The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 06, 1898, Image 3

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    To te Ladies of me Dalies ana
Do You Read
We will have daring the next
and as rapidly aa we can get around to
it will make it very general throughout
the different departments devoted to the
dry (rood and fancy goods. Commenc
ing today we will offer
Of all shades and description? at each
astonishingly low figures that if you ap
preciate a good thing when you see it,
do not fail to come. We are not doing
this solely for your eood, but we wish
to make it mutual. Wecommence with
ribbons because we have just placsd our
spring order and our stock has been
thoroughly gone through and we know
what will have to be done either now or
later on to make room for new goods.
We Stand
Now we know that if you can get some
good bargains in this line before Christ
mas that you will appreciate them more
than vou will when the season is over.
This is where vou stand.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
- DECEMBER 6, 1898
Telephone No. 1.
See the 1899 Cleveland bicycles on ex
hibition at Maier & Benton's this even
ing. Call and examine them.
When you aBk for De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve don't accept a counterfit or
imitation. There are more cases of
piles being cured bylhis than all others
''Travelers who had occasion" to' cross
the Klickitat mountains today, suffered
j greatly with the cold. The wind is re-
ported as being colder than has been
experienced lor years. .--....
The diphtheria patient, recently report
ed in the Singleton family ,on the hill, is
Fata to do improving rapidly, and no
new cases are reported
to be a few scarlet
not serious ones.
George Van Duyn,
There are said
fever cases, but
who committed
suicide in Aberdeen, Wash., on the 1st,
was a brother of Miss Emma Van Duyn,
who during her short stay in this city
won so many friends and so much ad
miration for her worth of character,
was also a balf-brother of Mrs. W.
This evening a meeting of the
club members will be held for the pur-;
pose ot electing officers. Every mem-'i
ber is earnestly requested to attend.
The pleasure of having the ladies pres
ent on this occasion will of necessity
have to be foregone, so that ladies'even
ing this week will be passed over.
Xast Saturday evening at a' meeting of
the members of the Calvary Baptist
church it was decided to extend a call to
i Elder W. B. Clifton, of Prineville, to
i, become pastor of the church in this city.
He'ls'said to be a fine" preacher and -an
excellent gentleman and it is to be hoped
the society here will secure his services.
Great preparations are on hand for
the fair, and Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday nights of next week there will be
great "doins" at the Vogt. Good pro
grams will be heard every evening, Miss
Rose Bloch being the attraction for the
first two nights. Beside, the ladies will
have on hand all sorts of articles for
Christmas presents
If Dalles people have an idea they are
going to hibernate this winter for the
lack of amusements, they are decidedly
mistaken. They are to have entertain
ments galore. On the 12th tbe "Daz
zlers," which the Oregonian speaks so
highly of, will appear at the Vogt ; on
the 13th Mahara'a minstrels will appear
at the Baldwin. On the 14th, 15th and
16th the fair will be held at the Vogt,
when the programs will be exceptionally
good, and on the 17th Hi Henry's min
strels will visit our city. What more
can we ask for?
It is certainly here. What? Winter
of course. Haven't you setn te people
rushing around today w ith collars turned
coup'e of weeks a
Good Things
In our Shoe Dept.
Pease mm,
up and mufflers in evidence? f And those
who are in a poeition to judge, say
every indication points to a genuine
enow storm. The same conditions exist
which we had in 1884, when on the -9th
of December the barometer read 30.51,
with a strong northeast wind. On the
13th enow began to fall and by January
10th we bad nine feet of snow. Don't
be frightened, we wouldn'tcare to be put
on oath as to whether or not the same
state of affairs will exist, but we will say
positively we won't have the same snow,
ana we nope not the eame amount.
However, the barometer today reads
30.70 and the minimum thermometer
this morning said 29 degrees. Let the
cold weather coue ; don't stop it. We
all feel better when she's here, even if
she does give us the ebake.
A Justifiable Kick.
Editor Chronicle: The remarks
made at different times recently by The
Chronicle referring to the festive town!
cow, have been timely and to the point,!
uvirnuuatauujuu, mero are inose wno
are so deaf they will not hear, and so
Idull they will not take a hint uoless
;it is strongly emphasized with a No. 10.
