The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 12, 1898, Image 1

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    50 'i :
NO 213
The Treaty Was SiiKd at Paris on Last
Preliminary Arrangements Looking to
a Restoration of Displomatic Re
lations With Spain Under Way at
Paris. Dec. 10. Peadi has been re
stored between the United States and
Spain. The treat y'wag signed at 8:45
in the evening.
The joint commission met at 3:30 V
m., bat the engrossing of the treaty had
not been finished, and at 5 o'clock a re
cess was taken until 7 p. m. Upon the
reassembling of thccouimisaion, another
wait ensued. At 8:30 the engrossing
of the treaty had been completed, and
fifteen minutes later the treaty was
The extremely long session this af
ternoon and the subsequent recess were
due only to the fact that each articlo of
the treaty had to be carefully read and
compared in the Spanish and English,
and to the fact that the engrossing of
the last article in Spanish was incom
plete. It 13 expected that the session
which has just reconvened will only last
a few moments.
Many officials interestedly watched
every detail of th6 proceedings. The
last seal being imprescei, the commis
sioners rose, and without formality each
member shook the hands of all his antag
onists and exchanged 8surance9 of sin
cere personal esteem.
The Spaniards afterward commented
acridly upon what they termed the bad
taste of the Americans in mustering a
crowd of attaches to gloat over the con
summation of their downfall and scram
ble for relics.
The Bigning was finished at 8:45. At
that time the door of the vchamber
opened, and Senor Villaurotia appeared,
and exclaimed to a a group of correspon
dents who were waiting in the corridor,
"C'est Fini." The other members of
the Spanish commission follewed him
and passed silent through the vestibule
to their waiting carriages.
The American commission strolled
out chatting complacently, and as they
descended the steps the lights in the
chamber were darkened.
Diplomatic Relations to Be Restored.
Washington, Dec. 19. In view of the
approachinz signature of the peace treaty
the government will be obliged to very
speedily take steps looking to the res
toration of the diplomatic machinery
necessary to friendly relations with the
Tbe recent visit to tbe White House
of Woodford, late minister to Madrid,
has been erroneously constructed to
indicate a determination on tbe . part
of the president to return tbe minieter
to Madrid. As a 'matter of fact this is
improbable, as the whole line of diplo
matic precedent is in the direction of
wiping oat all old issues and starting
anew after a war, with new ministers on
both sides. The reappointment of
Woodford might mean the return to
Washington of Polo y Bernabe, whose
residence in Canada during the war
rendered him so obnoxious to the Amer
ican people.
If custom is followed, either the next
United States minister to Madrid or next
Spanish minister to Washington will be
accredited with credentials as special
envoy to exchange the ratification of the
treaty now being completed at Paris.
Having fulfilled this function he will
then present his credentials as minister
resident, and remain in that capacity.
Just which of tbe ministers, will be called
upon to perform this function depends
upon tbe place selected by the Paris
commissioners for exchange of the final
The Result of Imperfect Digestion of
Every living thing, plant or animal,
contains within itself the germs of cer
tain decay and death.
In the human body these eerms of
disease and death (called by scientists
Ptomaines), are usually the result of im
perfect digestion of food; tbe result of
indigestion or dyspepsia.
The stomach, from abuse,, weakness.
does not promptly and thoroughly digest
the food. Tbe result is a heavy, sodden
mass which ferments (the first procees
of decay) poisoning tbe blood, making it
thin, weak and lacking in redcorpusclea :
poisoning tbe brain causing headaches
and pain in the eyes.
Bad indigestion irritates the heart,
causing palpitation pnd finally bringing
on disease of this very important organ.
Poor digestion poisons the ' kidneys,
causing Bright' 8 disease and diabetes.
And this ia so because every organ,
every nerve depends upon the stomach
alone for nourishment and renewal, and
week digestion shows itself not only in
loss of appetite and flesh, but in weak
nerves and muddy complexion.
The great English scientist, Huxley,
said the best start in life ia a sound
stomach. Weak stomachs fail to di
gest food properly, because they lack the
proper quantity of digestive acida (lactic
and hydrochloric) and peptogonic pro
ducts ; the most sensible remedy in all
cases of indigestion is to take after each
meal, one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets, because they supply in a
pleasant, harmless form all the elements
that weak stomachs lack.
The regular use of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets will cure every form of stomach
troubles except cancer oithe stomach.
