for 1.55 11- 4 ' " $4 50 for 3.57 11-4 " " 5.00 for 4.33 101b ' 6 50 for 5.39 72x84 " " 8 00 for 7.15 10 4 White " 4 00 for 3.19 70x82 ' " 8.50 for 7.23 66x80 " " 9.00 for 7.57 72x94 " 10.00 for 8.73 68x86 " 11.00 for 9.57 FUR RUGS. Far Rags will interest almost anyone these de lightfully cold mornings, especially when they learn that we have just four small lots left that we are selling regardless of cost. One lot $2 50 now $1 57 One lot 3 50 now 2 35 One lot , , 5 00 now 2 95 One lot 6 50 now 3 95 SMYRNA RUGS Mast share the same fate as the Far Bags. One lot .$1 00 now $ ' 67 One lot 1 25 now 85 One lot 1 75 now 1 19 One lot... 2 25 now 50 One lot 2 50 now 1 67 One lot 2 75 now 1 85 One lot .- 3 00 now. 2 00 Ooe lot ; 4 00 now 2 67 One lot 4 50 now 3 00 FOOTWEAR. ' Another good chance to supply yourself with re liable Footwear at almost Half Price. These, goods are not shop worn, but clean, shapely shoes, and of the best makes. Men's tan box calf lace, heavy soles, $4 00 shoes for $3 00. Men's calf congress, broad toe, 54 to 8, $5 00 shoe for $3 60. Men's cordoyan congress, narrow toe, $4 00 shoe for $2 75. Men's kangaroo congress, square toe, $4 00 shoe for $2 75. Ladies' calf button, common sense welts, $3 50 shoe for $2 50. Ladies' cloth top button, common seuse welts, $3 50 shoe for $2 50. Ladies' vici kid button, common sense welts, $3 50 shoe for $2 50. Ladies' vici kid button, narrow square toe, $3 00 shoe for $1 50. Ladies' pebble and glove grain button, $1 50 shoe for 75c. Misses' cloth top button. $2 50 shoe for $1 50. Misses' vici kid button, coin toe, $1 50 shoe for 95 cents. Misses' vici kid button, square toe, 1 50 shoe for 95 cents. Misses' pebble grain button, $1 50 shoe for 95c. Boys' veal lace, broad toe, 2 to 5, $1 50 shoe for 95c. Boys' satin calf congress, 1 to 5K $2 00 shoe for $1 25. ' - Child's kid button, square toe, 82' to 11, $1 50 shoe for 95c. ' Child's kid button, coin toe, 8)4 to 11, $1 25 shoe for 75 cents, c Child's calf lace, heels, 6 to 7), 25c. GROCERIES. Beginning with the new year we propose to impress upon all the fact 'that we are sel ling GROCERIES. Below we give you a few prices to prove to you that we are after your trade, and if Cheap Prices, Good Goods and Prompt Attention will accomplish, it, we feel assured of Success. t Bulk Roasted Coffee :.$ .11 Morning Star Coffee, M and J blend .29 Pure Kettle Rendered Lard, 5 to 10tt pail .09 Country Lard, 10 pound pails 07' Valencia Raisin 8 . . : 05 California Black Figs '. '. 04 " White Figs 04 " Table Raspberries, Strawber ries and Cherries 11 California Table Grapes 09- Cotton Float Laundry Soap, 12 oz 03 White Cap Floating Soap, for bath or toi let, 10 oz. 06 White Cap Floating Soap, for bath or toi- lef, 6oz ., 04 White Aeh Soap, for bath or toilet, 8 oz. . .05 " " '" " ' " 4oz.. .03 Capco Toilet Soap, large bar 04 Gold Drop Washing Powder, 3 pound pkg .17 i. t t ' ' 1 " " 07 15 pound pail Jelly, any flavor .53 Old Time Maple Syrup", gallon cans. . . .37 Cbarco New Health Fluid, each package equal to 1 pound of Tea or Coffee .05 15c size Boston Baked Beans 07 20c " " " " 09 4 pound package Germea .15 Spear Head Tobacco. 16 oz plugs, per plug .45 Biggest and Best, 10 oz " " "' .25 Quality and Quality, 16 oz " " .30 6 for 10, 16 oz , " V .25 XTC 1 '.' 16 oz . .25 T. and B Ping Cut, high grade, per pound .50 Sorg Mixture, 2 oz pkgs, granulated, each .04 Red Cross Chewing, per 12 oz plug 18 All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY JANUARY 12, 1899 Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements musj be handed in before io o'clock A. M., a no changes will be accepted in the aft ernoon. This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January io, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The best dry fir cord wood at Maier & Benton's. ' lw Sheriff Kelly yesterday turned over to the treasurer for taxes collected $1028.55. The Rebekabs will meet this evening in regular session in the small K. of P. hall. , . The Oregon Telephone Company are extending their lines all through the city, and patting in 'phones. Mr. Vorse reports a large list of new names. Rev. J. H. Wood, who has suffered a severe attack of grippe, is now able to be out about the yard, and hopes the im prove so as to fill bis pulpit Sunday. ' Smith Bros, will give their usual party this evening at their hall. After to night the Thursday evening parties will be confined to pupils and their friends. Saturday evening parties at the Baldwin. McEwen, who is to be here the first part of next month, is now in Aetori entertaining crowded bouses.7 This ye be is accompanied by a Miss May nan whom he places in a cataleptic stat daring the evening's performance. John Doe was arrested yesterday after noon for being drank and disorderly He, however, bad dough in name only. so was not able to pay his fipe. ' How ever, when be found hie cake was dough, he was very penitent, and promising to do better, was set free. The weather report for tomorrow says fair, and we hope no warmer. While we are having such delightful days we sympathize with the residents of Port land and valley towns who are wadin in slush. Although it is thawing