legaliooal mm nun ro-M i DRY FIR, made of 12x12 bridge timber At 8 o'cloclc sharp. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 28, 1898 Telephone No. 1. WAYSIDE GLEANINqS. Captain Lewis on "Life in Libby Prison," Tonight at the Congregatioual church. Freas Saunders baa purchased the wood business of J. T. Reynolds in this city. Those desiring good wood will find him by ringing up 'phone number 12. Grippe has made its appearance in Portland, and reports from the East say there is just such an epidemic of the dis ease as occurred about nine years ago, many fatalities following in its wake. This eyening at their hall the CmStW T : 1 1 r .i - uluiwi ijiuo, win give Hiiotner oi meir most enjoyable parties. The announce ment that the music will be furnished py Prof. Birgfeld is sufficient to insure them a good crowd. Those who have beard Capt. Lewis in conversation speak of his experiences in Libby prison are anxious to hear his lecturo (or talk as Captain calls it) to night. It you wish to hear it be at the Congregaiional church at 8 ojclpck. OuroIdfriendr7the Chinook, made its appearance last night and got on a tear, Bending the rain before him. In the j country near here it snowed slightly, i and this morning the Klickitats were white. The weather report for tomor row says "colder." ' .''Last night about 8 o'clock when Jesse , Blakeney 's team was standing in front of Ruch's store the bridle of one horse nn n. a aAP -J tS 1 Jll . - "u- uu bu ingmenea mm tnat ne started to run. By circling them around and running them into the telephone pole at the Commission corner, Mr. , ij .- . ; though in doing so the top of bis wagon was badly broken np. A land elide is reported at Oneonta Gorge, below the Cascades, this morn ing. No particulars could be obtained regarding it, but it is said to be 100 feet long and about 12 feet deep, and to have, compelled the O. R. & N. to transfer' their passengers on No. 3. . No doubt toi night's east-bound trains will fail to gel through, as the slide is a bad one. Howl : ever, a large force of men are at work; and will clear the track or build a nev? one in a short '''-ii, ' , . Deputy Sheriff F. C. Sexton arrived home last night from Warm Springi agency, whither he went on business! I Spending Christmas day there he at- l tended a tree given by the employes arid" teachers lor theridians. He saysit was almost-, impossible for the large crowd that attended to get into the school house, but that the best of order prevailed. The program would have done credit to any school, and the pupils were delighted with the Christmas gifts For Most Liberal Patronage, We wish to Extend our Sincere Thanks to the Public at Large, and -would ask a continuance of the same for the year to follow. r Respectfully, PEASE & MAYS. received. Mr. Sexton thoroughly en joyed the exercises. Mrs. James Blakeney, who bas been with ber husband at the hospital in Portland, returned home last night. She reports him as getting along, slowly, as could only be expected after undergoing such an operation. It will be six weeks and perhaps longer, before he will be able to leave the hospital, and it is feared the leg will be eouiewbat shorter than it formerly was. Mrs. Blakeney says the doctors have no hopes for the life of Wm. O'Neal who was taken down yesterday. One of the enjoyable events of Christ mas day in The Dalles to a few of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. S.- Fish and Roger B. Sinnott was the dinner served that evening at the Umatilla House. About 7 :30 o'clock the merry party were seated at a table in the pleasantest part of the dining room, where one of the best of dinners was served, while all joined in lively conversation, such aa an occasion of that sort always engenders, especially where the hosts and hostess are of such happy dispositions. Having done justice to the spread, the party ad journed to the parlor,- where an hour or more was spent in singing. Altogether the evening was a very pleasant one. As far as can be learned the changes which are to take place in the railroad time card on January 1st, will make little difference in the .trains through The Dalles, except in the arrival of No. 1, which now is due here at 3:20 a. m. This train will reach hereabout 1 or 1 :30 p. m., which will be a much more desir able hour for passengers for Portland, and will, if on time, admit of three hours' stay in the metropolis before the night train leaves that city, thus giving that much time in which to transact business and only cause a loss of half a day. Besides, if reports are true con cerning the changes, we will have a morning and afternoon