The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 02, 1898, Image 1

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    t tie
l . 71
"TinTXTTIPlPTIP What especially
U U W lltJIC lie recom menda these
Comforts, wearer, is the ex
treme lightness, splendid coverings and the
scentless parity of the cotton
used in the making of them. .
White Bed
introduce the
celebrated Red
C-,nnJn Crest Mills gooods
OpreaQS. we offer for the
week onrLot No.200 hemmed bed' 'nr
epread.The value $ 1.25. Special at Jpl.UU
Pointing the way.
That's the mission of our advertising; the store
must do the rest. If we point right, if we are
in earnest and honest in our public announce
ments, if our merchandise and methods invite
your confidence, then the road, the well beaten
track, leading direct to our doors, and traversed by hundreds of the buying public hereabout, will be
come a familiar road to you. There's economy at the end of it. Money saving confronts you at every
turn, when once you cross the threshold of this store.
Holiday baying will
soon absorb you at-
""H -ic '""i re tention. To help
OlOaflllg'S you in deciding on
what to buy, we will offer numerous sug
gestions in this space from now until Xmaa
Golf cloakings in the new- ' $4 01 fl $fi
est combinations at 34) J&OU, 33
H'lTT Real beauties 1
every one of them,
Collarettes. l?odnneV.TtinB!ike-
Alaska Sable, French Seal, Black Astrak
han and other choice $3.50 tO $15
furs are nsed in te
makiag of them . . . . .
Silks for Waists. Special!
We would like every one of onr lady customers to
have for holiday wearing a nice silk waist. To make
the getting of one as easy as possible, we will offer a
reduction of 25 per cent on all waist patterns bought from our
extensive stock of fancy silks daring this week.
1-4 off the regular price.
Pattern Suits.
No need to dwell on the tone and richness shown in these goods. Patterns
not found in piece goods ; not found outside of "Williams & Co.'s store,
Prices per patterns, $6 to $12. This week 1-4 off.
Tailored Suits.
Here is liberal good fortune! Just fourteen
stylish, very desirable costumes to be sold at
$10.00 Some silk lined; some not; one or
two made of black cloth, lapel faced with
silk, but the majority plainly made. All in
good seasonable cloths and patterns. Chev
iots, Coverts, Tweeds and Serges. Colors are
Navy green, garnet and pretty color mingles.
Of course there is selection, but a blindfold
choosing of a dress to your size would mean
the getting of an exceptional value.
Values are from $12 to $18.
A Tl nh OT Q Q "I Eight only Ladies' Tailored Suits, made with fly-front
XXiIU LJLLvJX OJCLlclX. silk-lined Jackets, some braided in contrasting color
All made of cloth suitings. Reduced from $10.00 Special $6.90,
Not made to order, but made
to fit, and as surely made to
tit as though the clothes were
made from the cloth to your
order by the most careful
tailor. For we do just as the
tailor does alter Ithe clothes
if alterations are indicated
when you try them on. No
charge for that, you couldn't
pay us enough to justify us
in letting ill-fitting garments
leave the store Prices talk:
For an all-wool -
Cassimere Suit l J
Six Patterns " "
Offer a fitting subject
for present mention.
An express shipment
of very choice ones
have just arrived.
Remember these when thoughts of Xmas
giving comes to you, there's not one man
but would take great pleasure tf do
in being remembered with one. P po.
Men's embroidered slippers,
85 cents. .
Silk and Velvet Waists.
All that's new and pretty in made-up Waists are
here. Materials are woolens, silks and velvets;
some braided, some plaited. All show the handi
work of artists. Our black India Silk Waist at $2.25
is one of the latest comers and is specially priced
for this week's selling.
One man's loss, another's gain. The maker is the
loser this time; you and I are the gainers.
Baltic Seal, edged with
light fur. and lined
throughout with sat
in; special 83.SO
Sheared Coney, silk
lined; special. S3. 75
Electric Chinchilla, with seal yoke, satin lined
French Seal, trimmed with heads and tails:
Special ". 86. OO
Dress Skirt
We are making a general clean-up in oar
Skirt Department this week. On looking
through our stock we find too many low
priced Skirts. Better ones have had the
preference this season, which is, of course,
not lamented by us. It is our ambition to
sell goods, and the better the qualities the
more agreeable to as. But to the point:
Lack of sales in these cheaper grades leaves
too many on our racks, and to give them
the benefit of a good-bye start as well as to
give our customers a special opportunity,
we have marked about fifty black and fancy
mixed Dress Skirts
Special $1.00.
They -were to $1.90
Glance at yonr old shades
now in your kitchen, bath
room or bedroom and ask
yourself if . they shall re
main, when new ones can
be had tor 15s.
Complete 6-foot epring roller shades ; white only.
with long enameled
wood handles ; each
3 Cents.
O; 1 1 U-. aj-Hr-sivsV-k ififo Japanese Silk, white only; hemstitched.
VJ1 1 IS. 1 lailUIVCl UlUClOi better tnan tne usual Zc kind. spec. 15c
A. Q. Williams &
Moliler, of tne 0. R. & N.. and Hall, of
the Great Northern. Meet.
Union. Pacifie and Great Northern Will
Back Up the 0. R. & N. in Its Bat
tle W ith the Northern Pacific for
Supremacy in the Great Northwest.
Portland, Dec. 1. It looks as if the
Oregon Railway & Navigation Co., backed
by the Great Northern any Union Pa
cific, intends to cripple the Northern
Pacific in the West. Some momentous
plans are on foot.