TM r ' j i . ....
aiureaaiu lown cow; is sun an un-i
mitigated nuisance, and if her owner or
the city dads won't take care of her,
and persist in allowing her to subsist
upon the lawns and Shrubbery of oth
ers at all times of day or night, theyj
should not be surprised or aggrieved to
awake some morning and find one or
more of their favorite and favored pets
turned not into tbe citv rjotinrl. nei
ther into a pillar of salt ; but into a richs
deposit of lead. If the citv won't pro-i
4ect ns we trust protect ourselves
Attention Bowlers.
F. W. Weinachenck, manager of
Moody's bowling alleys, will give to
three persons making the highest
average scores in five successive games of
boiling between how and Christmas,
one turkey apiece. After December 1st,
each Thursday evening and Monday
afternoon will be reserved for ladies and
their escorts only. To the lady making
the highest average score in five suc
cessive games between December 1st and
April l6t, he will give a handsome silver
tea set consisting of one teapot, one
sugar bowl, one cream
pitcher and one
8poonholder' T the lady with the next
nignest average score, one silver cake
dish. To the lady with the third high
est score, one silver pie knife. 11-28-10
Attention, Artisans!
The Dalles Assembly No. 25, will hold
a special meeting tomorrow (Wednes
day) evening at 8 o'clock, at N. Wheal
don's office. All members are requested
to attend, as Brother C. H Cromwell,
district grand master, ill be present.
Woo for Sale.
Oak and pine, leave orders at Richard
sons blacksmith shop on Third street.
9-17 3mo H. H. Flkmmins.
To Rent.
A house on Federal street, between
Foutthand Fifth. "Apply at this office.
There is an Eastern story of a man who
waited 1000 years at the gates of paradise,
hoping they would open. Finally be
took a short nap. Daing the few min
utes he was asleep the gates opened, and
closed again. See the point? Tbe day
you miss one of our ads you'll probably
miss some good thing.
Men's Tan Box Calf, lace shoe $3.50
Men's Wool Lined Overshoes 50
Ladies' Kid Lace Shoe, heavy sole. 3.00
Ladies Wool Lined Overshoes 40
Ladies' Box Calf, Button Shoe 2.50
Ladies' Rubbers 15
Misees' Kangaroo Calf, lace shoe . . 1.50
Misses' Rubbers, lla to 2 10
Child's Kangaroo Calf, lace ehoe. . . 1.25
Child's Robbers, 8 to 12 ,10
All Goods Marked in Plain
President's l'ollcy Is to Replace Volun
teers With Regulars.
If the war department should send
woid, as a New Year present, to the peo
ple of Oregon that their sons, husbands
and brothers now in Manila would be at
home before tbe coming of spring, such
a shout of rejoicing has never yet been
heard in this state as this gift would call
That such news may come is not at all
improbable; in fact, indications point
strongly in that direction, and the
mothers whose hearts have been full of
sorrow since their boy went away need
not yet lose hope, for their boy may
soon return.
Seven regiments of the regular army,
now situated in Wisconsin, have been
ordered to rendevous at San FranciBco
at once, preparatory to sailing for Ma
nila. This might mean that more troops
were needed there and nothing more,
but for tbe tact that the president in his
message to congress, says that it is his
purpose to order tne volunteers mus
tered out as Boon as regulars can be sop
plied to take their places.
It is the opinion of military men that
any volunteer who can pass the exam
ination, and whose record is good, will
be admitted to the regular army if he
desires to remain in service. Few of the
boys in Manila, however, would be like'
ly to enlist if they bad to stay there, as
the months they have remained there
have been full of sickness, hardships and
depth, and the majority of them are ful
ly ready to return borne.
'The president," said a gentleman to
day, '-in addition to being a good and
wise man, is not adverse to gaining fav
or with the people, when such an action
does not interfere with the carrying out
of his policy, and he no doubt realizes
that be could not do a more popular
thing just now than to arrange for the
soldier boys to come home. I believe
soch arrangements will be speedily
made and that the order for mustering
out will be given within the next three
or four months, or earlier if the regular
army conld be increased sufficiently be
fore that time." Telegram.
Its Pulsations Weakened.
