The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 30, 1898, Image 3

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Clearance Sale of Bicycles.
We pride ourselves on the fact that oar customers are permanent ones, and that we have won their
friendship and confidence by continual square dealing and fair treatment in every way. It is on r aim and
purpose to treat everyone who enters our establishment so well, and to give them each good values for
everv dollar they expend, that thev will come back again and again. We believe that "merit in merchan
dise" pays, and we carry out our belief in our daily dealings.
Fur G
o 1 1 a rof ib
10 ihch Black Coney . $2.50
10 " " Astrakhan 2,90
10 " " ' Coney, extra qual'y 4.13
12 " Coney, Astrakhan yoke 5.18
12 Electric seal, Skunk horder 7.98
12 " " " with heads and tails 8.89
12 " " "Persian Lamb yoke 11.97
11 ' Real Seal . 11.96
All Goods Marked in
Plain Figures.
PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles, Or.
Thg Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1.
A meeting of the water cdmmi83ioners
will be held this evening..
Fifteen Iin8 of goods receive special
mention in A. M. Williams & Co's. ad
on front page. Note special prices. j
A lady's black India eilk waist, in
newest design, is being shown by A. M.
Williams & Co., at the very special price
of $2.25. See ad on front page.
The United Artisans will meet at the
K. of P. hall at 7:30 this evening- If
you are an Artisan you should be pres
sent, as epecial business will be trans
acted. The Heppner Times says: "Miss Lena
Snell is quite sick, at her home near
Olex, Or. Daring Her absence from
echool Mrs. J. D. Brown is teaching her
Fire, which broke out in a show win
dow of Lipman & Wolfe's dry gocds
Btore in Portland Monday, caused dam
age to the extent of $500. A defective
electric wiie was the cause of the blaza,
In stormy as well as fair weather, the
county clerk and his deputy do business
at the old stand. Today a marriage'
license was issued to A. Davenport and
Harrison, who was seen with Donnelly
Sunday evening, returned home yester
day. The Palse ot New York" with Miss
Emyline Barr, the Baltimore belle, is
now on its eighth annual tour and will be
presented at the Vogt opera house, Mon
day, Dec. 5th. Since last season this
favorite comic play has been entirely re
written, nothing remaining of the old
performance ; in fact it has received a
surprising transformation from a melo
drama to a musical farce, depicting the
funny side of city life.
The memorial services of the order
of Elks, which takes place next Sunday
afternoon in their hall, is to be the
most impressive and appropriate yet
held. With music furnished by the recently-organized
male quartet and the
eulogy delivered by euch a famous orator
as D. Solis Cohen, beside the other ex
ercises which are in themselves very
beautiful, it will be an ocr.aninn to he re
membered by those who attend.
f E. jTtlorman', accompanied y"'Xto'ii
tractor Eobinson, arrived in the city la:
Knight from Kiogsley, where they hava
Pi . . .. .
Deen engagea in constructing tne seu
fert & Condon telephone line. Work
has necessarily been slow on account of
the bad weather. Poles have been Bet
as far as Kingsley, and a force of men:!
will leave Saturday to put in the wires.
The weather has compelled them to
cease operations for the present, eo that
fying, and gives assurance that the ser
vices will be a really great achievement
in illustration.
Today about noon an individual, who
had imbibed so freely of the flowing
bowl as to be unable to account for his
conduct, was making himself extremely
obnoxious to residents upon the hill,
when a gentleman who was on bis way
home to dinner, took it upon himself to
straighten him oat. A tussle ensued, in
which he of the jagged appearance not
only got the worst of the bargain, but
lost his skull, or the upper crust of it,
for he wore a wig. Failing lo improve
after the lesson taught, the marshal ran
across him later, and now he's sorry
that he spoke, for he was taken to the
county j Ail, where he pineth.
yWaTTer Dickey arrived in the city lastj
night and has been the center of attrac
tion today, especially to his former
schoolmates, who were all overjoyed to
greet him when he called at the school
house. Walter looks much better than his
friends expected he would after under
going euch a spell of sickness. It has
been two months since he left Manila
and, barring the time spent in traveling,
he has been an inmate of the hospital at
San Francieco, where he says he was
'given the best of care bv the nurses and
:members of the Red Cross Society. He
has been granted a thirty-day's furlough,
a good part of which time will be spen
in The Dalles.
Sour and Dill
Pickles in Bulk,
Celery, Sauer
Kraut, Sweet
Potatoes, New
Orleans Molasses,
Maple Syrup,
Maple Sugar,
Swiss Cheese,
Cream Cheese,
Young America
Cheese, Apples,
Pears, Etc.,
Also a Full Line
of Groceries:
...0aier& Beaton
167 Secont SL THE DALLES, OR.
For Less than Half Price
We wish to clear out all old stock before mov
ing into new store and have some bargains.
This is an opportunity to get a bicycle cheap.
All wheels sold at half regular price.
Opposite old stand.
