Clearance Sale of Bicycles. Ji Our Leader comes in Black only, at $2.87 Our Next garment comes in Black, Navy and Mottled Kersej-s, an excellent wearing garment, only...! ...... $4.25 Our next special is an extra heavy Boucle cloth with a bautiful lustre and curl, on y.... $6. 1 5 A Garment made from" fine English Beaver with strapped seams, in Green, Black and Navy, only --$"7.69 Plush Capes handsomely ing reductions: All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY - NOVEMBER 19, 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Regular meeting of the Elka tonight. For every purchase amounting to ten cents ask for a ticket at A. Keller,' 8 bakery. j Meeting of Christian Scientists tomor row at the email K. of P. hall at 11 o'clock. All are invited. . . The ladies of the Good Intent and their frinda are working hard for their coming fair. AsaiBt them by volunteer ing contributions of needle work. ' The usual Thanksgiving shoot for turkeys and chickens will take place on the beach Thanksgiving day, con ducted by A. Y. Marsh. One of the finest numbers on the pro gram at the Catholic bazaar will be the selections by the orchestra of St. Mary's Academy, which is composed ot the pupils. Workmen are engaged in repairing the valves of the locks at the Cascades to dy. It is expected that they will be finished so that the boats can pafB thritnoh nil Mnnao. " 6 J - V wnv uon i some one ask us if it isn't :j Vk umiumui uay ; iaceo uc urn uajra bunt. h are worth mentioning. Don't wait until ' the melancholy days haye come and ask.' Sus if its cold enough. Sirs. C. L. Phillips announces a clear ance sale of fall hats. She has on band some very fiue new felt walking hats, which she can now sell at half price 75 cents. Call and see if they are not an unusual bargain. nl8-2t And now we are compelled to inform eastern people that away out in Oregon we have a guideless pacer with a record of 2:04. A dispatch from Philadel phia Wednesday called Albatross, the guideless pacer with a record of 2 :09J, tha ihnmninn nf t.hf world. f" As the winter months come on the In i terest in bowliue circles increases, and i. this bids fair to be the principal amuse- mailt fnr, ttin nnm Kja nrhrk nrA nrivc VA. " - . . 1 t ai 1 J; tuujiii pg.iaieu uvcr 11. J.U luo uauur cap games last night DeHufT, Moore and Hampshire won, with a ecore of 526. En tries for tin ladies' tournament meet close ov iub ibc. bo mat mose wno in 1 1 . 1 ,i a I . . 1 . tend to compete should enter at once. - A "Dne might suppose, from the fact that 500 turkeys were this morning shipped by one firm, the Commission company, to Portland, that Dalles people had decided not to give thanks this year. Bat Portland needn't think she can gobble up all our Thanksgiving, there's plenty more at every produce store in the city. We have a great deal to be thankful for already, and we'll have more when Thursday comes. Mrs. M. Zirka was delightedyesterday to receive a number of souvenir hand ker chiefs from her two boys' at Manila, from whom she bad out hnrd fjr some time. The boys eay they have not gone AT REDUCED PRICES trimmed with braid, jets and $2.35, 3. 15, PEASE & MAYS, hungry as yet, and are ex&emely proud of their now military jSuits, which are pure white, with bright brass buttons, and thev wear a cok helmet. A com pany dressed in. such style must be an attractive sight when drilling. Tae reunion of the'Epworth Leaguers and their friends last night at the; Methodist church was particularly pleas-' ant. A large number were present and the best of good will and fellowship prevailed. A roll call of members was the first feature of the evening, when each answered with -a favorite Bible' quotation. Then followed a program consisting of a song by the League; quartet by Misses Cooley and Willerton, and Prof. Landers and Freas Saunders ; a reading by Miss Carrie Butler; a solo by Mr. Fleming and a recitation by Ena Uren. The young ladies served a lunch, ! during which time a most social time was enjoyed, which continued the re mainder of the evening. "Don't teir them that you saw me" was what the wood, piled up in China town, said to the steam saw as it severed the