i THE EXCELLENCE OF SYEDP OF HQS Is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fio Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing' the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California. Fio Svrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other pa ties. The high standing of the CALI FORNIA Fia Sykup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANOISOO, Cal liOUISTZIXE. Kr. NEW TORE. X. T. PERSONAL HKNTIOX. G. Wingfisld ia a visitor from Endera I by. H, E. Blue is in the city from Wapi nitia. C. A. Monger came in from Grass Valley toaay. Ex-Gov. Z. F. Moody come up from Salem last night. Marcus Long ia confined to bis home today by sickness. Dr. Cbas. Adams ia in the city from Tygh, visiting relatives. John W. Watson', formerly a Dalles ite, is in the city from Portland, Contractor Frye, of the Pacific Bridge Co., left this afternoon for Portland. I B. E. Snipes, an old Dallesite of for I mer venrs, ia on the streets of the city I tUy. J Mrs. A. Siusher accompanied - her i aaoguter to tne city yesterday trom Dufur. inn . Mr. H. Gltna went to Portland this I morning, where he will -meet Miss Ed I na, who is returning from a visit to San Francisco. MisS Eva Shisher, accompanied by her .young lady friends who spent the lioli daya with her, came in from Dufur yee . terday, and left for Portland this morn ring, to resume her studies at the uni--O'ersity. -A Narrow acape. "Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada " E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my ldngs : cough set in and finally termin ated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave- myBelf up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Dig covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it trial, took in all eight bottles. It haa .cured me, and thank God I am saved snd now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Hough ton 'a Id rug store.' Regular size 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed or price refunded. . 1 Deafness Cannot be Cored by local applications, -a a they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to care deafaee? and that is by constitutional remedies jjeainess is caused nv an tniiameri vn. diuon of the mucous lining of the Eus- tacman luoe. wnen una tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation . can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for eyer; nine cassB out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in- Y1 . .... . namea condition oi tne nucous sur- . faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for ! any case of Deaf ness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars ; free. F. J. Chenkt & Co.. Toledo, O. a?Sold by Druggists, 75c. 6-10 La Grippe is again epidemic. Every precaution should be taken to avoid it. Its specific cure is One Minute Coueb Cure. A. J. Shepard, publisher Agri cultural Journal and Advertiser, Elden, Mo., says: "No on will be disappoint ed in using One Minute Cough Cure for La Grippe." Pleasant to take, quick to act. Snipes, Kinereley Drug Co. COUNCILMEN MEET; Mayor NoUn III The Sewer System Other Blatters Discussed. . and The Brat meeting tor the yearlS99 was held last night, and at roll call the fol lowing couccilmen answered present: Kuck, Gunning, Keller, Stephens, Michelbach, Clough, Butts. Mayor Nolan being absent on account of sick ness, C. F. Stephens took the chair. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and ap proved. O. D. Doane, chairman of the board of school directors, presented a petition for three new cross walks. One on Tenth, east side of Court ; one on Tenth, east side Union ; and one on Union, south side of Tenth. It was referred to the committee on etreetf and public prop erty, with powr to act. On recommendation of Kuck, Chas. Schmidt was appointed (o investigate the claims of the city against the county for taxes. The bill of Douglas Dufur for premium on insurance, which had been referred to the finance committee at -the last meeting, was ordered paid at the recom mendation of Kuck. . Committee on streets and public property was granted further time to in vestigate the matter of buildings situated on streets and public property , which had been referred to them at a previous meeting. C. F. Stephens then took the floor and in a forcible manner referred to the bad condition of our sewer system, speaking of the endless expense constantly re quired to repair the Bame. This sugges tion was timely as the city is certainly in need of a new sewer system. A motion was made and carried that the committee