west-bound pas senger train. Monday evening Miss Anna Stubling who leaves next Monday to attend the business college in Portland entertaine ner ounaay ccnooi class, composed of dozen or more bright lads, at he; home on Eighth street. Progressivi Tiddledy Winks was the game of thl evening, and if evey a party entered, into a game with a frill it was these' boys, Gus Waltherscoming out ahead! Oscar Beck second best, and Gus Weieel securing the booby. The lunch was enj joyed equally as wen. Daring the evenA !ncr Mina Stnhlirnr nna nraaantoil K fhd boys with a beautifnl gold pen as a part-lj ing gift. The members of the class present were : Oscar Beck, Charles Weigel, Alfred Pribz, Gus and George Waltbers, Charleb Mellquest. Adolpb Schmidt, Otto Keller, Gus Weigel, Jos eph Nitschke, Arthur and Theodore' hJjrews. J William Martin Johnson, author of "Inside of a Hundred Homes," con tributes the first artie of his new eerles on "The House Practical" to the Janu ary Ladies' Home Journal. In these articles Mr. JohnBon will explain how the various rooms, hallways, etc., of a honse may be artietically furnished and decorated at comparatively small cost. The explanation is so clearly detailed that, with the aid of the accompanying drawings, almost any one with taste may follow the instructions given. The articles will show how the' interior of a house may be transformed from . the commonplace into a thing of artistic beauty and cozincss. There is no sub ject of such vital interest to Americans as the improvement of the home, and Mr. Johnson's articles will doubtless prove as popular and useful as his " Ju-r side or a .Hundred Homes." Telia Bla Thoughts. A new kind of a disease Las made its appearance in Baker City which is more to be dreaded than having around one a person who Is a mind reader. A Pen dleton maneayB: "I ran across a most remarkable thing in Baker City the other day, something of which I have never heard" and which I think is not equalled or paralleled by any case on record heretofore. I don't know just how to name it by a single phrase, and think the medical experts and psychical people will have difficulty in classifying the malady. "It is best described by telling my ex perience. I was walking the streets one day recently in Baker City, and saw a man standing on the pavement lookinar at a woman who was also passing along. "retty, pretty,' said the man, as he looked at her, 'I'd like to kiss you.' "She was startled very much at this remark and hastened her steps. The man disappeared in the hotel. "I made some inquiries, and found the fellow has become the victim of a most remarkable disease. He has no control over his vocal organs; but invol untarily he speaks out whatever he thinks. I learned that he has been nr. rested for using obscene language before ladies, and that it has been discovered that he has the disease so bad that there is but little hopes of curing him." THE MODERN MOTHER Has found that her little ones are Im proved more by the pleasant Syrup of Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any other. omtcren enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Fig?, is manufactured by the California Fii? Syrup Co. only. BDkln'i Arnica salve. The beet salve in the world for cud , braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cuies piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Blakeley and Honghton, druggists. $2.50. DRY FIR, made of bridge piling, $3.00. Extra choice DRY FIR, $3.25. All mail orders promptly attended to. ..THE HflSDWflBE DEflliElJS.. 167 Second St. THE DALLES. OR. BOY KILLED AT WESTON. Edwin Biker Accidentally Shot By a Companion. A most deplorable accident occurred at Weston Saturday evening, resulting in the death of Edwin Baker, son of M. A Baker, the postmaster at that place. Sometime ago, the oldest Marsh boy bad loaded an old cap and ball Colt's pistol, which was left about the house, The younger Marsh boy, 12 years old, was forbidden to take it. His mother had on Saturday afternoon gone to visit at Mrs. Beeler's house and while she was absent, the 12-year-old Marsh boy took it out and was playing at a Wild West show with ' the Baker boy, Edwin. Marsh was sitting on a hummock of dirt near the house, trying to take the cap off the prime holes of the pistol, when the Baker boy came running out from the woodshed toward ' him. ' In some manner the pistol was discharged, one report saying it was merely by reason of the hammer falling accidentally,' and another report saying the Marsh boy playfully pointed the pistol toward the Baker boy and snapped it in fun. At any rate, the Baker boy fell in stantly, and apparently died the instant the bullet struck him. The bullet passed through the heart. Of course, the parents of the Baker boy were prostrated with grief over the awful tragedy, and the parents of the Marsh boy are, perhaps, equally grief stricken. It was purely an accident, and yet the results are fully as deplor able aa though it had been otherwise. The body ot the little Baker boy was buried Sunday at Weston. E. O. 