The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 14, 1898, Image 3

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Never before has a Holiday Sale opened with. such. Astonishing' Bargains as we present today.
At. 17c Children's Under-wear.
This line of Natural Wool Un
derwear is just the thing that ia
needed at this season of the year,
and bargain eeekers will do well
to give it immediate attention.
Former prices up to 40c and 4oc.
At 37c
At 79c
Sofa Pillows.
A full line of handsome designs
and colorings and just the thing
for ornamental and useful pres
ents. Plain 37c, ruffled 49c
Ladies' Dressing
These garments are just the
thing for these cool mornings,
when Mercury is hovering around
Zero. They come in all the pretty
At $1.89
This is a warm number for a
coid night. The designs are pret
ty, they open out fresh and clean.
At 43C India Silks.
Tn oil Mi AtAfat aHarlag fnr
fancy work, ornamental or useful
purposes. Just the thing to finish
your Christmas present in.
At 39c Door Mats
One of the most useful and es
sential things to be found around
the house. Everyone needs one
at the door to save the carpets
from being soiled by muddy shoes.
At $2.17 Fur Rtlss.
Tn Motif, and
inating to the eye and comfortable
for the feet. Just the thing to
stand on these cold nights before
you take your final leap into the
arms of Morpheus.
All Goods Marked in
Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Ctoniele.
Telephone No. 1.
Attend the Fair
Tonight at the Vogt.
Last night the freight which had been
transferred from the Inland Flyer ar
rived in this city oyer the O. R. & N.
Treas "Saunders has purchased the
wood business of J. T. Reynolds in this.
city. sfThose desiring goodwood will find
'frrrrr'Dy ringing up 'phone number 199.
License to inarry was today granted to
J. Richard Reese and Emma Janet
Fisher of this city, and Edwin Burlin
game of this county ,and Sadie Surface of
Clackamas county.
For the better accommodations of
their lady customers Pease & Mays
have placed a telephone in their dry
goods department. In calling for this
department ask for 17 Red.
aptain Lewis has chosen December
28th as the date on which to deliver his
lecture on "Life in Libby Prison." It
will be given in the Congregational
chnrch. A good audience is assured.
Thosegontlemen who intend joining
Smith Bros', dancing class will please
meet at Schanno's hall, over Brown's
etore.on Thursday evening; the ladies on
Saturday afternoon at S o'clock at the
game place. 14-2t
Mr. J." A. Walden, who filled ""iTTT?!
,n.OU0t Q Alalia no .iijiiM u vuu
depot during bis absence in the eaBt,
will return and again accept the posi
tion, while Mr. Keffer will leave Friday
to act as agent of the Columbia
em at Moro. j
Great' difficulty has been encountered
in attempting to move the D. P. & A. N.
wharf boat up to the harbor. It is now
stationed but a short distance above its
former position, and workmen are at
tempting to place it where the ice jam
will cause it to be beached instead of
pushing it down the river.
A very fair house for a second night's
performance g-eeted the "Dazzler" last
night at tha Vogt, and the audience was
equally as well pleased as that which at
tended on the previous nijclit. At the
Baldwin a good eizid crowd listened to
At 73C
At 7c
At 23c
At 47c
dark rnlorincr. fac-
Mahara's Minstrels, which were not
first-class, the opening chorus being the
best part of the show.
Columbia Chapter No. 33, Srder of
Eastern Star, elected the following
officers at its meeting fast night,
the remainder to be appointed later:
Emily Sanders, W. M. ; C. W.
Dietzsl, W. P. ; Elmira Bjjrget, Associate
Matron ; Virginia Harden, Secretary ;
Salina Phirman, Conductress; Nettie
Wood, Associate Conductress.
'--Retntifllbef 1 Ti at Oh-i-reUnay tn cTuce
ments are in store for you and that ev
ery day is a bargain day when you pur
chase your holiday present of the Jacob
sen Book & Music Co. All goods marked
in plain figures. Post yourself on prices
elsewhere and our prices will convince
you that we are asking thirty per cent
less than any of our competitors.
The weather moderated somewhat
during the night, and this morning a
slight sprinkling of snow covered the
ground and acted as a sort of a pall over
tho spirits of the skaters. However not
enough of the beautiful fell to spoil this
favorate sport. Observer Pague, whose
weather eye is always peeled, be it warm
rcold, predicts snow with a vengeance,
aying that when it does start ho fears
t will not know when to stop.
