The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 31, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. XI
MO 229
Declines to Come to Havana Withon1
His Troops.
Cubans Hoped to be Allowed to Parti
cipate in the Evacuation Ceremon
ies, but finally Yielded to General
Brooke's and Ludlow's Wishes.
New York, Dec. SO. A special to the
ilerald from Havana, saye: On Wed
meadav 200 insurgent cavalrymen with'
. drew from the city in a sulk because the
Americana refused to recognize them ex
'cept as individuals. Civil Governor De
Caetro adviaed General Ludlow to avail
himself of the eervicea of the cavalry
under Colonel Hernandez. The men
entered as dragoons and hoisted the Cu
ban flag9, doing police duty west of
Galiano street. The Americana refused
to permit tbem to act as an organized
body, and after doing duty one night
they lowered their flag and returned to
Menocoal's camp at Mariana.
It ia known that Gomez feels that he
is not treated properly. Indeed, he has
never received anything but curt treat
ment from the representatives of the
American government. Some time ago
he sent a personal representative to con
fer with the American evacuation com
mittee. General Butler proposed that a
personal note of congratulations be eent
Gomez, but General Wade and Admiral
Sampson refused to join him.
A letter from Gomez haa just been re
ceived here. He is wise enough not to
commit himself further than to say that
he could not come to Havana unless he
came aa commander-in-chief of the Cu
ban army of liberation, and if the men
who bad tougbt with him for three
years were not good enough to come he
pre'erred to stay with them. He scouted
the idea that the presence of the Cuban
troopa would result in disorder, declar
ing their presence would be the best pos
sible guarantee of good order.
He concludes his letter with the re
mark that he had full confidence in the
good will and fairness of the Americans
aa a people, but believed the politicians
were attempting an excuse to compel
the nation to break ita most sacred
The Americans are divided in senti
ment, many believing a great mistake
has been made in not giving the Cubans
an oppoitunity to celebrate the event
which they have ionght so many years
to bring about. General Lee was in fav
or of granting permission for the insur
gents to parade, and recognizing Gomez
aa the head of the Cuban army. Since
General Brooke gave hia decision, Lee
has, of course, refused to express himself.
Cubans Will Yield.
Havana, Dec. 30. The Cuban patri
otic committee, consisting of 150 leading
Cuban lawyers, doctors and business
men, at a meeting which lasted until 4
o'clock this morning, decided to yield to
General Brooke and General Ludlow in
the matter of postponing their celebra
tion, and haa approved the manifesto to
the Cuban population of Havana on the
linea of General Ludlow's reply on the
subject of the proposed celebration. The
Cuban citizena in Havana and Cuban
soldiers outside of the city are intense
ly excited, but the patriotic committee
and military chiefs of the Cubana think
they can repress this feeling and pre
vent violent incidents.
Russia Wants no Nicaragua Canal.
. . New Yoek, Dec. 30. A dispatch from
Paris says : The Herald's European edi
torial prints the following:
Russia ia evidently beginning to cam
paign against the Nicaragua canal. The
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to "alth of the present day.
Novoe Vremya publishes an article not
only warmly advocating the Panama
scheme, but filled with bitter dislike of
the United States.
The writer says the predominance of
the United States would have been de
sirable for Russia a few years ago, but
all this haa changed since the last war.
He goes on to say that, having despoiled
poor Spain, the United States has be
come a colonial party and an Asiatic
power. ,
An Earnest Appeal to le Sent to the
Two Pointed Questions Answered.
Delegation in This Country Sends Over
a Manifesto Declaring Against
Annexation to the United States.
Wells-Fargo Employe and 60,000
San Antonio, Tex., Dec. 29. The lo
cal oflBce of the Wells-Fareo ExDresa
Company is out of a money package con
taining $60,000. The money waa eent
here from Houston tor the Southern Pa
cific to meet ita payroll west from that
city to El Paso. It arrived Wednesdav
morning and was given to C. A. Beeler,
the Wells-Fargo money delivery clerk,
to hand over. Beeler started for the de
pot and was seen en route. Four hours
after his departure his wagon was found
five miles west of the city in a thicket,
the horte almost dead from the effects of
hard driving. Inquiry developed the
fact that no delivery had been made.
