The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 04, 1899, Image 3

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Clearance Sale of Bicycles
For Less than Half Price
We are unavoidably delayed in getting prices
ready for this issue of the paper, but will be able to pre
sent them to you tomorrow. The bargains are ready,
however, and goods in every department of our store
have been marked down.
All Good 8 Marked in
Plain Figures. '
The Dalles Daily Ctaniete.
Telephone No. 1.
The body of the
murderer Willard,
was taken to the potter's
field near
Clatsop for burial. , .
(Latest reports are to the effect that
Mrs. V. J. . Jeffers whose life was de
spaired of, is improving, although it is
feared she will never entirely recover.
In comparison with the holiday trade,
business eeeros dull tbeee days; but col
lectors today say that collections are
good, which is a fair indication for the
beginning of the year.
Marshal Lauer ran in two hobos last
night, John Myers and William Adams.
The first was fined $5 or two days In
jail, the second $10, or four days in jail.
In default of payment they are now saw
ing wood.
The steamer Ocean Wave, formerly on
the Portland-Seaside route has been
taken from Tacoma to the Fraser river
to lay up for an indefinite period. Ber
" owners were afraid to keep her in the
teredo-infested water of the Sound.
Mr. E. Hardwick received word yes
terday of the accidental shooting of his
brother in Colfax, resulting in his
death. The funeral will take place on
Friday "at Pendleton. ' Mr. and Mrr.
Hardwick will leave tomorrow evening
to be in attendance.
Captain Lewis will deliver his lecturer
on "Life in Libby Prison" next Monda
at Hood River; Tuesday at Barrett's
school house, and Wednesday at O'Del
school house. The -week following
will speak at Wasco, Moro, and oth
. towns in their vicinity,
Kelly & Cradlebangb have a force
miners working on their Imperial group
which looks better every time a pick is We hope they will make a
million oat of it, and there ' is little
doubt but that they will. Our camp
needs more men like them. Sumpter
(It is rumored that a party of ir.ea
visited Dei Chutes river aboye this city
a few days since, for the purpose of in
vestigating the plausibility of securing
power there from with which to operate
an electric road from here to Prineville.
This is almost too good to be true, there
fore we only give it as hear-say, and
await farther developments.
A dispatch from Manila to the San
FranciecoOhronicle states that the trans
ports carrying Christmas boxes to the
soldiers at Manila arrived safely on Dec.
23, and the boys received the good things
from home at the right time. There
were many glad hearts among Oregon
. soldiers when letters from home and
boxes fall of good things for Christmas
were received.
i A pleasant farewell party was given
! Xast evening by Mies Ulrich, in honor
or Mr. Eddie Hulbert, of Albany, who
has been spending the holidays in the
city, The evening was spent in games
and music. Thoseoresent were: Mr.
and Mrs. Bees, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Nichols, Mr. andMrs. Lemison, Mr.
and Mrs, Stanieltt Mrs. Vinson, Misses
Fowler, Urqnbat, -Allen, Ulrich,. and
"VMessrs fowler Humeri, urqunart,
imith, Ulrich yknd Ernest Halfpapp.
The sewer on Court street is causing a
sensation today. Becoming stopped in
some manner, it began to back np into
the cellars and basements along its line,
and quite a little damage was done to
goods in J. P.. Mclnerny'a basement,
while at last accounts Prinz & Nitechke
feared they would be compelled to. move
out the goods stoied in the lower story
of their building. Workmen are en
gaged in digging np the sewer in the at
tempt to discover wherein lies the dif
ficulty. The American girl depicted on Hood's
Sareaparilla calendar, is certainly a good
advertisement for that famous medicine.
She looks as if she'd taken something
for that "tired feeling" which had been,
very effective and makes her appearance
as fresh and sweet as a daisy with the
June 'dew The American girl
looks well wherever you put her, and is
always up-to-date. The calendar is a
very pretty one and artistic. in every de
tail. Ask you druggist for one, or send
six centa to C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell,
Mass. . .-
At a meeting of the city council some
time since a committee was appointed
by the mayor to revise the city charter.
As it is to be acted upon at the coming
session of the legislature, the names of
the committee are, published that any
who may have suggestions to suggest or
kicks to kick, may prepare to kick them
now, or forever bold their peace. The
committeemen are Sam Johns, Andrew
Keller, Henry Kuck, of the council, and
rank Menefee, M. A. Moody and J add
isb, citizens, .' with - Mayor ' Nolan, as
chairman. - '. '
A remarkable coincidence, which may
be of interest to believers in telepathy
and other kindred occult services, is to
be noted in connection with the recent
destruction of the Fulton cottage at Sea
side. On that night the members of the
Fulton family were alarmed by a strange
sense' of, smoke prevading their
entire residence in the . city.
