The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 03, 1898, Image 1

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    CI J
rTi fi n -K f ' n
lie jpte-.Cte$m;
Downelene .XSSSKS
PrkTVlfrtTtc comforts to the
VUJJLLIUI ID. wearer, is the ex
treme lightness, splendid coverings and the
scentless parity of the cotton rr
used in the making of them ips.ULI
White Bed
To introduce the
celebrated Red
QrtTiao1o Crest Mills gooods
OjJI pcLLLo. we offer for the
week onrLot No.?00 hemmed bed a- rr
spread. The value $1.25. Special at JpX.UU
That's the mission of our advertising; the store
must do the rest. If we point right, if we are
in earnest and honest in our public announce
ments, if our merchandise and methods invite
; your confidence, then the road, the well beaten
track, leading direct to our dooVs, and traversed by hundreds of the buying public hereabout, will be
come a familiar road to you. There's economy at the end of it. "Money saving confronts. you at every
turn, when once you cross the threshold of this store.
Holiday buying will
soon absorb voa at
tention. To help
you in deciding.ou
what to buy, we will offer numerous sug
gestions in this space from now until Xmas
Golf cloakings in the new- 01 9 fif) tJ
est combinations atv. .
Alaska Sable, French
han and other choice
furs are used In te
making of them
Heal beautieB !
every one of them ,
and no two alike.
Stone Martin,
Seal. Black As'rnk-
$3.50 to $15
Silks for Waists. Special!
We would like every one of our lady customers to
have for holiday wearing a nice eilk waist. To make'
the getting of one as easy as possible, we will offer a
reduction of 25 per cent on all waist patterns bought from our
extensive stock of fancy silks during this week.
1-4 off the regular price.
Pattern Suits.
No need to dwell on the tone and richness shown in these goods. Patterns
not found in piece goods ; not found outside of "Williams &vCo.'s store,
Prices per patterns, $6 to $12. This -week 1-4 off.
Women's -Tailored
' Here is liberal gocd fortune! Just fourteen
stylish, very desirable costumes to he sold at
$10.00 Some silk lined; some not; one or
two made of black cloth, lapel faced with
silk, but the majority plainly made. All in
good seasonable cloths and patterns. Chev
iots, Coverts, Tweeds and Serges. Colors are
Navy green, garnet and pretty color mingles.
Of course there is selection, but a blindfold
choosing of a drees to your size would mean
the getting of an exceptional value.
Values are from $12 to $18.
a qj Q -i Eight only -Ladies' Tailored Suits, made with fly-front
JnL Ti O L-LL"I OJJGCsXgII.. silk-lined" Jackets, some braided in contrasting coIor.
All made of cloth suitings. Reduced from $10.00 Special $6.90t
x Not made to order.but made
to fit, and as surely made to
lit as though the clothes were
made from the cloth to your
order by the moBt careful
tailor. For we do just as the
tailor does alter ;tne clothes
if alterations are indicated
when you try them on. No
charge for that, you couldn't
pay us enough to justify us
in letting ill-fitting garments
leave the store Prices talk:
For an all-wool y-J g-
Cassimere Suit OvJ
Six Patterns
Of-vyi T"l O Offer a fitting subject
OULLLXlllg f for present mention.
An express enipment
of very choice ones
have just arrived.
Remember these when thoughts of Xmas
giving comes to you, there's not one man
but would take great pleasure do q
in being remembered with one. "P0? pO.
Men's embroidered slippers,
85 cents.
Silk and Velvet Waists.
All that's new and pretty in -made-up Waists are
here. Materials are woolens, silks and velvets;
some braided, some plaited. All show the handi
work of artists. Our black India Silk Waist at $2.25
is one of the latest comers and is specially priced
for this week's selling.
One man's loss, another's gain, The maker is the
loser this time; you and I are the gainers.