sticks apart this morning. And the saw Slid nothing, bat sawed wood, as the Mongolians stood by and minded their p's and queues. Some John is progressive and determined to forsake the ways of his fathers and patronize his es teamed friend, which is somewhat of an improvement on the rare old China invention which goes around with saw and sawbuck following every . load of wood and accosting its owner, with "You wantee saw?" But when the Chinamen and the woodsaw joins hands, we are compelled to ask, "What next?" The Dalles can justly be accueed of being decidedly '"etnek up" over her schools and we don't care who knows that we are. Beside having a good boarding school such as the St. Mary's Academy, our public schools can't be beat no matter where you may search. The report published today shows sixty more 'pupils than reported for the second quarter last year, and fourteen more than the school has ever before numbered. An additional teacher has been added this year, and still some of the rooms are overflowing. Not only does the school excel in quantity, tut quality as well, the pupils in the lower grade being well versed in many current events, etc., concerning which (former graduates were not Instructed. I' A splendid library is now being placed in the High school, to wbiih recently has been added forty new volumes ot the best reading. Notice of Reward. We will pay $1 per head for all .horses branded H (quarter-circle Hi, common ly known as the Honeyman, De Hart it Glenn railroad stock, delivered to me at Rowena, Or., or put in a pasture near by and notice given to me at Rowena or Hugh Glenn at the Dalles. H. Cline, Herder. I'urolshed Booms . For rent, on Federal street, between Fourth and Fifth. Apply at this office. lS-w 1 s 31 9 fur, at sweep 5. 1 O, 6.90, 7. 1 5 7 The Dalles, Or. I CIRCUIT COURT. Gleanings From Today's Session of Court. Last evening David Patterson, Jr., plead guilty to the1 crime of burglary and was sentenced to one mtoth in the county jail. The jury in the case of N. B. Myers, charged with larceny in a dwelling, uiuugui in a veruici last nigui til gimuv as charged in the indictment. He will be sentenced Monday. Thos. Riley, who was found guilty of larceny in a store, was sentenced V three years in the penitentiary. . Mable Gannon was granted a decree o divorce from G. Gannon. . 1 The case of G. E. Barteil vs. Geo. T, Thompson, an action on a. stated ac count, came up for trial last evening and is occupying the attention of the court (ioday. The following jury are sitting on e case: C. A. Cramer, R. J. Ellis, J. W. Ensley, J. H. shoemaker, C. V. Durham", S. W. Curran, R. Beatie, J. W. Ward; J. H. Eubanks, J. P. Snodgrass, W. J. Harriman and P. T. Knowles. Wm. Rolfe plead not guilty to the charge of -an assault: with a deadly weapon on the person of Murdock Mc Kay committed at Antelope last spring. Dalles Fobllc Schools. Following: is the report for the quar ter (5 weeks) ending Friday Nov. 11, '98 TEACHERS. East Hill Primary. Miss Nan Cooper 1 and 2 Mrs. Roche ' . . ..3, 4 and 5) oourt street. Miss Douthit 1st Miss E CooDer .2d Miss Roberts 3d Miss Wrenn , . .4th Academu Part. j 54 Miss Thlrmau. .'. 1st 57 5T Miss Flinn ". 2B-3B 48 47 Miss Mnrtiu 4B-5B Miss Ball .- .......... 0th Iliah Sr.hooL 44 Mrs.Baldwiu 6B Miss U KtntO'i! 6A Miss T. Rintoul 7th Miss Michel I 8th II. S. Department. Aiiss mil Mr. lenders :::: ::::::!, 80 8-4 Totals 8137&4l724 53 Number of days of ecnooi, 19. Per cent of attendance on number be longing, 96. ' Snip Atlanta Wrecked. Truly this is a year of -accidents. A telegram irom.,Newport, Or., yesterday, giveB an account of the wrecking of the ship Atlanta at Alsea bay, sixteen miles below Newport. The ship, which was first-class, in good condition and of 2800 tons, left Ta coma a week ago today, Captajn Mc Bride commanding, loaded with 1753 tons of wheat for Cape Town, an African port The vessel is broken in two, her masts are gone and the decks swept cleau of everything. Of a crew of twenty seven men, so far as is known, only two got ashore alive, ' The life-saving crew from Newport had been sent to t ie scene when the telegram was receivedand more definite news will no doubt reach us soon. ' ! Sour and Dill ' Pickles in Bulk, Cranberries, Celery, Sauer Kraut, Sweet, Potatoes, New Orleans Molasses, Maple Syrup, Maple Sugar, Swiss Cheese, Cream Cheese, Young America Cheese, Apples, Pears, Etc., .Also a Pull Line of Groceries. 