The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 27, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. XI
The Cubans Fired on Sleeping Spanish
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Several Others Injured Christmas Day
Ushered in By the Cracking of
Revolvers and Rattling Volleys
From Mausers.
Chicago, Dec. 26. A epecial to the
Tribune from Havana says:
Christmas day was ushered into Ha
vana by the cracking of revolvers and
rattling volleys from Maueser rifles in an
affray which occurred near the center of
the city between the Spanish troops
garrisoning the city and the Cuban resi
dents. One Cuban was fatally wounded,
two others were badly injured and a
Spanish soldier was stabbed. A Cuban
negro who received three wounds made
by Mauser bullets and a bad cut across
the forehead, is reported to be dying.
The affair was brought on by the Cu
Dans, wno urea irom a housetop on a
company of soldiers asleep in the Hotel
Roma. The soldiers sprang to their feet
at once and returned the fire. A com
pany of infantry scaled a low wall on
one side of the building and hunted
over the roof tops for the individuals
who had begun the firing. The found a
negro badly wounded and carried him
down. Other injured men were carried
away by tbeir friends..
The volleying of the Mausers caused
alarm among the Americans, many fear
ing the lighting would become general
throughout the city. An affray on Christ
mas night between the Cubans and
troops has been prophesied by those who
have watched events of the last few
The Americans disregarded the warn
ings they had received to stay in their
homes during the evening. At midnight
many vt ere on the street. The Cuban
element of the city's population was de
monstrative all evening. Fearing trouble
tne guard of Spanish troops about the
city was doubled. Toward midnight the
streets were alive with people in cabs
and on foot, singing and shouting. " It
grew quieter after midnight, when sud
A r 1 ai 1 - .
ucuiy tug cracKing OI revnlvrn woo
beard in the direction of the Hotel Roma
There was a moment's pause. Then came
a plunging fare of Mausers across from
the hotel.
At the corner of Tentiente Rey and
Montserrat street is a cluster of one
story buildings. On the flat roofs in the
white moonlight, a party ot Cubans bad
Deen celebrating the advent of Christ
Under the dark corridors of the Hotel
Koma across the street a company of
Spanish regulars lay stretched out asleep
Suddenly someone leaned over the par
apet of the house on which the Cubans
were celebrating and fired a revolver
into the ranks of the sleeping troopers
The soldiers sprang to their feet and
the Mausers banged away as fast as they
could pull the triggers. Bullets riddled
the front of the building , and the sol
diers climbed to the roof and hunted for
the enemy. For a while the guard
would permit no one to wander about
the streets. After the first excitement
was over the Christmas celebrating be
gan again with numerous clashes be
tween the troops. Several times during
the night firing was heard throughout
the city.
There is renewed apprehension oyer
the situation. It is feared as the Span-
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking- powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
Nayy Department to Be Supplied Witn
at Least 500,000 Tons.
iards go away there will not be enough
left toward the end of the week before
the United States troops arrive to pre
serve order.
Fully 300,000 Tons Will at Once Be
Distributed Along the Atlantic Sea
board, and at Least 120,000 Tons
Along the Pacific.
Congress Will Be Asked to Keen the
Admiral on the Active List Ten
Years Longer.
New York, Dec.26. A Herald SDecial
from Washington says:
Unless congress should Dass a law
authorizing him to remain on the ac
tive list, Rear-Admiral Dewey will be
placed on the retired list on December
26, 1899. Only one other retirement
will occur next year, that of H. L. How
ison, commandant of the Boston navy
yard. There is a etrong sentiment in
naval circles in favor of the passage of a
law which will permit the retention ol
Admiral Dewey on the active li6t for ten
years, as was done in the case of the he
roes of the ciyil war.
Reports from Manila that Admiral
Dewey desires to return home are not
believed at the navy department, advices
from him indicating that he . desires to
stay in the Philippines. It is not ex
pected here that he will be detached
from command of the Asiatic squadron
until just in time to reach the United
States on the very eve of his retirement
from active service.
SlOO Reward SIOO.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least nn
dreaded dieease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly UDon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the disease
and giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and aesisting
nature in doing its work. The proprie
tors have 83 much faith in its onrtiw
poFnrs, that they offer One Hundred
Do lars for any case that it fails to enrc.
