The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 13, 1898, Image 3

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Never before has a Holiday Sale opened with such Astonishing Bargains as we present today.
At. 17c Children's Underwear.
At 37c
At 79c
Thie line of Natural Wool Un
derwear is just the thing that is
reeded at this season of the year,
and bargain seekers will do well
to give it immediate attention.
Former prices up to 40c and 45c.
Sofa Pillows.
A full line of handsome designs
and colorings and jnst the thins
for ornamental and useful pres
ents. Plain 37c, raffled 43c.
Ladies' Dressing
These garments are just the
thing for these cool mornings,
when Mercury is hovering around
Zero. They come in all the pretty
At $1.89
This is a warm number for a
cold night. The designs are pret
ty, they open out fresh and clean.
At 73c Rllss-
We are offering a epecial num
ber in this line as they are al
ways sought after as suitable pres
ents for eensible people.
At $3.98 Silk Waists.
Just the garment for style, fit
and elegance. A perfect model
for etreet, reception or evening
At $4.97 Black Satin Waists
This garment is a perfect dream
of artistic taste and perfection.
There are not a great many left
and should yon want one do not
At 43C India Silks.
In all the delicate shades for
fancy work, ornamental or useful
purposes. Jnst the thine to finish
your Christmas present in.
At 39c Door Mats
One of the most useful and es
sential things to be found around
the house. Everyone needs one
at the door to save the carpets
from being soiled by muddy shoes.
At $2.17 Kngs.
In litht and dark coloring, fac-
inating to the eye and comfortable
for the feet. Just the thing to
stand on these cold nights before
you take your final leap into the
arms of Morpheus.
Pattern Suits
As displayed in our East win
dow represent but a few of the
splendid bargains we are offering
for a few days this week.
At 7C Men's Initial Hand'kfs
These Japonette handkerchiefs,
at the remarkable price as quoted
above, are just the thing for the
cold you have in your head. They
are soft and pleasant to nose and
within the reach of everybody.
At 23C Men's Silk Hand'fs.
Your choice of pure white or
colored borders. Beautiful value
at three times the price quoted.
fc 47c Gentlemen's Lined
This line of gloves at freeze-out
prices. They are just the thing
for your walk to and frcin your
place of business.
At 39c Men's Underwear.
This line of Natural Wool gar
ments are beyond a doubt well
worth an effort on the partof any
one who is now, or will be, in need
of underwear to call and see for
themselves that this is a genuine
bargain offering.
At $7.29 Men's Sllits.
Last, but not least. The golden
opportunity of a life time.
We will offer you any one of our
$10.00 suits at this remarkably
low price, but for no stated num
ber of days. Do not overlook this
if you will ever need a suit of
clothes during . your natural life
At 97c Men's Felt Shoes.
It yon are tronbled with cold
feet you will find relief in a pair
of these shoes. Chilblains will
never bother you when your feet
are encased in a pair of Felt shoes.
At 79C Ladies' Knit Slippers.
At 69c
At 49c
Nice to slip on when yon arise
or just before retiring. A relief to
tired feet and so warm and com
fortable in cold weather. Just
what every lady should have.
Children's High-Button
Theee will save doctor bills by
preventing colds. They will save
the little onethe sufferings of cold
feet and promote its comfort in
every way. Keep the feet warm
at any cost.
Men's Warm - Lined
Don't get cold feet. It's not
necessary when you can buy over
shoes at this ridiculously low
price. The price is a warm one;
not warmer, however, than the
overshoes themselves.
At IOC Dolls' Shoes.
Please the little ones bv get ting
shoes for their dolls. The dolls
won't appreciate it but the chil
dren will, and you'll never miss
the email sum it costs vou. No
doll is complete without them.
At 29C Morning Star Roast
A Mocha and Java blend, Ihe
- regnlar price of which ia 35c. We
make a special price for this week .
only. This giveB yon an oppor
tunity to have the very best at the
price of an inferior article.
At 19c French Candy.
. . Sweets to the sweet. Yonr best
girl will appreciate a box of this
candy and will never enspect its
cost. She'll give you credit for
paying much more, as vou would
if you bought it elsewhere.
Roast Peanuts and Ha
zel Nuts.
At 9c
At 11c
At 13c
At 17c
and Brazil
Pecans, Filberts, Chest
nuts and Pine Nuts.
Carving" Sets.
At 97c, for game, 2 piece set. imported bone bandies.
At $1.63, for game or eteak, 2 piece eet.bone handles.
At $1.83, knife, folk and steel.
Better grades at prices ranging as high as $5.50.
All Goods Marked in
Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
DECEMBER 13, 1898
Telephone No. 1.
Mabara's Minstrels
Tonight at the Baldwin.
Read A. M. Williams & Co's. ad.