1 .Jlaieil'lieriion ..THE flfiOTHRE DEALERS.. 167 Second St. THE DALLES, UR. CEDAR CIRCLE ENTERTAINS. A. Good Program Is Bendered, a Good Time Enjoyed, and Good - Oysters Served Laet evening was a lively one in social circles, and chief among the events was" the entertainment given .by the Cedar Circle to the Woodmen of Mt. Hood camp and their wives. About 8 o'clock a jolly party gathered at Fraternity Hall, and made the most of the time until a late hour. The fol lowing program was rendered, some numbers of which were very amusins : Song and Drill Ten Little Indians Vocal Solo Annie Hansen Summersault Chorus Three Boys and Girls Mock Initiation.... . Vocal Duo .. Mr. Dawson nnd Mrs. Stephens (Accompanied by Mrs. Patterson.) Vocal Solo .i.... Miss Male dishing Optical Illusionsjju, At the close of the program a trenuine oyster supper was given the guests, and so generous were tbe ladies that not a person was seen fishing for the oysters in the stew. . Last, but not least was the dance at the close of the evening, for none en joy this past time more than the mem bers of these two orders. ABRACADABRA ABR AC AD ABR ABRACADAB -ABRACADA ABRACAD ABR AC A ABR AC ABRA ABR v AB A ' ABRACADABRA A word said to be of Persian origin. It was in former times the most vener ated of thoue magical formulas that were constructed out of .the alphabet. Sere nus Samonicas gives the following direc tions for its use: Write the letters oi the word so as co form a triangle 1&3 above) capable of being read in many ways, on a square pieci of paper. Fold the paper in such a way as to conceal the writing, and stitch into the form of a cross with white thread. This amulet wear in the bosom, suspended by a linen ribbon, for nine days; then go in dead silence, before sunrise, to the banks of a stream that flows eastward, take the amulet from off the neck and fling it backwards into the water. If you open or read it the charm is destroyed. All who conscientiously do this may be sure of getting the following low prices on shoes at Pease & Mays': Men's calf lacs, broad toe, for $1.50; Ladies' hand turn, square toe, button, for $2.00; La dies' glove grain, button, for 75c ; Misses' patent leather, kid tops, for $1; Childs' calf, heel shoes, lace, for 50c. Wanted. A furnished or unfurnished bouse, centrally located, with about eight or ten rooms. Address The Chronicle office. 18-lw NEW A"NT 2d HAND WHEELS For Less than Half Price We wish to clear out all old stock before mov ing into new store and have some bargains. This is an opportunity to get a bicycle cheap. All wheels sold at half regular price. IkEsrm c& Growe. Opposite Coming to the Front Slowly, but surely, J. H. Cross with a magnificent stock of staple and fancy groceries. His constant and enormous daily sales gives evi dence ot satisfaction to the people. In connection with his splendid gro cery trade, he does a marvelous Hay, Grain and Feed business. He carries in stock Oat Hay Wheat Hay, Barley Hay, Baled Straw, Wheat, Eye, Barley, Oats, Corn, Buckwheat, Roll Bar ley, Middling, Shorts, Bran and Shorts and Lite Bran. , He also has the largest and best assortment of earden and grass seeds in Eastern Oregon. Experience has. demonstrated the wisdom of "fall planting in many lines of seeds, such as onion, turnip, lettuce, epinach, peas and others. He deals in Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese. Also daily buys and sells fresh eggs. All orders intrusted to bia care will be filled with fidelity and dispatch and delivered free to any part of the city. Thankful to the public for their confidence and patronage in tbe past will endeavor by fair dealing to merit a continuance of the same. Cor. Second and Federal Sts., The Dalles, Oregon- SNAP SHOTS. The 12-year-old son of W. E. Reed, who lives twenty miles south of Arling ton, narrowly escaped being dragged to death by a horse. His foot canght in