mitu VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1899. NO 238 I OUR'. CREAT '.- ANNUAL INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE. Continues with greater vim than ever. We are pleased to note the liberal returns daring the opening week of oar Sale, and to remind oar customers that all lines advertised last week, at same reduced prices daring the entire month of January, This week we add new items, good seasonable items to which, in tarn, will be added other lines. as we progress. will continue Men's . Heavy Ribbed Underwear. The value is 75c , per garment. The weight and color for warmth and .service. Our clear ance sale tA price is Owt- Our Clearance Sale of Table Linens and Napkins at 25 Per Cent Discount will be remembered is still on. "D -T7C?' arirl We have decided to DlTyo CIWJ. ciOBe three lines of Girls' Hosiery. KSSS: which we advise all mothers to see. . 15c and 20c Miss' and Child's im- i ported black cotton hose J.UC pair 25c Bove' heavv black cotton school - g ' . Hose, best quality --OC pair Men's Extra Pants Made of a- heavy solid wool kersey cloth; colors a gray mixed ; seams warranted not to rip. Anyone wanting a warm durable pair of Pants sure ly will be interested in these. The price -of $2 is now redused to $1.55 Men's Duck Coat. Special! This coat is made of a heavy , brown or black ' Duck, lined with a heavy wool blanketing and interlined with rnbber, making the garment perfectly wind and water proof. The value is $2.45, Uur Clearance - 04 Sale Price is. White Coats For barbers, butchers, bartenders and waiters wear. An entirely newatock. We have placed on sale today a 3b-inch bleached cotton SpeCiaL heavy' Towel at $1 per dozen. Men's Colored Dress Shirts 68 cents. These shirts sold readily earlier in the season at $1.00 We had a liberal lot of them. We sold a great many of them. The balance of some three dozen are now selling at 68 cents.- Study shirt economy in this buying, there's money to be saved by it. Mackintosh Coats that are cut right, fit right fit right and look right, should be quite in demand in this kind of weather. That reminds us as having an all-wool Covert Cloth, light brown, double breasted box Mackintosh Coat, that is the perfection of style, at only which is three dollars and a half below real value. $6.50, BOVS' Long Pants Suits for Boys 7 from 11 to 19 years are in the i-k-fVi-i n ry majority with us. To re VXvJ LJJ.IJJ.3 . verse matters we will offer" during our Clearance Sale, four lines of popular ' priced, reliable winterweight Suite in the above sizes, at following reductions. $5.00 Suits For $4.12 $6 50 " 5.35 $7.50 " 6.15 10.00 " 7.90 If your hat is turning slightly shabby, it may in intereet you- to know that we have a special counter of fine hate, worth from $2.00 to $3.50, which are sell ing at $1.25. Costs nothing to look at them. Fur Collarettes, fine Cloth Capes and Jackets may be bought now ot us at less their regular price, A. Wi. WILLS ASV1S & CO. . y jy jujt. jwggft. -ay- jcpa. SAMPSON'S FLEET TO VISIT HAVANA Warships Will Assemble Before Cuba's ' Capital This Hontb. MORAL EFFECT MAIN OBJECT A Secondary One, However, Is the At tachment of the Brooklyn and Texas to the Squadron Prospects That the Detroit. Marblehead and Montgomery May Be Sent to Join Dewey's Fleet Soon. New Yokk, Jan. 11. A speeial to the Herald from Washington says : As a result of the conference held by Secretary Long, Capt. A. S. Browin shield, chief of the bureau of navigation, and Rear-Admiral Sampson, the North Atlantic squadron wil lassembls about the end of the month at Havana. Ad miral Sampson returned to' New York after the conference to perfect details for the movement and plan maneuvers for the fleet after it leaves Havana for a cruise in the West Indies. Asde from its moral effect the main object of Admiral Sampson's visit to Havana will be to attach the Texas and Brooklyn to his command. It is evident that the department has no intention of "diminishing the North Atlantic squadron by forming European and South Atlantic squadrons. Samp eon's command will comprise the New York, the Indiana, the Brooklyn, the Texas and Newark, and possibly x the Chicago, besides several smaller boats. The Massachusetts will join the squad ron as soon as she is ready, which will be. about March. Should the situation warrant such ac tion, Sampson will leave an iron-clad at Havana to aid the authorities in pre serving the peace. Naval officers are considering the ad visability of dispatching the embers Detroit, Marblehead and Montgomery to Manila, but will probably first cable to Admiral Dewey and aecertain if the ves sels already attached to his fleet are rnf ficient for bis purposes. - The.vessels so far ordered , but imclude the gunboats 0tfetL Baking Powder Made from pure 01 tartar. cream Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW TOOK. OFFERED NO i AMENDMENT Peace Treaty Reported to tie Senate for .Ratification. PUBLICATION AGREED TO Yorktown, Bennington, Princeton, Cas- tine and Helena. The Machia will be attached to his command as soon as the repairs are completed. The "gunboat Marietta may also go. The Detroit class will be splendid ves sels for service against the Filipinos, having a draught of only' fourteen ' feet seven inches and being well supplied with rapid fire batteries. They will not be sent to the East, however, nnless Ad miral Dewey informs the government that be needs more vessels. READY TO ATTACK MANILA Situation, the Spanish General Avers, is Grave Americans Said to Have Given Up Landing at Iloilo.. Madrid, Jan. 11. General Bios, the Spanish commander, cables from Manila reiterating bis assertion that the situa tion in the Philippine islands is most grave. The rebels, it appears are con centrating in the neighborhood of Ma nila, with the intention of attacking that place. Great preparations, are being made for the defense of the city... The 8panish general also asserts that the natives of Visayas have again re fused td allow the Americans to land at Iloilo, threatening to resist by force if an attempt is made to do so. The Americans, therefore, according to Gen. Bios, have abandoned the idea of dis embarking, and he confirms the previous statement to the effect that the natives were willing to resist by force if any at tempt is made to do so. ' 1 Gen, Bios also alleges that the rebels are determined to fight the Americans before reinforcements arrive from the United States. -, In conclusion, Gen. Bios says Aguin aldo's proclamation has produced im mense enthusiasm among the rebels. Foreign Relations Committee Only Ex amined the Treaty an Hour The MorningBefore They Authorized Its Report to the Senate. Washington, Jan. 11. The senate committee on foreign relations today authorized Senator Davis t) report the peace treaty favorably without amend ment. The committee was in session for only an hour, and the greater part of the time was consumed in waiting for a quorum, the senators meantime discuss ing informally the articles of the treaty. There was only a bare quorum of the committee present, . bat Callom , and Clark, who were among the absentees, sent their proxies. .. Morgan and Gray were thd only Democrats in attendance, but the other Democratic members of the committee,Daniel, Mills and Tnrpie, had full notice of the . purpose of the meeting, and they indicated no opposi tion to immediate action. There was no suggestion of any amend ment in the committee. Senator Davis was instructed to press the treaty upon the attention of the senate, with a view to securing as early action as possible. The committee also authorized Senator Davis to report favorably on the prop osition to remove tha injunction of se crecy. . " ; ' . .. - mission, and Representative Ellis voted against it. Tongue says that his vote does not mean that he is opposed to a just civil service, but - was intended to serve notice on the house that be among others, wanted a chance to vote on a bill to modify the law, which has not been gianted yet. Ellis says that be is not in favor of the law as it stands, and would like to see some modification, but does not believe in getting at it by cutting off the appropriation for , the maintenance of the commission. The commission could get its salary by going to law.. CONGRESS TO THANK THEM Washington, Jan. : ll. Previous - to Foraker's speech in the "senate today, Allen introduced a resolution declaring that aggressive action against the Fili pinos would be unwarranted. In bis speech be said that he. did not think war could be waged . without the consent of congress. ' - Oregon Congressmen Disagree."- - Washinqtok,' Jab. - 10. Representa tive Tongue voted to. strike, out the. ap propriation for the civil service corn- Two Brave Women VT ho Nursed : Sick Troops in the Field Hospitals ' in . Porto Rico. . , ". ''' Washington, Jan. 11. Margaret Liv ingston Chanler and Anna - BoulirJg, heroic women who served without pay as nurses in Porto Bico during the war, have been recommended for that rare honor, the thanks of congress. They landed in. Ponce July "31st, and the same day began nursing American and Spanish sick.. Miss Chanler, from her own. purse, hired a house and estab lished a hospital for. American officers, and as the number of sick grew, hired another and another on til she had three hospitals in operations' at her own ex pense. In September she turned these hospitals over to the government trained nurses, haying, first provided for their rental and running expenses. : The two braye women.' then went to Coamo, nursing the sick there, and later San Juan, as soon as that place was un der the American flag, starting a hos pital there. General Miles says their conduct was most : commendable and praiseworthy. The suggestion is indorsed by Secre tary Alger, who ' recommended suitable action by congress. ' ',' '" ' It is probable the two women will be given . medals and the thanks of con gress. ' ' " ; Had Money and Borrowed More. La Grande, Or., Jan. 10. Two weeks ago a young man giving the name of J. H. Patterson .arrived here, as he sad, from Hong Kong via British Columbia, and desired to enter business.. ' He had $10,000, which would arrive in a fort night. '.' He borrowed various amounts, aggregating ' several hundred ; dollars, from different people, and early this morning skipped out, leaving , bis cred itors in the lurch.' He wore diamonds and dressed well. Warrants were is sued for his arrest, and an effort ' was made to intercept him,;.; but was not successful. He eaid be had friends in Portland and Salem. - . V08T JUST ONE NIGHT, MONDAY, JAN. 16, TH O COMEDY NOVELTY ON THE p 1 P A PURE STORY OF TRUE SOUTHERN HEARTS. A SMILE, A LAUGH, - A YELL, A SIQ-H, A SOB, A TEAR. A CAREFULLY SELECTED COMPANY. NEW AND FETCHING SPECIALTIES. OLD AUNT LINDY IS A WONDER ALL SPECIAL SCENERY. Back Seats 50c. Reserved 75c. Children 25c Well-Known Newspaper Mao. Bosebubo, Jan. 11. C. Y. Benjamin, manager of the Roeeburg Plaindealer, died at 7 o'clock this morning of par alysis. He leaves a widow and three children. He bad $3000 lite insurance. His interment will take place Friday. A Narrow Escape. ' Thankful words written by Mrs.' Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D..: "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set it and finally termi nated In consumption. - Four doctors gave me up, saying I could, live but a short time. I gave - myself np to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent. ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption,' coughs and colds.' I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. - It . has cured me, and thank God, I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." -Trial bottles frt-e at Blakeley & Hooirh ton's drutr store. Reg ular f ize 50c and $1: '"' Guaranteed or price relunded. 1 Public Botxtling Alley Next to Columbia Hotel. T Open Day and flight Courteous treatment to all Boculefs... ' Speeial. Attractions For Bowling Parties. Patronage of the public respectfully solicited. Estebenet & Esplng, Props. Branch Offia i Oregon ViaVi Company, ; Room 7, OTer J? reach 'a Bank J : Office hours, 2 to p. m Charlotte F. Roberta. local Manager.