The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 22, 1898, Image 1

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NO 197
Sale Now On.
Ends Saturday Evening-.
500 Pfl
r nn
If tyi
We Have a
Way of Doing Things
Peculiarly our own. If we do anything
at all we do it Right. do it thoroughly.
"We have too many pairs of pants in
stock. We wish to reduce our stock. To
do this quickly and thoroughly we apply
the lever of "cut prices," and such a cut,
Prices Range from $1.25 to $5.50.
A. I. Williams &
aril- MS:;'
1 ih
Try on any pair your size from our complete
pants stock, and that question will always be
satisfactorily answered. So will the price. Here
you will find worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres
in pretty stripes and checks, bars, widewales,
plaids and sedate mixtures made to wear, made,
to fit and fit to wear anywhere.
We're Having
a Rush-
in our Clothing Department, and little
wonder, it could'nt be otherwise. All
day yesterdaj we turned away willing
customers, some protested, others did'nt,
all had to wait, for we advertised our
sale to commence Tuesday morning, and
we do just as we advertise, always.
Cloths are Cassimers, Cheviots, Worsteds,
Tweeds and Kerseys. The style and fit
cannot be better.
..Ms at Half-Piice...
Makers are...
K. N. & F. and
Sweet, Orr & Co.
$5.00 buys two pair of $5.00 Pants dur
ing this sale, or one pair fbr $2.50.
I Williams &
President of Spanish Com
mission Has So Decided.
Americans Demand Cession of Philip
pines With Payment to Spain of
20,000,000, One of the Carolines
. and Cable Rights in Other Islands
Must Be Complied With By the
28th of This Month.
Paris, Nov. 21. The Spanieh and
American peace commissioners met in
joint session at 2 c 'clock this afternoon.
The Americans declared they must have
the entire Philippine archipelago, and
asked for a treaty cession of the islands.
The Americans tendered to Spain $20,
000,000. It is farther declared it is the
purpose o the United States to main
tain the Philippine islands as an "open
door" to the world's commerce.
On the terms named, the United States
proposes tbe mutual relinquishment of
all claims for indemnity, national or per
sonal, subsequent to the outbreak of the
last Cuban insurrection.
November 28th is fixed as tbe date on
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum flatting powders are the greatest
menacers io neaun or tne present day.
which the United States commission de
sired a definite response to today's
propositions, and all other subjects at
It is also declared the United States
desires to treat on the religioas freedom
of the Caroline islands as agreed upon
between the United States and Spain in
1886, and also the acquisition of one of
the Caroline islands for an American
naval station, and of cable-landing rights
at other places in Spanish jurisdiction
and revival of certain Spanish-American
treaties as heretofore in force.
The Americans also refuse to arbitrate
article 3 of the peace protocol, bearing
upon the future disposition and con
trol of the Philippine islands.
The meeting then adjourned until
The memorandum of the American
commission embodying the above pro
position is long, and was not read in
full. The vital portions, however, were
communicated verbally to the Spanish
commissioners in practically these terms :
The fact was cited that the proposal
presented by the American' commis
sioners on behalf of the government for
tbe cession of the Philippines to the
United States having been rejected by
the Spanish commissioners and a counter
proposal of the latter for the withdrawal
of the Americans from the islands and
payment of an indemnity by the United
States to Spain having been rejected by
the Americans.
The government of the United States
is unable to modify the proposal hereto
fore made for the cession of the entire
archipelago of the Philippines, but the
American commission is authorized to
offer to Spain, in case the cession should
be agreed to, $20,000,000, to be paid in
accordance with the terms of the treatv
of peace. It being the policy of the
United States to maintain in the Philip
pines an open door to the world's com
merce, the American commissioners
are prepared to insert in the treaty, now
in contemplation, a stipulation that for
a term of years Spanish ships and mer
chandise shall be admitted into Philip
pine ports on tbe same terms as Ameri
can ships and merchandise.
The American commissioners are also
authorized to insert in the treaty a pro
vision for the mutual relinquishment of
all claims for indemnity, national and
individual, of every kind of the United
States against Spain, and Spain against
the United States, that may have
arisen since the beginning of the Cuban
insurrection and prior to the conclusion
of the treaty of peace.
Next followed tbe terms nearest ap
proaching a formal ultimatum to Spain.
Washington, Nov. 21. The state de
partment has not yet been advised of
the reported refusal of the Spanish peace
commissioners to continue tbe negotia
tions in Paris. Alger expresses disbe
lief of the accuracy of the report, or
rather he fells that it was based npon
the personal expression of opinion of
JEtios of the Spanish commission, and he
did not necessarily represent the formal
opinion of the commission.
Shot Fired Near the Wallace House at
Pbxdleton, Nov. 20. This evening at
6:30 o'clock, another shot was fired
close to the bouse in which lived the
family of MiBS May Wallace, who was
murdered a week ago last Thursday
night. The Wallace family gave up the
house last Thursday, and P. H. Fee
moved in with his family. Fee is a
brother of Judge James A. Fee, and
came here a few days ago from Iowa.
The first night the family occupied the
house, he beard a noise in the back
yard. Drawing back the cnrtain of tbe
very window through which Mis9 Wal
lace was shot, be saw two men jump the
fence and go scurrying away toward the
woolen mills. He thought from their
general appearance they wereChinamen.
The next night he also saw men prowl
ing about and notified Sheriff Blabeley,
who detailed two deputies to remain in
the house all night, but they saw no one.
Fee each time armed himself with two
pistols and wont in search, but found no
one. By daylight he found tracks made
by a No. 7 ehoe, th ordinary kind worn
by white men. The affair has deepened
the mystery of the shooting of Miss Wal
lace, and created most .intense interest
Ottawa, Ont., Nov. 21. At the rate
heavy ship guns, rapid-fires.small arms,
ammunition, munitions of war and
stores for active service are arriving at
Halifax and Esquimau, it will soon be
possible to convert ocean liners into
armed cruisers and transports equal to
the embarkation of 10,000 men simulta
neously for any point in the far eastern
seas to which the ships might be or
dered. There is apparently no intention to
provide for a movement of troops to anv
large extent from Europe across Canada
by the "imperial highway" to Asia. On
the contrary, every indication points to
Esquimalt being utilized chiefly for fit
ing out cruisers and transports ou sud
den emergengcy.and Halifax as a eupply
depot for the dispatch of supplies and
drafts of reinforcements overland to
Esquimalt. .
Facilities for transport of troops in
large numbers across the continent un
der the conditions the imperial govern
ment would impose are not unlimited,
though means might be improvised at a
sharp pinch to rush through as many as
ten thousand men, arma baggage and
supplies without a break. No such strain,
boweyer, seems likely to occnr.
Weakening the British garrison in
Europe for service in the East by way
of Canada is evidently contemplated.
Unless the information is wholly er
roneous, the conditions are such that a
a year of ceaseless efforts would be re
quired to fit out an adequate Franco
Russian force for the eastern seas to
cope with tbe British power already
there or presently available. And in the
meantime it is asked, i hat would the
British be doing?
Now is the time to have
Fotos made by Gifford.
wasco warehouse Oompany
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?n kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, o?m?"l feei
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Fendle-
--y L'Iqiii This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
nee : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Wa Bell onr goods lower than any bonse in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get oar prices and be convinced. -
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and, Oats.