C3) We Shall Give Rua ay One Hundred Cameras. Beginning Monday next, and as long as they last, we shall give with every five-dollar or more cash purchase, in our Dry Goods, Men's Furnishing and Shoe Departments, one Yale Camera, complete with developing and printing outfit. This Camera takes a picture 2Jx2- inches, and can be used either for snap shot or time exposure. The supply is limited to one hundred, and "first come first served" will be the rule. They'll not last long, and if you want one we would advise an early visit. - 9 v READ THIS LETTER. YALE CAMERA COMPANY, Manufacturers of THE YALE CAMERA. General Offices and Factory, 33 East Randolph Street. CHICAGO, 111., October 3, 1898. MESSRS. PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon. Gentlemen . have your valued favor of recent date to band and take pleasure in forwarding, as per re quest, earn pie No. 14 Camera for vour examination and teet. We trust we may have your early report on the matter, as we permit the use of same to but one dealer in each city, believing this to be to the best in terests of all. The camera craze is now at its height, and we believe the time is ripe for using a camera as an advertising or premium offer. We are prompted in making this offer by the phenomenal success which a number of the largest merchants in the East have had using our camera in this manner. Each outfit is guaratiteed fullv by us, and same will be replaced if found defective in any way. We trust we may have the pleasure of allottfng vour territory, and await your early report. Very truly, YALE CAMERA CO. ' 7 9 All Goods Marked in Plain Figures.' PEASE ft MAYS, The Dalles, Or: 9 Ths Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY - DECEMBER 1.1898 Telephone No. 1. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. amounting to $332.50 during the month of November. J Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de pended, upon and Is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Ladies earn $8.00 per week working at home, no canvassing. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Standard Novelty Co., 101 Beekman St., New York City. The steam laundry, which is now in running order on First street, has great ly improved quarters, and the building is to be replete in everything that goes to make a first-class laundry. The Viavi company has rented the of fice formerly occupied by Dr. Eahelman, in French bank building, where their agent, Miss Roberts, may be found be tween the hours of 2 and 4 p. m. Mr. Daniel Leedy, the pioneer who died at his home in Albany Sunday at the age of 80 years, was the father of Mr. John Leedy and Mrs. Sarah Baltimore, who formerly resided in this city. A number of the citizens of TheDalleR who are musically inclined will meet at the home of Mr. C. J. Crandall this evening to organize a Philharmonic so ciety, for the purpose of promoting the music interests of the city. Are you planning to bear Chaplain Lozier tomorrow evening at the Method-, ist church? If, not you will miss some-, faing g ol, for his Apron Strings enter tainment is very novel and something you want to hear. Admission 25 cental Last evening Constable Traverse ar-: rived from the Cascade Locks, having in cusdody George Denny, who had been sentenced to ten days in the county jail for breaking wondows and demolishing property belonging to Traverse. He is now under care of Jailer Fitzgerald. A cipher may stand for nothing and it may stand for a great deal. Yesterday its omission in speaking ot the ate in surance of Philip Brogan, which was received from the New York Life Insur ance Company, meant $4500, for instead of the payment being $500, it was $5000. From encouraging news received Tues day by Mr. J. E. Barnett in regard to his nephew, George Rice, it was hoped that he would recover. However a telegram was receiyed by Mrs. D. W. Mann last evening saying tbat physi cian had given him op and that there is no hope for his recovery. The steamer Hattie Belle will leave Portland today for Gray's harbor. She will proceed as far aa Astoria, and lay for a streak of fine weather in which to make the ocean voyage, which it is ex pected can be done in four hours from Astoria, when the east winds smooth tbe sea a bit. The reamer has been pro vided with a stout mast, on which a boom will be placed for hoisting cargoes, as the tides of Gray's harbor are un usually high. v This morning Chas. Miller, formerly of Lipman & Wolfe's dry goods store in Portland, accepted a position with Pease & Mays. We regret to learn tbat Mr. A. J. Tolmie resigned some time since and will in the near future leave onr city to start in business for himself in some city where be may find a good opening. The famous "Pulse of New York" will play its engagement at the Vogt opera house Dec. 5th. Mjss Emyline Barr, the Baltimore belle, is at the head of this season's company, supported by all star cast of singers and dancers, includ ing Miss Madge Maitland, the wonder ful Thompson tots, and sixteen other famous favorites. . Pains in the chest when a person has a cold indicate a tendency toward pneu monia. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the' chest over the eeat ot pain will promptly relieve tbe pain and prevent tbe threatened attack of pneu monia. This same treatment will cure a lame back in a few hours. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Encouraging news of the rain storms comes fiom Milton. A gentleman from tbat eection flays : "Several fields that were lying dry and with the seed un sprouted, have begun to grow and look green and thrifty. Farmers are gen erally plowing and seeding, moisture having come in sufficient quantity to render the ground fit for cultivation C What7 s the matter with the married! men? Such was the question asked last! night at the club; and the answer came i "Sure they couldn't stand up on their pins," being nineteen pins short in a dikers, making more than he could have possibly made by remaining at home, selling the bench claim which he had traded for more than double what it cost. Beside be regained his health and would not take anything for the . ex perience he gained. He says: "While there are a great many opportunities of making money, yet I would scarcely like to advise a man to leave a position and take the chances, especially if he has any one depending on him. This morning, about 8 o'clock a tele gram, which arrived during the night, was received by Mr. Smith French, an nouncing the illness of his daughter. Dr. Gertrude French, at Portland, and re questing that the family come on the first train. Later a telephone message was received from Dr. Ford Warner say ing that her ailment was throat trouble and that as the tonsils had been opened, it was hoped she . would get along all right. As the telegram was received too late for either west-bound train, a train was at once chartered and Mr. and Mrs. French and Frank left about 11 o'clock for Portland. Much anxiety Is felt as her disease eeems to be the same as that of her sister, Mrs. Condon, who died ten days ago. As many feared it might be diphtheria, Dr. Hollister telegraphed to Portland regarding the nature of the case, receiving word that phyeicians there pronounced it tonsilitis. No fur ther word has been received, but it is hoped it will not prove so serious as was anticipated. Leg Broken In Two Places. About 3 :30 o'clock this morning, as Nightwatchman Phirman was making his rounds, he discovered a man lying near the electric light plant, on Laugblin street, and upon further investigation it was found that his right leg had been bowling game against the single men,!.' broken in two places, at the ankle and a whose team was composed of Messre.l little above. Schmidt, Smnott, Ballard, Stadelman, I .As soon as possible a conveyance was Mays and Baldwin. The following, who obtained, and he was removed to the have always been termed tbe "better tlalf " nef nit rVio nrDtfira UTofiora Tlrarl. sbuw, Houghton, Tolmje, DeHuff, Nolanj and billips Tbe Star flouring mills is perhaps the scene of the most activity to be found in all the country round Tygh Valley. Hav ing started the fall run on September 14th, they have been running constant- ly ever since, Sundays not excepted. One hundied and three days and nights without stopping is a very remarkable record for any line of machinery to make, and especially so for a flour mill, when the vast number of seemingly complicated machines that must be kept in perfect adjustment is considered. This is one of the best equipped mills on the coastand its location is a good one. r"""&rr7j. P. LucSa in til receipt 6T a letter iu8nt irom his friend, Harvey V. Condon, well known to all Dallesitea. He has recent ly returned to Seattle from tbe Klon dike region, and expects to start back in the course of a month perhaps goingjH .1 h I .1 2 Tl ucjway in uoibo icej xiarvey seems perfectTyiatiefied with his success while there, saying that be did much better j than the average of laet year's Klon- city jail, when Dr. Hollister was called and the fractures attended to. The patient although Buffering much, was very-brave and submitted to the opera tion with no complaint. He is doubly unfortunate in having but one arm. The man, who is about 40 years of age, gave his name as George Peters, and claims to bail from Calavera couuty, Calif. Papers found in his pocket show that be has worked as a miner in Colo rado and Washington. When questioned aa to tbe cause of the accident he said that he was walking the ties when he slipped and fell. It is thought, how ever, from tbe manner in which his leg was broken, tbat he must have been riding the brake beam and fell off. After falling be crawled nearer the electric house, presumably to receive .shelter or eecure assistance. He is now resting as easy as can be expected after receiving such an injury, and will later be taken to tbe county poor house. To Cora a Cola in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Sour and Dill. Pickles in Bulk, Cranberries, Celery, Saner Kraut, Sweet Potatoes, New Orleans Molasses, Maple Syrup, Maple Sugar, Swiss Cheese, Cream Cheese, Young America Cheese, Apples, Pears, Etc., Also a Pull Line of Groceries. nton ...maier&ee .THE HfiOTflHE DEflliEHS., 167 SeiM St. THE DALLES, (JR. KILLED AT UMATILLA. George Gibson Ban Over While Attempt ing to Uncouple Some Cars. Tuesday afternoon, about 3:30 o'clock Umatilla was the scene of one of those terrible accidents which so frequently occur in railroad circles and sadden everyone to whom the news comes. Yardmaster George Gibson, a young man of about 28 years, who has been employed by the O. E. & N. Co. for several years past was the unfortunate victim. Gibson was engaged in making up freight train No. 21, when be stepped between tbe cars, with the switch list in one hand and attempted with the other to pull the pin in order te detach some cars. He was standing across the rail and the brake beam caught his foot, pulling him under the wheels, which were in slight motion, and mashing his right leg completely. The right arm was also mashed to a pulp. The poor fellow was ' at once taken to tbe hospital in Walla Walla for treat ment. He was conscious for the most part of the time and talked very freely after reaching there, although being in intense agony. In a very ehort time, however, he died, the injuries having been so terribly severe tbat he could not rally and undergo the operating of the Burgeons. Mr. Gibson leaves a young wife, hav ing been married scarcely a year. Their home was at Umatilla, but as his father and a brother live in Pendleton, which was also his former home, bis remains were taken to that 0113?, where he was buried yesterday. Two