Baltic Seal, edged with
light fur. and lined
throughout with sat
in; special S3. SO
Sheared Coney, silk
. lined; special. .S3. 75
Electric Chinchilla, with seal yoke, satin lined
French Seal, trimmed with heads and tails:
Special S6.0O
Dress Skirt
We are making a general clean-up iu our
Skirt Department this week. On looking
through our stock we find too many low
priced Skirts. Better ones have had tbe
preference this season, which is,'' of course,
not lamented by ns. It is our ambition to
" cell goods, and the better the qualities tbe
more agreeable to us. -But to the point:
Lack of sales io these cheaper grades leaves
too many on our racks, and to give them
. the benefit of a good-bye start as weil as to
give our customers a ppecial opportunity,
we have marked about fifty black and fancy
mixed Dress Skirts
Special $1.00.
They -vvere to $1.90
be had tor 153
Complete 6-foot spring roller shades ; white only,
Glance at yonr old shades
now in your kitchen, bath
room or bedroom and ask
yourself if they shall re
main, when new ones can
with long enameled
wood handles ; each
3 Cents.
Oil W I I -i vkVJ rts. trrV i nfo Japanese Silk, white only; hemstitched.
OllK JTlcinUKt3rUriIc3l0a better than the usual 25c kind. Spec. I5C.
A. El. Williams &
Session of tie Peacemakers Without
Arparent Result.
either Americans nor Spaniards, Wish
to Proceed Until They Arrive
Spain's Proposal for Commercial
Privileges in the West Indies Bare
ly Touched Upon Another Ses
sion to be Held Tomorrow.
Paris, Dec. 2. The joint session of
the peace com mission today lasted two
hours. No real progress was made. The
Spaniards are awaiting instructions.
Spain's proposition for commercial
privileges in the West Indies was not
settled, and was scarcely considered to
day. .
Tbe Americans have also asked for in
structions on certain matters. The Caro
line island question was not considered.
The joint commission adjourned until
What of the Maine?
The draft8of articles submitted by tbe
Spanish commissioners related to the
nationality of inhabitants of ceded ter
ritory, the jurisdiction of courts, tbe
cases pending in them, the continuing
of grants and contracts for public works,
services in the ceded territory and
kindred matters.
One article provides that the United
States and Spain shall appoint an inter
national committee of seven experts,
each country to name one of its citizens,
one Briton and one Frenchman, and a
German to be the president. This com
mittee is to determine responsibility for
the Maine disaster. If Spain is. respon
sible she is to send a warship to salute
the American flag at New York. If she
is not, the United States is to pay all
expenses of the commission.
-The Spanish idea is that, having
yielded on the main principles,- they
will gain important advantages in the
Not Reported at Washington.
New York, Dee. 2. A dispatch to the
World from Paris says : '
Washington, Dec. 2. After the cabi
net meeting today it was stated that
nothing had been heard from Paris re
specting the failure of the peace com
mission to negotiate the purchase of
Strong island, one of the Caroline group,
nor is the matter regarded as of great
consequence. In .any event It is not
vital to the treaty of peaee, and if the
Spaniards show any inclination to not
part with it the matter will be al
lowed to drop, v
Alfaro Made Dictator.
New York, Dec. 2.-"-A dispatch to the
Herald from Guayaquil, Ecuador, says
Owing to at temps of revolutionists to in
vade the country simultaneously from
Colombian and Peruvian frontier?, the
council of the state has granted extraor
dinary powers to President Alfaro, who
has assumed a dictatorship over the
Colonel Bird so Testified Before the
War Board. 1
Washington, Dec. 2. The war inves
tigating commission resumed its sittings
in this city today, Colonel Charles Bird
being on the stand. He was during the
war in the quartermaster-general's of
fice, having charge of the transportation
division. He bad charge in the begin
ning of the war of the purchase of mules
and he believed the prices paid to have
been reasonable. t
He said that contracts for railroad
transportation were made in Chicago,
St. Paul and other centers before tbe be
ginning of the movement of troops. The
prices secured were lower than ordinar
ily, given to individuals.. In moving
tbe troops tourist sleepers had been
secured where possible, and in all cases
a seat for each soldier was, obtained.
As a rule, the railroad companies had
been prompt in responding to tbe terms
of a contract, but in some instances in
the South there had been some delay in
the manner of equipment.
