The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 19, 1898, Image 5

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    Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
DECEMBER 19. 1898
Telephone No. 1.
Aeent Allawav went to Portland this
W. Lord came up from Portland Satur
day night. 1
f Max Vojit returned last night from a
i short trio to the metropolis.
r Mrs. J. B. Oro99en left this morning
Sfor a week's visit in Portland. j
I Harry Liebe left this morning for at;
short business trip to Portland.
" Airs. Li. Jii. tjrowe returned eauiruay
evening from a short visit in t'ortiand.
Mrs. W. H. Higeins is down from
Umatilla today and will return this
A. S. Fleet, who spent several davs ii
the city last week, returned to Cascades
this morning.
Mrs. S.L.Brooks, who has been visiting
her brother in Independence and
in Salem, returned Saturday night.
H. F. Jochimsen and L. C. S. Rorden
are now licensed to wed, County Clerk
Keleay having made the necessary affi
davit today.
'""These be the uightswhen all are liable
( to fall into the ditch, the electric lights
somehow failing to shine as brightly as
thev were wont to.
Misses Helen and Ulara Uresap. mcces
of J. JL. Douthit, came up from Portland
laBt night, where they have been attend
ing St. Helen's Hall, and will spend the
holidays here.
Mr. Brooka iniorma us that the river
is rising rapidly this afternoon and that
the ice is beginning to move. It will
take but a short time to clear the river
after it begins to go.
Don't forget that Garretson, the re
liable jeweler, has a desirable line of
fine jewelry suitable for Xmas presents,
at 25 per cent cut below regular prices.
Call and see them for yourself.
The laying of the water mains on
Fourth street will probably be completed
today. Those who are already receiving
the benefit of the new mains are loud in
their praises of the extra amount of
The following officers for the ensuing
year were elected yesterday at the
Christian Snnday school. Superin
1 1 tendent, G. E. Stewart; asst. stipt., S.
D. Garner; Fecretary, Mite Ona Hughes ;
treasurer, May Jones; organist. Miss
Jes3ie Aiken.
Remember that on Friday and Satur
day of this week you will be spared the
trouble of cooking your pastry, for you
may secure everything in that line by
calling at Pease & May's grocery depart
ment, where the ladies of the Congrega
tional church will have on sale bread,
p:es, cakes, etc.
It is to be hoped that onr people have
not allowed the numerous attractions
which have visited our city to entirely
shut out the fact that the greatest event
of the season is to take place Friday
evening at the Vogt, when Jackson En
gine C-. give their grand ball. Make
preparations to attend.
We have had a surfeit of traveling
shows for some time past, but at present
none are billed to appear earlier than
February, when McEwen, the hypnotist,
who caused such a sensation on his pre
vious visit to the city, will again be with
us. He is now in Victoria, B. C, where
he is attracting large audiences.
Low prices are not the only attraction
offered by Pease and Mays, the interior
decorations of the store being well
worth a visit. The different depart
ments are tastefully arranged with holi
day goods. The grocery department is
particularly pleasing in its holiday dress
of fir boughs-, mistletoe and holly.
Apparently the Oregon Telephone &
Telegraph Co. has awakened to the
importance of The Dalles as a telephone
center. This is evidenced in their recent
improvements and new construction.
The opening of an all-night service, the
replacing of Blake transmitters by solid
back, long-distance transmitters, reduc
tion in rentals and the new Dufur line
all point to the one thing.
Cut this out and bring it to the Jacob
sen Book and Music Co. as a special in
ducement which we offer for this week
only, to purchasers of mandolins, banjos,
or guitars. To those purchasing instru
ments as per this special offer, we will
give a term of one month's lessons, free
of charge. Prof. Ryan, the well-known
teacher of mandolin, guitar and banjo,
- has been engaged by us to give the les
sons, which constitute this special offer.
Messrs. Holbrook, Steel and Smith,
commissioners from Multnomah county.
arrived in the city last night for the
purpose of inspecting the new steel
furniture in the vault at the clerk's
office. They are considering the ad
visability of placing the same kind in
the Portland office. It is certainly
worth every cent it cost the county, and
anyone having valuable records there
can rest assurd that they are safe.
