The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 03, 1899, Image 1

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NO 230
fim v iii. 1 1 ; r ; i
Will Try Moral Suasion Before Resort
ing to Arms.
At Least They Will Not Fight Without
Orders From Aguinaldo. Rein
forcement of Troops for Manila.
Washington, Jan. 2. Nothing more
baa been beard at the war department
from Otia since the cable of yesterday.
The situation ia irritating in the fact
that according to the experience of the
paet tew days, it ia not to be expected
that anything can be heard from Iloilo
for a day or two at least, except in the
very improbable event that the Ameri
can force baa been repulsed in ita efforts
to make a landing and has been obliged
to return straight to Manila.
It ia surmised that General Miller is
proceeding with more tact and less
rongnnesa in nis aeaungs witn me in
surgents than appeared from a first in
spection of the reports. Hia purpoee
apparently was to avoid such formal
recognition of the insurgents as might
tend to embarrass the United States
government hereafter, but at the same
time not to deal harshly with them if
they can be brought to see the rectitude
of bis intentions.
Therefore the officials are of the opin
ion that there will be no actual hostili
ties between the forces arrayed againat
General Otia and bis own, but that at
the worst the latter will retire from the
city without accepting or rejecting the
American overtures until they have
beard from Againaldo. General Otis
baa taken steps to acquaint General Mil
ler with the latest instructions from the
president, and a special messenger is
now on hia way from Manila en route to
Altbongh officials profess their strong
belief that no eerious trouble will occnr,
they have taken the precaution to expe
dite the dispatch of military reinforce
ments to the command of General Otia
in the Philippines.
Orders have been issued for the Twen
tieth regiment of infantry of Ft. Leav
enworth to time its departure so aa to
be in San Francisco by the 17th inst.
in order to ecwbark on the military
transport being fitted out to aail for Ma
nila on that date, if possible. The two
other infantry regiments which are un
der orders to proceed to the Philippines
by the Pacific route, the Third and
Twenty-aecond, Will follow aa soon aa
transportation can possibly be secured
for them.
Three other regiments are alao un
der orders to proceed to Manila by way
of the Mediterranean and Suez canal.
These are the Fourth, Twelfth and Sev
enteenth infantry. They will make the
trip in the new transports Mobile and
Mohawk, and unless present plana mis
carry they will embark at New York on
the 17th inst. General Law ton will ac
company the expedition from New York
after a conference respecting the admin
istration of affairs in the Phillippines.
Accident in a Bourne Mine.
Bourne, Or., Dec. 30. Yesterday
afternoon Mr. Searles, the .manager of
Eureka Excelsior Gold Company, while
making bis daily inspection of the prop
erty, crawled into one of the etopea in
Excelsior No. 2, when the overhead side
suddenly caved in, completely burying
hin under abont 1000 pounds of quartz
and earth. The foreman and twomineri
extricated him and carried him oat of
the mine. Dr. Grant found two ribs
were broken, and sewed op hi chin,
which was cut to the bone. He will
recover. '
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
Floods Have Destroyed the Crops and
a Grain Famine is the Result of
the Disaster.
Tacoma, Jan. 2. Advices brought by
the steamship Victoria say Sze-Chuen
merchants wired to Shanghai desiring
all shipments of goods into the province
The yellow river floods have destroyed
the crops and famine has resulted.
Thousands of the natives are starving.
Thousandaof hungry and ragged refugees
are moving down the river in boats, only
to find the cities lower down closed
against the starving hordes. The gov
ernment appropriated 300,000 taels for
their relief, but less than one-fifth has
been distributed. It is claimed dishon
est officials have pocketed the balance.
A relief fund baa been started at Shang
hai. Rev. B. Craig Patterson, of the
Chian Kian mission, appeals to Ameri
can friends for aid.
A panic prevails throughout Sze-
Chuen province, China, caused by the
rehoisting of the black flag of rebellion
by the notorious outlaw Yumantze.
After offering to refrain from further de
predations and receiving a compensation
therefor from the Chinese authorities.
Yumantze has rejoined hia followers and
started a fresh anti-Catholic crusade.
His reward included 100,000 taels in sil
ver, immunity from punishment and a
captaincy in the Chinese army. The
French missionary, Fleury, remains in
Yumantze's bands and hopes of saving
bim have been abandoned.
Two Pointed Questions Answered.
Wbat ia the use of making a better
article than your competitor it you can
not get a better price for it?
Ans. As there is no difference in the
price the public will buy only the better,
so that whilo onr profits may be smaller
on a single scale they will be mncb
greater in the aggregate.