The congestion at Tampa was duo to
the fact that more supplies were sent to
that point than could be bandied.
Insurance Co. Made Fifty Thousand
San Francisco, Dec. 2. An interest
ing story has come to light in connection
with Capt. J. L. White, who perished in
the Baldwin fire here;
- A local life insurance company was
under contract to pay White $300 a
month. This contract was made not
quite a year ago, so that he received but
$3600 at the outside. To insure this
monthly income the recipient paid $53.-
f"T . fy
Baking Powder
' . .
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powders are the greatest
xnenacers to health of the present day.
000 in cash, so that the life insurance
company is now nearly $"50,0C0 ahead on
the transaction. The expectancy ot life
for Mr. White was between 15 and 20
years, and tbe company therefore figured
on having the uee of his money all that
time and paying him from $54,000 to $72,
000 for it. At this rate he would be
getting a trifle less than 7 per 'cent, a
year on his money, and as he bad
abundance of means and few dependents,
was apparently making an excellent in
vestment. The chance that deprived
him of life was the good fortune of the
insurance company.
Work on New Railroad.
Walla Walla, Dec. 2. The Summer
ville, Blue Mountain & WallaWalla Bail
road Company sent out a party of sur
veyors yesterday. They will complete
the work up to the divide, beyond which
tbe survey has already been made. Tbe
line is to run between Union,' Or., and
Walla Walla, Wash. President Taylor,
who has been bere for a few days, ex
pects the road to be in operation by this
time next year. ,
Lives of Ten or Twelve Men Sacrificed
in the Storm off Bargate.
New York, Dec. 2. The' coal barges
Helicon, Quinnebaug and Corsica, it has
just been learned, were lost during the
recent storm, with 10 or . 12 who com
posed the crews. The barges Helicon
and Quinnebaug loaded with coal in tow
of the tug Ocean King, and the Corsica
in tow of the tug Luckenbacb, left Nor
folk November 23 for New England
points. When about 25 miles off Bar-
gate, tbe Corsica broke from her tow and
went down, followed by the Helicon,
and of eight men comprising the crews,
six were drowned. The Quinnebangh
was lost sight of. It was learned today
that the Qainnebaugh went down Sun
day night off Scotland lightahip, proba
bly taking her crew of four men with
her. -
Sixty Thousand Men Will Oppose
American Control of the Philippines.
. Madrid, Dec. 2. Spanish symathiz
ers having quasi connection with the
Spanish commission are making much
over the reported attitude of the Fili
pinos toward tbe United States. TheBe
sympathizers have information that
Agninaldo means to fight, and that he
now has .60,000 soldiers, armed with
Mauser rifles, and eighteen quick-firing
gune, and it ia asserted that he will be
satisfied with nothing but independence.
Alameda Tragedy.
, San Francisco, Dec. 2. C. M. Man
tell, said to be a solicitor for the Medi-
caf Record, was - ehot dead yesterday
evening at his home, in Alameda by a
young woman who claims to be bis wife. ..
Two ballets were fired, one passing
through Mantell's heart and tbe other
penetrating his brain.
The murderess then turned the re
volver npon herself, inflicting a wound
which it is not thought will prove fatal.
Details as to the cause of tte tragedy
are lacking. Mrs.- Mantell, as she calls
herself, is about 22 years old, and is the
daughter of A. Beth, who conducts the
Louvre cafe, under the Phelan block, in x
this city. She has of late been residing
with her mother at 816 Filbert Btreet.
Enterprising Druggists.
Tbere are few men more wide awake
and enterprising than Blakelay & Hough
ton, who spare no pains to secure tbe
best of everything in their line for their
many customers. They now have the
valuable agency for Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs anj$
Colds. This is the wonderful remedy
that is producing such a furor all over
the country by its many startling cures
It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis.
Hoarseness and all affections of the
throat, chest and lungs. Call- at the
above drugstore and get a trial bottle '
free or a regular size for 50 cents and
$1. Guaranteed to cure or price re- -
funded. '
Bucltien'a Arnica salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, Iee
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cuies piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.