The odor was . so marked and distinct
that the ladies of . the -, family became
alarmed and insisted upon a thorough
examination by Mr. Fulton of the entire
premises, which, of coarse, failed to dis
close any fire. Strange as it may seem
this was a veritable occurrence, and be
lievers in the mysterious can make as
much or little of it as they please. As
torian. ' '- "
Pague's snow did not arrive until late
today. Tomorrow be promises' ns fair
weather; continued colder. We are Lav
ing winter on the installment plan, and
the river 1b again blocked at Crate's
point. From present indications and
the amount of floating ice in the river,
we will soon be able to cross on the ice
here. Reports Bay that the thermometer
ranges "between 8 and 16 along the
Snake. There are two inches, of ice in
the locke, and the Dalles C:ty did not
attempt to make the trip from Portland
today. Hungry Harbor is the favorite
winter resort, and there is quite a fleet
in that quarter at present, the ferry boat
joining the other craft this morning.
Great interest was- manifested, last
night in the iate of the big candle,
which had been burning' in" Jacobsen's
window since the night of the 24th of
December, and which bad about run its
course. At 8:10 o'clock it collapsed,
naving Darned T6M hours and ten min
utes. This morning the list of guesses
was iooKea over and tbe following re
ceived presents: Ned Baldwin, having
estimated the lengh of time at 239 hoars
and fourteen minutes, was awarded first
prize, a piano lamp; Clifford Adcox, 239
boars, a set of sllverwear ; S. A. Blake,
239:26, ao album.; Jay Blake, 238 :55,
book of army viewe ; J. W. Blake, 239 :30,
an accordion ; Lily Seufert, 230 :39, gold
pen; Ora Blake, 239:45, medallion
Louise Rintoul, 240, music roll; - Dolly
Blake, 240, toilet case; C. F. Wagon
blast, 238 ;17, mirror; Mrs. M. Zirka,
240:12, collar and cnff box; E. L. Root,
Mosier, 240:20, work box.
- And now cometh the Portland girl
and defendeth ' Lieut. Kisser, eayingj
"Why should not Hobson allow the
women to kiss him? He belongs to the
nation. He is too great a man to be
monopolized by one woman." . Another
one says: "Why how delicious to kijs
such a hero." And still another: "The
men are jealous, that's what's tbe mat
ter. Just, because they can't get the
same." So we may expect a yisit from
Hobson soon ; but perhaps it would be
well to inform the Webfoot girl that
there's nothing selfish about Eastern
(Jregon girls, and tney can monopc'Zze
the general kieeer. Besides its not
kisstomary in Eastern Oregon to send
abroad for herds; each girl has one cf
her own in tbis part of the .state. We
sympathies with Hobson, for we believe
it takes more courage Jo face some of the
mouths he has encountered in the past
few months, than it did to face all the
cannon's mouths he ran across in bat
tle. However, pity is not akin to love
in tbis case, and the Portland girls can
send for him if they wish. Dalles girls
say they take .no stock in such a pro
miscuous osculator, and would rather
"carry arms" than be compelled to fall
in line in the kiBsing march.
Coughing injures and inflames sore
lungs. One Minute Cough Cure loosens
the cold, allays ' coughing ' and ' beats
quickly. The best-cure for children,
perfectly harmless. Snipes-Kinersly
Dm i Company. - ."".'!
DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve '.
Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns.
DRY FIR, made of 12x12 bridge timber
DRY FIR, made of bridge piling,
Extra choice DRY FIR,
All mail orders promptly attended to.
...Riaier S Eenion
167 SeiM St. - THE DALLES, OR.
Three Lada Who Have About Decided
They Prefer the Boys' and Olrls'
Aid to Life Id a -rail.
Beingmuch interested in the three
lads who were discovered in the box car
of a freight, train which arrived here
early yesterday morning, a reporter re
quested' Marshal, Lauer to permit an in
ter view with them, and therefore was
"run in" to the city jail, where were
found three boys, sitting side by side
against the wall in a dejected .looking
condition. They were clad in a manner
which would not admit of taking a trip
in winter without suffering from cold
Being asked if they were cold on their
journey ' up, they answered that they
were nearly frozen, which the night
watchman said was tbe case when be
found them. As is usual with mis
chievous children they seem very bright,
and there was no hesitancy as they
answered the questions asked, althjufeh
we afterwaj-d learned they bad their
story well learned and h-d told it so
often they had begun to think it true.
J. bey gave their names as
Fred Matson, Guy Cooney and Martin
Taney, aged 14, 12 and 10 respectively.
The youngest was particularly bright
and said when asked how they got here
"We live in Albina and was sweepin'
wheat oat of a box car when old 'Spider
Lege,' a man who alius shuts boys in
when they play in cars, shut us up and
we couldn't git out. 'J' hen the train
started, and we yelled, but nobody
heard us cause the cars made such a
noise, till we got here, then a man
brought as up here.Ii .The reporter then
said, "Did you' sleep any last night?"
'Nop, didn't sleeD none." "When are
you going home?" The little fellow
spoke up and said : "Guess my god
father,, who works on the train '11 cone
and take me." . Mr. Lauer informed us
that a man called' to got' him,' bnt as
Superintendent Gardner, of the Boys
and Girls' Aid Society, bad answered his
telegram last evening saying the boys
had run away from the Society and ask
ing him to hold them until he arrived,
he could' not well let him go.