How can you get the public to know
your make ia the beet?
If both articles are brought prominent
ly before the public both are certain to
be tried and the public will very quickly
pasa judgment on them and nee only the
better one.
This explains the large sale on Cham
berlain's Cough remedv. The people
have been nsing it for years and bave
fonnd that it can always be depended
upon. They may occasionally take np
with some fashionable novelty put forth
with exaggerated claims, but are certain
to return to the one remedy that they
know to be reliable, and for coughs,
colds and croup there is nothing equal
to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton.. .
Gave Liquor to Indians.
Toledo, Or., Jan. 1. Saturday, six
Siletz Indiana, Jamea Tronson, Robert
Troison, John Gargier, John Gargier, jr.,
Louie Smith and Pellet Larn, and one
white man, Al Reed, were arrested by
Deputy United States Marehal Morse on
a charge of having liquor in their posses
sion on the Siletz reservation, and giv
ing it to other Indiana. They were given
a hearing before United States Commis
sioner Hall, and Reed waa bound over
to appear before the grand jury.
Between Sennty and Eikty Men are
in tie Snaft. '
Men Were Fnally Rescued From the
Shaft Property Loss Estimated at
Only a Few Thousands.
Cablinville, 111., Jan. 2. Early this
morning the tripple and top works of
the Carlinville coal shaft, situated just
outside of town, took fire and burned
fiercely. There seemed from the start
no chance of saving them from total de
struction. Between seventy and eighty
men are in the mine, and, although des
perate efforts are being made in their
behalf, it is by no means certain that
they can be rescued.
The entire force .of one hundred men
went to work as usual at 7 o'clock. Two
dozen of tbem, who were worktng in the
east leads of the mine, discovered that
the air waa foul, and escaped to the top,
except Jack Minck and his aon, Archie.
Aa yet they have not reached the top.
The other miners, working in the west
part of the abaft are etill underneath
the ground.
The air shaft is located near the burn
ing plant, and, should the fire reach it,
there will be no hope of saving the men
still under ground. When the flames
started, the engine quickly reversed the
air, forcing it down the safety air Bhaft
through the main leads of the mine and
up the main entrance, thus preventing
the fire so far from entering the mine,
but it will be several hours before the
men's safety can be assured.
Fortunately a stiff breeze is blowing
from the.Bouth, which aids in saving the
engines which furnish air to the im
prisoned miners. Several thousand
spectators are watching the conflagra
gration, among them wives, sisters and
children of the men below, who are
weeping bitterly.
Later After herculean efforts on the
part of the mine managers and those of
the miners who escaped at the first
alarm,, the entombed miners are all re
leased from their perilous position. '. The
property losses aggregate only a few
thousand dollars.
How to IiOok Good.
Good looks are really more than skin
deep, depending entirely on a healthy
condition of all the vital organs. If the
liver be inactive, you have a bilious look ;
if your kidneya be effected, you have a
pinched look. Secure good health and
you will surely have good looks. "Elec
tric Bitters" is a good Alternative and
Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach
liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood,
curea pimples, blotches and boils, and
gives a good complexion. Every bottle
guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store. 50 cents per bottle. 3
The People Permitted to Celebrate Their
Saktiago de Cuba, Jan. 1. The last
day of the old year bad Ecarcely paesed
when the people of Santiago began to
celebrate the birth of Cuban indepen
dence. From that hour until dawn,
crowd9 marched the streets, singing and
cheering for Cuba and the United States
while bands played exhilarating music.
It was the real voice of the people, in
stead of - the element that ia usually
making itself heard through the, local
press, and there could not be any ques
tion of the enthusiastic . feeling toward
This morning. General Wood, follow
ing an ancient Santiago custom, held a
reception at the palace, appearing for
the first time in the full dress uniform
of a major-general. He received the
members of the supreme court, city
council, chamber of commerce and the
other officials of the city. Tomcrrow,
with Mra. Wood, he will hold a recep
tion for all who may choose to come.
SlOO Keward SIOO.
The readers of thia paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages, end that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the disease
and giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing its work. The proprie
tor have 83 much faith in its curative
pXTJra, that they offer One Hundred
Do lars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials. Address,
F. J. Cheney, & Co., Toleda, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pilla are the best.
Sad Day for Spain.