Last evening one of tha telephone
wires on Second street, just above No
lan's store, fell on the electric light wire
and burned in two, making a very pret
ty eitiht, as the colors of the rainbow
could be seen flashing from the wire.
The wire then fell to the ground. Had
any one happened to touch this fiery in
strument at that time, he would have
been electrified with a vengeance, and
someone else would have been compelled
to tell the story. Fortunately no one
came in contact with it.
. Saturday TnTgrit after the minstrel show
a few mem hers of the company were en
tertaiced by the Elks at their hall, and
the reputation of the hosts in the line of
bospitalitv is sufficient proot ot the en
iovmentof the hours spent together.
VA T i .i ii ri 1 1 n .i V 1 1 T ii Tt T nfl ii i ini..iiii
by the guests and a banquet was served
during tte evening. The DalleB Eiks
were more than pleased with the genial
manners of the members of this com
pany, who proved themselves perfect
gentlemen in every respect.
1 rkTstancTin slippery plffceTfmeans lo'
be wicked, Dalles people must have
been terrors this morning, for it was al
most an impossibility to stand npnn
one's "pins," so slippery were the
Vwalks. rtl-tt cftrswe-n, starting ont
JtlL-krs head in the air and assuming
his usual amount of dienity, found that
he was not "so many" aa he hit the
sidewalk with a dull tlud, which made
him think he still had on his ekates,
having forgotten to take them off when
he came home early Sunday morning.
At last, the raTns", so long predicted
have reached us, and skating is at an
end. The river blockade still looks
pretty solid, although along the edges
the Mater is beginning to peep out from
jts coverlet ot lce.Jirtnepreseni weather
continuestill'tomorrow the blocks will
begin to move without the aid of the
Chinook, which stirs everything in its
pathwav. This morning the Klickitat
mail-carrier dared to cross the river, hut
it IB said that as he neared the otfter
side ho seemed to be in somewhat
more of a rush than when he first started.
It takes a good amount of nerve to risk
one's life on the ice which covers the
Columbia now. Indeed, many would not
attempt it when the ice is at its strong
est. A Newberg paper has the following
concerning the man who was brought
here recently from Hood Kiver and ex
amined for insanity, but finally let go.
sufficient proof not being found. A
fellow who gives his name aa John
Stocking, and who seems to be doing
quite a business on a very small capital,
has been about town tor several davs.
During bis short stay about town he has
traded a band of horses supposed to be
somewhere east of the mountains for a
farm, bought a pretty good bouse, rented
two or three others, posed as a Grand
Army man, ' sponged several square
meals, and he appears to be still on the
hunt for other worlds to conquer. He
seeqis to be a little daft, and yet rather
smooth in some ways."
Manv of our stores are making ex
tensive and beautiful decorations for
the Christmas holidays; but perhaps the
most elaborate is that of A. M. Williams
& Co., where the artistic band of Ern
est Jensen is plainly visiblenn every de
tail. In tue center of thestore is the
battleship Oregon, constructed of towels,
napkins and table-linenx replete in
every part and wonderful in the con
struction. To the front pi the store is
the arch of peace, decorated in ever
greens and bunting and upon which are
pictures representing ' the different
battles of the late war and the heroes of
the same, and in the very center a fine
likeness of President McKinley. The
taste ehown in displaving the goods is
also worthy of mention ; while the two
large show windows, arranged by the
male clerks, would reflect credit on pro
fessional window dressers. Our dry
goods stores are up to date in every way.
In this cUy, Sunday evening. Dec.
18th, at the home of the bride, on the
hill, Mr. A. W. Roberson and Miss
Grace M. Crow, of this city, were united
in marriage, Rev. Boltz performing the
S r o f :l Ti . ii I .
vn o-ijxiie, uc... xv, w
Tim Evans, a daughter.