Mrs. Frank Forrester left tor--hr
home in Mitchell today, and expects to
return in the course of two weeks and
remain until her husband's trial. It has
been a pathetic sight each day to wit
ness the wife and little boy standing at
the prison bars conversing with the
prisoner, ihis morning she was allowed
bid him good bye, the doors being
unbarred. If only tha guilty had to
(bear the consequences of crimes com-
mitted it would seem but justice; but
the innocent are of necessity compelled
to suffer alike with the criminal.
Colonel R. AV. Mitchell's life has been
saved again. This time it was a collar
button that saved it, and this is how it
happened: Colonel Mitchell was a pas
senger on the eastbound passenger train
that had a rear-end collision on the line
of the O. R. & N. Co., about eight miles
east of Pendleton, Sunday morning.
Mitchell was in a washroom justbe
fore the collision took plaoe, and the
loss of his collar-button was the occasion
of his leaving the washroom. When
the crash came the washroom got the
worst of it. Mitchell was safe in the
in -dale of the cur, thanking his stars
We are offering a special num
ber in this line as they are al
ways sought after as suitable pres
ents for sensible people.
At $3.98 Silk Waists. t
Just the garment for style, fit
and elegance. A perfect model
for street, reception or evening
At $4.97 Black Satin Waists
This garment is a perfect dream
of artistic taste and perfection.
There are not a great many left
and should you want one do not
Pattern Suits
As displayed in our East win
dow represent but a few of the
splendid bargains we are offering
for a few days this week.
Men's Initial Hand'kfs
These Japonette handkerchiefs,
at the remarkable price as quoted
above, are just the thing for the
cold yon have in your head. They
are soft and pleasant to nose and
within the reach of everybody.
Men's Silk.Hand'fs.
Your choice of pure white or
colored borders. Beautilul value
at three times the price quoted.
Gentlemen's Lined
-LUla mm ui giuvea tit iree.t:'uub
prices. They are just the thing
for your walk to and frcm
place of business.
that collar-buttons were so easily lost.
Physicians are now somewhat puzzled
to determine just what is the nature of
the disease that ia causing so much sick-
1 . i A.i j . . . i
iikbh hi. auieuii unu duauis. ine scnoois
have been cloeed at both places, and
some of the physicians give it as their
opinion that it is diphtheria. It resem
bles that malady, being accompanied by
tore throat, and, in one case, death has
resulted. Perhaps it is tonsiletis in
the same form that has visited this city,
which the physicians in Portland as well
The Dalles, pronounce, as an unusual
type of the disease, and not to be gene
rally expected.
W. H. Bates, superintendent of the
Marine Iron Works, of Chicago, arrived
in this city this morning, His firm hav
ing supplied the machinery for the In
land Flyer, he is here for the purpose of
investigating the matter to ascertain,
if possible, wherein the diffculty lies
which causes her te fall short of . what
was expected of her, and to adjust any
deficiency which may have arisen in
fulfilling their part of the contract, if
any there be. Tomorrow morning Gen.
Agt. Allaway and Captain Sherman will
accompany him to Stanley Rock, near
Hood River, the Flyer having been
brought over to this eideof the river.
Fair Notes.
If you want to buy something good to
eat stop at the cooking depot.
The lantern swinging is also a very
Drominent feature of the program.
Miss Rose Blocb arrived in the city
last evening from Portland. She is a
guest at the home of Mrs. D. M. French.
Look at the Old Curiosity Shop to
night, where will be found relics of all
kinds and descriptions.
The candy booth will be the most at
tractive station in the hall. The young
ladies have some of the choicest of
You cannot afford, to miss hearing
Miss Blocb tonight at the fair. It is an
opportunity never before afforded The
Dalles people.
Maccabees Attention.
Your presence is earnestly requested
at the regular review this evening. It is
expected that Sir. -Knight J. W. Sher
wood, D. S. .C, will be present, and
there will be other business of import
ance to tiansact.
At 39c Men's Underwear.
This line of Natural Wool gar-"
ments are beyond a doubt well
worth an effort on the part of any
one who is now, or will be, in need
of underwear to call and see for
themselves that this is a genuine
-bargain offering.
At $7.29 Men's Suits-
Last, but not leaet. The golden
opportunity of a life time.
We will offer ou any one of our
$10.00 suits at this remarkably
low price, but for no stated num
ber of days. Do not overlook this
if you will ever need a suit of
clothes during your natural life
At 97C Men's Felt
It yon are troubled with cold
feet yon will find relief in a pair
of these shoes. Chilblains will
never bother you when your feet
are encased in a pair of Felt shoes.
At 79C Ladies' Knit Slippers.
Nice to slip on when yon arise
or just before retiring. A relief ' to
tired feet and eo warm and com
fortable in cold weather. Just
what every lady should have.