Send for list of testimonials. Address
F. J. Cheney, & Co., Toleda, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pill8 are the best.
Winter's Output of Klondike Immense.
San Fbancisco. Dec. 26. A
trom Dawson City dated November 19,
says: Reports from all creeks in the
vicinity of Dawson indicate that the
winter's product of erold will exceed that.
of last year by more than 100 per cent.
beveral persons are reported to hav
been frozen to death. One of these was
found in a kneeling posture beside his
sled and dogs, between Hunker and Do
minion, at the summit.
Several steamers are in winter Quart
ers on the upper river, prepared to take
aavantage ot the first rush of traffic.
Between Dawson City and Circle City
there are reported steamers Arnold and
John C. Barr la eafe quarters. The
Monarch is at Circle, and the Sovereign
aground in mid river and certain of de
struction, as is two of the Moran fleet,
the Victoria and Tacoma.
New York, Dec. 26- A dispatch to
the Tribune from Washington says :
The navy department is going to be
prepared tor any emergency that may
hereafter arise in the Atlantic and Pa
cific oceans by carrying on hand the
enormous stock of nearly half a million
tons of the best steaming coal for war
ships that can be procured. This supply
of the most important of all sinews of
modern war ie to be systematically dis-
triDuted in American ports most con
yeniently located for the coaling of
ships for any operation the navy may
conceivably be called upon to urdertake,
extending along the Atlantic and Gulf
coast line from Frenchman's bay, Me
to San Juan de Porto Rico, as well as to
the commanding positions along the
line of commerce which has already
been secured by the United States in
the Pacific ocean, stretching from San
Francieco and Puget Sound to Manila
and southward to Samoa.
In the naval sphere of activity in the
Atlantic about 300,000 tons are to be
promptly and systematically stored in
accordance with the recommendations
of the chief strategists of the service, and
at least 120,000 tons will be sent around
Cape Horn to the great Western ocean,
where American intereets have sudden
ly become second to those of no other
nation and where the influence of the
United Slates will not hereafter be sub
ordinated to that of any European
pow er.
Archbishop Ireland Will Represent the
United States at the Czar's Peace
Men Wanted
Dallas Lumbering Co, 17-lm.
New York, Dec. 26. A Journal
ctal trom Washington says:
Archbishop Ireland will represent the
United States at the ' czar's . peace con
gress. The president has had the sub-
ject under adyisement for several weeks
ana according to the best authority
may be said the decision kas recently
been reached, the archbishop having
agreed to accept this appointment.
Ever since his induction into office the
president has been anxious to testify his
appreciation of Ireland's. Republicanism,
which took the form of strong inter
views and speeches during the campaign
of 1896, and of his mental gifts and
learning. The czar's call for an inter
national peace congress at which bia
proposal for universal disarmament is to
be discussed, has presented an excep
tional opportu nity to honor Ireland in
an illustrious manner.
As the representative of the United
States in such an assemblage his posi
tion would comport with the dieuitv of
his ecclesiastical office, while not inter
fering with Us duties, owing to the tem
porary character of the political appoint
Aside from the pleasant effect such a
designation would have upon a large
proportion of the population of this
country, it is assumed that the United
states would gain prestige among the
Catholic nations represented at this
congress, as well as achieve for the pres
ident a reputation for good taste in ee
lecting for a peaceful mission a profes
sional messenger of peace and good will
It is not yet known whether the arch
bishop will be the sole representative of
the United States or whether he will
head a delegation of three or five repre
Fayne Strahan Moore Will Have An
other Trial.
New York. Dec. 25. After 22 nnnra
deliberation, the jury in the Favne Stra
ham Moore robbery trial failed to render
a verdict, and reported the fact of the
disagreement to Recorder Goff. at 10:15
o'clock this morning, and was discharg
ed, iney were locked up at 2 o'clock
this morning. It was rumored at that
time they stood nine for conviction and
three for acouittal. and it WAS nlan mm.
ored, though it can not be authoritatively
stated, that at the conclusion, the iurv
stood seven for conviction and five for
acquittal. All night long the 12 men
argued, eending out communications
twice to find out the according Denaltv.
and also to state that thev could not
agree. Recorder Goff then locked them
up, and at 9 o'clock this morninir thw
went to breakfast, the foreman eending
word to Recorder Goff that thev could
not reach an agreement, and that thev
were utterly worn out.