a littl ere, it is not yet disagreeable. -A committee composed of Councilm Stephens, Gunning and Butts, toget with Recorder Gates, are . working li white heads preparing the new blan license ordinance for the city. Wbe: is completed we will have to pay lie for living, or even for walking around pay funeral expenses. It would cheaper to let Coroner Butts hold an i quest over us at once Mr. Bolton looked sheepish wben we called at the clerk's office this afternoon, and upon inquiring tor an item be re sponded that there was a marriage license granted, but that the parties re quested it be kept out of the papers. And so a marriage license has not only proved its efficiency in stopping the liberty of the contracting parties, bat even of the prese. We'll get even and tell oar readers about it next week when the wedding occurs. The weather permitting, tomorrow evening the members of the Y. P. S. C. E. of the Congregational church will give a genuine old-fashioned Bleigh ride, leaving the church at 7 :30 and driving to Roberts place, on Dry Hollow, where lunch, will be served. This will be an occasion for any amount of fun, and but 35 cents will be charged, including the lunch.: Persons going in their own con veyances will be required to pay ten cents lor retreenments. j'H. H. Riddell, who was appointed by the countv court to champion a bill regulating the tax law throngh the legisla ture, left this morning for Salem. This bill is one which ' ask ' that the" time when the taxes becomedelinqnent, which is now April 1st, be extended from - time to time until the first of November. Al so that the publication 01 such - time in the county papers become a levy, in stead of the ' sheriff ' being . required to make a farther 'levy. ' Representative Roberts will introduce the bill la the ouse and Senator Dafar in the senate. . . . . - . 1 1 About twenty of the 'friends ' of ' Mr. knd Mrs. J. 8. Fish -were entertained, at their home last evening, aid the beet of ood times was enjoyed. The first part of the evening was deyoted to whist, and when the scores were countedAlre. T. A. Hudson received the head prize and Mrs. J. T. Peters the bdoby. ' After luncb.games of the most amusing nature were played, and singing dancing, cake walks, etc. .occupied theAilosing hours of a most delighting panty. The guests were: Dr. and Mrs. Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Peters, Mr. &nq Mrs. T. J. Seufert, Judge and Mrs. Eradsbaw, Mr. and Mrs. Hobson, Judge and Mrs. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Blakeley, Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. McCoy. The members of the Methodist Sun day school were treated to a tine sleigh ride last evening by the officers, teachers and friends of the school. Sleighs of all descriptions had been engaged, and at 6 :30 o'clock an expectant crowd of chil dren and young people gathered in the basement of the church and were packed into the conveyances and taken all over the city. For about two hours the town was lifely with the shouting, tooting of horns and singing. To say that it was enjoyed is not expressive enough, and the real pleasure derived could only be determined by the happy faces and mer riment. which was preyalent throughout the entire ride. It was with difficulty that the teachers prevailed upon the little tots to allow them to be lifted from the sleighs when the time for home-going came. Yesterday in m entioning Mrs- Sen fert's bowling average it was given as 30 :64, instead of 35 :64. Mrs. Ingalls, of Astoria, seems to be gaining ground in the ladies' bowling contest.aAd Dalles bowlers will have to look well to their laurels. The Aetorian of yesterday says : "Some of the best bowling ever seen in Astoria took place at the A. F. C. alleys yesterday, the score being made by Mrs. Ingalls and C. H. Cooper. Mrs. Ingalls bowled seven games, securing a total of 306 pins, or an average of nearly 44. In her last four games she made 60, 51, 47, and 44, a total of 202 pins', or an average of 50. This, it is expected, places her well in the lead ' in ' the ' championship contest, as her average for 32 games now is but three pins short of 39. The four games above mentioned are the best ever bowled by a woman in the north west, and doubtless will stand as the record for years. Cooper distinguished himself by cracking out 74." The contracting parties of a wedding may face the preacher, and go through the ceremony without flinching; but when it comes to withstanding the many friends and practical jokers who are met at the depots on the alert to play "all manner of jokes, it is another question. Yesterday afternoon, although John Weigel bad schemed in every conceiv able way to avoid the conventional tricks played on newly married couples, he had not calculated upon the placard plan, and so was blissfully unconscious that, after bravely encountering the rice and old shoes, he would be labeled all the way to Portland. However, one of their artistic friends had printed two large placards bearing the inscription, "This Car Contains a Brideand Groom," "By Their Actions Ye Shall Know Them," which had been tacked on the outside of the car. Whether the "signs" were