The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 21, 1898, Image 3

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Offered Dy PEASE & MAYS.
Offered by PEASE & MAYS,
In our last advertisement we spoke of "Tempting Prices," and we undoubtedly struck the Key Note, for it has
had the desired effect; and to prove to our patrons that we thoroughly appreciate the manner in which they grasped
the central thought, we have concluded to offer a rare list of plums as sweet morsels for the approaching holidays.
A Qp A fall line of plain and fancy weaves
XXL tO and just the thing for the present seaeon
PLAIDS This line ie beautiful in colorings
and designs. A grade of goods that
q Ol r originally would demand a price of
u A-J more than double that which we ask.
at 29c
These embrace our regular 50s line
of fancye and are just the thing for old
and young.
At 7c
White and colored embroidered Silk
Kerchiefs arn just the thing to give
your children or little friends for Xmas.
These lines comprise dainty colorings
and plain white in hemstitch, drawn
work and lace effects, nobby things in
silk, and are both useful and ornamen.-fal.
These four grades of Turkish Tow
els embrace some of the best things
we carry, and if you will take the
trouble to investigate this we could be
a few dozen towels less in stock and
your fast diminishing stock would be
greatly strengthened.
Here is a Cotton Towel, size 22x46
inches, that hae more drying qualities
than any towel to be found in the
market at 25c.
A Huck Towel at this price is not to
be found every day. They are scarce
with ns, but we have a few dozen left
and will give you the benefit of them.
We will give you your choice of ei
ther a Huck or Damask Towel at this
price, and will guarantee that you
will say it is the best value you have
ever found in the state.
Infant's Coats.
At $1.33 ah wool Eiderdown, former price $2.00.
At 1.97 All wool Eiderdown, former price S.0C.
At 2.23 All wool Eiderdown, former price 3.25.
These three numbers are the best things made in
this line and are beautifully trimmed with Angora.
A 4. OKn The "American Lady."
XX U OUO All of you know the
make, style, etc., hut yon ask why do we
offer them at this price; simply to close
them out. We are forced to cut our stock
down on account of space, and we have so
many brands of corsets and we are
weeding out those we have not ordered
or next year. .
A 4- Qp Ladies' natural gray Union Suits.
XXl 5U fleeee lined, warm, durable and sightly.
At 73c
At 98c
At 19c
At 17c
At 139c
The "Oriskany" natural gray Union
Suits, latest design, tastefully made;
regular $1 .00.
Ladies' natural gray Union Suits.
These are a great big bargain, and if
your nnderwear is not np to date for
this cool weather, replenish it while
you can get a bargain.
Boys' Underwear, silver grey, fleece
lined, ribbed. All sizes from 26 to 34.
A warm, sightly garment.
This line of Children's Underwear
is going rapidly, and if you are look
ing for snaps in Underwear, don't de
lay. Ladies' natural gray Underwear
that ranged in price to $1.00 is still
going rapidly. Come early and get
your size.
Ladies' Jackets & Capes
Af GZy Anv of onr $10 Jackets in black
"tlu V I . I I or colors. Latest styleB and fin
Ai IiQ Qy All of our Jackets both in color
aU tfC.O I or black, and that range in price
from $12.50 to $20.
At $2 98 These garments are handsomely trim
T med in jet and braid and edged with
fur; scarlet lined.
At 3 99 An 5- Capes trimmed as above and
fancy lined.
At 5.83 Former price $8.00, and trimmed as
6.17 Former price $9.00, and trimmed as
7.84 Former price $10.00, and trimmed as
33per ct.
and Children's' Jackets.
All garments
under this
fare this fate,
diSCOtint A11 garments that come
a-lnrln.. U. i 1 1 III
uiiuw tuiB uenu will
At 99c These garments are
in a great variety of
coloringB, fleece lined and the
waist full lined.
A 4. bi no This garment like
A pi-&5 the one above, only
of better material and well trimmed.
At 63c
At 93c
At 99c
This Spread is full size and excel
lent quality, and retails regular at $1.
The "Household," as every house
wife knows, is just what the name
would indicate.
The "Normandy" is a high-grade
cover, a good seller, and in design is
just as handsome as many of those
you pay as high as $2.50. We have
Spreads at fancy prices also.
At 49c
Triplicate Mirrors are as much a
necessity on a lady's bureau as a box
of hairpins, simply because she can
see just how to dress her back hair
and not change her position.
Men's Furnishings.
1 1 p
At 19c
At 43c
At 39c
At 39c
' '69c
At $1.19
At $1.43
At $1.67
At $1.69
At $1.87
Neckwear in new shades in Tecka
and Foar-in-Hande. For our holiday
trade we h&VA in nTranfinnallv ina
assortment of Neckwear. Puffs, Tecks,
Four-in-Hands in all the latest shapes
and coloringe, made by Rufus Water
house Co. of New York, and offered
by ns at popular prices. What more
appropriate for a gentleman's holiday
A full line of Men's Dress Shirts. Patch
ed boeoms, neat stripes and checks, and
also brighter and more striking plaid.
Men's Laundered White Shirts. This is
an exceptional value and cannot be
duplicated elsewhere.
