C20 Jhz Dalles Daily Chronicle. SCltSCltlFTIOM I'lClCK. One week! $ 15 One month ... .. 50 One year . . . 6 00 WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 14. 1898 AMERICANS IN THE FAR EAST The notable feature of the consu lar reports now submitted to congress is the bright outlook lor Oriental commerce. The report from Houg Kong, England's door to China, emphasizes two points in connection with our trade at that port during the first half of the year. .First, a genera! permanent increase in trade; second, what is called "an unusual activity in mercantile circles owing to the great demand made on the local market by the American squad ron and army on the coast." It might be thought that this would only be a temporal advantage, and, In a sense, it is, but some of the goods' brought into the market to meet the special demand are consumed by the natives, or by other foreigners, and this sampling tends to create a steady demand. "Our forces," we ore told, 'have done more than conquer a country ; they have made an impres sion on Asiitic markets which can never be effaced." Previous to this calender year Americans exported to those markets a little flour and a gcod deal of kero sene, and not much else. The t flour crossed the Pacific mostly in British ships, the kerosene was tanked over the Atlantic through the Mediter ranean sea and the Suez canal. But now Asia has a taste of our canned meats and some otliL-r American staples. Even the sight of great piles of unusual cargoes cn the wharfs excites curiosity and tempts practical testing of the novelties. If the consular reports are correct every cattle man in the west may see in Dewey's victory a personal profit. The flour and kerosene trades show a good increase, but the great advant age is the new samplo-packagc line. Manufacturers of a new article know how difficult it 13 evaa in a country given to novelties to get goods in troduced. In the far east, where every wheel runs in a deep rut, the difficulty is incalculably greater. Still another encouraging sign is the demand for our cheaper grades of raw cotton. The report on this head is full ot promise for the south, provided only the voyage were short ened and cheapened as it would be by the Nicaragua canal. There is now a sample shipment of 45,000 bales of upland cotten from Texas on its way to Hong Kong. "Even our upland ciiiuon," the report ob seivco, "is superior to the best cotten India grows, and is laid down heie as cheaply." The whole country seems destined to share in the bene fits of the new era in Oriental trade, not excepting either the far south west, with its prolific crops and vast herds, or New England, with its spruce gum and Yankee notions. of the Spanish cruisers sunk on the 1st of May, and has sent them to Hong Kong to be fully repaired for active service. The open door policy as to the Philippines .finds few friends among the senators and members of congress. Public opinion is so strong ly against the proposition to give away our. trade on the islands that it is almost certain that no open-door clause will be inserted in the treaty. Inter Ocean. One would not think that war taxes tended to the employment of additional labor, but in one case at least they have started a factory, and in this way, the war tax on beer caused the brewers to advance the price. The saloon-keepers couldn't stand the raise, so they had new glasses made, and this started one Indiana factory in full. The new glasses are. exactly after old patterns, but they hold just 10 per cent less. So the drinker pays the tax, and the glass factory is far behind, with its orders. Cincinnati Commercial Tri-. bune. BUSINESS LOCALS. Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for the teeth. tf Use Clarke & Falk'a Floral Lotine for sunburn and wind charing. ' tf Uee Clarke & Falk's Quinine Hair Tonic for dandruff and falling bair. tf You need have no boils if you will take Clarke & Falk'e 'sore care for boils. Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk'e pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf Furnished rooms to rent.- Steam heat and electric lights, .Jpp'y to Max Vogt A Co. Chapman block. k4,0 BO YEARS' " T- EXPERIENCE 1 V w "a. 1 ' A '''MM4 Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an . invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest oeency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely tOnstrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a year: four months, fl. Sold, by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.88,Bn-New York Braocb Office. 