the stirrup. After being dragged abouft 100 yards he was kicked in the face, los ing an eye. . Mrs. Harriet Towler, who died in New York city on the 12th, and was buried in Portland today, was the mother of Allan and Myra Calef, who formerly at tended the academy here, and who will be kindly remembered by their echool mates. Edward Warren, an opium fiend and gambler, is snspected of haying started the fire which destroyed Canyon City, he being a guest at the hotel where it started, and was angry at siWe of the residents there. He has been apprehend ed at Sumpter, and it is said will be lynched if it can be proven that he com mitted the crime. It is hoped, however, that the people will thoroughly investi gate the matter and dog be rash. The half-breeds at Jones Landing, across from Bonneville, are not behind the timts when it comes to society scandals. Last Wednesday Miss Mc Cormick, aged 17, and a married man, twice her age, eloped and started for that Mecca of all runaway couples Van couver. When the deserted wife sets hold of her blacker half, slie'il just or ganize a party and go "black burying." OUR CHURCHES. Lutheran church, corner Union and 7th streets, L. Grey, pastor. Regular services, at 11 a. n. ana 7 :30 p. m. Sun day School at 12:15. Christian church, Ninth and Court streets, . Rev. Boltz pastor Services tomorrow as usual. .Sunday School at 9.45 in the morning. Morning ser vice at 11 ; evening service 7 :30. Methodist church, corner Fifth and Washington streets, J. H. Wood pastor Class meeting ir the morning at 10. Services at 11 a. m., and at 7:30 in the evening. Sunday school at 12:20. Junior old stand. She Set fief J4eaifc- On a "Ludwig" Piano that she saw In onr magni ficent assortment, but despaired of getting it till we sold her one at such a reasonable price, and on such easy terms, that - her desire was gratified. Everyone that hears a note struck on one of these sweet toned instruments, that has any music in the soul, is charmed into wanting one. They can be found in The Dalles ouly ut 170 Second Street. Jacobsen Book & Music Co Eastern Oregon's Leading: Music House. Timothy Hay, Wild Grass Hay, Alfalfa Hay. J. H. CROSS. League at 3 :30 p. m. Epworth League at 6 :30. St. Paul's Episcopal church, Joseph Da Forest, rector. Holy Communion,. 8 a. m., except first Sunday in month, a. m.;. evening prayer and sermon, 7:30 p. m.;. Sunday school at 12:15 p. m.: Friday evening service, 7:30. Congiegational church, corner Fifth and Court streets, A. V. Poling, pastor. Services at 11 a. ro. and 7:30 p. in. Sun day school at 12 :15. Junior Endeavor 3:30. Christian Endeavorf 6:30. The follow iog order of service will toe ob served in the morning: Voluntary, Doxology, Invocation, Hymn, Scripture reading, Responsive reading, Gloria, Prayer, Anthem, Announcements, Of feratory, Bass solo "Fear Not, Ye, O Israel," by Buck, Dr. Doane; Sermon, Hymn, Benediction. At the Calvary Baptist churchy corner Seventh and Union streets, services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 '30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 o'clock 8nd Young People's Society at 6:30 In the evening. All are cordially invited. It's Unman Nature. This readiness to accept the wonderful and miraculous in preference to com monplace truth. A plausible and glib tongued doctor can go from town to town curing, or trying to cure, people, and have a great influx of shekels, while' every community in which the so-called doctor goes is supplied with quiet, learned practitionore, who have forgotten morn than the fakir ever learned, and they can give you the best treatment within the reach of human knowledge. While your home doctors carry you from, year to year, get up at all times of the night and are yonr servants during the diy, and you pay them when you are well or able, the fakir gets the dasb,- and is gone forever. If your eyes are troub ling you in any way, call on Prof. P. G. Daut, tbe orjly graduated optician or doctor of refraction in The Dalles, two doors west of Keller's , bakerjr.' I ana here to stay, and guarantee all eye works Pkof. P. G. Daut. One Minute Cough Cure, cures That is what It was m"de far.