Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROYAL BAKIMO POWPEff CO., NEW TOWK. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY DECEMBER 22, 1898 Telephone No. 1. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. George Howard is down from Moro. A. B. Craft is in the city Jrom Ru:us. Mrs. M. Hensel is in the city from Lyle. ..Polk Butler and wife are Dufur visitors in town. J R. R. Keys and wife are visitors from Waldron. A. D. Taylor left for Portland this morning. ''"W. A. and Mrs. Murchie are downj from Wasco. T"'0."W. Richardson and son are visitors from Wasco. "E. J. Collins went to Portland ona; '. flying trip this morning. V. J. Kelly is up from Portland visit ing his brother, Tom Kelly. William Walker and family, of Moro, are spending a few days in the city. Mrs. Spear is in the city from Wasco; having arrived on yesterday morning's train. t Copies of the special seesion laws of, Oregon were received at the clerk'B of-' fice today. Among those registered at the Uma tilla is W. Eccles of the Oregon Lumber Co. at Viento. f Yesterday Mr. Crabtree and daughter arrived from Victor and spent yesterday' and today in The Dalles. j Chas. Hilton spent yesterday in the city on his. way to spend the holidays with his family in Portland. tT vl . t 1 c il: .7Z7TT"l arrived last night from McMinnville, and is a guest of Miss Lizzie Schooling. j HonT John Sommerville arid "daughter arrived trom Portland last night and left today for their home on Hay Creek. Tonight at the hall over Brown's store, the Smith Bros, will give a pleas ant dancing party, commencing . at 8 o'clock. Miss Anna Dufnr came up from Port land yesterday. She is on her way to Dnfur to spend a short time with relatives. You can get ail kind? of picture mold ing and matting in the different shades at Michell's office, on tbe corner of Third and Washington. 22-3t S. O. Thompson and brother, J. A. Thompson, and J. O. and J. H. Elliott are down from Monkland for the pur pose of filing on land. Friday and Saturday are the days to call on the Congregational ladies at Pease & Mays, and get eome of the nicest pastry ever offered for sale. v Roy Grimes came up from Forest Grove last evening, where he has been attending the university. He will: epend the holidays at home. J , -"' d7 H. Roberts came down -lruiili Spo-t . kane this morning and -will , spend the, -.holidays at home.! Dan is looking very well,' and is loud iu his praises of Spokane. filiss Myrtle Smith will leave for Pen dleton on the late train tonight. Her friend, Miss Edna Crawford, will arrive from Portland on the 5 :30 train, and ac company her. '' The office at theTTmatilla House is putting on a new dress today, whicb - ia made of yery pretty paper. J The im provements which" "are being made will add much to the appearance of this popular rendezvous. Mrs. Henrietta Brown, of Albany, while sewing some fur, ran a needle into one of her fingers. There eeems to have been poison in tbe fur, which took effect in tbe finger, potting it in such a bad condition that it was necessary to am putate it. E. H. French, or El, as we all know him, returned home this morning, alter five years absence ineastern cities. For the past few years he has held a high position with the General Electric Com- pany in Lynn, Mass., to which place he expects to return after a visit here. Ed seems to have changed bnt little and his friends are all glad to greet him once more at home. "Esther," the beautiful cantata, which never fails to please an andience will be placed on the boards in Pendleton next week by a traveling, musician who ia said tc be first-class. We also hear that it will be given in The Dalles some time in February. The members of the Oregon delegation in both senate and house have received resolutions from the Portland chamber of commerce nrging them to secure ac tion in the matter of the boat railway at The Dalles, and to secure improvements in the Columbia and Snake rivers. .," A message received by TmmaTSrBntler today announces that his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Butler.arrived in SeaiUeJ from Skagway yesterday. J Theywill go at once lO'"Cerrtrarr-ea-ft-vi8it to Mrs. Dysart, and will probably reach The Dalles before many days have passed. 