'Ruth Aabmore" Dead. Dispatches tell us that Mrs Isabel Mallon, who wrote under the nom de plumes of "Ruth Ash more" and "Bab", died at her home in New York yester day. For several years readers of the Ladies' Home Journal have been wont to read Ruth Ashmore's articles in that popular magazine; particularly her "Side Talks With Girls," which were at times very amusing to many who are not accus tomed to living up to the very letter of "800" society ettiqnette. Therefore when she informed us that a young lady might with propriety take a short drive with ber affianced husband unaccompanied by a chaperone, we smiled at the thought of such leniency; and later, when to their dismay the society young men read in her columns that they were expected to pay the street car fare when escorting a young lady to a place of amnsement, the laugh was on the other side: However, in spite of the fact that we derived much amusement from her writings, we more often appreciated the common sense contained in the pages devoted to articles on practical subjects,' and will miss them as we look for them in their accustomed place. Already have they been missed, and those who ...mairaemon Gap ii! re and Escape, e-Capture -INCLUDING- SEVEN MONTHS IN "LIBBY," Or the Pleasant Part of the Imprisonment. BY CAPTAIN JOHN W. LEWIS. Chicamauga; The "Rebel Yell ;n Captured; A Gentleman ; General Joa Wheeler; A Friend in Need ; General Duff; Green of Georgia; A Bunch of Flow ers; Militia; Petersburg; Richmond; Libby; Greenbacks ; Rations ; Interior of Libby ; Cooking ; Roll Call; Amusements; Tame Mice; Minstrels; Raiders; Skirmishing; Belle Isle; A Loaf of Bread; The "Sultana;" Battle of Chatta nooga; Christmas. Kilpatrick ; Escapes; Young Men Of That Time; Noted Men1 in the Libby ; Noted Visitors ; General A. P. Hill ; General John H. Morgan ; the Guard; Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg; Escape Through the Tunnol; Recaptured and Paroled ; Captain Hatch, C. S. A. The Flag of Our Nation. Admission, 5 Clearance Sale of Bicycles NEW AND 2d HAND WHEELS For Less than Half Price We wish to clear out all old stock before mov ing into new store and have some bargains. This is an opportunity to get a bicycle cheap All wheels sold at half regular price. Opposite DOLLS TOYS We have the largest assortment ever displaved in The Dalles, and you will find our prices are lower than all of our competitors. $50.00 IN PRIZES GIVEN AWAY. Books, in Endless Variety. Cloth bound, 12 mo., 200 titles, 12c each. Chatterbox, latest edi tion, only 69c. All goods marked in plain figures. - . Jacobsen Book & Music Co. 170 Second Street, 5omir;2 to tfye propt; Slowly, bot surely, J. H. Cross with a magnificent stock of staple and fancy groceries. His constant and enormous daily sales gives evi dence ot satisfaction to the people. In connection with his splendid gro cery trade, he does a marvelous Hay, Grain and Feed business. He carries in stock x Oat Hay Wheat Hay, Barley Hay, Baled Straw, Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats, Corn, Buckwheat, Roll Bar ley, Middling, Shorts, Bran and Shorts and Lite Bran. He also has the largest and best assortment of garden and grass seeds in Eastern Oregon. Experience has demonstrated the wisdom of fall planting in many lines of seeds, such as onion, turnip, lettuce, spinach, peas and others. He deals in Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese. Also daily buys and sells fresh egs. All orders intrusted to his care will be filled with fidelity and dispatch and delivered free to any part of the city. Thankful to the public for their confidence and patronage in the past will endeavor by fair dealing to merit a continuance of the same. Cor. Second and Federal Sts., The Dalles, Oregon. - - were not aware that she was ill, won dered why she bad ceased to contribute to the paper. - She also wrote as "Bab." and was perhaps better known by that nom de plume. and Parole 50 Cents. old stand. i The Dalles, Oregon. Timothy Hay, Wild Grass Hay, . lfalfa Hay. J. H. CROSS. music Men lYanterl To cut cord wood. Inquire of The Dallas Lumbering Co, . 17-lm. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tb.t it wbit if wu cnedc for.