This morning the thermometer stood
at 7 above, moderating cousiderably
during the day. -,
""Arthur' Clarke has disposed of his jew
elry business, in the East End, to Mr.
J. Stoufer, whp is a-iirst-class jawelery
A professional fortune teller and palm
ist from the Willamette valley will be at
the fair each night. Consult her, for
she is capable of telling your future.
Mabara's Minstrel company arrived
this morning with their special car, and
at noon made a good showing in the
parade. They will appear tonight at
the Baldwin.
Miss Bloch will arrive in the city to
night. Don't mies hearing her at the
fair tomorrow and Thursday nights. Ad
mission 25 cents ; children 10 cents.
Still the list of Oregon's dead at
Manila increases, three having been
added to the list: Fred Norton, 2iy
years old, who enlisted from Snohomieb ;
' Frank Hibbs, 21 years, of McMinnville,
and Harry Hibbard, 24 years, of Wil-
seen skimming ove the ice; on its edges.
From Chas. Alden, who returned from
. , . - -- S Portland last night, we learn that the
-Today rt.e employes of the D. P. CoiamD-la , biocked from Lere to Crate,fl
. are naving a winter picnic in getting Point from MemalooB to Klickitat
I Landing, and from Waahougal to ten
iclk omce irom tne latter place, we
were surprised to hear everv word dis
tinctly when be spoke in a whisper. Ik
is wonderful when telephoning gets
down to such a fine point
i It was expected that the Columbia
Southern Railroad would be through to'.
Moro today. If not eo soon, it will
reach that point in a few days, when
Moroites are to have a grand celebra
tion. The head office will bo moved
from Wasco, and Mr. I. H. Keffer, of
Ltbis city, is to accept the position as
agent. Miss Mae Enright, who is sec
rotary, will also move to that place
The four men injured in the colikion
near Pendleton Sunday morning were
taken to St. Vincent hospital in Port
land that night. They were David
Filger, an old man of 64, who was on his
way to the coast from Manunk, 111. ; Jay
Adams, of San Francisco general Pacific
coast agent for the Nickel Plate road,
who was cut and scalded ; Louis Plech
ner, traveling salesman for the whole
sale bouse Qf Ginterman Bros., St. Paul,
and Fireman Harry Burrows, of the
freight train, who received a cut on the
forehead. , .
today is frozen solid from
Srery Actor an Artist ana
F resented.
Good Flay
Just to show you that we know a good
thing when we hear it we are now ready
to say that a better show in its line has
never been seen in The Dalles than that
presented by the "Dazzler" company
last night. From the moment the two
comedians. Boulden and Wright, came
upon the stage, the audience was as
sured they were to have their money's
worth, and their every appearance was
greeted with applause. The former is
an all-around actor a comedian, trage
dian and first-class musician combined,
his stage presence being faultless; and
the latter falls not far short of him.
Before the play ended every actor and
actress had proven themselves stars in
some line, either being a graceful actor,
a fine singer or a first-class dancer.
The "Dazzler" was dazzling in the
extreme, her beauty capturing the au
dience and her sweet voice holding them
during the entire performance. While
most of the actresses possess fine voices,
perhaps that of MiBS Grace Warren
inigm oe cnosen as tne richest, its ex
"The river
wcni j nun . i u wwv tula i ueueucB uemg enown in tne Duriesque
: XT 1 Hjt i 1 1 f i: . .......
uuiuiug jLiuwaiu luarouaiii unvcr ui
the Goldendale stage, accompanied by
Messrs. J. and li. Crocker, of Portland,
walked over on the ice, the former
Icarrylng the mail. battle weiu Uau
"-VI ! . ,
a move on the wharf boat and taking
it up to Hungry Harbor, where the Ree-
ulater now is. It is slow work cutting
through the ice and pul ling it along by
ropes; but it is thought the goal will
finalK bereRcbed. '
new heater which has been placeaJ
An fhfl Vrxcvt. maA ifQAlf folf laafr v.?rK 1
and all were comfortable. Even the
cold shoulder, which the young lady
might give an gscort who remembers?!
that be baa important business with
man nn the nntoula anr! laann. Kaw fn
the purpose of transacting it, will hav
'dCLChitling effoct now
'Most'people speak too loudly over the
phjnes, especially when such instru
ments are in use as those Senfeit &
Condon have put in hfetween this city
tr:io ... .,. . : ...i .. "
.Mr. Wenlwurth culled op Tiik Ciiko.n-
miles below the month of the Wil
lamette. This is winter jin earnest.