She Set
On a "Ludwig" Piano that she saw in our magni
ficent assortment, but dospnired of netting it till we
sold her one at such a reasonable price, and on
such easy terms, that her desire was gratified.
Evervone that hpjtra n. nor. Rt.mlr nn ..r tha
sweet toned instruments, tbat has any musie iu the
buui, in viitirurra into wanting one. i ney can be
fouitd in The Dalles only at 170 Second Street.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co
. Eastern Oregon's
Leading Music House.
r.hfl linn will Tint, hn f oti 1 j1 f u r t Vi fir
May uolleary, tormer.y ci juicuiat, out Klugsley thie faU.
now ol this county.
Chaplain Lozier'a entertainment en
titled "Apron Strings," which will be
givea at the M. E. church B'riday even
ing, will be one that will interest
everybody, being out of the Udual line of
each entertainments and full of poetry,
as well as wit.
Still the Bhowers continue, and the
streets of the city are in a muddy con
dition ; but we promised not to complain
if only the rains would descend, and
we'll not break our promise. Up to this
morning we have had 2.13 inches of
rain this month.
Today the Sarah Dixon made her las
trip on the regular run between this
city and Portland. The Inland Flyer,
( which has been reoaired and is now in
excellent condition for service, will make
the trip up tomorrow and alternatej time euffered a stroke of paralysis,
were received today, by L. P.
Hanawalt, of the Massachusetts M ritual
Life Ins. Co., for the full amount of the
insurance of Philip Brogan, deceased, in
this company. The amount was $10,000
and $136 in dividends. Five thousand of
this Mr. Brogan took but a year ago, and
the remainder only six weeks before bis
death. Five hundred dollars from the
New York Mutual was already in the
hands of the administrator, being re
ceived this morning. This is a striking
example ot tne Dcnencence ot lite in
Mrs. R. V. Short is reported seriously
rl at her home in Portland. She' has
been a sufferer for more than a year past
with heart trouble, and last Tuesday
'morning was taken eick with an un
usually hard attack, and at the same
Vhereafter with the Dalles City. J
A" Blue mountain postmaster Ja said
to have written the following letter to
the postmaeter-general : "Sor i wish to
notify you that on next wensday this
office will be fihet as I am gone a bare
bant. You kin fire me if you see tit but
I'll give yon a pinter that i'm the oanly
man in the nayborhood than kin rede
and rite."
The brother of Huffin Donnelly, the
runaway ooy from Portland came up
last evening and this morning returned
having in custody the prodigal. So anx
ious was the latter to return that he
did not question as to whether the fatted
calf had been prepared for hrs reception,
bat dutifully trotted along with his
brother. Th tthoT 'runaway boy named
A. Dalles Boy Enters a Protest, and Ques
tions Why.
fy their work, when that peace commis
sion knows at the date of this letter what
it intends to do? Up to that time
there can be no hostilities between
Spain and America, and after that time
you well know that Spain cannot carry
on the war, for she has nothing and no
backing to carry out euch a plan. All
that can be expected up to that time is a
guerilla warfare with the natives, and
let me once more tell you, we did not
enlist to fight any other nation or na
tions than those who sided in with Spain,
and these insurgents certainly do not
come under that class."
Forgetting for a time his grievances,
the correspondent says: '
"I heard an amusing story on Major
Eastwick the other day. It was as fol
lows :
"Major Eastwick was field officer of
the day. At 10 o'clock of this particular
evening he was making his usual
round. Of course it was the duty of the
sentry at every poet to halt, challenge
and call the corporal of the guard. Well,
on post No. 1J the sentry yelled out,
'Halt! who goes there?' Just then the
major slipped and fell into a mud puddle
and in a fit of anger he exclaimed : ' Je
sub Christ! (not a very appropriate
tname.) The sentrv called out: 'Cor-
poral of the guard, turn out ' the twelve
To Care a Cola in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. AH druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
?omip2 to ttye propt
Slowly, but surely, J. H. Cross with a magnificent stock of staple
and fancy groceries. His constant and enormous ' daily eales gives evi
dence ot satisfaction to the people. In connection with his splendid gro
cery trade, he does a marvelous Hay, Grain and Feed business. He
carries in stock
Oat Hay
Wheat Hay,
Barley Hay,
Timothy Hay,
Wild Grass Hay,
Alfalfa Hay.
Baled Straw, Wheat, Eye, Barley, Oats, Corn, Buckwheat, Roll Bar
ley, Middling, Shorts, Bran and Shorts and Lite Bran.
He also has the largest and beet assortment of garden and grass seeds
in Eastern Oregon. Experience has demonstrated the wisdom of fall
planting in many lines of seeds, such as onion, turnip, lettuce, spinach,
peas and others. He deals in Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese.
Also daily buys and sells fresh eggs. All orders intrusted to bis care
will be filled with fidelity and dispatch and delivered free to any part of
the city. Thankful to the public for their confidence and patronage in
the past will endeavor by fair dealing to merit a continuance if the same.