They increase flesh, insure pure blood
and strong nerves, a bright eye and
clear complexion, because all these re
sult only from a wholesome food well
Nearly all druggitti sell Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets ac 50 cents full sized
package or by mail by enclosing price to
Stuart Co., Marshall,' Mich., but ask
your druggist first.
A little book on stomach diseases
mailed free. Address F. A. Stuart Co.,
Marshall, Mich.
Cave-in in Wardner Mine. .
Wallace, Idaho. Dec. 10. A cave-in
in the Banker Hill and Sullivan mine at
Wardner today caught several men.
Only meager details have been received
here. Two men are known to be dead,
and probably three. One of the victims
was John Lux ton, .who leaves a wife
and three children.
Two Pointed Questions Answered.
What is the use of making a better
article than your competitor if yon can
not get a better price for it?
Ane. As there is no difference in the
price the public will buy only the better,
so that while our profits may be smaller
on a single ecale they will be "much
greater in the aggregate.
How can yon get the public to know
your make ia the best?
If both articles are brought prominent-
pry before the public both are certain to
be tried and the public will very quickly
pass judgment on them and nee only the
better one. ,
This explains the large eale on Cham
berlain's Cough remedv. Tbe people
have been using it for years and have
found that it can always be depended
upon. They may occasionally take up
with aome fashionable novelty put forth
with exaggerated claims, but are certain
to return to the one remedy that they
know to be reliable, and for coughs,
colda and croup there is nothing equal
to Chamberlain'a Cough Remedy. For
Bale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Has No Desire to Go With His Regi-
' , ment to Cuba.
Savannah, Dec. 10. Colonel rfW. J.
Bryan, of the Third Nebraska regiment,
has either forwarded bis resignation to
Washington, or ia about to do so.. Of
this there seems to be no doubt. Today
he called on General Lee, commander of
tbe Seventh corps, and .' Colonel Keifer,
commander of the first divieion of the
corps of which Bryan's regiment, is a
part, and ia understood to have an
nounced his intention of quitting the
service. Gen. Lee ia to sail for Havana
on the transport Panama tomorrow, and
Col. Bryan is believed to have hastened
hia decision in order that hia corps com
mander be made acquainted with hia
intentions prior to hia departure for the
for the island.
"It is well to have the newspapers to
talk through," he said with a laugh.
"They beat your hat all hollow."
Attention Howlers.
F. W. Weinschenck, manager of
Moody's bowling alleys, . will give to
three persona making the highest
average scores in five successive gamea of
bowling between now and Christmas,
one turkey apiece. After December 1st,
each Thursday evening . and Monday
afternoon will be reserved for ladies and
their escorts only. To the lady making
the higheBt average score in five suc
cessive games between December 1st and
April 1st, he will give a handsome silver
tea Bet consisting of one teapot, one
sugar bowl, one cream pitcher and one
epoonholder. To the lady with thenexM
highest average score, one silver cake
dish. To the lady with the third high
est score, one silver pie knife. 11-28-10
Severe Wind Storm.
San Francisco, Dec. 9. The storm
which raged all over the Pacific coast
last night and today was one' of the most
severe ever recorded by the .weather
bureau. It extended from the northern
border down to Texas and from the Pa
cific as far east as Nebraska. In this
city the wind attained a velocity of 45
miles an hour, but at Point Keyes, right
in the teeth of tbe gale, the wind swept
along at 96 miles an hour. Considering
the great velocity of the wind, the
damage done to shipping was slight,
and $10,000 will pay for everything, in
cluding the charges of towboat men for
extricating vessels from dangerous po
sitions. Enterprising Druggists.
There are few men more wide awake
and enterprising than Blakeley & Hough
ton, who spare no pains to secure the
best of everything in their line for their
many customers. They . now . have the
valuable agency for Dr.. King's New
Discovery for Consumption Coughs and
Colds. This is the wonderful remedy
that is producing each a furor all over
the country by its many startling cures
It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis,
Hoarseness and art affections of the
throat, chest and lungs. Call at the
above drugstore and get a trial bottle
free or a regular size for 50 cents and
$1. Guaranteed to cure or -price re
funded. '
Mrs. Cynthia L. Jackson.
Castle Bock, Dec 10. Mrs. Cynthia
L. Jackson died at her home near Castle
Rock thia morning, at 8:15 o'clock, at
the age of 88. Mrs. Jackson, then Mrs,
Burbee, crossed tbe plains in 1843 with
an ox team. She . settled in Cowlitz
county the same year, where she had
lived since. She left six sons and a
number of grandchildren.