President James Hill 13 due to arrive
in Spokane today. President Mohler,
accompanied by Traffic Manager Gamp
bell, of the O. R. & N., left today for
Spokane. A special from Spokane says
that the Great Northern magnate and
Mr. Mohler have arranged a conference
to be held in Spokane today or tomorrow.
This coming upon the heels of the row
between Morgan of the Northern Pacific
and Hill of the Great Northern, is sig
nificant. Something is in the air.
If it were not for recent events, the
meeting might be attributed to the old
phantom of a rumor that Mr. Mohler
knowing the O. R. & N. was to be ab
sorbed by the U. P., was hobnobbing
with Mr. Hill for a comfortable berth.
For this time at least the rumor is sidetracked.
Something more significant is on foot.
Shrewd railroad men who follow the
trend of events say that the two will con
sult for the purpose of putting a quietus
upon the Northern Pacific in the West
ern country. It will certainly result in
a lively fight for territory and may lead
to another disastrous warfare.
Events are passing rapidly in the rail
road world. That there is a very nneasy
feeling for fear rate-cutting may follow
the fight for territory is shown in the
fact that telegrams were received in all
the local offices today announcing an
iron-bound agreement between the Great
Northern, Northern Pacific and Union
Pacific was formed to keep freight rates
at tariff. It is to be effective from today.
Each road is asked to bind itself to the
agreement and declare that it will not
grant concessions which mean the same
thing as cutting below tariff rates.
Some of the roads thus appealed to
claim that they have always maintained
tariff rates, and eay that while they are
willing to continue doing so, they see no
necessity of them signing such an agree
ment, as it would be a tacit admission
of their guilt.
Bucklen'a Arnica sal-re.
The best salve in the world for curs,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
Bores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cui es piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or mcuey refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
Something About the New Discovery for
Curing Dyspepsia.
The Rev. FI. Bell, a highly esteemed
minister residing in Weediport,, Cayuga
Co., N. Y., in a recent letter writes as
follows: "There has never been any
thing that I have taken that has relieved
the dyspepsia from which I have suffered
for ten years except the new remedy
called Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Since
taking them I have had no distress at
all after eating and again after long
years can sleep well. Rev. F. I. Bell,
Weedsport, N. Y., formerly, Idaha,
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is a re
markable remedy, not only because it is
a certain cure' for all" forms of indiges
tion, by becanse it seems to act as thor
oughly in old chronic cases of dyspepsia
as well as in mild attacks of indigestion
or biliousness. A person has dyspepsia
simply because the stomach is over
worked, all it wants is a harmless, vege
table remedy to digest the food and thus
give it the much needed rest.
This is the secret of the success of this
peculiar remedy. No matter how weak
or how much disordered the digestion
may be, Stuart'? Dyspepsia Tablets will
digest the food whether the stomach
works or not. New life and energy is
given not only to the stomach but to every
organand nerve in the body. A trial of this
splendid medicine will convince the most
skeptical that dyspepsia and all stomach
troubles can be cared. ' The tablets are
prepared by the F. A. Stuart Co., of
Marsh nil Mich.", but so popular has the
remedy become that Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets can now be obtained at any drug
store at 50 cents per package. Send for
book on stomach diseases free.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking; powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
They Will Resist the Establishment of
American Rule.
Madrid, Dec. 1. Advices from the
Philippines say that the insurgents there
have decided not to recognize the ces
sion of the islands to the United States,
and that they will resist to' the last.
It is also claimed that the United
States will require 70,000 troops to put
down the rebellion, and it is alleged that
the insurgents bold ten thousand Span
ish prisoners whom they will force to
serve against the Americans.
To Care a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 25c,
Steamer Ainsworth Wrecked
on Kootenai Lake.
The Accident Occarrrd Near Pilot Bay
While the Vessel Was Making Her
Regular Trip.
Nelson, B. C, Noy. 30. The Ains
worth, a small steamer plying betwen
Nelson and Bonner's ferry, was wrecked
last night during the storm on Kootenai
lake, six of her crew and three passen
gers being drowned.
The Ainsworth left Nelson last night
on her regular trip. When about six
miles south of Pilot bay and about two
and a half miles from shore, during a
heavy sea she was struck by a squall
and commenced taking in water. The
captain headed ber for shore but she
reeled over on her side, filling immedi
ately. ,
Straggle for Life.
Spokane, Nov. 30. A Nelson special
to the Spokesman-Review gives further
particulars 0? the wreck of the Ains
worth, as follows:
The starboard lifeboat was first
launched. Six passengers sprang into
it and it was swamped. All went down
but Johnson, who divested himself of
bis overcoat and got on board again.
The port boat was next launched, but
the maddened Italians jumped in and.
it was swamped. Four of the Italians
were drowned. The others were saved.
The boat was subsequently righted up
and a part of the survivors got into it
and paddled two miles to shore. There,
a bonfire was lighted and the boat re
turned and brought off seven men who
were banging to the ropes. A third
trip brought off the remainder of the
The wrecked party was taken to Pilot
bay, and this morning the Kodanee
brought them to Nelson.
The Ainsworth is a wreck, half
beached at Crawford bay. At the time
of the disaster she carried nineteen pas
sengers and a crew of twelve.
Work of the Peace Commission Pro
gressing Satisfactorily.
Paris, Dec. 1. The work of the peace
commission is proceeding rapidly, and
unless there is an unexpected bitch, the
treaty will be signed within a week.
The peace commission did not hold a
joint secsion today, owing to the fact
that it was ascertained at 2 p. m. that
the preliminary clerical work was not
completed. It was therefore agreed by
the presidents to defer the meeting un
til tomorrow afternoon.