Madrid, Jan. 1. New Year editorials
in the Madrid press are sad and dignified
reminders that the hoisting of the U. S.
flag in Cuba and the Philippiues means
the closing of four centuries of Spanish
colonial history. With suppressed emo
tion, rather than bitterness, the paperu
exhort the people to have confidence in
their recuperative power, urging that
fclC-ire will be the smallest possible waste of
'time in reorganizing the affairs of the
country, and expressing a special desire
for a speedy settlement of the cabinet
The general belief ia that Senor Sa
gasta will be able to resume Lis duties
as premier by the end of the week, and
that he will form a cabinet to include
Lieutenant-General Weyler.
Are You . Interested?
The O. R. & N. Co's Mew Book
On the Resourses of Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho is being distributed. Our
readers are requested to forward the
addresses of their Eastern frienda and
acquaintances, and a copy of the work
will be sent them free. Thia ia a mat
ter all ehould be interested in, and we
would ask that everyone take-' an in
terest and forward such addresses to W.
H. HrjKLBCRT, General Passenger Agent,
O. E. & N. Co., Portland.
Enterprising; Tlraggists.
Tnere are few men more wide awake
and enterprising than Blakeley & Hough-
on, who spare no pains to secure the
best of everything in their line for their
many customers. They now have the
valuable agency for Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. This is the wonderful remedy
that is producing such a furor all over
the country by ita many startling curea
It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis,
Hoarseness and all affections of the
throat, chest and lungs. Call at the
above drugstore and get a trial bottle
free or a regular size for 50 cents and
$1. Guaranteed to cure or price er
funded. NOTICE.
Came to my place in May, one bay
mare, weight about 900 pounds, and
branded with a capital At the cross line
of the letter-resembling the letter v, on
the left shoulder. Owner can bave the
ame by callin e at my place and paying
all charges. B. E. Selleck,
lGdeclra Boyd, Oregon.
Per bead, for the return of twenty
head of cattle which were lost above
Mill creek falls. Branded R-A on the
left shoulder and two crops off the right
ear. Return same to Saltmarshe's stock
yards and receive reward.
20-d2t w3w Bock Alleey
Cath In Hoar Checks.
All county warrants registered prior
to Feb. 1, 1895, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Nov. 14
1898. : C. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
-yr.w g
J, .Jfc, Jt. Jfc.
This week marks
the beginning- of our
Annua! Inventory
daring which every department in our atore is
ransacked for items that will be of interest to
our cuRtomere. and prices will be appended
that will move goods. By February 1st every
vestige of winter goods now on our shelves
shall have changed owners. To bring this
very desirable change about, we will com
mence thia way.
Lalies' fine silk and
Saxony Wool Knit Un
derskirts. A perfectly
high grade article. An
extraordinary value at
Sale price
COLORS: Light Blue,
Fink, Red and Navy.
Store Closes
gjjjt yt ji Syi SqgL Jypi 3a. jqp. sfi
S fl no i
f Hi V i w
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot sii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Mt"LkFEd0
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle-
TlOllT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
'-''- use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if you don't think eo
call and get onr prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for
M Renownefl om 010 Fmo saloon...
90 Second St., second door from Court.
118 October 15
The Dalles, Or.
SI worth of checks
good for 10c drink.
or cigar.
witn each purchase
A J Jfc. J. J 9
S Our t
f Ads S
0 &
s &
It will pay you.
gr syc aycrSytc arr
Ladies' w w w I.
i!L JfrhHui
$7 50 to $ 5.63 45
$10.00 to 7.50 .
$12 50 to 9.38 "
$15.0o to 11.25 &t
$20.00 to ... 15.00
All cloth Capes at same reductions.
Glaze Taffetta Silk jFA Jf
Underskirt;full rlouice, ry if""
deep canvas facing, .if A J?S&
lined throughout and ' i H
bound with velvet. H. : . ' ?
COLORS: Red, Blue, ff 'ii 1 r
Green, Purple; change- ( f f .. 8 2
able ettects. ' w
I - ; X
Our regular 13.00 skirt f ff :$ ' "1
- $2.00 00
Miss' iP w w O
is fifirtllRRrtS
Jackets MllWUUUUU &
11.75 to ,. $1.31 M.
t'.OOto.... 6
$2.50 to.,. l7 JOS.
3.00 to 2.25 )T
4.00 til 3.00 JlX.
to.OO to 3.75 W
7.50 to 5.63
: : 4
llllilllld U bUi 2
at 6:30 p. m. until March. 1st.
A A.rfferV3V pificjJfccVV jAr AAA A .A. AjjScji.
"Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey
Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac.
Best Domestic Liquors, Wines u Cigare. .
The Largest and Best of Aonust Btichler
Home-made Beer and Porter.
for the Swiss Pab. Co., New York.
- i