Recorder Goff came to the courthouse
at 10:15 o'clock and immediately sent
for the jury, and discharged them with
thanks. The recorder remanded tri
defendant until Tuesday morning, when
the date of a new trial will be set. The
prisoner was then taken to the Tombs
How Tacoma Sailors Celebrated.
Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 25. Christmas
was celebrated in this city bv SDecial
services in the churches, manv of thm
being beautifully decorated.
The other side of the Christmas cele
bration was that of the sailors from
some of the ships in port, particularly
some from the steamship Garonne, who
got hilariously drunk and tried to rlenn
out, not only the officers of the ship, but
the entire police force. A couple of the
sailors had to be clubbed into submis
sion, sustained injuries that neces
sitated the services of a physician.
About 20 drunk men, mostly sailors,
were arrested during the day,
Jaekson Engine Gompanyflo.l,
Rig EYeoii, Dec. 30, 1898.
Chaa F Lauer,
Geo A Liebe, W H Butst, John Blaser,
A. Sandroctc
M T Nolan.
F S Gunning,
T JSeufert,
H J Maier, L Heppner, J P Mclnerny,
W L Bradshaw.
J B Croesen, J S Fish.
E Schanno,
Grant Mavn,
J Hampshire H Lonsdale, R B Sinnott, J Fisher,
.can, FChrisman, N J Sinnott, F A Seufert.
Rockford ' Quick Shot'
, n T- t i .
-r-io..a magazine uamera.
Quick Sellers
No Complaints
"Turn the levr
another." No plate holders with elides
tO draw. No nlpnva nroV.ain.innk. 1C
chance to fog platee. No failures.
If you want 12 pictures quick, buy the
'Quick-Shot '? thn nnlv motyavinA ..ama
era that holds the plates securely after
they are exposed. No rattling or break
ing of plates. Best on earth.
33x4 M $6.00
45 $9.00
With one dozen plate holders.
Manufactured under the Conley patents by the
Rockford Silver Plate Co.,
Wa noil nnlv tl.H.. 1 . 1 i .
agents to show you this "Quick bhot."
! -V J I 15 t: fj "" f
The Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
AGENTS, The Dalles, Oregon.
Enterprising Trugglsts.
Tnere are few men more wide bwbIca
and enterprising than Blakelay & Hough-
on, who snare no Dains to eeenre t.h
best of everything in their line for tbeir
many customers. They now have the
valuable agency for Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. This is the wonderful remedv
that is producing such a furor all over
the country by its manv startling cores
It absolutely cures Asthma Bronchitis,
iioarseness and all aflections of the
throat, chest and lungs. Call at the
above drugstore and iret a trial bottle
free or a regular size for 50 cents and
1. Guaranteed to enrn or nrioa
Robley D. Evans to Succeed Bruce.
New York. Dec. 26. A ditmntrh to
the Herald from Washington says : Can-
tain R. D. Evans' name is prominently
mentioned as Rear-Admiral Bunco's
successor in the Brooklyn navy-yard,
now that it seems to be decided that
Rear-Admiral Sampson will remain commander-in-chief
of the North Atlantic
station and Rear-Admiral Schley will be
assigned to sea duty in compliance with
his request.
Fire in the Lakme's Cargo.
A8TOBiA,Dec. 26. The steam schooner
Lakme, from Roche harbor for San
Francisco loaded with lime and lumber
put in here today with ber cargo on fire
and in bad condition. The steamer will
be docked here, the lumber discharged
and probably the ship scuttled. j
fill kinds of
Funeral Supplies
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes,
7odes ai?d pabrie
We are ready to show them in Dry
Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough"
is a poor principle. Those who make the
earliest selections secure best results. The
stock is complete and new and we invite
you to look at it.
Blacksmith's Supplies. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty.
Second and Langhlin Streets,
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