VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1898. NO 203 I. . ' i Downelene Comforts. What especially recommends these comforts to the wearer, is the ex treme lightness, splendid coverings and the scentless parity of the cotton An used in the making of them p3.UU White Bed Spreads. week onrLot No. 200 hemmed bed epread.The value $1.25. Special at Jpl.UU To introdnce the celebrated Bed Crest Mills gooods we offer for the Way. That's the mission of our advertising; the store must do the rest. If we point right, if we are in earnest and honest in our public announce ments, if our merchandise and methods invite your confidence, then the road, the well beaten track, leading direct to our doors, and traversed by hundreds of the buying public hereabout, will be come a familiar road to you. There's economy at the end of it. Money saving confronts you at every turn, when once you cross the threshold of this store. THIS WEEK'S NEWS PARTLY TOLD. GrOlf' Holiday baying will soon absorb von at- Cloakings yoa in deciding ou what to buy, we will offer numerous sug gestions in this space from now until Xmas Gtombt!onah:tn.eW: $2.50 tQ $3.50 Fur Collarettes. Alaska Sable, French han and other choice furs are used in te making of them Real beauties ! every one of them , and no two alike. Stone Martin, Seal, Black Astrak- $3.50 to $15 Silks for Waists. Special! We would like every one of our lady customers to have for holiday wearing a nice silk waist. To make the getting of one as easy as possible, we will offer a reduction of 25 per cent on all waist patterns bought from our extensive stock of fancy silks during this week. 1-4 off the tegular price. Women's Tailored Suits. Here is liberal gocd fortune! Just fourteen stylish, very desirable costumes to be sold at $10.00 Some silk lined; some not; one or two made of black cloth, lapel faced with silk, but the majority plainly made. All in good seasonable cloths and patterns. Chev iots, Coverts, Tweeds and Serges. Colors are Navy green, garnet and pretty color mingles. Of course there is selection, but a blindfold choosing of a dress to your size would mean the getting of an exceptional value. Values are from $12 to $18. A py, QJ "1 Eight only Ladies' Tailored Suits, made with fly-fron JJLLU LiLt31 OJJULflcU.. silk-lined "Jackets, some braided in contrasting color. All made of cloth suitings. Reduced from $10.00 Special $6.90, Men's Clothing. Not made to order.but made to lit. and as surely made to lit as though the clothes were made from the cloth to your order by the most careful tailor. For we do just as the tailor does alter ;tho clothes if alterations are indicated when you try them on. No charge for that, vou couldn't pay us enough to justify us in letting ill-fitting garments leave the store Prices talk: For an all-wool m . .-v Cassimere Suit f"l J Six Patterns -f Smoking Jackets Offer a fitting subject for present mention. An express ehipment of very choice ones v have just arrived. Remember these when thoughts of Xmas giving comes to you, there's not one man but would take great pleasure d fcQ in being remembered with one. t) po. Men's embroidered slippers, 85 cents. A. -M. WILLIAMS & GO. Pattern Suits. No need to dwell on the tone and richness shown in these goods. Patterns not found in piece goods ; not found outside of "Williams & Co.'s store, Prices per patterns, $6 to $12. This -week 1-4 off. Silk and Velvet Waists. $3.00 BLACK INDIA SILK WAISTS, SPECIAL $2.25 All that's new and pretty In made-up Waists are here. Materials are woolens, silks -and velvets; some braided, some plaited. All show the handi work of artists. Our black India Silk Waist at $2.25 Is ODe of the latest comers and is specially priced for this week's selling. One man's loss, another's gain, The maker is the loser this time; you and I are the gainers. Fur A FEW HINTS: Baltic Seal, edged with light fur. and lined throughout with Bat in; special S3. BO Sheared Coney, silk lined: scecial. .83.75 . IS -Y, Ss? 6(1 Electric Chinchilla, with seal yoke, satin lined S5.SO French Seal, trimmed with beads and tails: Special 86. OO Dress Skirt Special. We are making a general clean-op iu our Skirt Department this week. On looking through our stock we find too many low priced Skirts. Better ones have had the preference this season, which is, of course, not lamented by us. It is our ambition to fell goods, and the better the