allowed to remain, we know not. Certainly not, if John discovered them. At any rate be will no doubt take a trip to "Dawson" upon bis return and de mand satisfaction from the artist. The Mew Laundry. Perhaps the busiest people in the city are those employed by The Dalles Steam Laundry, who are always on the go, and daily turning out the very best of work; Since their removal to their new quarters every department is fitted out with all latest appliances for their work, and tbey have only the best of employee?. Last night Miss Hansen arrived in the city from Portland to accept a position with them. She thoroughly understands the new shirt-polishing machine, and will manipulate it in a manner which will surely give satisfaction. ' Since the managers of the laundry have done their best to give the people of The Dalle an industry of this kind which is as good as any - in - the state, they should receive our patronage. There is now no reason for sending your clothes away from town to be lanndried. We wish to clear out all old stock before mo v ing into new store and have some bargains. This is an opportunity to get a bicycle cleap All wheels sold at half regular price. Opposite old stand. DOLLS TOYS music We have the largest assortment ever displayed in The Dalles, and you will find our prices are lower than all of our competitors. Books, in Endless Variety. Cloth bound, 12 mo., 200 titles, 12c each. Chatterbox, latest edi tion, only 69c. All goods marked in plain figures. Jacobsen Book & Music Co. 170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. LORD'S APPOINT MENTS RETURNED Geeer Substitues Smith of Baker Clerk Hire in the House Cut Four Thousand Dollars. Capitol, Salem, Jan. 12. The senate returned Lord's appointments to Geer, who substituted the name of Senator Smith, of Baker county, for Kincaid on Lord's list, leaving all the rest as re ported yesterday. The senate confirmed Geer's appointments. The clerk hire in the house will be cut $4,000 this session, after much discuB caBefbn, resolutions, etc. A bill providing for two extra judgeB of the supreme court created . a lively discussion, but was the first bill to pass the house. Routine business is now occupying the time. One hundred and thirty bills have already been introduced in the house. An important bill, which will be dis cussed in the house this afternoon, is the scalp bounty bill. - , The legislature adjourns tomorrow noon until Monday. and like reading. They have aleo alt the best and latest works of fiction. With such a collection it is impossible for any one to complain there is nothing in the library worth reading, and the idea of receiving the benefit of such books at such a email price each month should induce everyone to take ad vantage of it. The library is now open on Mondays,. Wednesdays and Fridays from 7 till 9 p. m. and on Saturday afternoon from 2 till 5. It is greatly desired that it be kept open constantly, and if sufficient patro nage is given, a steady librarian will be employed. It is also the intention to. publish a catalogue at an early date. In Olden Times People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with the transient action ; but now that it is generally . known that Syrup of Figs will- permanently over come habitual constipation, well in-, formed people will not buy other laxa tives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. Buy the genuine,, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. One Minute Cough Cure, cures Thnt i vita it -nl for A SPLENDID LIBRARY. New Quarters Hare Been Obtained Jnat Salted to the Meed. Eveiy Bince Mrs. Mansfield donated to the ladies of the city her library books and tbey conceived the happy idea Of starting a public library from the nucleus thus given, Blakeley & Houghton have kindly allowed them a portion of their drug store to be used as a library room, which has been much appreciated by all concerned, not only the ladies, but patrons of the institution. Recently so many new books have been "added that it was found necessary to obtain morecommodius quarters. and in looking about the city the ideal spot has been discovered in the small room adjoining Mrs. Phillips' millinery store. Had it been built for the purpose it would have been no better suited.- It has been neatly fitted up, painted in pure white, and everything is as cozy as a parlor. The books are now being listed and ar ranged on the shelves by Mis9 Pearl Dean, the librarian. The library now contains about 700 volames, which have been chosen with the greatest of care, and among which are found each books as "Scribner's History of the United States," composed of four volumes ; twenty-four volumes of "The American Statesmen ;" "American Men of Letters;" "Francis Park man's Histories," "Andrew's History of the Last Quarter Century," "Famous Wo men ;"full set of" Women of Colonial and Revolutionary Times," "The Puritans in Holland; England and America;" Maier & Benton will give away one- II see i Range For every One Dollar pur chase during January and February we will give one chance free on the steel range. .JlaieFMiofi -THE flfl$DWH$E DEfiltEtyS.. 167 Second St. , THE DALLES, OR. ening, ana V