'Miss Eva Slusher carre up from Port- lonH Iqqf. nitrht. where aha h&R heen at- tenoine toe roruana university.! one near Tfc..f 1 T c ,3 - land and Miss Wiseman, who will spend! the holidays with her. Commencing tonight, Dec. 22, and until further notice, the switch engine in The Dalles yard will work from 7 p.j m. to 6 a. m. There will be no yard engine on duty during the day. Parties: wishing their cars 6ide-tracked will, please notify the agent in ample time; during the day. Cedar Circle, W. O. W., will give I Cnriatmas social next Friday evening a1 Fraternity hall. A short program wil be rendered, after which dancing will be indulged in. Members of the order and invited guests are requested to be on time, as the program will commence promptlvat 8:30 o'clock. TLast night at a meeting of Dalles Chapter No. 6, R. A. M., the following officers were .elected : R. F. Gibons, High Priest; D. Siddall, King; E. Schanno, Scribe; H. Logan, Secretary; G. A. Leibe, Treasurer; Geo. C. Blake ley, C. of H.; A. Larsen, P. S. ; J. M. Marden, R. A. C. ; E. C. Phirman, G M. 3rd V. ; W. E. Garretson, G. M. 2n IV.; J. W. Blake, 1st V ManvIetteTSwere received from the boys at Manila today, most of them telling of the monotony of life there. It will perhaps seem less monotonous when it is learned that they may soon return home. One letter says: "We have all chipped in and ordered a big Christmas dinner. When you are en joying yours, imagine us devouring ours with the thermometer 100 in the shade." And now we are inclined to believe that the report publiehed in the Belle vue paper regarding the return of a Dalles young man to that city was not merely "newspaper talk." Yesterday Sam Wilkinson disposed of one of his cozy little cottages on Washington street to one of our society boys. This is very desirable property and just suitable for a young couple who may be intending to start in housekeeping. The old Columbia is visible again, her coverlet of ice having mostly disappeared during the night. Reports say that the river is almost entirely clear of ice now, and ecows came up today. The Inland Flyer will arrive this evening and will make her regular trip tomorrow, leaving here at 7:30; while the Dalles City will come np from Portland. The locks, which it was supposed would cauBe trouble, are also cleared, and no diffi culty is anticipated. Last Thursday morning Charles Cor son received wordJrom his brother, Will, at lone, saying that his mother, Mrs. Emily Corson, had suffered a paralytic stroke in the left side, and asking bim to come immediately. He left on the first train and has been at her bedside since that time, fearing every moment would be her last. However, this morning his j wife received a letter from him inform ing ber that Mrs. Corson was much im proved and that he would arrive home on the morning train. Monday morning Byers' mill race, in Pendleton, broke in two places, and a great flood of water came rushing down on the people, surrounding their houses and temporarily imprisoning them. Dur ing the night a chinook wind had come - fvip In a few hours, the snow on all the hills had melted as though a blast had come from a redhot furnace, and tbe waters, flowing quickly down the hill sides, augmented the volume of the mill race until it ran banks full, and then tbe planking of the flame broke, letting out floods of water, doing considerable damage. An important order and announce ment has been issued by the board of health, of Pendleton, which places that city nnder strict quarantine inspection for a period of ten days, or until Decem ber 30. Dr. H. S. Garfield states that danger exists in the community from the contagion of diphtheria and ecarlet fever. One case of each is reported with in the past 48 hours, and one child has died under circumstances sufficiently suggestive of diphtheria. The schools have been ordered closed and an or der has been issued forbidding all theatres, dances, public Christmas trees and other similar .assemblages for the period of ten days. Dr. Holiister, who arrived from Port land last night, informs ns that it was found necessary to perform an operation on Fred Burchtort, and so serious was it that two hours and a half were', con sumed in operating. It appears that at the time of the fall his skull was mashed slightly, causing it to press on the Drain, and Fred was afterward sub ject to pains in the head and fainting spells. Tbe surgeons removed a small piece of bone, which was the chief source of the trouble, and from accounts received today he is getting along nicely. While there the doctor called on James Blakeney, and says he Beems very hope ful and improving as fast as can be ex pected in sucn caBes. f here seems to be great fatality among he dogs in the West End of the city,. which it is claimed is caused by some one who has determined to poison every animal which comes in his reach. Tbis morning Dick Gorman's black Spaniel, "Coley" (not Dewey) turned up his little black toes and launched his bark for dog heaven. Being informed of his friend's demiee "Augustine" Wilson at once started for the ecene to deliver the funeral oration, and arriving informed Dick that he had "come to brlry Coley not to tight him." However, Augus tine, as is his wont in attending church, weddings and - funerals, was late and another dog