There waa no evidence of a struggle in
the vicinity where the vehicle was found.
Beeler had been in employ of the com
pany for nine years, and enjoyed the
confidence of all. He spent several
years on the frontier as a cowboy. His
friends stoutly assert that he is the vic
tim of foul play, and his wife also in
clines to thia belief. Superintendent
Taft, of the express company, ia here in
vestigating. He admits that the loss
will reach the sum stated, while rumor
nearly doubles that amount.
Was Removed from Devil's Island and
Sailed for France.
New York, Dec. 30. A social to the
Herald from Paramaribo, via Hayti,
says: It ia reported here that former
Captain Dreyfus, who for the last three
years has been kept in aolitarv and close
confinement on Devils island, one of the
Isles de Saiut, a few miles east of here,
haa been removed from hia island prison
to Cayenne and sailed from there to
France on December 4 last on a convict
No details regarding the departure of
the pri8oner or as to hia ultimate desti
nation can be assertained. It is believed
he will be taken to Paris, to await the
orders of the court of cassation.
A telegram from Rotterd am annnnnrpB
that Conote Esterhazy haa been Etavine
there since December 15. Hia departure
tor America is regarded as imminent.
Nsw York, Dec. 30. A dispatch to
the World from Washington saya : The
Cuban delegation to the United Statea
has just prepared and sent to Cuba an
elaborate appeal in circular form to be
widely distributed to all natives to re
member that they fought for Indepen
dence and not for annexation.
The manifesto reviews the struggle to
throw off Spain's tyranny, and recounts
the glories of the victory and refers to
the action of congress in regard to a
stable government being established.
"Jf annexation were desired, it would
be better to have it brought about now
then later, and for that reason it is de
sired that the question should be settled
finally at the present time. Yet it is
sufficiently known that Cubans made
war and fought for independence, not
for annexation, and that all the precious
blood that has been shed and all the
hardships endured and all the suffering
were to gain independence, and nothing
short of that.
"It is ridiculous to trv to answer the
accusation that tae Cuban people are
indolent, that they are uneducated, un
faithful and unable to govern them
selves. Their industry, labor and
energy have made Cuba in many re
spects one of the most productive coun
tries of the world.
"Their duty now ia to stand by the
lone star banner, which signifies inde
pendence and liberty, the greatest bles
sings of heaven.
"Remember that Cuba haa not fonght
and endured for a change of masters, but
that her people may be their own
"We are none the lees grateful to the
people of the Uuited States for their aid
and support, and in doing what they
have done to free Cuba from Spain they
have but repaid the great debt which
they -owed to humanity, justice and
right for the aid they received from
Lafayette and France during their war
for independence."
Killed in a Runaway Accident.
Hillsboro, Oregon, Dec. 30. Word
reached na last evening that the 13-year-old
son of Mrs. William Vincent was
instantly killed the other day near Mid
dleton in a runaway accident. The
boy's father wag killed several years ago
in a sawmiH'accident.
Paris, Dec. SO. The miniatrv to the
colonies today denied the report that
Dreyfua has embarked from Cayenne on
his return to France.
How to lioolc Good.
Good looks ar really more than skin
deep, depending entirely on a healthy
condition of all the vital organs. If the
liver be inactive, you have a bilious look;
if your kidneys be effected, you have a
pinched look. Secure good health and
you will surely have good looks. "Elec
tric Bitters" is a good Alternative and
Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach
liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood,
cures pimples, blotches and boils, and
gives a good complexion. , Every bottle
guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store. 50 cents per bottle. 5
Romero is Dead.
Washington, Dec. 30. Ambassador
Romero, of Mexico, died this morning
at 4 o'clock, aged 62 years. The remains
will be taken to Mexico for interment.
An operation for appendicitis was per
formed on him yesterday.
One Minute Cougn Cure, cures
What is the use of making a better
article than your competitor it you can
not get a better price for it?
Ans. As there is no difference in the-
price the public will buy only the better,
so that whilo our profits may be smaller
on a single 6ca.e they will be much
greater in the aggregate.
How can you get the public to know
your make ia the best?
If both articles are brought prominent
ly Detore the public both are certain to
be tried and the public will very quickly
pass judgment on them and nee only the
better one.
