The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 09, 1899, Image 1

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    VOL. XI
NO 235
Heavy Ribbed
Our Clearance Sale
of Table Linens
and Napkins at
will be remembered is
Boys' and
Vl AA J.O uui9iux jr lery,
which we advise all mothers to see.
15c and 20c Miss' and Child's im
ported black cotton hose
25c Boys' heavy black cotton school
Hose, beat quality
ro. J- JV -Jr -fir A -JV iffir -rfV rV
: j2a- Liiutmc&ji mJCiiJi Sjt-Jjt slc wivV
She Was Inyitei to Step in at Iloilo
But Mused.
Confident That Her Subjects Will Re
ceive Ample Protection Under the
Stars and Stripes. "
New York, Jan. 7. The New York
Staats Zeitung will publish tomorrow
the following from its Berlin' special
correspondent :
I am informed from ' an unquestion
able source that after the surrender of
Iloilo, the Spanish general tried to in
duce the German consul at Manila and
the German vice-conscl at Iloilo to take
charge of the protection of the private
interests of the Spaniards. The two
consuls wired to Berlin for instructions,
and received the following answer from
the German government:
"The German empire, being a neu
tral power, is not in a position to take
charge of any functions which might
be construed as as parciality of Spain
All we endeavor to obtain in the Phil
ippines is protection and unrestricted
movements of our commerce. Since we
ee that both are secure under the Unit
ed States flag we are fully confident that
there will never arise a situation which
could cause us to deviation from the
strictly neutral attitude observed by us
up to the present day."
The correspondent also adds that the
Washington government has been in
formed of this declaration.
He Protests Against the Stand Taken
By the Americans.
Manila, Jan. 7. Within a few hours
of the issuance of the proclamation by
Continues 'with greater Tim than eyer. We are pleased to note the liberal returns daring the opening week of onr Sale, and to remind our customers that all line advertised last week,
at eame reduced prices during the entire month of January, This week we add new items, good seasonable items to which, in turn, will be added other lines as we progress. , -
The value is 75c
per garment. The
weight and color
for warmth and
service. Oar clear
ance sale
price is. . .
Per Cent
Anyone wanting
ly will be interested in these. The price
of $2 is now reduced to
still on
We have decided to
close three lines of
black cottou Hos-
wool blanketing
the garment perfectly wind and water proof.
extra values,
The value
Sale Price is
10c pair
15c pair
qj 1
Towel at $1 per
A jtffeVfc Jr 3c jugj'' 5r J J"! rfe jmcjjffsc jctc jpcjrat;
W Hp V V
General Otis in behalf of President Mc
Kinley, agents of Aguinaldo billed Ma
nila with a manifesto : which attracted
considerable attention. The revolution
ary president objects to General Otis
signing himself military governor of the
Philippines. Aguinaldo declares he
bad never agreed at Singapore, Hong
Kong or elsewhere to recognize the sov
ereignty of the Americans here, and in
sists that he returned to the Philippines
on an American ship solely to conquer
the Spaniards and win independence.
He asserts that both his proclamation
of May 24 and June 12 stated this fact
officially, and he claims General Merritt
confirmed this by a proclamation sev
eral days before the Spaniards capitu
lated, stating clearly and definitely that
the Americans came to overthrow : the
Spanish government and to liberate the
Filipinos. Aguinaldo claims that be
had natives and foreigners as witnesses
that the American forces recognized not
oly by acts that the Filipinos were bel
ligerents, but by publicly saluting the
Filipino flag "as it triumphantly sailed
to the skies before the eyes of all na
tions." v " . ' :'
Aguinaldo then solemnly ; protests, in
the name of the deity, who is empow
ered to direct the brethren in the. diffi
cult task of regeneration, against the in
trusion of the American government,
and reiterates that be could produce
proof that be was brought here on the
understanding that, the Americans
promised their co-operation to attain
independence. :
The revolutionary leader then calls
upon all of his followers to work together
with force, assuring them that he is con
vinced that they will obtain absolute in
dependence-, and urging them never to
turn from the "glorious road" on which
they have "already so far advanced."
General Otis attaches no importance
to the manifesto. He says he feels con
fident that the , opinion , of - the better
classes of the Filipinos is not expressed
in it, bat as to whether the Filipino
masses can be controlled and the Filipi
no army kept in check he does not know
although he hopes for a pacific outcome
of the trouble. . .
Tbe Bare I. a Grippe Care.