got in ahead of bim in delivering the doggerel RAILROADS AND RAILROADING 'More Talk of Hill Building to Portland, fasslng Through The Dalles. The published interview in the Tele gram with a prominent Great Northern official about the Great Northern con templating a line into Portland via Wenatchie, Ellensburg, Yakima and The Dalles is causing considerable com ment through the Northwest. Since it is known that surveyors have been in the field it can be all the more readily believed. Even if James Hill was rollipg snowballs in tbe East while the Northern Pacific wa? building roads in the West, the Great Northern mag nate is keeping tbe rest of tbe rsads guessing. A Northern Pacific official claims that his road has surveyors also along the proposed route, which will be the means of nrging Hill to a greater haste. Mr. Hill-is not the kind of a man to be shut out of such a strategic point as Portland. As he says himself if the U. P. absorbs the O. R. & N. and endeavors to shut him out he will raise snch a row as to force recognition. The only way this can be done is by having the means of building into Portland. Sooner or later, tbe most conserva tive railroad men are willing to admit, this' will be done. Telegram. WISE AND OTHERWISE. Freas Saunders .has purchased the wood business of A!T. Reynolds in this city. Those desiring good wood will find him by ringing up 'phone number 12. Uoal Dealer At last 1 nave found an honest man. Hawkins Well, what of it; you can't use him in your business, There will be a turkey shoot on the beach at the foot of (V ashington street, on Saturday, Dec. 24th, which will be gin about 9 o'clock and continue during the day. 21-3t Don't von think Maud's affection for athletic is a pretense?" "No, I don't. I know she is engaged to the whole football eleven." At Keller's, gum drops, o cents per pound ; lumps and drops, 8 cents ; fancy mixed candy, 122 cents ; daisy mixed, 12o cents; Christmas mixed 10 cents Other candies and nuts in proportion. "This liver is awful, Alice," said Mr. Newed. "I'm very sorry," returned the bride, "I'll tell the cook to 6peak to the liveryman about it. Roseleaf. Don't forget that Garretson, the re liable jeweler, has a desirable line of fine jewelry suitable for Xmas presents, at Zo per cent cut below regular prices. Call and see them for yourself. Wife (waking suddenly from sleep.) "Henry, did you call?" Husband (who has been spending the previous evening with the bovs.) ".No: 1 11 raise it five. Harlem Life. This week special doll sale, china dolls 3-4-7 9-14 cents ; kid body dolls, 10-14-24 39 cents; dressed dolle, 4-17-24-49 cents. Big reduction on oar whole holi day line most complete in this city. Jacobeen Book & Music Co. Amateur Hunter (after missing a rab bit) Well, you brute, if yon prefer it that way, I can get you just as well at the butcher's. Skates Skates Skates New line just received at ...rjiaier & Benton ..THE flflHDWrltlE DEALERS.. 67 SGUOnl St THE DALLES, OR. YESTERDAY'S AWFUL ACCIDENT J Mra. Tneresa Roese la Killed- on Klce's Grade and Henry Gardner Bad ly Injured. From Mr. W. H. Butts, who has just arrived from Mr. Rice's place, we learn the following facts concerning the dread ful accident which occurred there yester day noon : Henry Gardner, a man of abnnt 54 years, and well known to all reeidents in the Tygh Ridge country, where he has lived for years, and Mrs. Theresa Reese, of the same neighborhood, were ou their way to this city, where they intended to obtain a marriage license, and returning home be married on Christmas day.; but what was to be a happy trip to them turned into one of sadness and death. Upon reaching the Rice grade, eight miles tbis side of Dufur in the -Liberty district, the hill, which is always a bad one, was found to be a mass of ice Their horses were . unshod, and the wagon kept crowding onto them, finally frightening them until they ran away They kept the road until very near the foot of tbe grade, wben the wagon which also contained a load of barley, was swayed to tbe right and although. not going over .itself, threw the oc cupants oyer the steep precipice on to the rocks. Mrs. Reese's arm was mashed to pieces and a deep gash in her head lay the brains bare, even scattering them on the rocks. She died instantly. Mr. Gardner bad his left arm broken, his right wrist badlv shattered, his face mashed, a cut on his forehead and deep hole in bis left temple. In tbis terrible condition he crept to where the woman lay, and finding her dead, started for help. Arriving at Rice's residence, a short distance away, as eistance was given and tbe dead woman brought to tbe house, while a messenger was dispatched to Dufur for Dr. Eshel- man, who di eased the injured man wounds. The horses reaching the bottom of the hill ran into a fence, breaking the tongue and one of the wheels completely off. Mr. Butts was sent for this morning, but deemed it unnecessary to hold an in quest. As he left they were preparing to remove Mr. Gardner to Dnfur. Mrs. Reese's children have been sent for, and upon their arrival arrangements will be made for removing her body to Dufur for burial. She is a woman of about 40 years, and leaves three grown children. Mr. Butta eays the roads are almost impaBBable, and that from the icy con dition of the grade it is not surprising that the deplorable accident, which hag cast a gloom over tbe neighborhood, oc curred. Will Make the Trip Tomorrow. The steamers of the Regulator line will commence running tomorrow morn ing, Dec. 23d, at the usual schedule time viz: Leave The Dalles at 7:30 a. m., leave Portland at 7 a. n. Men Wanted To cut cord wood. Inquire of The Dallas Lumbering Co. ' . 17-lm. TBE HODEKN MOTHER Has fonnd that her little ones are Im proved more by the pleasant Syrup of Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is manufactured by tbe California Fig Syrup Co. only. Clearance Sale of Bieyeles NEW AND 2d HAND For Less than Half Price We wish to clear out all old stock before mo v ing into new store and have some bargains. This is an opportunity to get a bic3'cle ch eap All wheels sold at half regular price. Mays b Crowe- Opposite old stand. DOLLS TOYS We have the largest assortment ever displayed in The Dalles, and you will find our prices are lower than all of our competitors. $50.00 IN PRIZES GIVEN AWAY. a Bboks, in Endless Variety. Cloth bound, 12 mo., 200 titles, 12oC eacb. Chatterbox, latest edi tion, only C9c. All goods marked in plain ffgures. Jacobsen Book & Music Co. 170 Second Street, omii72 to tfye propt Slowly, but surely, J. H. Cross with a magnificent stock of staple and fancy groceries.' His constant and enormous daily sales gives evi dence ot satisfaction to the people. In connection with his splendid gro cery trade, he does a marvelous Hay, Grain and Feed business. He carries in stock Oat Hay Wheat Hay, Barley Hay, Baled Straw, Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats, Corn, Buckwheat, Roll Bar ley, Middling. Shorts, Bran and Shorts and Lite Bran. He also has the largest and best assortment of garden and grass needs in Eastern Oregon. Experience has demonstrated the wisdom of fall planting in many lines of seeds, such as onion, turnip, lettuce, spinach, peas and others. He deals in Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks and Geeee. AIbo daily buys and sells fresh eggs. All orders intrusted to his care will be filled with fidelity and dispatch and delivered free to any part of the city. Thankful toHbe public for their confidence and patronage in tbe past will endeavor by fair dealing to merit a continuance of the same. Cor. Second and Federal Sts., The Dalles, Oregon. ..GfifiS. F-WK-. Butericrs and Fapmeps ..Exchange.. Keep!) on draught the celebrated COLUMBIA BEER, Acknowl edged tbe best beer in The Dalles, at the usual price. - Come in, try it and be convinced. Also the Finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Sandcuiehes of all Kinds always on hand. ' ,K4 ' SO YEARS ' , EXPERIENCE D Trade Marks Designs Copyrights eVc. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain oar opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest apency for securing patents. Patents taken tnroueh Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific Hnicrican. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. TJireest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year ; fonr months, $L Sold by ail newed eal ore. MUNN & Co.3618" New York Branch Office. 62S F 8U Washington. D. C is acmeu'a anuos ssivs. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fevei Bores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cui ea piles, or no pay required It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. WHEELS Tbe Dalles, Oregon. Timothy Hay, Wild Grass Hay, lfalfa Hay. J. H. CROSS. TlTe GQiDnxma PacRUio Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTO HKKU OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON )KIED BEEF. ETC. Ea .HAYWARD. Next door to Purity Soda Works. I Candies, Nuts, Soda Water; Ice Cream Soda, and Tobacco. All kinds of Soft Ciders and Summer Drinks. Tfis Economy Gasoii ns Lsmn Approved by the Boarl of Underwriters of the Pacific, November 4, 1898. 100-CANDLE POWER, 14 HOURS FOR- 4 CENTS. Own your own Gas Plant. Erin your own me ter. A complete gas plant within the lamp; portable, hang it anywhere. Maximum light at minimum cost. J. D. TUNNY, novlS. Agent for Wasco County. For Five Dollars you can bay a Camera that will take larger pictures than any other Camera on the market. For sale by Clarke & Falk. . tf 1