These four numbers have been carefully
selected as good values for ordinary wear
because they are plain and as the name
suggests, Faultless.
These garments come two in a box
and are put up with a view of selling
them for presents, as gentlemen have
an eye for the beautifui as well as the
ladies. j
These are perfect dreams and should -j
be seen to be appreciated. They are J I
a white poplin, piped with colored cord.
A white sateen garment, beautiful
finish and daintily trimmed in colored
In two colors and two in a box. They
are dainty in the extreme and would be
thoroughly appreciated by any gentle
man in the land.
These garments in high colors, two
in a box, are the most elegant things
in the department. Call and see them
even if you do not purchase.
Men's Suits Overcoats
At $7.29
At $7.93'
At $8.37
Do not forget that we still "have on
our counters a few $10.00 euita, and we
have decided to continue this offering.
Any of our $19.00 snits yon may have
for the asking at $7.29.
We will close out the balance of our
$10.00 overcoats and ulsters. The spec
ial price before made on this line sold
so many that our stock is badly broken
and we will sell balance at price named.
All of onr $12.50 and $13.50 overcoats
and ulsters. These are the celebrated
Hart, Schaffner & Marx make. The
kind advertised in all high class East
ern magazines. The kind worn by cor
rect dressers in the East. Don't you
want to get in line?
At 99c.
Any gentlemen's hat in the house marked $1.50 will
be esld for 99 cents daring this sale.
At 5 Cents. a nice line and good coloring.
Hundrede of people buv shoes here: Not Bo
cause we're the only pebble ; not because it is any
more convenient to bay here than elsewhere; But Be
cause they are sure they cannot go wrong, because
D.eyi5?ff t0e Picea and qualities are right Always
At $ .95 Men's Fell, Lace Shoe.
4.00 Men's Cork sole, lace, $6.00 shoe.
3.00 Men's Cork sole.congress, $6.00 shoe.
These shoes will keep the feet both warm and dry.
At SI. 00 . Ladies' kid, button, square toe, $2.50
1 OO . Ladies' kid, button, coin toe, $1.50
These are extraordinary values and make it possible '
for you to wear a really nice shoe for the price you have
oiten paid for a common pair.
At 65c. Ladies' Knit Slippers, in red, black
and pink. Don't overlook these for they
will make a very desirable Xmas present.
At $1.00 Misses, kid button, 11 to 2.
.95 Misses' pebble, button School Shoe.
Take our advice and buy these shoes for the child
ren ; you'll save money and we assure you that the
service is in them.
At 10c.
At 75c.
- 150
Infant's kid, button shoes, really worth
much more, but we want to sell them,
hence this low price. If the baby needs
shoes you can't afford to overlook this.
Men's Slippers in Embroidered Velvet.
Seal, Goat and Kid.
Here's your chance to please the lord
of creation. There's nothing he'll ap
preciate more than a pair of these slip
pers to slip on in the evening after the
days work.
Those who live the best,
Eat the best
and feel the best.
Grocery satisfaction in this store means something
more than simply low prices. It means strictly high
class goods the guaranteed kinds. It means prompt
attention, quick delivery. It stands for all you can
possibly expect from the best grocery store you ever
heard of.
Canned Pears and Grapes 09c
Canned Strawberries, Raspberries, White and Black
Cherries n0
Deviled Crab, with shells, for salads, stews or bakes,
Per can ig0
Minced Clams, in half lb cans He
Minced Clams, in one lb cans . ... 17o
These are put up at Warrentou, Or. Nothing better to warm
the cockles of a man s heart than clam chowder.
Vienna Sausage, 1 lb cans 13e
Great big cans that others might call 2 lb; We cali them la.
Coin special brand.
Standard and French Sardines, (Albert Roche and
Guy brands), per can ...11c
Boston Baked Beans, 2 lb cans . .07c
Boston Baked Beans, 3 lb cans !!!!"! 09c
Try a can. The price puts them within the reach of aiLY
Jelly, in 15 lb pails, per pail ..... 53c
Charco, a healthful substitute for coffee, per pkg 08c
Maple Syrnp, "Old Time" brand. gal 7.. . .37c
INot as good as Log Cabin, but as good as some that cost more.
K.. C. Baking Powder, 25 oz. can 14c
Compare this price with what you are now paying for a 12 oz.
can of some other brand. J
Yosemite Coffee, 1 lb package, spoon with each
We guarantee this coffee to be superior to Arbucklea.
Copco White Floating Soap, per bar. 04c
for ' tJDe f 018 beSt white soaPa made. See what others are asking
White Ash Floating Soap, two sizes .03 and 05c
Equal to Ivory. This price to reduce stock.
Cotton Float Laundry Soap, per bar .. . 03c
' . Specially adapted for hard water.
Boraxaid Washing Powder, 3 lb package ..' 17c
Hand-made French, per pound iQc
Plain Mixed, per pound , .08c
Stick, per pound ". !o9c
Gum Drops, per pound . .-..!..!! !!o5c
Jelly Beans, per pound .12c
Fancy Mixed, per pound "!!l4e
Mandarin, they are sweet but small, per doz 15c
Navel, the very best to be had at this season. . 29c