The "Pulse of New York' does
beat exactly the eame as it did
year. The manager shonld take an
ventory of his company before adver
tising, for in vain did tbe audience last
night look for the members of the com
pany who so delighted them last year,
and who were billed to appear on this
occasion. Many were aware that the
Thompson tots would not be seen, hav
ing known of the death of the oldeet one!
at Tacoma not lone since. However.
the little ones who did appear, and whrf
are said to be the Lamb children, of
Portland, were equally as good and d
- - - Uuttu6 tuo pnsi jour, arjuiis
lighted the audience fully as much. TlieVhowlers now rank with tbe
part of the tough girl was also well taken "wSs a time when Ihe Portland" bowlers
although not so taking as the famous
"button girl" of former years. "Snep
per" is the same old fellow and the life
of the ehow. His dancing was the bext
Sour and Dill
Pickles in Bulk,
C 3 ler, Saner
Kraut, Sweet
Potatoes, New
Orleans Molasses,
Maple Srup,
Maple Sugar,
Swiss Cheese,
Cream Cheese,
Young America
Cheese, Apples,
Pears, Etc.,
Also a Full Line
of G-roceries.
...piaiei teuton
..THE flfin)DWrII?E DEHLEftS..
167 Second St. THE DALLES, OR.
ever seen on a Uaiies stage. it was
thought the dancing of the Dutch char
acter with the Bittner company was ex
ceptionally good, but "Snapper" excels
These four characters constitute the
whole show, for with the exception of
the a single appearance of Jake, the
poker-playing German, the remainder cf
the custe was very poor.
Mrs. Shields, who is familiar to Dalles
'people, unless she improves materially.
will never make an actress, while Ed
ward Shields, who appeared in two
characters, had far better stick to his
stereopticon than to be posing as an
actor, for if an audience wanted to attend
a stereopticon show they would call on
him as being a first-class manipulator;
but no one wonld ever choose him as
having the slightest talent in the histri
onic line.
The Pulse is all right in its way, but
it doesn't weigh much when it comes to
putting on the characters it advertises.
The singing by Prot. J. S. Landers at
the educational meeting on last Friday
and Saturday was greatly enjoyed by
all who were bo fortunate as to attend.
Antelope Herald.
A. W. Dennis returned yesterday from
a visit to Eastern Oregon. Mr. Dennis
spent several days in. the vicinity of The
Dalles, with a prospect of locating in
tbe near future. He reports business in
splendid condition in that part of Ore
gon's domain. Salem Statesman.
During the past two weeks snow has
been piling up in the mountains to a
considerable depth. This miners' wel
come, even though stockmen are not
particulary anxious to see it. Blue
Mountain Eagle.
John Burns, an extensive fruit dealer,
of Lacrosse, Wis., went EBSt last night.
having completed the purchase of 18
carloads of apples in tlie" Columbia river
valley. He said that hereafter he would
handle Oregon fruit exclusively in pref
erence to California. He is delighted
with the quality of Oregon fruit, and had
no idea that such good fruit was raieed
here. He said that he would come to
Oregon next season in time to ship the
first strawberries, and stay until the last
apple in gone. Theonly fault Mr. Burns
finds with Oregon fruit is in the pack
ing it lacks uniformity in eize. As
soon as Oregon apples are packed as
evenly as are those from California,
there will be a big increase in prices and
profits. Eastern markets want only
first-class fruit, and it will not pay to
ship any other kind. Oregonian. ..
The Dalles Ciub is getting a team
into shape which will make agood show
ing in tbe try for the Feldenheimer
trophy. The clnb has shown the best
all-around improvement of any in the
association during the past year, and its
was a time when the Portland" bowlers
looked upon a team from The Dalles as
"an easy thin," hut that time has
passed, and not a few bowlers are
prophesying that The Dalles will be tbe
Clearance Sale of Bicycles.
For Less than Half Price
We wish to clear out all old stock before mov
ing into new store and have some bargains.
This is an opportunity to get a bicj'cle cheap
All wheels sold at half regular price.
Mays cS3 Crowe.
Opposite old stand.
QomiyQ to tfye propt
6t wly' but 8I?rely'Jr H- Cross with a magnificent stock of staple
7 ?rcr,ea; H8 constant and enormous daily sales gives evi-
a elcton to tne PeP'e- J connection with his splendid gro
carries fnltock " marvelous H? Grain an business. He
Oat Hay
Wheat Hay,
Barley Hay,
lev I.HWB?Aie,liye,?lrJey' at8' Co". Buckwheat, Roll Bar
ley, Middling, Shorts, Bran and Shorts and Lite Bran.
in TWrn0 nVJ l8eBt aDd bell as8rtmenfc "of arden nd seeds
m Eastern Oregon. Experience has demonstrated the wisdom of fall
iD5m.inany eso seeds, such as onion, turnip, lettuce, spinach,
peas and others. He deals in Chickens, Torkeys, Ducks and Geese.
win1tfiniyibDyKd,?fU8frJe8' eg88- A" orders intnwted to his care
thi kW1w fHel't,y and dl8Ptch delivered free to any part of
JhnafTihaDfult0iheaic,.for their confidence and patronage in
the past will endeavor by fair dealing to merit a continuance of the same.
