CO VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1898. NO 196 i .1 Commences Tomorrow Morning. Ends Saturday Evening1. .THE SALE OF THE SEASON 1M J M PA if ii Ml 0 10) 11 HT We Have a Way of Doing Things Peculiarly our own. If .we do anything at all we do it Right. do it thoroughly. We have too many pairs of pants in stock. ' We. wish to reduce our stock. To do this quickly and thoroughly we apply the lever of "cut prices," and such a cut, HHLF PRICE ..Hall-Ptice.. Prices Range from $1.25 to $5.50. A. i Williams & Go. w Ur l HOW THEY FIT? Try on anjr pair your size from our complete pants stock, and - that question will always be satisfactorily answered. So will the price. Here you will find worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres in pretty stripes and checks, bars, widewales, plaids and sedate mixtures made to wear, made to fit and fit to wear anywhere. Kvery Man in Town will be the Owner of a new pair of pants after tomorrow a. m., and some will have a half dozen pair. We know from past experiences. Therefore get here quickly. Cloths are Cassimers, Cheviots, Worsteds, Tweeds and Kerseys. The style and fit cannot be better. Makers are... K. N. & F. and Sweet, Orr & Co. A. PAUSE TO CONSIDER THAT $5.00 buys two pair of $5.00 Pants dur ing this sale, or one pair for $2.50. El. Williams & Co. IMPORTANT EVENTS AT THE PHILIPPINES Iloilo Falls Into the Hands of Filipinos. U. S. SOLDIER REPORTED KILLED Cruisers Isla de Cuba and Islade Luzon Have Been Floated and Docked at Cavite. Manila, Nov. 19. Reports have reached here to the effect that Iloilo, capital of the island of Paney, has fallen into the hands of the Filipino insur gents. The cruiser Charleston and the gunboat Concord were sent to Iloilo to investigate as to the truth of the report, which later was confirmed. Manila, Nov. 19. American military police made an attempt to arrest three disorderly Filipinos last night, and a fight ensued. Sergeant Price, of the Minnesota regiment, was killed, and three other soldiers Mahar, Montgom ery and Uoyt wounded. One Filipino was killed and the others wounded. Washington, Nov. 19. Neither the Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum bating powders ate the greatest menacers to health of the present day. BOYM, BAKINO PQWPCff CO., HEW VOBK. CLIMAX WILL BE REACHED THIS WEEK Will Give Us the Philippines or We Will Take Them. war nor navy departments have anv in formation concerning the fight between Filipinos and American soldiers. The muster rolls of the Thirteenth Minne sota show the names of Sear gent Jay C. Price and privates Linsley Hoyt, Harry T. Montgomery and George Mahar, all of whom enlisted from St. Paul. Some of the last-named given in the Manila dispatch are duplicated in other com panies, but probably the names given here are those of the men concerned. Manila, Nov. 19. What could not be accomplished off Santiago has been ac complished at Manila, viz., the saving of sunken Spanish warships. The cruisers Isla de Cuba and Isla de Luzon, which were sunk during the battle of Manila bay, have been floated and docked at Cavite. Furnished rooms to rent. Steam heat and electric lights. Apply to Max Yogt Sc. Co. Chapman block. SHE CAN SETTLE THAT POINT NOW Unless She Acquiesces in the American Demands, the War Will Be Re sumed at Once. Pakis, Nov. 19. There was no joint meeting of the peace commission today. In their next memorandum the Amer ican commissioners will go to the vital points. Definite notice will be given that the Americans will take all the Philippines, and Spain will unquestion ably learn the terms, from which there will be no deviation. It is "more than likely that the Ameri cans will flatly summon Spain to effect an immediate amicable adjustment. Should Spain refuse to make a treaty ceding the Philippines to the United States, the Instant alternative for the Americans will be the conquest of that territory at an increased cost to Spain in the final settlement and possi bly with the loss of Spanish life. It may be held that the Philippines, if ceded, now, without any terms, would be an adequate war indemnity to the United States for its war expenses al ready incurred, and 'that Spain cannot expect, as a legal or moral right, any Lmonetary concessions. Philippine ac quisition by conquest, however, would entail upon the United States a waste of treasure far greater than a sum that Spain may accept now as a basis of peace for the cession. Spain being barren of territery or cash with which to indem nify the UintedStates fully, even at this juncture, she would be still less able to meet an additional expense to the Amer icans in further operations in the Phil ippines. Moreover, a satisfactory adjustment of local Philippine conditions is demanded. Spain could not in any circumstances ef fect this. The Americans have assumed responsibility ,and they fell that the de lay here prevents them from fullfilling their dutv. WAS ENTICED TO HIS DEATH Albany Man Mysteriously Disappears in Kansas City Believed to Have Been Murdered. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 19. E. C. Read, traveling salesman for the Swof ford Bros. Dry Goods Company, visited Chief of Police Hayes this afternoon to learn if the police had found any trace of his father, who disappeared from the Tremont hotel in this city, July 8th. W. C. Read was a wealthy farmer from Albany, Or., who went to Parsons.Kas., to visit his son. On July 8th he regis tered at the Tremont hotel, and at 6 in the evening spoke pleasantly to the day clerk who was just going off duty, and walked out. No one has seen him since and although theories of murder and suicide have been advanced, not a mite of evidence has been obtained to sustain them. E. C. Read, the son, has searched all through Missouri and Kansas for his father, but to no avail. The New York Life Insurance company, in which Read was insured for three thousand dollars, has bad its' azents at work without suc cess. - - The only theory advanced by the po lice is that Read met with foul play. Rain itf California. San Francisco, Nov. 19. All parts of California have received . a . thorough soaking within the past twenty-four boors, if reports are reliable. The Sac ramento and San Joaquin valleyB, the great wheat-producing centers of the state, have received a drenching, and farmers now express the opinion that the crops have been saved. In mining centere the water ha9 been so low that some mines have had to close down, but they will resume operations next week, now that rain, has fallen. In Southern California rain is greatly needed, bnt the indications are favorable for a down pour, and all danger of a continuance of the drought is practically over. To Care Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. One dozen of those extra finish Platino Fotos, made by Gifford, will make' yon twelve fine presents for Christmas. Nothing would be appreciated more, and now is the time to sit for them. Don't put it off too long and then expect to have them finished in time. 1- lax Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ?n kinds. Headquarters for Soiled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, o?mT"u fid Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- OY1 TK1! OUT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family MJ" . use ;: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. -Wa sell our goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if you don't think bo call and get onr prices and be convinced. , , Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.