on streets and public property be authorized and directedjjto ascertain what system is , necessary for present needs. Kuck then presented the need of a sinking fund, and on motion therecord er was authorized to draw a warrant cn the treasurer, in favor of the finance committee, for $1000, to be invested in county warrants for the purpose of creat ing a sinking fund to meet the Jfuture obligations of the city, the warrants to draw interest at eix per cent. Other warrants for that amouut to be drawn until the surplus money ia expended. The blanket ordinance was then brought up by Councilman Stephen?, the purpose of which is to create a sink ing fund. Council then appointed a committee of three, consisting of Steph ens, Butts and Gunning (o ret with the recorder in drawing up an ordinance to be presented to the council. The follow ing bills were then allowed, at thj close of which the meeting adjourned. C F Lauer, marshal $75 00 G J Brown, engineer. . 75 00 Adolph I'riirman, mghtwatchman 60 00 C J Crandall, treasurer 20 00 N H Gates, recorder 50 00 D S Dufur, premium on insurance 56 55 Maier & Benton, mdse . . 1 05 K Cooper, nine cords oak wood. . . 45 00 Wm Henzie, hauling; 1 25 I Jos T Peters & Co., lumber ... 7 68 F S Gunning, repairs 1 80 Dalles Lumb Co, lumber 9 60 P F Burbam, hauling 25 E Benjamine, sawing wood 7 65 Dalles water works, water rent. .. 62 Uu MT Nolan, mdse 1 10 J W Robinson, labor 8 10 John Heebner, reeling hose. . . . . . 1 50 Chas Jones, labor 29 20 Chas Fleurer, labor 6 60 Mrs trazier, meals 14 60 Calif Restaurant, meals 2 10 wasco warehouse Gonipany I Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain otfii kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Headciuarters tor "Bvers Best Fendle- TT'lonT This Flour use ; everv We sell our goods lower than any can ana get our prices ana re convincea. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. A. Ad. KELLER, ..Hie SeEowfieti ow Oio Fiuo Saloon... 90 Second St., second door from Court. I 118 October 15 jj A. AD. KELLER 1 The Dalles, Or. 3 I $0.90. I j SI worth . of checks I I good for -10c drink I or cigar. . a cnecKvritneauparchase TH E Specialty SAM WAS ALONE. There Were Five of the Clar r" Wkcn Trouble Began. - j Back of the mountaineer's cabin was a 'great plum, tree, and under this tree J was a grave without a headstone. I j noticed the mound as I wandered about l in the afternoon, but it was evening and we sat at- the door "smoking- bur ! pipes before I made inquiry, s "Yes, that s Sams grave, replied the old man as he looked away into the gathering twilight. "Sam was my son my only son. We buried 'him there five y'ars ago." ' I saw from the look wttiich passed be tween husband and wife that I had touched on a- painful matter, and I was about to- change the subject when the woman said: ' " 1 ' "Joe, he may Jieviheard sunthin' 'bout it. Better tell the story straight." "Wall," said the old man after a long pause, "they had- a hoss race up at the Co'ners, and our Sam was thar and got into a dispute with one -of the Clay boys. Thar' was .five of the Clays, and Sam was all alone. He was only 19 y'ars old, but when -them Clays begun to elbow him around tie stood up to the hull five of 'em. Thar' wasn't no slhootin' right thar' at the Co'ners. The Clays waited till Sam had got started fur home and. then rid anter-him and opened fire. He had the sense to put his boss on the dead run and look fur kiver. They f oi lered !him right along home, and his hoss was shot as he jumped down' at the gate..Marv, yo? tell the Test." I "I was all alone yere," said the wife, 'and when I heard the shootin I knowed what ifc-l&eant. I got down the Win chester and stood at the door, and as. Sam cum up he took it and run to the big plum tree fur kiver. Thar' was five of the Clays, and they dodged about and kept shootin' and paid no 'tenshun to me. I was that scart that I satdiown on the ground and layered up my face with my apron. I can't -say how long it all lasted, but I reckon not mo' than ten minits. When the shootin' stopped I got up, and-an'd " "And Sam was lyin' dead under the plum tree!" said the old man. Tears ran down the face of the wom an and the. husband's efhin. quivered, and it was a long minute 'before he added: - "Yes, Sam was lyin dead on the ground, hit by live bullets, but out thar' and over thar' and right out yan f o o' xhem Clay boys was lyin' on tiheir backs with their sightless eyes .ookin up at the sky, and the fifth one jrawlin' on hands and knees up tlhe oad!" "He had killed four!" I exclaimed. "Killed fo eah, and wounded the ifth one till he was a. cripple fur life! That was our Sam, sah, and we buried him right whar' tie fit and made hia record. Fo' dead men on their backs wounded man crawlin' away and cry n as he went!" "And there were no other Clays?" "Xary a. man nor boy! The wimen lad to -cum. for the dead, and I had to aelp lift 'em into the cart!" Detroit Prce Press. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. TJ. 8. Land Offick, Vancouver. Wash.,) November, 20, 1898. ( Notice is hereby eiven that the following- named settler has' filed notice of his intention to make final proof in suppoit of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. B. Pres- by, United States Commissioner for District of Washington, at his cfiicc in Goldendulc, Wash ington, 'in f riaay, January bin, viz: GdUt Herman Knhae, Homestead Entry No. 8119, for the 8V of the NE'.and 614 of the NWW. section eleven, town shin three north, ot range thirteen. East W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultlva ion oi saia tana, viz:- - - Aneust CamDbell. David K. Claik. of Hartland Washington, Wcndel Leidl, George G. Lindaey, of (inidendaie. Washington. 11 301 W. R. Dunbab, Register. DeWitt'a Tb. Little Early Risers and all kinds of MILL. FEED is manufactured expressly for family sack is suaranteed to give satisfaction house in the trade, and if you don't think 60 DA LLES, O R EGO IN Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey In Imported French Liquors and Cognac. Best Domestic Lijnors, Wine3 did Cigars.. ' '." . ;.. .- - The Largest and Best of August Buchler' Home-made Beer and Porter. Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, Undertaker-, and Maimer.' THE DALLES, OREGON. "' Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back ' ' of ' French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. "3IAI 33S ONtf 3WOO SHERIFF'S SALE. lOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER ti and by virtue of an execution dated the 10th day of November, 188, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Grant County, upon a Judgment given and rendered tnerein on tne otn any oi ucioDer, iyt, (a trans cript of which was filed and docketed in office of me coumv cierx oi wasco uounty, uregon, on the 2-id day of October, 1S96,) ia iavor of E. 8. Pen field and against Mary D. Hess, for the sum of $368.45, and the further sum of $30.00 as at torney s iecb.and $11.00 costs ana dl bursements. men said execution is directed tome ana com manding me to levy upon and sell the property oi ice saia judgment aeDior, mary iJ. uess, or so much thereofas may be necessary to satisfy said judgment aforesaid with Interest thereon at the rute of ten per cent per annum from said 5th day of October, 1896, and the costs and ex penses of and upon this writ I aid on Saturday mermaayoi iecemoer, ib'js, levy upon ana on haraday the 19th day of January, 1809, t one o'clock p. m. at the County Courthouse door, in Wasco County, Oregon, will sell, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, for the purpose of satisfying said judgment, interest, costs and expenses, the undivided one fifth Interest of the said judgment debtor in and to the follow ing described lands and premises, to wit: All of sections 21, 23, 2o, 27 and 85; the south east quarter and the north half of the northwest quarter of section 22; the northwest quarter of section 24: the west half of the west half and the south half of the south half of section ill; the south half of the northwest quarter of section 36, all in township 7 south, range 17 east, and all of section 3 In township 8 south, range 17 east. Willamette meridian, in Wasco County, Oregon containing 4600 acres more or less. ROBT. KEL.LEY, Sheriff of Wasco Ccunty, Oregon. By F. C. Sexton, Deputy. Dec21-4w SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT oi the Stale of Ore gon for Wasco Countv. Edgar 8. Pratt, Plaintiff', vs. Emily Piatt, Defendant. To Emily fratt, tne above named aeienaanc In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear in the above en nuea couri on.or Deiore me zea-aay or January 1890, then and there to answ e the 'complaint of plaintiff fi led agrainst you in the above entitled cause, and if you fail so to appear, atd answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff win apply to tne aoove enuuea court ior we re lief prayed for in his complaint to-wit. For a decree of the above entitled court dis solving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant. That cluintiff be awarded the sole care and custody of their minor children. Katie Prate and Keuoin