qualities the more agreeable to us. But to the point: Lack of sales in these cheaper grades leaves too many on our racks, and to give them the benefit of a good-bye start as well as to give our customers a special opportunity, we have marked about fifty black and fancy mixed Dress Skirts Special $1.00. They -were to $1.90 i,0" ifrtijnhircsEij-AsriNff V 2Sp Window Shades. be had tor 15s. Complete 6-foot spring roller shades ; white only. Glance at your old shades now in your kitchen, bath room or bedroom and ask yourself if they shall re main, when new ones can BUTTON HOOKS, with long enameled wood bandies; each 3 Cents. Silk Handkerchiefs. Japanese Silk, white only; hemstitched, better than the usual 25c kind. Spec. 15C. A. EL Williams & Go. ARTICLES BEING FORMULATED Secretaries of the Two CommissioDS are Drawing Up a Treaty. ' WORK WILL BE QUICKLY DONE Terms of the Protocol Regarding Ces sions Will Be Transferred Bodily to the Treaty Numerous Articles Will Be Discussed at Wednesday's Meeting. Paris, Nov. 29. The secretaries of the two peace commissions, Moore and Ojeda, have been at the joint task of formulating the articles of the peace treaty this afternoon, as directed by the respective commissions at yesterday's conference. The work will, be easy and rapid as to the relinquishments and ces sions referred to in the protocol, the terms of which will be transferred bodi ly to the treaty. The secretaries, moreover, will em body in tentative articles for discussion Wednesday the subjects of the religious freedom ofsChe Caroline islands, a naval station for the United States in the same group, cable landings at other points within Spain's jurisdiction, release of insurrectionist prisoners, and the reviv al of treaties broken by the war. Washington Notified. Washington, Nov. 29. The govern ment has been officially notified of the successful termination of the .Paris ne gotiations with Spain. A cablegram to this effect, which had been received from Chairman Day, was read at today's cab inet meeting. By the terms of the treaty, which will be signed during the present week, Spain surrenders to the United States her sovereignty in the Philippine and Guam islands and one of the Lad rone group. In lieu of all indemnity the United States jrill pay Spain (20,000,000. Before returning to the United States our Paris commissioners will secure from the Spanish representatives, if pos sible, a proposition for the eale to the United States of a strong island, one of the Caroline group, for a cable station. A large part of the time of today's cabinet meeting was consumed in the discussion of the new customs tariff which is to be put into operation in all parts of Cuba as soon as the United States takes formal possession. Wisconsin Fast in the Mud. San Fbancisco, Nov. 29. The battle ship Wisconsin is stuck fast In the mud bank into which he ran when launched on Saturday morning. All efforts to pull her into deep water have proved unsuc cessful. ' Dredges will now be used, and in a few days it is expected that the war vessel will be towed to her temporary dock at the Union iron works. A cough is not like a fever. It does not have to run a certain course. Cure it quickly and effectually with One Minute Cough Cure, the best remedy for all ages and for the most severe cases. We recommend it because it's good. The Vive Camera is the best in use. For sale by the Poatoffice Pharmacy, tf A PECULIAR REMEDY Something About the New Discovery for . Curing Dyspepsia. The Eev. F. I. Bel), a highly esteemed minister residing in Weedsport, Cayuga Co., N. Y., in a recent letter writes as ' follows: "There has never been any thing that I have taken that has relieved the dyspepsia from which I have suffered for ten years except the new remedy called Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Since taking them I have bad no distress at all after eating and again after long years can sleep well. Eev. F. I. Bell, Weedsport, N. Y., formerly, Idalia, Colo." Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is a re markable remedy,. not only because it is a certain cure for all forms of indiges tion, by because it seems to act as thor oughly in old chronic cases of dyspepsia as well as in mild attacks of indigestion or biliousness. A person has dyspepsia simply because the stomach is over worked, all it wants is a harmless, vege table remedy to digest the food nd thus' give it the much needed rest. This is the secret of the success of this peculiar remedy. No matter how weak or how much disordered the digestion may be, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest the food whether the stomach works or not. New life-and energy is given not only to the stomach but to every organand nerve in the body .A trial of this splendid medicine will convince the most skeptical that dyspepsia and all stomach troubles can be cured. The tabiets are prepared by the F. A. Stuart Co., of Marshall Mich., but so popular has the remedy become that Stuart's Dyspepsia j Tablets can now be obtained at any drug store at 50 cents per package. Send for book on stomach diseases free. STORM CAUSES DIRE DESTRUCTION Steamer Portland With Passengers and Crew Lost 100 PERSONS WERE DROWNED Over One Hundred Vessels Wrecked Outright or Blown Ashore In coming Vessels Have Brought a Few Sailors From Wrecks. Boston, Nov. 29. A special to the Herald from North Truro says : The steamer Portland, of the Boston & Portland Steamship Company, ply ing between Boston and Portland, was wrecked Sunday morning off Highland light, and .that the entire crew and pas sengers perished. A large quantity of wreckage including trunks and materi al has washed ashore, and at dark last night thirty-four bodies had been re covered from the surf by the life-saving crews at High Head station. News of the disaster wag brought by a special train, as communication to Bos ton by wire from Cape Cod points, is impossible, owing to the storm. There were about 100 persons aboard the Portland, including the officers and crew. The Portland was built in Bath, Me., Baking Powder Made from pure cream .of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROY At BAKING PQWOEB OOL, WEW TOWK. in 1890, and was a side-wheel steamer of 1317 tons net burden. Her length was 230 feet, beam 42 and depth 15 feet. She was valued at $250,000, and was fully insured. Summing Up of the Disaster. - Boston, Nov. 29. From reports that have come by wire, mail and paseenger train to the Associated Press from New England points up to 10 o'clock tbis morning it is difficult to estimate the total loss of life and damage to shipping along this coast, as the result of the re cent storm. The list of the disasters seems to grow every boor, and from the dispatches thus far received, it seems that at least thirty schooners have been wrecked at different points from East port, Me., to New Haven, Conn. Eighty-six schooners have been driven ashore and fourteen barges are aground. This list does not include the thirty vessels, . either wholly or partially wrecked in Boston harbor, nor half a dozen or more crafts which are reported missing. When added the number ex ceeds 110 vessels. The Iosb of life is bard to determine. It is known that about fifty people per ished in and about Bosion harbor. Re ports from other places in some cases state that the crew of this or that vessel escaped. Many, however, state that the fate of the crews is unknown, some sur vivors having turned np, and life-saving Btations and incoming vessels have brought a few sailors from wrecks. Perhaps a score would cover those of whom nothing is known, not including; sixty-five or more who were on board the Portland. Yellow Jaundice Cared. Suffering humanity should be supplied with every means possible for its relief It is with pleasure we publish the follow ing: "This is to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of the beet physicians in our city and all to no avail. Sr. Bell, our drug gist, recommended Electric Bitters; and after taking two bottles, I was en tirely cured. I now take great pleasure in recommending them to any person Buffering from this terrible malady. I am gratefully yours, M. A. Hargity, Lexington, Ky." Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggist. 4 Found Dead in tbe Road. Union, Or., Nov. 28. A miner, Wil liam Lamt), was louna aeaanear Hanger, a few days ago. He became lost in a snow storm and was found frozen to death. Itviaa reported that there was a gunshot wound on his body, and the coroner went out to hold an inquest, but this proved to be untrue. The body was brought here for burial, which took place today. When you . ask for De Witt'a Witeh Hazel Salve don't accept a couuterfit or imitation. There are more cases of piles being cured bythis than all others combined, -