At. 69C Children's High-Button
These will save doctor bills by
preventing colds. They will save
the little onethe sufferings of cold
feet and promote its comfort in
every way. Keep the feet warm
at any cost.
jQ-fc 49c Men's Warm - Lined
Don't get cold feet. It's not
necessary when yon can buy over
shoes at this ridiculously low
price. The price is a warm one;
not warmer, however, than the
overshoes themselves.
Wm. Jaeger Forges a Check for SI 35 j
and Is Taken Up. j
Saturday morning a man called at the
D. P. & A. N. office and purporting to be
a marine engineer, engaged in conversa
tion with Agent Allaway, who among
other things Informed him that he was
expecting Mr. Bates, superintendent of
the Chicago Iron Works, and that he
would arrive Tuesday morning. Aside
from a Ehort conversation nothing fur
ther passed between them-, and Mr.
Allaway beard nothing more of his
visitor until last evening, when the
bartender at Fouts & Johnnesen's called
him up over the 'phone and inquired if
he held a check on French Co. payable
to Wm. Jaeger. Upon being answered
in the negative, investigation was at
once made, which developed the follow
ing facts :
Monday morning Jaeger entered the
saloon, and after informing them he was
the agent for the Chicago Iron Works
who had come here to examine the In
land Flyer, he presented a check for $135
on French & Co. signed by W. C. Alla
way, and received $45 on it. He left the
check with them ; but yesterday morn
ing called again and explaining that the
number was wrong and that Mr. Alla
way desired to correct it, was handed
the check. It seems that after banking
hours yesterday afternoon he appeare 1
at the brewery and showing the check
to Mr. Buchler said that he was in need
of money and as it waa too late to get
We have the largest assortment ever displayed in The Dalles, and .
you will find our prices are lower than all of our competitors. -
Books, in Endless Variety.
Cloth bound, 12 mo., 200 titles, 12c each. Chatterbox, latest edi
tion, only 69c. All goods marked in plain figures.
Jacobsen Book & Music Go.
170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
At 10c Dolls' Shoes.
Please the little ones bv getting
shoes for their dolls. The dolls
won't appreciate it but the chil
dren will, and you'll never miss
the email sum it costs you. No
doll is complete without them.
At 29c Morning Star Roast
A Mocha and Java blend, the
regular price of which is 35c. jJVe
make a special price for this week
only. This gives yo"u an oppor
tunity to have the very best at the
price of an inferior article.
At 19c French Candy.
Sweets to the sweet. Your best
girl will appreciate a box of this
candy and will never suspect its
cost. She'll give you credit for
paying much more, as you would
if you bought it elsewhere.
At 9C Roast Peanuts and Ha
zel Nuts.
At lie Walnuts and Brazil
At 13C Pecans,Filberts, Chest
nuts and Pine Nuts.
At 17C Almonds.
Carving Sets.
At 97c, for game, 2 piece eet. imported bone handles.
At $1.63, for game or steak, 2 piece set.bone handles.
At $1.83; knife, foik and steel.
Better grades at prices ranging as high as $5.50.
into the bank he asked for $10. Suspect
ing nothing, the money was given bim.
Later in the day, being under the in
fluence of liquor, he missed the evening
train, which he evidently expected to
take and etcape; and in the evening
again showed up at Fouts' saloon, where
be was questioned in regard to the check.
Making some answer about it being in
Allaway's hands, the bartender, becom
ing suspicious, it once called him up and
finding that something was radically
wrong they at once sent for Marshal
Lauer, who arrested him.
This morning a complaint was sworn
charging him with uttering a forged
writing, and his case came up be
fore Recorder Gates at- 2 o'clock this
afternoon, when he was bound over in
the sum. of $250 to appear before the
grand jury. A. A. Jayne appeared for
the state and Sam.E. Van Vactor for the
defendant. It is understood he failed to
secure bondsmen.
Has found that her little ones are im
proved more by the pleasant Syrup of
Figs, when in need of the laxative effect
of a gentle remedy, than by any other.
Children enjoy it and it benefits them.
The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is
manufactured by ' the California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
Late to, bed and early to rise, prepares
a man for his home in the skies. But
early to bed and a Little Early Riser,
the pill that makes life longer and better
and wiser. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
The Amusement Event of
the season.
Opera House
Direct from Bait Lake City, en route to Port
land in tbeir own special train of vestibule cars,
will fill 1:1 a spare date at The Dalles.
NOVEL ani)
HI. HENRY. Sole Owner.
Reserve seats, first seven rows $1.00
Reserve seats, next three rows 75
Back seats, 60c; children, 25.
Seats on sale at the Snipes-Kineraly ' Drug