This explains the large sale on Cham
berlain's Cough remedy. The Deo Die
have been neing it for years and have
found that it can always be depended
npon. They may occasionally take up
with some fashionable novelty pnt forth
with exaggerated claims, but are certain
to return to the one remedy that they
know to be- reliable, and for coughs,
colds and croup there is nothing equal
to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
81QO Reward SIOO.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia the
only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken
internally, acting directly npon the
blood and mncoua surfaces of the disease
and giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing its work. The proprie
tors have sd much faith in its curative
porrsrs, that they offer One Hundred
Do iara for any case that it fails to cure
Send for list of testimonials. Address.
F. J. Cheney, & Co., Toleda, O,
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pilla are the best.
Enterprising Druggists.
Tnere are few men more wide awake
and enterprising than Blakeley & Hough
on, who Bp are no pains to secure the
best of everything in their line for their
many customers. Thev now have the
valuable agency for Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. This is the wonderful remedy
that is producing such' a furor all over
the country by its many Btartling cures
It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis,
Hoarseness and all affections of the
throat, chest and lungs. Call at the
above drugstore and get a trial bottle
free or a regular size for 50 cents and
$1. Guaranteed to cure or price er-funded,
Store mill Be Closed on ffionday, Jan. 2d.
Are You Interested?
The O. K. & K. Go'a New Book
On the Resourses of Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho ia being distributed. Our
readers are requested to forward the
addresses of their Eastern frienda and
acquaintances, and a copy of the work
will be sent tbem free. This ia a mat
ter all ehonld be interested in, and we
would ask that everyone take an in
terest and forward Bach addresses to W.
H. Hublbuet, General Passenger Agent,
O. R. & N. Co.. Portland.
' Came to my place in May, one bay
mare, weight about 900 pounds, and
branded with a capital A the cross line
of the letter resembling the letter v, on
the left shoulder. Owner can have the
ame by calling at my place and paying
all charges. B. E. Selleck,
lGdeclm Boyd, Oregon.
Anyone who may have in their pos
session book No. 296, namely, "Story of
Avis," by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, will
confer a favor on the librarian by re
turning it to Blakeley & Houghton's
drugstore. This volume belonga to the
Parmelee library, and as the books must
be shipped by January 2d, it is neces
sary that it "be brought in.
f 85 BEWAKDi
Per head, for the return of twenty
head of cattle which were lost above
Mill creek falls. Branded R-A on the
left shoulder and two crops off the right
ear. Return same to Saltmarshe'a stock
yards and receive reward.
20-d2tw3w Rock Allery.
Gan. tn Your Cbeati.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Feb. 1, 1895, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Nov. 14.
1898. C. L. Phixups,
Countv Treasurer. "
nlii and Ciiliutfe..
"Farewell old 'gS,
Thou art but a memory now;
Welcome Tgg,
May the elements be good and kind to thee."
fl Glorious lew Years Day to Tip and mine
AY yours be a New Year of Peace and Plenty; of Pros
perity ana jropuiarity; ot .Health and Happiness.
May every New Year's wind -whisper to you, soft,
sweet strains of perpetual contentment, and as the
"Veteran of '98 joins hands with and greets the infant of '99, so we,
with the memories of the past and sincere hones for the future
J greet you and thank you for favors bestowed in. that sunny valley
X of '98. and aa we neer over the hills nf '90 irJnnma i;l,-
W your continued patronage. May our friends and patrons hold in
their diadem of life, the jewels that will shine on to eternity, and
j? may generous .Nature implant in your hearts and minds the seeds of
TT 4.1 li 1 J J
EL Williams
& Co.
Store Closes at 6 p. m, until March 1st.
waseo Warehouse G
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot all kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S?"
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
We sell our eooda lower than anv hnnse in the traH nnri it n nn' th.k. mZ
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
.. M WW 01U Oio Fino Saloon...
90 Second St., second door from Court.
Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey
Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac. '
Best Domestic Liquors, Wines
The Lanrest and Bast of Auuust Buchler
Home-made Beer and Porter.
Agent for the S wias Pub. Co., New York.
118 October 15
The Dalles, Or.
$1 worth ot checks
good for 10c drink,
or cigar.