Articles of incorporation of the Lost
Lake Lumbering Company were today
filed for record with the clerk. The
capital stock is $75,000, divided into 750
shares of $100 each. Its incorporators
are F. H. Button. Ethel P. Button and
P. S. Dayidson, Jr., and the object is to
engage in buying and selling timber
land and other real property ; to build,
construct and maintain saw mills ; to
sell and otherwise handle saw logs and
other wooden produce; to build ,nd
operate steamboats and other water
crafts on the Columbia and tributaries ;
and to improve the stream of Hood
River and other locging streams. The
principal office of the company will be
at, Hood Kiver.
topera. Reidy and Beddell also won
great favor, for none could listen to their
voiceB without being captivated by
While every feature of the second and
third acts was deserving of special men
tion, we cannot refrain from mentioning
the song and dance by Rose Leslie and
Evelyn Audley ; the mirror trio by
Wright, Reidy and Beddell, and the
perftct dancing of James Dooling, who
is a wonder in bis line.
One of the most beautiful features of
the evening was the operatic war picture
at the end of the second act, and great
applause followed the final triumph of
our stars and stripes. Particular affect
ing was the tableau wherein the
wounded soldier received the ministra
tions of a nurse of the Red Cross society
and was applauded by the nation. -
The mnsical performance of Boulden
and Griffin in the last act was worth the
price of admission, while their jokes
were extremely witty, not including a
single joke which has grown stale or be
come a chestnut.
The Dazzler will be repeated tonight
at the Vogt. Admission 50 cents.
One-third off on mens line suits at A.
M. Williams & Co.
Uere'B What Ion V ant for Christmas
Harry C. Liebe at 170, Second street
in the Vogt block, carries a full line of
ladies', gentlemen's, and boys' watches in
solid gold, gold filled, silver and nickel;
lorgnette, silk, vest and fob chainr.
Chain bracelets, shirt studs, scarf and
lie pins, brooches, link and lever but
tons, collar buttons, lockets and emblem
charms, 1847 Rogers Bros', knives, fork
and spoons; chocolate, tea and coffee,
child's, and smoking sets; cracker jars,
berry, bon bon and butter dishes, bread
and pin trays ; napkin rings, berry
spoons, sugar shells, butter, bread, cake
and pie knives ; manicure and toilet sets.
Rings of all sizss and descriptions, nail
files, book marks, paperknivep, Salve
jars, and numerous other Sterling eilver
noveltiee; wood, bronze and iron clocks,
souvenir spoons. Spectacles fitted to
suit. . 13 tf
Read This Program.
It is certainly worth manjr times the
price of admission to the fair to hear
Miss Bloch sing; but besides three
selections, and likely three encores,
there are other excellent numbers on
the program. For tomorrow night it
will be as follows :
Song '. ; Columbia Qnartet
Solo Mies Rose Bloch
Recitation "Blacking the Baby."
Miss Jobannesen
Solo Miss Bloch
Lantern Swinging
Messrs. Van Norden, Campbell and
Solo Miss Bloch
Two Pointed Questions Answered.
What is the use of making a better
article than your competitor if you can
not get a better price for it?
. Ana. As there is no difference1 in the
price the public will buy only the better,
so that while our profits may bet smaller
on a single ecale they will be much
greater in the aggregate.
How can you get the public to know
your make is the best?
If both articles are brought prominent
ly before the public both are certain to
be tried and the public will very quickly
pass judgment on them and use only the
better one.
This explains the large sale on Cham
berlain's Cough remedy. The people
have been using it for years and have
found that it can always be depended
upon. They may occasionally take np
with some fashionable novelty put forth
with exaggerated claims, but are certain
to return to the one remedy that they
know to be reliable, and for coughs,
colds and croup there is nothing equal
to Chamberlain-a Cough Remedy. For
sale by Blakeley & Houehton.
For the Babies.
The ladies will have on sale at the fair
all sorts of pretty articles for the babies,
such as crocheted sacks, bootees, hoods,
etc. Go and see them.
The water was not turned off bo
early aa expected today; not until
afternoon. Tomorrow during the entire
day residents on the hill will be without
water, while the old mains are being
taken up a new ones laid. Fill up all
the kettle-, buckets and pans. It might
be well for all to keep an extra supply
of water on hand in case the supply iB
Bhut off from any unforseen cause.
To Kent.
A house on Federal street, between
Fourth and Fifth. Apply at this office.
Clearance Sale of Bieyeles
For Less than Half Price
We wish to clear out all old stock beforo mo v
ing into new store and have some bargains.
This is an opportunity to get a bicycle cheap
All wheels sold at half regular price.
Opposite old stand.
We havo the largest assortment ever displayed in The Dalles, and
you will find our prices are lower than all of our competitors.
Books, iri Endless Variety.
Cloth bound, 12 mo., 200 titles, 12c each. Chatterbox, latest edi
tion, only 69c. All (rood a marked iu plain figures.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.