Has found that her little ones are im
proved more by the pleasant Syrnp of
Figs, when in need of the laxative effect
of a gentle remedy, than by any other.
Children enjoy it and it benefits them.
The true remedy, Syrup of FigB, is
manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co. only. -
Christmas Flowers.
Mrs. A. C. Stnbling has made a
special reduction on palms and bloom
ing piants for Christmas gifts. Have
a supply of Holly and Mistletoe, and
blooming Hyacinths ; also cut flowers,
including carnations and roses.
for Sale or Trade.
One hundred and sixty acres, good
fruit and dairy farm in Klickitat county,
two miles from Rufus, for sale or trade
for city property. See Dad Butts.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de
pended upon and la pleasant and safe
to take. Sold by B'.akeley & Houghton.
DeWitt' Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles. Scalds. Barns.
Mr. and Mrs.
HI Henry's Minstrels High Toned, Hlgh
fallutln (?) and Hilarious.
The seating capacity of the Vogt was
pretty well tested Saturday night and
many "watched their chance" and stood
up. Hi Henry's Minstrels received a
flattering reception on their appearance
here, such a reception as is seldom given
to any troupe visiting the city, and it
was well deserved, the only disappoint
ment to the audience being the shortness
of the program, the curtain dropping up
on the last number before any realized
that the performance was half ovei. No
doubt the excellence of the entertain
ment accounted for its apparent short
ness, as the program was two hours long.
If there's one thing above another a
Dalles audience is noted for it is our ap
preciation of a good thing and our ac
ceptance of the philosophy that if a little
is good a great deal must be better.
And so from the minute the curtain rose
every one was on the alert to catch
everything that might be said and to b
sure and let no part of the performance
be missed.
'Twould be impossible to mention
every feature separately. Indeed, so
much attention has been given to the
details of the show that the general ef
fect is fautless. Every word, movement
and gtsture nts in just where it belongs,
making the entire performance har
monious throughout. The einging ia es
pecially good and ni ne of the voices
seem to have become harsh by constant
use. Their selections were also first
class and nust ot them entirely new.
The contpriunists were truly wonder
ful, and by far the finest ever seen here.
It is plain to be seen that to be a
member of this company one must be
an all-around artist in his profession,
and no others need apply. Hi Henry is
himself Hi toned, as is also bis
cornet, from the sweetness of which not
even bis wealth of diamonds detracts.
His solos, as well a9 the selections by
the five cornetiets were greatly appre
ciated. In short, Hi Henry's show ia all that
it is "cracked up to be," as those who
attended will assert; and those who
tailed to attend are the losers therebv. '
Some of Its Main Provisions Briefly Set
Form. s
state Jfisn commissioner Alctiuire is
deluged with letters asking about the
.new salmon law, and again a few of its
plain provisions are published.
It requires all persons following the
vocation of fishing, either as employer
or employe, to pay an individual annual
license of $1. In addition he must pay
a license on the appliance used, graded
irom $ l to ?zo, as louows : Set nets, $1 ;
gill nets, $2 50; seines, $10 for 500 and
two cents for each additional foot;
pounds nets, $15; fish wheels, $25.
Any appliance used during the close
season, viz., between 12 o'clock, noon,
February 15th, and 12, noon, April 15th,
or between 12, noon, the 10th of August
and 12, noon, the 10th of September, is
subjeet to confiscation and sale for the
benefit of the hatchery fund, and the
person using the appliance is subject to
a fine of from $50 to $1000, and forfeiture
of license.
Lincenses will be issued any time after
January 1st, and expire December 31st.
Commissioner McGuire will send
blanks and they can be filled out and
returned to the office with the required
fee, and the license will be issued and
sent to tbe applicant bv return mail.
The commissioner will, in a few days,
advertise for bids for patrol-boat Eervice.
and the close season, commencing Feb
ruary 15th, will be strictly enforced.
You need have no boils if you will
take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
Friend "And the jury was out all
night! Ex-Juryman No such good
luck. We were locked in all night."