Cor. Second and Federal St 3.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Bills Allowed and Reports Submitted
I.ast Klglit.
which affects the entire left side. She
has been gradually failing ever since,
and there seems no hope of her recovery.
Mrs. Short, whose husband was former
ly captain of the Regulator, "is well
known here, and ber friends will regret
to learn oi her serious illness.
The Christmas Ladies' Home Journal
prints the first of a series of page illus
trations by W. L. Taylor, picturing some
of the most notable people of Longfellow.
Minnehaha and Hiawatha are given in
the current issue, illustrating Longfel
low's famous poem, "Hiawatha." No
other illustrator is so well equipped as
Mr. Taylor to give form and color to
Longfellow's splendid creations. The
picture in the December Journal is re
markably interesting and entirely satis-
A letter received from one of our
boys at Manila, has the following con
cerning the feeling of the Oregon volun
teers in regard to remaining in that
country : i
"Some of those who have had eo much
to say regarding the patriotic ardor of us
Dalles boys, ought to be here existing on
canned salmon, hard tack, canned horse,
coffee (?;, and mesB pork. It has taken
the vim and life out of the boys of the
Oregon regiment, and all the othere, if
the truth were known.
"New duck uniforms bave been issued
to the volunteers. If we were to bt
taken home our blue ones would do as
well, for we go into a cold climate then.
Each of the volunteer companies bave
been issued a steel range. What does
that mean? We are made to drill twice
a day now, whereas when the prevailing
opinion was that we were going home,
we drilled only once a day, and then
very seldom over twenty minutes. What
does tbat indicate? All the troop ships
; have left the bay, and the Sydney, Pek
ing and Australia (the first expedition)
have been returned to their owners.
General Aguinaldo, of the insurgents,
was given until this evening to have Mb
troops outside the vicinity of the city
A plot has been unearthed between the
Spaniards and Filipinos to murder all
the Americans in Manila, but of coarse
this is absurd.
"Should we have to etay here until
the peace commission has decided its
business, and then congress has to rati-
At prices that do not admit of a profit.
Men's Vici Kid, lace, coin toe
Men's Vici Kid, lace, bull dog toe
Men's Tan box calf, heavy sole
. $3.50.
Men's Tan box calf, heavy Eoie
Men's Box cilf, lace, leather lined
Men's Box calf, lace, broad toe
Men's Calf, lace, heavy sole
Do not take oor word for it that these
are bargains, but come in and examine
them. You'll not be urged to buy, we'll
simply show you the goods.
Pease & Majs.
At the call of the president the water
commissioners met last evening, when
the following members were present: T.
J. Seufert, president; S. Bolton, secre-
tarv : E. B. Dufur, M.Randall, E. C
hirman J. P "fllP" -
Ttfter' the minutes of the previous'
meeting were read and approved a few
minor matters came up for disposal,, but
no business of special import was trans
The following bills were allowed and
ordered paid :
Wm Morganfield, labor $ 2 00
J B Cros9en,salarv superintendent 75 00
C A Borders, salary helper 65 00
S Bolton, salary secretary 10 00
u a !)u!ur. ins. premium li uu
I C Nickelsen, supplies 1 85
J W Blakeley, expreesage 25
Schenck & BealUms. premium... 7 ou
E Benjamin, sawing wood 'BO
JJulur ana Menetee, leual eer o uu
On motion the secretary waa ordered
to draw a warrant on the treasurer in
favor of C. J. Crandall for the sum cf
$2500, and the latter was instructed to
forward the same to the Pacific Bridge
Co., being approximately ninety per
cent of the amount due.
tiieasukek's repobt.
The treasurer submitted the following
report :
Cash on band last report $3142 03
Cash ree'd during month. ...... 1252 35
On Friday, Nov., 25th, between Hoer
ing's place on Mill creek, and my resi
dence on Thirteenth street, a No. 12
guage, breech -loading, double-barrel
shotgun. The gun was in a sack; eun
etick with it. A liberal reward eiven to
.fenyone leaving same at Chronicle
office. W. V. Boltz.
For every purchase amounting to ten
cents ask for a ticket at A. Keller's
Opera House
monaaij. DecemDar Slti.
Return of last year's famous success
Total M394 38
Bv warrants redeemed 183 93
Bal. on hand $4210 45
The superintendent's report was as
follows :
Total book account. $1410 45
Total collections. 1177 45
The Pulse
Hew York
Total delinquency $ 233 00
An Important Differtooe.
To make it apparent to thousande,
who think themselves ill, that they are
not afflicted with any disease, but tbat
the sjBtem simply neds cleansing, is to
bring comfort home to their hearts, as a
costive condition is easily cured by using
Syrup of Figs Mann fact a red by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and, sold by
all druggists.
Entirelv new thie season.
Also presenting
A comic review of city life.
KefrtBhiug iun Brilliant comedy.
Everything new but the title.
Reserved seats, 75; back seats, 50; -children, ?5c.
beats on sale at tbe Soipes-Kiueraly Drug Co.