Tbe little fellows seemed quite peni
tent last night and were said to le
crying as a gentleman passed the jail.
Afterwards the ' man returned and in
company with Mr. Lauer visited them,
anl fonnd them better contented. T
day he brought down some apples and
books, wLich pleased them immensely.
Tbe marshal . has . been very kind to
j them ; bat the boys have been taught a
lesson which they will never forget, and
no doubt have decided it is better to be
under Mr.' Gardner's kind protection,
than to come near freezing and then
spend several days in a jail.
.'- Dingley Is Improved. .
Washington, Jan. 3. Dingley i8 a
little better this morning, though bis
condition remains decidedly critical.
We wish to clear out all old stock before mo v
ing into new store and have some bargains.
This is an opportunity to get a bic ycle cheap
VA11 wheels sold at half regular price.
Wo have the largest assortment ever displayed in The Dalles, and -you
will find our prices are lower than all of our competitors.
Books, in Endless Variety.
Cloth bound, 12 mo., 200 titles, 12Jc each. Chatterbox, latest edi
tion, only 69c. All goods marked in plain figures.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street,
5omi9 to tl?e prort
Slowly, but surely, J. H. Cross -with a magnificent stock of staple
. and fancy groceries. His constant and enormous daily sales gives evi
dence ot satisfaction to the people. In connection with his splendid gro
cery trade, he does a marvelous Hay, Grain and Feed business. He
carries in stock .
Oat Hay -Wheat
Barley Hay,
Baled Straw, Wheat, Bye, Barley, Oats, Corn, Buckwheat, Boll Bar
ley, Middling, Shorts, Bran and Shorts and Lite Bran.
He also has the largest and best assortment of garden and grass seeds
in' Eastern Oregon. .Experience has demonstrated the wisdom of fall
planting in many lines of seeds, such as onion, turnip, lettuce, spinach,
peas and others. He deals in Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese.
Also daily bays and sells fresh eggs. All orders intrusted to bis care
will be filled with fidelity and dispatch and delivered free to any part of
the city. Thankful to the public for their confidence and patronage in
the past will endeavor by fair dealing to merit a continuance of the same.
Cor. Second and Federal Sts.,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Rockford Quick Shot"
12-Plate Magazine Camera.. .
"Tarn the lever and you are ready for
another." No plate holders with slides
to draw. No sleeve or changing bag. No
chance to fog plates. No failures.
If yon want 12 pictures quick, bay tbe
"Quick-Shot," the only magazine cams
era that holds the plates securely after
they are exposed. ' No rattling or break
ing of plates. Best on earth.
3x4J ......$6.00
.4x5 . $9.00
r .With one dozen plate holders.
Manufactured under the Conley patents by the
Rockford Silver Plate Co.,
We sell only through local agents. Ask our
agents to show you this "Quick bhot."
Mote Talk About tbo Same Old Road
Wonder If It Will Materialize?
The Telegram has the following con
cerning tne -. mucn-taijtea-ot raiiroaa
from-Crate's point to Columbus. We
wonder if its the same old talk, or
whether there's anything in it :
In a recent interview, Paul F. Mohr,
president of the Columbia Biver Naviga
tion railroad, around the rapids of the
Dalles, in Colombia river, said his line
Would be completed and ready for busi
ness before the end of next summer. The
road will be 20 miles long and of stand
ard gauge. It will extend from Crate's
point; below The Dalles, to Columbue,
opposite Grant's, on the Oregon side,
and tbe grade will lie through Washing
ton. Speaking of his line, Mr. Mobr
said: x
"This line will be valuable chiefly for
the traffic it will get froai vessels bring
ing' grain down the Columbia river. Tbe
rapidsaftnad The Dalles are miles
long, "extending from Celilo to a point a
short distance above the town xf Tbe
old stand.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Timothy Hay,
Wild Grass Hay,
v lfalfa Hay.
Quick Sellers
No Complaints
The Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
AGENTS, The Dalles, Oregon.
Dalles. My road will cut across a level
land along the foot of the Klickitat hills,
opposite The Dallep, and run several
miles below The Dalles.
"The Klickitat valley sends out a mil-
lion bushels of grain yearly, and a large
amount of this will probably come to my
road at Columbus.
"Work is not progressing on the line
just now, and will not be begun till the
winter passes.
"It would hot pay to complete tbe
road until tbe Cascade locks were open, .
so the road was not rushed. Now the
locks are open, and the steamer taking
grain at Crate's point fiom oar cars will
be able to carry it to the mouth of the
Columbia. The hauling of the grain on
the Upper and the Lower Columbia
river by water will admit of a lower
transportation rate down the Columbia.
Tbis reduced rate will not only redound
to the benefit of the shippers along that
route, but also to those shipping by rail
roads across the state of Washington to
Fuget sound. They will have to reduce
their rates to a comparative equal basis
so as to meet the water competition.