There is no use suffering, - from ' this
dreadful malady, if you' will only get tbe
right remedy. You are having pain all
through your body, your liver is out of
order, have no appetite," no life or ambl
tion, have a bad cold, in fact are com
pletely used up. Electric Bitters is the
only remedy that will give you prompt
and sure relief. They act directly on
your Liver Stomach and Kidneys, tone
Dp. the, whole By stem and make you feel
like a new being."' They are guaranteed
to core or price refunded. For sale at
Blabelev & Houghton's drug store, only
50 cents per bottle. 1
. The emalleet things may exert the
greatest influence. De Witt's Little
Early Risers are nnequaled for overcom
ing constipation and liver trouble. Small
pill, . best pill, safe'pille- Snipes-Kin-erslyDrug
TXTVllQ rrQG For barbers, butchers,
VV 111 lit? yyJcX jk3 bartenders and waiters
wear. An entirely newstock.
Made of a heavy solid
wool kersey cloth; colors
. a gray mixed ; seams
warranted not to rip.
a warm durable pair of Pants Bare
This coat is made
of a heavy brown
or black Duck,
lined with a heavy
and interlined with robber, making
is $2.4o Our Clearance
... ..
We have placed on sale today a
heavy 36-inch bleached cotton
JV - JVJfi -V
Tbe Halne Statssmm fas Very Hit
Physicians Say a Radical Change, One
Way or the Other, Must Take
Place Very Soon.
Washington, Jan. 7. The condition
of Representative Nelson Dingley, of
Maine, who has been ill with pneumo
nia for almost a week, has undergone a
marked change for the worse, and to
night big phybicians hold out little, if
any, hope of recovery. Although the
lung has improved considerably and the
cough lessened, the effect of the pneu
monia ha.B so weakened the system as to
decrease the vitality to an alarming ex
tent. The poison .from the sickness has
permeated the wbole' system, which
renders it less potent to stand the ter
rible strain. Much of the day the pa
tient was delirious and appeared to be
ottering extracts from speeches he had
made on the tariff question in the bouse
of representatives. He was conscious
only when aroused. The physicians say
there must be a radical change one way
or the other very soon.
Washington, Jan. 8. (Bulletin.) At
4 o'clock this morning there is no change
to be reported in the condition - of Mr.
A Pleasant, Simple but Safe and Effec-
tuai Cure For It
Catarrh of the stomach has long bren
considered te next thing to incurable.
The usual symptoms are a full or bloat
ing sensation after eating, accompanied
I sometimes with sour or watery risings, a
1 formation of gases, causing pressure on
Men's Colored
Dress Shirts
68 cents.
The balance of some three dozen are
68 cents. Study shirt economy
there's money to be saved by it. . v
that are cut right, fit right
fit right and look right,
should be quite in demand
in this kind of weather.
That reminds us as having an all-wool Covert Cloth,
light brown, doable breasted box Mackintosh Coat,
that is the perfection of style, at only ' $6.50
which is three dollars and a half below real value. '
xftr tftr T&ttciAr ie: A: 3xtc ifcr iftc siflhc
the heart and lungs and difficult breath
ing, headaches, fickle appetite, nervous
ness and a general played out, languid
feeling. .
There is often a foul taste in the
mouth, coated tongue and if the interior
of the stomach could be seen it would
show a slimy, inflamed condition.
Tbe cure , for this common and ob
stinate trouble is found in a treatment
which causes tbe food to be readily,
or thoroughly digested before it has
time to ferment and irritate the delicate
surface of the stomach. To secure a
prompt and healthy digestion is the one
necessary thing to do and when normal
digestion is secured the catarrahal con
dition will have disappeared.
According to Dr. Harlaneon the safest
and best treatment is to use after each
meal a tablet composed of Diastase,
Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nax, Gclden
Seal aud fruit acids. These tablets can
now be found at all drug stores under
the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets,
and not being a patent medicine can be
used with perfect safety and assurance
that- bealthly appetite and thorough di
gestion will follow their regular ute
alter meals.
Mr. N. L.Booher, of 2710 Dearborn St.,
Chicago, 111., writes: "Cattarh is a
local condition resulting from a neglected'
cold in tbe head, whereby tbe lining
membrance of the nose becomes in
flamed and the poisonous discharge
therefrom passing backward into the
throat reaches the stomach, thus pro
ducing catarrah of the stomach. Medi
cal authorities prescribed for me for
three . years for catarrah of stomach
without cure, but - today I am the
happiest of men after using only one
box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I
cannot find appropriate words to ex
press my good feeling. I have found
flesh, appetite and sound rest from their
use " .. .
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the
safest preparation as well as the very
simplest and most '.'convenient . remedy
for any form of indigestion, catarrah of
stomach, . billiousness, sour ; stomach',
heartburn and bloatfng after meals. .
. Send for little book, mailed free on
stomach troubles, by addressing Stuart
Co., Marshall, Mich. The tablets can
be found at all drug stores. '.,.'....'