rraii, ana ior sucn oiner ana tanner re lief as to the court may seem equitable and just. This summons Is served upon you, the said Emily Pratt, by publication thereof, by order of tho Hon. W. L. Bradshaw. Jude of the above entitled court, which order bears date the 12th day of December, 1898, and direct, d that said amount be published once a week for not less then six consecutive weeks in the "Dalles Chronicle, ' a newspaper of general circula tion published in Dalles City, Wasco couuty, Oregon, and said publication to begin wHh Sat urday, the 17th day of December, 1898, and end witn Saturday tne zibt aay ot January, UOrCK M ENKFEE, 12-13-i Altorneya f9r Plaintiff. v NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, Tbe Dalles, Ok.,1 November, 23, 1898. i Comiilaint havlnar been entered at this office by Frank C. Wilson against Gustave A. Brock- man for abandoning his homestead entry, fio. 4949, dated Oct. 21, 1893, upon the W' i SE'-i sec tion iwemy-iwo ana ine x. rt suy section twenty-seven, township live south, range ten easr. w. M. in Wasco countv. Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, and said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 10th day of January, 1899, at 10 o'clock a. in., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. 11 80-1 - JA.Y P. LUCAS, Regl-ter. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Ob., December. 12. 1898. Kotlce is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his -claim, and trial saia prooi win oe maae oeiore me iw-'gister and Keceiver at ine uaiies, uregon , on Tuesday, January 24, 1899, viz ; Lewll a. sears., m uaiin, iiomesteaa jvppiiuaiiun ivo. ooiu, iur mc - N'VU Bee tl n 31, Township 1 north, Range 14, Kant IV. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi said land, viz: Newton Patterson, of The Dalles. Oregon John Ferguson, of The Dalles, Oregon: Henry Hyan, of The Dalle, Oregon; Andrew AiccaDe, of Tbe Dalles, Oregon. 13-14-1 - JAy P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OFj RESIGNATION. Notice is hereby elven that the undersigned has filed bis resignation as one of the adminis trators of the estate of Perry Watkins, deceased, and the county court of the state of Oregon for Waseo'county, has appointed the- 30th day of January, 1899, at the-hour of 10 o'clock, a m. as the time for hearing the same and tbe accounts of said administrator up to said date. Ail. per sona interested in said estate are hereby notified to appear iu said court at said time to show caue, if any exists, why said resignation should not be accepted ana saia aaministrator aiscnarg- ed. . . , Dalles City, Or., Dee. 27, 1898. FEAKII WlTKlSK. One of the Administrators of the Estate of Perry Watkins, Deceased. d28-4w B5 BEWAKD. Per head,' for the return of twenty bead of cattle which .were lost above Mill creek falls. Branded E-A on the. left shoulder and two crops off the right ear. Bet'urn same to Saltmarshe's stock yards and receive reward. 20-d2tw3w Kock Alleky. jf ORTHERN i PACIFIC RY. y LJ . s Pullman Sleeping Car Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. PAUL HlNKSArUIJ DULUTU V A KG O GRAND FOB CBOOKSTOS WINNIPEG HELENA an BUTTE Elegant Tourist TO Through Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA MW TORE BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and BOUTH For Information, 'time cards, mans and tlcketF. cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon D. 25 ARLTOJT. Asst. G. P. A., irison Cor. Third. Portland Oietjoi. Regulator Line The Dalles. Portlani and. Astoria Navigation Co.' sirs. Regulator S Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port land daily, tc" eunaay. DOM THE YALLET OR TO Are von going EASTERN OREGON? If so, save money arid enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. The wekt-boand train arrives at The Dalles in ample time for passengers to take the steamer, arriving In Portland in time for the outgoing Southern and Northern trains; East- bound passengers arriving in The Dalles, in time to iae ine j!.asi-Douna train. For further information apply to Or W C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt., The Dalles. Oregon. HOBTH WESTERN TRAVELERS ABE North-Western" Advertisers beeauBe Is the Shortest and Best Route to CHICAGO and the EAST via MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL,; And also. thflMtiinmefit of its trains is the most modern of the car builder's art embodying all the luxuries, comforts and necessaries oi travel "THE NEW MTH-WESTERH LIMED" (aoth Century Train) Is electric lisrhted both inside and ont. and eauiDDed