See A. M. Williams & Co'e. show
windows. They are full of seasonable
He But, mv dear, if she told it to
you in confidence you shouldn't tell me.
She pouting Oh, well, if you don't
care so hear it never m.nd.
At Keller's, gum drops, 5 cents per
pound ; lumps and drops, 8 cenis ; fancy
mixed candy, 12)a cents; daisy mixed,
12X cents; Christmas mixed 10 cents.
Other candies and nuts in proportion.
Flowery Fields (with a groan) Bill.
I'm ail busted up. I t'ink I'll hev ter
see a doctor. Weary William Doctor!
Great heavens, Fields! Wot you need
is a plumber.
A. M. Williams & Co. announce the
arrival of a holiday, invoice of sterling
and quadruple plate ware, consisting of
a hundred and one pretty trifles and use
ful' articles suitable for A mas gifts. Only
the earlier coiners can hope to see the
line complete.
Medium The spirit of your husband
is here if you wish to ask him an ques
tions. The widow I want to ask him
where he has been.
Do not fail to call and get our prices on
Christmas millinery. A Christmas sale
on trimmed bats, feathers, walking hats
and baby bonnets at Campbell & Wilson
millinery parlors. 9-tf,
It is said that a fool and his money are
soon parted, and yet lots of tools keep
right on accumulating wealth.
Increasing holiday business has neces
sitated tbe putting on of second delivery
team by Pease & Mays. Patrons of this
house will hnd the delivery system more
p ouapt than ever.
Sterling silver novelties suitable for
Christmas gifts, at A. M. Williams &
New line just received at
...jiiei Beaton
167 Second St. THE DALLES, (JR.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portlai.
nress. Salem. Rime
burs. Ashland. Sac
6:00 P. M.
ramento, Ogden.Sau
f ranciseo, Mojave,
Tin A noalna 1T1 Diun
New Orleans and I
East I
8:30 A. II.
Koseburg and way Sta
tions fVla Woodburn fori
I Mt-Angel, Silverton,
West Solo, Browns-
I ville.Sprlugfield and I
(.Natron J
P. to
17:30 A. M.l 1 I :50 P. M
, j
Daily (except Suuday).
1:50p.m. rLv.... -Portland. ...Ar.) 8:25 a. m
v:aup.m. Ai..McMlnnville..Lv. 6;6Ua,m
8:30 p. in.
tAr.. independence.. Lv. 4:o0 a. m
Dally. fDany, except bunaay.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at Han Krancisco with Ocel
dental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship
lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on
Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu
AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from
J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent.
Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where
through tickets to all points in the Eastern
States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates from
J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent.
All above trains arrive at Hnd rienjtrt from
Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving street
Passenger Depot, foot of Jeoerson street.
Leave for OSWEGO, daily, except Sunday, at
7:20 a. m.; 12:30, 1:55, 5:15, 6:25, 8:05 p. m.
(and 11 :30 p. m. on Saturday onlv, and 9:00 a. m
and 3:30 p. m. on Sundays only). Arrive at
Portland auily at 6:40 and 8;30 a m.; and 1:35.
M:15. 6:20 and 7:55 p. m.. rand 10:05 a. m . 3-15
5:10 p. m. on Sundays only).
Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m
Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m.
Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and
Frifluy at 9:40 a. m. Arrive at Portland. Tush-
da v, Thursday and Saturday tt 3:05 p.m.
Except Sunday. Except Saturday.
it. 1CuR.-.lEB,
Asst. G. F. b Pass. Act
Constipation prevents the body from
ridding itself of waste matter. De Witt's
Little Early Risers will remove the
trouble and cure Sick Headache, Bili
ousness, Inactive Liver and clear the
Complexion. Small, sugar coated, don't
gripe or cause nausea. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
A cough is not like a fever. It does
not have to run a certain course. Cure
it quickly and effectually with One
Minute Couth Cure, the best remedy for
all ages and for the most eevere cases.
We recommend it because it's good.