Pointed Questions Answered. What is tbe use of making a better article than your competitor it yoa can not get a better price for it? Ans. As there is no difference in the price the public will buy only the better, so that whilo our profits may be smaller on a single ecale . they will be much greater in the aggregate. How can you get the public to know your make is tbe best? If both articles are brought prominent ly before the public both are certain to be tried and the public will very quickly pass judgment on them and ueeonly the better one. This explains the large sale on Cham berlain's Cough remedy. Tbe people have been using it for years and have found that it can always be depended upon. They may occasionally take up with some fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claims, but are certain to return to the one remedy tbat tbey know to be reliable, and for coughs, colds and croup there is nothing equal to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Bsoklen't Arnica salve. The best salve in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei Bores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cui es piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per. box. For sale by Blakeley and Honghton, druggists. Clearance Sale of Bicycles. NEW AND 2d HAND WHEELS For Less than Half Price We wish to clear out allold stock before mov ing into new store and have some bargains. This is an opportunity to get a bicycle cheap. All wheels sold at half regular price. Mays dGb Crowe, Opposite old stand. She Set tier Heart On a "Ludwig" Piano that she saw in onr mnenf ficent assortment, but despaired of gettingit tillwe sold her one at such a reasonable price, and on such oasy terms, that her desire was gratified. Everyone that hears a note struck on one of these sweet toned instruments, that has anv musio in the soul, is charmed into wanting one." They can be foutid in The Dalles only at 170 Second Street. Jacobsen Book & Music Co Eastern Oregon's Leading: Music House. ?omir;2 to tl?e Fropt Slowly, bot surely, J. H. Cross with a magnificent stock of staple and fancy groceries. His constant and enormous daily sales gives evi dence ot satisfaction to the people. In connection with his splendid gro cery trade, he does a marvelous Hay, Grain and Feed business. He carries in stock Oat Hay Wheat Hay, Barley Hay, Timothy Hay, Wild Grass Hay, . Alfalfa Hay- Baied Straw, Wheat, Bye, Barley, Oats, Corn, .Buckwheat, Roll Bar ley, Middling, Shorts, Bran and Shorts and Lite Bran. . He a'80 hae the largest and best assortment of garden and grass Reeds in Eastern Oregon. Experience has demonstrated the wisdom of fall planting in many lines of eeeds, such as onion, turnip, lettuce, spinach, peas and others. He deals in Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese. Also daily buys and sells fresh eggs. All orders intrusted to bis care will be filled with fidelity and dispatch and delivered free to any part of the city. Thankful to tbe public for their confidence and patronage in the past will endeavor by fair dealing to merit a continuance of tbe same. Cor. Second and Federal Sts., The Dalles, Oregon. J.'H. CROSS. Insurance as an Investment. The Dalles, Or., Nov. 30, 1898. H. O'. Colton, Esq., Mgr. Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co., Portland, Or. Dear Sir . As administrator of the estate of tbe late Philip Brogan, I have this day re ceived from your agent Mr. S. P. Hana walt check for $5,043.20 fn payment of policy in your company. This was the first policy issued to Mr. Brogan a little over a year ago and al though you paid him a dividend of over 14 per cent, which he applied to reduce bis second payment, I find his estate re ceives another dividend of $.43.20 only two months from payment of the last premium. ' I can well understand how Mr. Brogan took an additional $5000 policy in your company as be was satisfied beyond doubt that your company does more for tbe insured than any other doing busi ness here. Yours truly, J. P. McIxeeny, Admr. estate of Philip Brogan. The Dalles, Or., Nov. 30, 1898. Mr. H. a. Colton, Mgr. Mass. Mutual Life In?. Co., Portland, Or. Dear Sir: Through your agent, Mr. S. P. Hana walt, I am in receipt of draft for $5,045 15 in payment of police on tbe life of the late Philip Brogan, Sr. This policy was only issued a month before his death and I am indeed sur prised to receive a dividend for so short a time. In addition to the face of tbe policy, amounting to $45.15. I commend to the public a company tbat works under tbe famous non-forfeiture law of Massachusetts, as those left behind will surely receive their right. Yours truly, A. Bronsgeest, Rector. Guardian of John Brogan. S. P. Hanawalt, special ageut for this company, will be in this city for some time, and will be pleased to" explain matters relating to insurance with his company at any time. Ilij office is in the Chapman block. THE MODERN MOTHER Has found tbat her little ones are im proved more by the pleasant Syrup of Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of . Figs, is manufactured by tbe California Fig Syrup Co. only. LOST. On Friday, Nov., 25th, between Hoer ing'e place on Mill creek, and my resi dence on Thirteenth street, a No. 12 guage, breech-loading, double-barrel shotgun. The gun was in a sack ; gun stick with it. A liberal reward given to . anyone leaving same at Chboniclk office. W. V. Boltz Nov 30-2w For every purchase amounting to ten cents ask for a ticket at A. Keller's bakery. Opera House -7- ONE PERFORMANCE, Return of last year's famous success' lie Pulse f ew York Entirelv new this season. Also presenting 12-STAR SPECIALTIES- 12 A comic review ot city life. Refreshing fan Brilliant comedy. Everything new but tbe title. PRICES. Reserved seats, 75; back seats, 60; children, 25a beats on sale at the.Snipcs-Kinersly Drug Co.