with handsome buffet smokine-librars car. compartment and standard sleepers, fret chair car and modern day coacn; ana on wnicn no EXTRA FARE is charged. It makes connec tions at Minneapolis and St. Paul with Northern racinc ureal rortnern. ana --eoo-racinc trains: and leaves' daily Minneapolis 7 80 p. m St. Paul 8.10 tj. ni. : and arrives Chicago 9.80 a. m For berth reservations, rates, folders and illustrated booklet FREE of the "Finest Train in tne world." can ai or aaaress nciei Offices 213 Washington St.. Portland; 606 First Avenue, Seattle; 205 Granite Block. Helena; 113 Nicollet Avenue. Minneapolis; 395 Robert St., St. Panl; 405 West Superior St.. Duloth. or address T. W. Teasdalk- neneral Passengei Agent, it. i'aui. nunn. -r ' BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE V--- Trade Marks designs rr,-f Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may dutckly ascertain our opinion free whether an iniuntlnn la rjrobablT patentable. Commnnlca- tlons strictly confldentfal. Handbook on Patenta . . ni. .Anffv fnr RMniinff Dauntfl. Patents taken throutrh Mann A Co. receive tvecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. , .. ,iT.n..n wMkkir. T.j,nret cir culation ot any scientific Journal. Terms, 93 a . tm. i. Sold bvall newsdealers. MM &Co ""NewYork ; Branch .Office . Oregon Viavi Compahy, ' Room 7, over French's Bank. Office hours, 2 to 4 p. m- Charlotte F. Roberts. Local Manager. l BROS. i i ...and... g llorsGsnoers. Wagon and Carriage Werk. jj Fish Brothers' Wagon. jj Thirl and Jefferson. PMel59 i AAAAA-AAAArArAArJ S. SCBBNK, President. . M. BSAf, , Cashiei ;irst national Batik. THE DALLES OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Uepoeits received, subject to eight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Kew York, ban Francisco and Port land. DIRECTORS . P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schbnck. Ed. M. Wilmams. Geo. A. Liebb. H. M. Beau.. Tne uoluniDia Packing Go.. PACKERS OF BORKand BEEF MANDFACTDHKK8 OK iine Jjard and Sausaeres. Cursrs of BRtND HAMS & BACON i)E!ED BEEF. ETC. Ttis Economy Gasoiins LamD Approved by the Board of Underwriters of the .racinc, novemoer 9, vs'jo. 100-CANDLE POWER, 14 HOURS FOR 4- CENTS. Own your own Gas Plant. Run vour own me rer, a complete gas plant wiimn tne lamp; portable, hang it anywhere. Maximum light at minimum cost. J. D. TUNNY, novlS. Agent for Wasco County. WE DO. Job.... FIRST-CLASS WORK. REASONABLE PRICES. Chronicle Pub. Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. Sheriff's Sale. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF Oregon, for Wasco County. 3. P. Shannon, Plaintiff, vs. Marv W. Lewis, Wavne F. Lewis and Wm. Mo D. Lewis, Minors, by Jf . A. Moody, their guardian ad litem, and Z. F. Moody, executors of the es tate of W. Mc. D. Lewis, deceased. Defendants. By virtue of an execution, decree and order of sale, duly Issued out of and under tbe seal of the circuit court. of the state of Oreeon, for the county of Wasco, to me directed and dated the 28th day of December, 1898, upon a decree for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage, rendered and entered in Bald court on the 20th day of Decem ber, 1S98, in the above entitled cause in favor of the plaiutift'and against defendants, in the sum of Thirty-two hundred and Filty-lour dollars, and commanding me to make sale oi the real property embraced in such decree of foreclosure and hereinafter described, I will, on the 7 tn day of February, 1899, at the hoar of 2 o'clock p. rru of said day, and at the front door of the County Court House in Dalles City, Waeco Count , Oregon, se'l at pub lic auction lo the highest bidder for cash tn hand, all the right, title and interest which the defendants or either of them had on the 11th day of June, 1883, the date of the mortgage fore closed herein, or which said defendant or auy of the defendants herein, have since acquired, or now have in and to the following described property, situated and peing in abt-o cuumy, u The NWJ, and the b J t-'A., TnwnEhin.v nmith nf ranee 12. E East of Wil- lamette meridian, containing 1C0.47 acres accord ing to the government survey thereof, the same being known on the maps and plats of tho United States as Cash Entry No. 85, of John P. Shannon; or so much of said property as will satisfy said judnnientand decree. Said property will be sold "subject to coi.Drrnation and re- Hnmrtlnti h. lnW HMVidcd. I Dated at Tho li-Ucsj Oregon, this 2Sth day of, I December,-198. I ROBERT KELLY, ' lcc31 II Sheriff of Wasco County, Or. g GENERAL l GlOGRsmiins 6 Printing