Overcome eyil with good. Overcome
your coughs and colds with One Minute
Cough Cure. Itiseo good children cry
for it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pneu
monia, grippe and all throat and lung
diseases. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
When you ask for De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve don't accept a counterfit or
imitation. There are more cases, cf
piles being Cured byline than all others
This week special doll sale, china dolls
3-4-7 9-14 cents; kid body dolls, 1014
24 39 cents; dressed dolls, 4 17-24-49
cents. Big reduction on onr whole holi
day line most complete in this city.
Jacobeen Book & Music Co.
For the best results nee the Vive
Camera, For sale by tbe Postoffice
Pharmacy. ) ' tf
Clearance Sale of Bicycles
For Less than Half Price
We wish to clear out all old stock before mo v
ing into new store and have some bargains.
This is an opportunity to get a bij-cle cheap
All wheels sold at half regular price.
Mays cS3 C?xowo-
Opposite old stand.
We have the largest assortment ever displayed in Tbe Dalles, and
you will find our prices are lower than all of our competitors.
Books, in Endless Variety.
Cloth bound, 12 mo., 200 titles, 12c eacb. Chatterbox, latest edi
tion, only 69c. All (roods marked in plain figures.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
omir; to tfye propt
Slowly, but surely, J. H. Cross with a magnificent stock of staple
and fancy groceries. His constant and enormous daily sales gives evi
dence ot satisfaction to the people. In connection with his splendid gro
cery trade, he does a marvelous Hay, Grain and Feed business. He
carries in stock
Oat Hay
Wheat Hay,
Barley Hay,
Baled Straw, Wheat, Kye, Barley, Oate,. Corn, Buckwheat, Roll Bar
ley, Middling, Shorts, Bran and Snorts and Lite Bran.
He also has tbe largest and best assortment of Harden and grass oeeds
in Eastern Oregon. Experience has demonstrated tbe wisdom of fall
plantinc in many lines of eeeds, such an onion, turnip, lettuce, spinach,
peas and otherB. -He deals in Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese.
Also daily buys and sells fresh egns. All orders intrusted to bis care
will lie filled with fidelity and dispatch and delivered free to any part of
the city. Thankful to the pnblic for their confidence and patronage in
tbe past will endeavor by fair dealing to merit a continuance of tbe same.
Cor. Second and Federal Sts.,
The Dailes, Oregon.
and Farmers
Keeps on draught tbe celebrated
edged tbe best beer in The Dalles,
at the usual price. Come in, try
If aud be ootiviueed. AUo the
Finest brand of Whiles, Llguora
and Cigars.
of all Kinds always on hand.
wv-4 BO YEARS''
..a-" . Designs
'rttm Copyrights Ac
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confldentlal. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through llunn A Co. receive
tpeclol notice, without charge, in the
Scientific jnaericatn
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir
culation of any scientluc journal. Terms. S3 a
year : four months, tL Sold by ail newsdealers.
R1UNN & Co.36,Broad""' New York
Branch Office. G25 F 8t Washington, I. C
Pains in the client when a pereon has
a cold indicate a tendency toward pneu
monia. A piece of fltnnel dampened
with Chamberlain's Pain - Balm and
bound on to the chest over the seat ot
pain will promptly relieve the pain and
prevent tbe threatened attack of pneu
monia. This same treatment will enre
a lame back in a few hoars. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Timothy Hay,
Wild Grass Hay,
lfalfa Hay.
Tfia coiiifnDia PaGRino Ca..
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curersof BRAND
C. E.
Next door to
Parity Soda Works.
Candies, Nutb,
Soda Water;
Ice Cream Soda,
' and Tobacco.
All kinds of Soft Ciders
and Summer Drinks.
Tne Economy Gasoiins Lamp
Approved by tbe Board of Underwriters of the
Pacific, November 4, 1898.
Own your own Gas Plant. Rnn yonr own me
ter. A complete gas plant within the lamp;
portable, bang it anywhere. Maximum
light at minimum cost.
Agent for Wasco County.
For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
that will take larger pictures than any
other Camera on the market. For sah
by Clarke & Falk. . , tf