625 F St Washington. D. C. Skates Skates Skates We are making progress in all directions. The merchants of Santi ago, through their chamber of com merce, are acting up to their priv ileges as American citizens and mak ing recommendations as to tariff and revenue. General Greene, in Havana, has inaugurated measures to clean the;ity and tD put it on the sanitary footing of American cities. Admiral Dewey has raised and docked three New line just received at 9 0 rflninr UQIC1 a mon ..THE HRHDWRSE DEALERS.. 167 Second St. THE DALLES. OH. Depart i'ou Fast Mail 11:50 p. in. Spokane Klyer 5:30 p. m. 8 p. m. TIMK PCHEDUI.K. iitoM Dalles. Salt Lakr, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, St. Louis, Chicago and East. Wnlla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis. St. Paul, 1 u 1 u t h, Milwaukee, Chicago ana iast. From Portland. Ocean SteuuiHhiDs. All bailing dates subject to cnunge. For San Francisco Nov. 28, Dec. 3, 8. 13, 18, 23, 28, Jan. 2, 7. O V. 111. i Ex.sundayiColumbia Rv. Steamers. To Astoria and Way 1U p. 1U. 6 a.m. WlLUMRTTR Rivrn Ex.SundayiOregon City. Kewberg, Bu.em os w ay una s. 7 a. m. Tues.lhur. and but. G a. m. Tue.,Thur, and gat. Lv Riparia daiiy except Saturday. Willamette and Yam hill Kivers. Oregon City, liavton, and Way-landings. Wit t t wvttp h,vt Port.and to Corvallis, and V ay-Landings. Snake River. Riparia to Lewis ton. A RRIVK From. Fat Mail. 3:10 a. m. Spokane Flyer. 6:50 a. m. 4 p. m. 4 p. in. Ex.sundaj 4:30 p. m. Ex.au nday 3:30 p. m. Mon., Wed., and Fri. 4:30 t. rh. Tue., Ihur and tat. Leave Lewiston. daily except Friday. For full particulars call on O. R. St N. Co.'a agent The lalles. or address W. H. HURLBNRT, Gen. Pas. Agt, Portland, O nT3 mm La U Jl If llJ n n era Fr3 Lis Lia Lisa It is a chance that has .not occurred for many years to buy Men's and Boy's wear, the quality for the money which is being offered by us. Hemember this will last but a short time longer Post yourself on prices elsewhere and then call on us. We will sell you clothing which has been manu factured for city trade for less than you can buy cheap clothing. ' ALL-WOOL BOY'S SUITS, SIZES FROM 4 TO 12, ALL-WOOL YOUNG- MEN'S SUITS, SIZES 12 TO 19, ALL-WOOL MEN'S SUITS, ALL SIZES, - - - -BLACK AND BLUE OVERCOATS, SILK LINED, EXTRA HEAVY AND EXTRA LONG MEN'S ULSTERS, BLACK ALL WORSTED SUITS, all CUTS AND STYLES, AT $1.25. AT 4.00. AT 5.50. AT 6.50. AT 6.00. AT 7.50. In underwear and overshirts all we ask of you is to examine them and our'prices and 'ou will be con vinced that you have never been offered anything of the kind for the money. - All-wool Blankets, extra sizes, at $3.50. HATS. All we ask of you is to examine our styles and and prices. No. 166 Second Street, "W. A. Johnston's Old Stand, Protection for too CiiesT and lungs is of the utmost importance. Immu nity from sudden chills will prevent menv ser ious ill nessess. Chest Protectors, Chamois Vest, etc., should be worn during the winter by those with weak chests. We have a large assortment of these goods and have no doubt they will sat isfy both as to the quality aud price. M. Z. DONNELL ...DRUGGIST... Jast What You rjuant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a tingle stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at oar store on Third 6treet. Also a full line of honee paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. A good drug sign. ml Urn 1 Wasco W arehouse Company You well know that a good drug sign is the patronage which is bestowed on the store. It is the purity of the goods handled and the manner of doing busi ness that makes and keeps Ibis business. We are pleased with the result of our ef forts to supply the best drags -at the best price. We are particular about the compounding of them. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street, THE DALLES. 00 H $6.50 PER TON DELIVERED. For car load lots call on E. KURTZ, Agent, Tel. 38. The Dalles, Or. Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ell kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOYL F'lOUr This Flour is manufactured expressly for family v use ; every Back is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think bo call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. r GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. C. J. STUBLtlflG Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greatest American Liquor VI! 0.. MU 111 I QMUVedlUIIC CUUI IlldSI! WHISKEY from $2.75 to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 15 veara old. ) IMPOBTED 00GNA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 yt,ra old.; ALI IQBKIA EEABBIIS from $8.25 to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEEK on draught, and Val Blats and Hop Gold Beer in bottlea Imported Ale and Porter. ' JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.