SlOO Reward SIOO.
The readera of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that ' science has been
able to cure in all ita stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive care known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cureia taken
internally, acting directly npon the
blood and mucous surfaces of tbe disease
and giving the patient strength by build'
ing up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing its work. ' The proprie-
Baking Powder
' Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards ' the food
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
tors have 83 much faith in its curative
pOvTlrs, that they offer One Hundred
Do lars for any case that it fails to core.
Send for list of testimonials. Address,
F. J. CnENEY, & Co., Toleda, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pilla are the best.
Are You interested?
The O. R. fc N. Vo'm Mew Book
On the Resourses of Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho is being distributed. Our
readers are requested to forward the
addressee of their Eastern friends and
acquaintances, and a copy of the work
will be sent them free. This is a mut
ter all ehould be interested in, and we
would ask that everyone take an in
terest and forward such addresses to W.
H. HuBLBCBT, General Passenger Agent,
O. R. & N. Co., Portland.
Bow to Look Good.
Good looks are really more than skin
deep, depending entirely on a healthy
condition of all the vital oreans. If the
liver be inactive, you have a bilious look ;
if your kidneys be effected, you have a
pinched look. Secure good health and
you will eurely have good looks. "Elec
tric Bitters" is a good Alternative and
Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach
liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood,
cures pimples, blotche's and .boils, and
gives a good complexion. Every bottle
guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store. 50 cents per bottle. 5
Killed by a Horse.
Eugene, Or,, Dec. 10. Thursday,
while Joseph Brown was working in a
stable at his home, near Crow, in this
county, Le was jammed against the stall
by a horse and received injuries from
which he died yesterday. He was 85
years of age. .
Pains in the chest when a person baa
a cold indicate. a tendency toward pneu
monia. A piece of flannel dampened
with Chamberlain's Pain ' Balm and
bound on to the chest over the seat of
pain will promptly relieve tbe pain and
prevent tbe threatened attack of pneu
monia. This same treatment will cure
a lame back in a few hours. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Has found that her little ones are im
proved more by tbe pleasant Syrup of
Figs, when in need of the laxative effect
of a gentle remedy, than by any other.
Children enjoy it and it benefits them.
The true remedy, Syrup of .. Figs, is
manufactured by tbe California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
Constipation prevents the body from
ridding itself of waste matter. De Witt's
Little Early Risers will remove the
trouble and cure Sick Headache, Bili
ousness, Inactive Liver -end clear the
Complexion. Small, sugar coated, don't
gripe or cause nausea. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
Buclclen's Arnica salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
braises, Bores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
Bores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cui es piles, or no pay required
It iH guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeley and
Honghton, druggistB.
Cash tm Your Check).
All countv warrants registered prior
to Feb. 1, 1895, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Nov. 14,
1898. C. L. Phillips,
. Countv Treasurer.
To Cufe a Cold 1b One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo' Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to care. 25c,
lavs V
Then you should watch our announce
ment in this space tomorrow.
R. . Williams & Co
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New . York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at ail points on fav
orable terms.
Approved by the Board of Underwriters of the
Pacific, November 4, 1898.
Own your own Gas Plant. Rm your own me
ter. A complete (fas plant within the lamp;
portable, hang it anywhere. - Maximum
. light at minimum cost.
novl8. v Agent for Wasco County.
One Night Only,
Including the following artists :
and many others.
A Strictly Moral and
Refined Entertainment
Introducing Singing and Dancine ga
lore ; Cake Walking, Buck and Wing
Dancing, - Quartette, Jubilee Singing,
Campmeeting Hymns, and plenty of
Fun Makers.
Prices, - 75c, 50c and 25c:
Reserved Seats on sale at Blakeley &
Houghton s drugstore.
Wagon and Carriage Werk.
Fish Brothers' Wagon. S
TMaM-Jefferson... Phone 159
Opera House
Comedians in the Operatic Farce Comedy,
; In Its 9th year and
jnore Dazziii man Ever
Comedians, Dancers, Singers.
1st Act .-.In ITe-w York
2d Act In London
3d Act In Paris
Reserved seats, 73c; "feack seats, 50c: child
ren. 2.x, Seats on sale afr the Snipes-Kinersly
viug b tore.
- '