A Narrow Eieapa.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Was taken
with a bad cold which settled on my
lungs ; congh set in and finally termin
ated in - Consumption. , Four doctors
gave me up, saying I CQuld live but a
short time. I gave myeelf up to my
Savior, determined if I could not stay
with my friends on earth, I would meet
my absent ones above. My, husband
was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. I gave it a trial,, took in all eight
bottles. It has cured me, and thank
God I am saved and now a well and
healthy woman." ' Trial bottles free at
Blakeley & Houghton's - drug store.
Regular size 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed
or price refunded.' ' '" !'
These shirts sold
readily earlier in the
season at $1.00 We
had a liberal lot of
them. We sold a
great many of them .
We will have a few mora prices
for this space tomorrow.
now selling at
in this buying,
If your hat is turning slightly shabby, it may in
interest you to know that we have a special counter
of fine hats, worth from $2.00 to $3.50, which are sell
ing at $1.25. Costs nothing to look at them.
Fur Collarettes,
be bought now ol
atftr flir -WSir A: AriirVicitlr tpt A -rr A - J
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powders arc the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
Report of Stock Inspector Bonney For
the Past Year.
Tyoh Valley, Or., Jan. 7. To Wasco I
County Sheepmen : Gentlemen : The
work of the year 1893 has been brought
to a close by "circumstances over which
we have no control" and I desire to
take this occasion to say a few words as
to what has been accomplished in the
direction of ridding tbe county of that
most dreaded disease scab in sheep. It
is within the personal knowledge of most
of the sheepmen that early in the spring
of 1898 a few bands of sheep, all in the
vicinity of Antelope were afflicted with
scab. All were treated properly and I
think all were cured. As there is a good
deal of scab in adjoining counties, and
as some use the same old scaby corrals
again after dipping, it was almost in
evitable that the infection should be
spread to some extent. A few bands of
Wasco county sheep were slightly in
flicted in th fall and all were promptly
and thoroughly treated, and so far as
any one can judge up to date all were
cured. I am able to report at this time
that there is no scab known to exiet in
Wasco county at this date except in one
band . belonging to Mr. Wakefield on
Tygh Ridge, and that has only been
known to exist, for a few . days. They
will be k?pt . in an inclosure until the
coming of better weather, when they
will be treated for a cure. And oh be
half of the county court and myself I
desire to thank the. sheepmen, both
owners and employes,. for the most gen
eral and bearty i-upport in the effort
made to enforce the law. I wish to say
now that during ih ensuing year the
most persistent, and . determined effort
will be made to entirely eradicate scab
from the county. While it is not the
intention to deal, harshly with any one
will continue
fine Cloth Capes and Jackets may
us at less their regular price,
& CO.
- A
mftr iKr -ift- -
Bfic a
all mutt understand that tbe law must
and shall be enforced ; and in this I have
the united and hearty support of the '
county court. From and after this date
I shall promptly publish in the papera
of the county the names of all persons
owning, and the location, of fill sheep
known to be affected. I shall do this as a
notice to the public to avoid a spread of ;
contagion, and to emphasize the fact
that concealment cannot be tolerated.
I am sorry to say that a few cases have
arisen from bringing infected sheep from,
other counties. Two bands were in
fected by bringing bucks from Sherman
county. And I am sorry to say that one
band of very scabby sheep traveled over
half way across Wasco county with &
permit from the inspector of Sherman,
county, to travel to a dipping: vat.
I desire to renew my promise to treat
all communications with reference tot
known or suspected cases of . scab aa
! personal and strictly confidential. ' And
I consider the information gained in
this way as absolutely essential to any
success in exterminating the disease.
A. A. Bonnky,
Stock Inspector for Wasco County.
Deafness Cannot De Carert
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafnesn
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases oat of ten are caused
by catarrh, which ia nothing but an in
flamed condition of tbe mucous sur
faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh.
Cure. Send for circulars ; free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c. -10
Money Order Rates Reduced.
Washington, Jan. 7. The postal de
partments of this country and Canada
today reached an agreement providing,
for a considerable reduction of the rates
on international money orders. This
action is the result of plans formulated
by First Assistant Postmaster-General
Heath to change the fee system in the
drawing and payment of international
money orders between the United States
and Canada, so as to reduce the price of
such orders in each country.
La Grippe is again epidemic. Every
precaution should be taken to avoid it.
Its specific cure is One Minute Coueh
Cure. A. J. Sbepard, publisher Agri
cultural Journal and Advertiser, Elden,
Mo., says: "No ont will be disappoint
ed in using One Minute Cough Cure for
La Grippe." "Pleasant to-take, quick to
act. Snipes, Kinemley Drug Co. '