2r- Second and Federal Sts.,
The Dalles, Oregon.
first club to take the cup out of the citv.
It is very certain that both Multnomah
and the Road Club fear The Dalles as
much as they fear each other. It was
announced some time ago that Astoria
wonld have the next chance at the
trophy, it being understood that it waB
u its regular turn, but the records show
that The Dalles made a try on July 9tb.
and Astoria on July 24. Consequently
the lormer is entitled to the first chance.
Has found that her little ones are im
proved more by the pleasant Syrup of
Figs, when in need of the laxative effect
of a gentle remedy, than by any other.
Children enjoy it and it benefits them.
The true remedy, Syrup of Fig?, is
manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
Constipation prevents the body fro
ridding itself of waste matter. De Witt's
Little Early Rieers will remove the
trouble and cure Sick Headache, Bili
ousness, Inactive Liver and clear the
Complexion. Small, sugar coated, don't
gripe or cause nausea. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That i v iat ! , m-dg for.
A cough is not like a fever. It does
not have to run a certain course. Cure
it quickiy and . effectually with One
Minute Cough Cure, the best remedy for
all ages and for the most severe cases.
We recommend it because it's good.
One dozen of those extra finish Platino
Fotos, made by Gifford, will make you
twelve fine presents for Christmas.
Nothing would be appreciated more, and
now is the time to sit for them. Don't
put it off too long and then expect to
have them finished in time. ' .i-lm
Pimples,' Prevent
HmoufinK Purify t, u i .
ince ran, we wi II mil I V.iT 2r",Sn:. ? con-
To Care m Cold In One Iuy. v
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine' Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
She Set
let J4eatfc.
On a "Lndwig ' Piano that she saw In our magni
ficent assortment, but despaired of getting it till we
sold her ono at such a reasonable price, and on
such easy terms, that her desire was gratified
Everyone that hears a note Btruck on one of thece
sweet toned instruments, thst has any mnsie iu the
Jacobsen Book & Music Co
Eastern Oregon's
Leading Music House.
Timothy Hay,
Wild Grass Hay,
Alfalfa Hay.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portia
press. Salem. Rose- '
bur, Ashland, Sac-
6:00 P.M.
1 rranciseo, MOlave,
New Orleans and!
East I
I IB Inoa QB k. 1 laaA
8:30 A. M.
17:30 A. M.
Iioseburg and way sta
tions P. M
fVIa Woodburn fori
I HI- A i on . I
West Sclo, Browns-
I ville.Bpringlield and
I Natron J
( Corvallis and
r stations
:50 P. M
Daily (except Sunday).
4:50 p.m. Lv .Portland Ar.) 8:25 a. m
7:30 p.m. ?Ai. .McMinnvlllc.Lv.J 6;60a, m
8:30 p.m. (At. .Independence.. Lv. 4:.n0a.m
Dally. tDuny, except Sunday.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at Sfan rranciseo with Oecl
dental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship
lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on
Kates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu
AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from
J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent.
Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where
through tickets to all points in tbe Eastern
States, Canada and Kurope can be obtained at
lowest rates from
J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent.
All above trains arrive at and depart from
Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irvine streets
Pansenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street.
Leave for OSWEGO, daily, except Sunday, at
(and 11 :30 p. m. on Saturday only,-and 9:00 a. m
i .v a. in.; i:ju, x:oo, 0:10, o:zo, "o:uo p. m.
ana 3:30 l.
Sundays onlvV
Arrive at
Portland dull
lv a
4:15, 6:20 and 7:65 p. m., (and 10:05 a.
at o:n3 ana :& a
m.; and 1:35,
m , 3:15
5:10 p. m. on Sundays only.
Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m
Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m.
Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and
rnoay aty:4Ua.m. Arrive at Portland, Tu
unv, iQcnaa; ana Miuraai 11 ii :uo p. m.
Except Sunday. "Except Saturday!
; R. Ki-Eh.LER,
Asst. G. f. A Pkss. Aft
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That la what it was ii do f-jr
DeWitfa Witch Hazl Salve
Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns.