Cleaianee Sale of Bicycles NEW ATSTD 2d HAND WHEELS For Less than Half Price We wish to clear out all old stock before mov ing into new store and have some bargains. This is an opportu nity to get a bicjele cheap All wheels sold at half regular price. 4r rSI Is not in chewing the string, any more than the quoting of low prices is a proof of a reduction in the cost of goods, to the consumer; but the quoting of prices has proven two things conclusively . - - FIRST That the public read our advertisements. SEDOND That they believe what they read. If -the public will continue the reading of these quotations they will find seme new things every few days that will surprise them, as all Winter Goods must be cleaned up preparatory to the great change we are going to make in our numerous departments. REMEMBER that all goods previously quoted for this Clearance Sale re main the same price until closed put or the sale is discontinued. BLANKETS. 60c Blankets for . . 45c 75c Blankets for 49c fl.00 Blankets for 78c $1.00 White Blankets for 79c 10-4 Gray Blankets, $1.50 for , .$1.23 64-76 " " 1.75 for 1.49 .11-4 2.00 for 1.73 10- 4 ' 2 25 for . 1.87 10 4 " " special $2 50 for 1.55 11- 4 " " f4 50 for 3.57 11-4 " " 5 00 for 4.33 101b " " 6 50 for 5.39 72x84 " " 8 00 for .. 7 15 10 4 White " 4 00 for- 3.19 70x82 " " 8 50 for 7.23 66x80 " " . 9.00 for 7.57 72x94 " " 10.00 for 8 73 68x86 " 11.00 f-r. ,.9.57 FUR RUGS. Far Rugs will interest anyone these de lightfully cold mornings, especially when they learn that we have just four small lots left that we are selling regardless of cost. One lot 2 50 now $1 57 One lot 3 50 now 2 35 One lot 5 00 now 2 95 One lot 6 60 now 3 95 SMYRNA RUGS Mast share the eame fate as the Far Rags. One lot ..$100 now $ 67 One lot : 1 25 now 85 One lot 1 75 bow 1 19 One lot 2 25 now 1 50 One lot 2 50 now 1 67 One lot 2 75 now 1 85 One lot 3 00 now 2 00 One lot 4 00 now 2 67 One lot 4 50 now 3 00 FOOTWEAR. Another good chance to supply yourself with re liable Footwear at almost Half Price. These goods are not ehop worn, bat clean, shapely shoes, and of the best makes. Men's tan box calf lace, heavy soles, $4 00 shoes . for $3 00. Men's calf . congress, broad toe, 54 to 8, $5 00 shoe for 13 00 Men's cordoyan congress, narrow toe, $4 00 shoe for $2 75. Men's kangaroo congress, square toe, $4 00 shoe for $2 75. Ladies' calf button, common sense welts, $3 50 shoe for $2 50. Ladies' cloth top button, common eeuee welts, $3 50 shoe for $2 50. Ladies' vici kid button, common sense welts, $3 50 shoe for $2 50. Ladies' vici kid button, narrow square toe, $3 00 shoe for $1 50. Ladies' pebble and glove grain button, $1 50 shoe for 75c. Misses' cloth top button. $2 50 shoe for $1 50. Misses' vici kid button, coin toe, $1 50 shoe for 95 cents. . Misses' vici kid button, square toe, 1 50 shoe for 95 cents. Misses' pebble grain, button, $1 50 shoe for 95c. Boys' veal lace, broad toe, 2)4 to 5)4, $1 50 shoe for 95c. Boys' satin calf congress, 2.K to 54, $2 00 shoe for$l 25. Child's kid button, square toe, &4 to 11, $1 50 shoe for 93c. Child's kid button, coin toe, 8)4 to 11, $1 25 shoe for 75 cents. Child's calf lace, heels, 6 to 7)4, 25c. GROCERIES. Beginning with the new year we propose to impress upon all the fact that we are eel ling GROCERIES. Below we give you a few prices to prove to you that we are after your trade, -and if Cheap Prices, Good Goods and Prompt Attention will accomplish it, we feel assured of Succese. Bulk Roasted Coffee $ .11 Morning Star Coffee, M and J blend 29 Pure Kettle Rendered Lard, 5 to 10tt pail .09 Conntry Lard. 10 pound pails 07V Valencia Raisins . . 05 Cajifornia Black Figs .04 " . White Fige .04 " Table Raspberries, Strawber ries and Cherriee : .11 California Table Grapes.... -.09 Cotton Float Laundry Soap, 12 oz .03 White Cap Floating Soap, for bath or toi let, 10 oz ...... .06 White Cap Floating Soap, for bath or toi lef, 6oz.. . : .04 White Ash Soap, for bath or toilet, 8 cz. . .05 . .. . , cz 03 Capco Toilet Soap, large bar 04 Gold Drop Washing Powder, 3 ponnd pkg .17 15 pound pail Jelly, any flavor. 53 Old Time Maple Syrop, J gallon cans. . . .37 Uliarco New Health Fluid, each package equal to 1 pound of Tea or Coffee 05 15c size Boston Baked Beans 07 20c " . . " " .09 4 pound package Germea. .15. Spear Heid Tobacco. 16 oz plugs, per plug .45 Biggest and Best, 10 oz " " .25 Quality and Quality, 16 oz " ' " 30 6 for 10, ' 16 oz " " " .25 XTC - 16 oz " " " .25 T. and B Plug Cut, high grade, per pound .50 Sorg Mixture, 2 oz pkgs, granulated, each .04 Red Cross Chewing, per 12 oz plug 18 All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 11, 1899 Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements must be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as no changes will be accepted in the aft ernoon. This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January io, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Meeting of the Maccabees tonight, at which every.member is requested to be present. "On the Suwanee River" is our next attraction at the Vogt. Next Monday evening is the date. A decree ofcdivorce was today granted by Judge Bradshaw to Suzette Foster, of Dafur, from Frank W. Foster. Mies Elsie Ball, one of tne .teachers of our public school, is confined to her home by illness. Her place is filled to day by Miss Mable Collins, a pupil of the High school. Smith Bros, will hold their Thursday . evening parties in their dancing ball, which will hereafter on that evening be open only to their pupils and their friends. The Saturday evening parties will take place in tne .Baldwin opera house. - We are requested to announce that alt" poatoffica box , rent mast be in by tb 15th of this month or boxes will be closed. It is merely a case of neglect when the notice "Rent Due"i s nnheeded , and therefore all who have given no beed to the warning bo far, will - be re minded in a more forcible manner ere long. ' . ' . '. - This morning about 2 o'clock Guy, the 9-year-old son of John Root, of this city, died of brain fever. The little fellow haa been suffering for several weeks, and bia death baa momentarily been ex pected. He was a bright little lad, and will be greatly missed in his home, which circle was broken a short time after his birth by the death . of bis mother. The funeral will be held to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence on Tenth street. " Ex-Gov. Z. F. Moody last night re ceived a brief telegraphic message notify ing him of the demiee of his brother, Wm. F. Moody, at his home in-Philadelphia, having passed away at 4 p. m. yesterday. Deceased was 71 years old, and his death came as a result of a surgi cal operation. Six years ago . he spent Beveral months in this city, visiting his brother, since which time he has not been on this coast. He was a wealthy coal dealer ot Philadelphia, where be lived for a long term of years. Salem Statesman. The lady bowlers of The Dalles are doing themselves proud, as is evidenced by the report of the individual cham pionship contest, which consists of fifty games, with sixty contestants. The DalleB, Astoria, and Multnomah being the only clubs taking part. 'Among nine ladies whose averages are higher than thirty we notice the names of Mrs. Huntington, who' leads the list with 27 game, and an average of 38.39. Miss Schanna follows with 25 games and 37.80 average. Mrs, F. J. Seufert, fourth, having 49 games ; average 30 64. Mrs. Houghton has 50 games, with 30.26 average. f The principal occupation of Dalies residents today has been shoveling snow. .Altogether about twenty-four inches f have fallen, with 1.99 of moisture, las about fifteen remain on the house tops and sidewalks, it has become nec essary -to - shovel ourselves cuiy ' Six inclieU 1 full labl" nignl, " wun the ther mometer 22 above. This morning early pedestrians found it difficulty to -make their way along the streets, but as our city is noted for the amount of laboring people it contains, who are compelled to be np with the early bird,;, paths were soon beaten. The weather report for to morrow says snow: or rain,-- which is rather indefinite. Mr. Brooks claims he never waa .so non-plussed in regard to indications. Last nlgbt the barome ter went down to 29.20, which is almost a sure sign of a heavy wind storm, but it came not, and we scarcely know where we are "at or what to expect. How ever,-with such bright sunehine and good sleighing we are contented. The following Manila mail schedule has been announced for January : The first mail steamer for the Orient sailp from Seattle, January 11 ; the next eailaf from San Francisco on January 17 ; onel sails from San Francisco on the 25th and one from Vancouver, B. C, on Jan uary 30. Letters to Manila require a 5 cent stamp for each half-ounce, and must be marked via Hong Kong if in tended to go by any of the steatrers above named. Letters will be taken by 'United States transports for two cents, but there ' is no certainty when the transports will go out. It is surer to pay the extra 3 cents and catch the regular mail steamers. J. B. Wheat and Carl Peetz, of Moro, arrived in the city this morning to at tend a meeting of delegates to consult in regard to the epening of the river above The Dalles. . Strange to say no arrange menu bad been made with- the resi dents of this city for the holding of a meeting here, and it appears the pro ject originated with the Astoria people. It is much regretted by the citizens here that such it the case, for while no other delegates have arrived these gentlemen came to the city at somewhat of an ex pense and are diesapointed. .However, tbey will meet with members of the club this evening and disenss the pro ject of so much import to oar people. W5IGEL-CUSHING WEDDING. Two Popular Dalles Yonngr People - Married at High Noon Today. A Frightful Blander Will often . cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever eoree, ulcers, boils, corns, felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile care on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 . Freas Saunders has purchased the wood business of J. T. Reynolds in this city. Those desiring good wood will find There are some pleasant duties which eveu newspaper repoiters have to per form, and among them is the chronicling of the ceremony which unites two young people whose happiness is so generally hoped for and who seem to be so per fectly suited to each other as were Mr. John H. Weigel and Miss Mattie Clash ing, who were at high noon today unit ed in marriage by Rev. D.V. Polling, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and SaMrs. C. B. Cashing, on Eighth street. The wedding was a quiet one, but two or three friends outside of the immedi ate families being present. The parlors were very prettily deco rated in smilax and cut flowers, while the bridal party stood beneath a bower of smilax, and directly abovrrthem bung a beautiful design of hyacinths and white roses representing two hearts joined together. Mr. Fred Weigel, brother of the groom, and Mies Maie Cushing, sister of the bride, acted as groomsman and bridesmaid. The bride was attired in a pretty gown of cream silk, and carried a bunch of sweet violets, while the groom wore the conventional black suit of the latest cut. At the close of the marriage ceremony when all had expressed their congratu lations and wished them all the joy which this life affords, the party eat down to an elaborate wedding dinner, amid the happiest of conversations and heartiest good will. These young people are too well known to Dalles people for Thk Citeoniclb to say anything which would add to their popularity. However, we cannot re frain from extending our congratulations to a young man wno is so fortunate as to secure such a sweet, lovable, modest young lady as bis bride, for nowhere could one be found who la better suited to make a perfect wife. Nor can we, on the other band, think of a man more fitted in bis wealth of character and industrious, steady habits to be come the husband of such a one Mr, Weigel is a general favorite with Dalles people, and by bia life here since child- Opposite old stand. DOLLS TOYS music We have the largest assortment ever displayed in The Dalles, and you will find our prices are lower than all of our competitors. Books," in Endless Variety. Cloth bound, 12 roo., 200 titles, 12c each. Chatterbox, latest edl- . tion, only 69s. All goods marked in plain figures. Jacobsen Book & Music Go. 170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. and beauti- PERSONA 1. MENTION. hood has won the respect and admira tion of all. The preeents were many, ful as well as aBefnl. Mr. and Mrs. Weigel left on the after noon train for a trip to Portland and perhaps California. iney were ac- n Kf,helmftn ,B !n frnm Ra : .1 . u n ,.A.n V... . K .. rf ..... . - liuuijwuicu i,u nun ujr a uuiuuci uii reports aDoni me same amount ot snow friends, eager to be among those. whqTI there as here, but seems to think it E. Jacobsen went to Portland on yes terday afternoon's train. Henry Rodieck aDd family have ar rived in the city from Omaha, Neb., and will make this their future home. wished them Godspeed, The Legislature. Capitol, Salem, Jan. 11. Interest to day is centered in the committee clerk resolution in the house, and Geer's ef ort to recall Lord's appointments from the senate. A flood of bills was introduced in the house this morning. The eenate holds Lord's appointment of Holt as trustee of the soldier's home, Bean, Kincaid and Do'ph as regents of the state university. The resolution to adjourn this month was indefinitely postponed in the bouse. There is some talk of adjourning until Monday. Sutton" County Meets an Opponent. i slightly warmer in Dufur. Alfred Hnott left this afternoon for a day's visit at his home on 8-Mile, after which he will return and go to Portland to attend the Business College. Mrs. . L. Sherman, formerly of this city, but now 'of Warrenton, Clatsop county, arrived here last evening to attend the Weigei-Cushing wedding. Mrs. John Lane and little daughter, who have spent the past two weeks, in the city, making their home at the residence of Mrs. P. Cram, returned to Portland on last evening's train. It seems that Sutton county is to meet with considerable opposition. . Antelope people, as has been known for some time, want a county of their own to be called Stockman, and H. C. Rooper is now in Salem championing the interest of the latter. The Sutton county, or town of Mitchell people, desire to carve their new divi sion from the eastern portion of Crook and the western portion of Grant.: the people of the town of Antelope have run their new lines along the southern boun dary of Sherman, and then np the Des chutes river to within fifteen miles of Prineville. Leaders in the Stockman county project claim an assessable valua tion of $900,000. Sutton county takes in a spur of the Blue mountains on its Grant county side, and claims about the same valuation as the proposed county of Stockman. Prineville people express themselves as not opposed to losing the portion of Crook to be taken by the promised Sut ton county, but they will not consent to the loss of what tbey are pleased to call the beat portion of Crook, which Stock man people desire to take away. This innovation, Prineville says, would leave little else but "the desert" to eupport Crook county. ' The aspiring towns of Antelope and Mitchell are between sixty and seventy miles apart, and the people of the former town think they would just as soon keep on going to The Dalles on county busi ness as to drive to Mitchell. Therefore they are prepared to object to any new county formation unless they -can have the county-seat themselves. In Olden Tlmei People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with the transient action ; but now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently over come habitual constipation, well in formed people will not buy other laxa tives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. Buy the genuine, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. BORN. Jan. 10th, In this city, Mrs. (J. O. Hunker, a nine pounds. to Mr. and daughter; weight. For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera, that will take larger pictures than any other Camera on the market. For sale by Clarke & Falk. - tf Maier & Benton will give away one P. Garland steel Range For every One Dollar pur chase during January and February we will give one chance free on the steel range. male 1 s Denton -THE flflDWRCE DEALERS.. 167 Second St. THE DALIES, OR. him by ringing np 'phone number 12. J - - ' ' " .