The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 19, 1898, Image 1

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    C )
- NO 195
American Peace Commissioners to Maie
a Final Presentation.
Time Limit to Be Fixed Within Which
They Must Be Accepted President
Fauer Engaged Exchanging Cour
tesies With American and Spanish
Paris. Nov. IS. The United States
peace commissioners are devoting today
as they did yesterday to formulating the
next presentation or consideration of
the Spanish commissioners. While the
Americans are reticent as to their inten
tions, it may be said without reserve
that the occasion is near npon which the
exact peace terms acceptable to the
American commissioners ' will be laid
before the Spaniards with a time limit
for their acceptance.
There were three officials functions
here yesterday afternoon and evening
which caused considerable interest
among the American peace commission
ers. The first was the bestowal of the
golden fleece upon President Faure by
the queen regent of Spain, through the
president of the Spanish peace commis
sion, Senor Montero Rios. The second
was a dinner given by Faure to Rios and
his fellow commissioners. Finally last
night President Faure received the
American commissioners at Elysee
palace, where there was a comiqueopera
entertainment in their honor.
There is some surprise expressed
among the members of the American
colony at the bestowal of a decoration
upon the French president at the hands
of the Spanish peace commission at this
moment, and others are asking them
selves whether the entertainment at
Elysee palace was to be regarded as a
sort of compensation to the Americans,
whose sensibilities may have been
wounded by the bestowal of the Spanish
decoration upon Faure before the con
clusion of peace negotiations.
Pensylvania Railroad Train Runs Down
a Gang of Laborers Near Jersey
New York, Nov. 18. While a gang of
track bands were at work on the Penn
sylvania railroad line near Jersey City,
today, they were run down by a train.
Eleven workmen were killed outright
and six seriously injured.
The train which ran down the work
men was a local from Milltown, due at
Jersey City at 12 -.20 a. m. A fog had
delayed the train and the engineer J.
Van Ostrand, was running at high speed
believing there was nothing to prevent
a quick run to Jersey City. He only
knew that his train had ran into the
men when the engine jarred. Then the
cries of the men were heard and as Boon
as possible be stopped the train.
Passengers aided the trainmen in
searching for the victims. This was not
an easy task in the thick fog which pre
vailed. A train bad passed on the west-bound
track a few seconds before the east
bound train ran the men down. The
noise of the west-bound train prevented
the men from hearing the approach of
the east-bound train. They were not
Royal makes the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
aware that the train was near them un
til they were scattered right and left.
When the engine which struck the la
borers reached the depot at Jersey City
the cowcatcher was red with blood from
the men killed. After the engine was
stopped a hand was picked up from the
cowcatcher. It had been severed from
one of the victims, and had been carried
to thcdepot on the cowcatcher.
Recommendations to Be Made By the
Hawaiian Commission.
Chicago, Nov. 18. A special to the
Tribune from Washington says: It is
probable that the report of the Hawaiian
commission will tavor a more liberal
form of government for the island than
has generally been expected. The mem
bers have favorably considered a propo
sition to give tbe islands a representa
tive in the house with a vote, in which
regard he would rank with the repre
sentatives, and not with the delegates
from Arizona, New Mexico and Oklaho
ma, who have the privilege of talking,
but not the right of voting.
The government suggested for the isl
and will in all probability be an ad.
vance on the present organized terri
tories, but, of course, will not contem
plate statehood. Several members of
the commission go to the extent of be
lieving that Hawaii should have repre
sentation iu the senate, though probably
without a vote. This feature, however,
may not appear in tbe report.
Who is Right About This.
Denver, Colo , Nov. 18. The Rocky
Mountain News publishes the following
telegram, signed R. A. Alger, secretary
of war:
"No thought has been given to muster
out the Colorado regiment, nor will there
be until peace is declared."
Last Sunday Governor Adams received
a letter fromAdjutant-General Corbin,in
which the following language was used :
"It is the purpose of tbe war depart
ment to return to the United States
within a few months the volunteer regi
ments now serving in Manila.other reg
ments now being on their way to replace
them. It is believed this will have been
accomplished, and the soldier for 'whom
vou write will return jabout as soon
as though his discharge were ordered
The apparent disagreement between
the two messages is causing considerable
speculation as to whether a change has
occurred in the Philippine situation
within the past week.
From New Zealand.
Reefton, New Zealand, Nov. 23, 1896.
I am very pleased to state that since
I took tbe agency of Chamberlain's
medicines the sale has been very large,
more especially of the Cough Remedy.
In two years I have sold more ot this
particuliar remedy than of all other
makes for the previous five years. As
to its efficacy, I have' been informed by
scores of persons of tbe good results they
have received from it, and know its
value from the use of it in my own house
hold. It is so pleasant to take that we
have to place the bottle beyond the
reach of the children.
E. J. Scantlebury.
For eale by Blakeley & Houghton.
It Is Belieyei That tne Northern Ronte
Will Be Chosen.
Government Must Have Cable Com-
munications He Announced That
He Would Inspect a Line Across
the Columbia From Fort Stevens.
Portland, Nov. 18. The United
States and Hawaii are soon to be con
nected by cable, and tbe starting place
from the Pacific coast may be not far
from Astoria.
General Greely stated Thursday that
be had recommended the building of the
cable, and that a company had been
formed, and was only awaiting recogni
tion from congress to begin work. That
such recognition would be forthcoming
at the next eeasion the general expressed
no doubt.
The government not only wants, but
must have telegraph connections with
Honolulu, and would prefer that this
conneetion be made by a private corpo
ration. The only questions remaining
are what assistance shall be rendered
this corporation by the government, and
from what point on the Pacific coast
shall tbe cable start.
From surveys already made, it has
been decided that there are places be
tween San Francisco and Honolulu
where tbe bottom of the ocean would
not permit of the laying of a cable
with any degree of safety on account of
the tremendous rocks and boulders
formed at those places. The govern
ment, if it is to aid in the construction
of this cable, would want to know just
what the prospects were of laying one
that would be permanent and a success.
To determine this, General Greely has
been sent. He finds the conditions out
from San Francisco unfavorable, and
will now investigate tbe mouth of the
Columbia to determine if it is a suitable
place, and if so cablegrams from Astoria
to Honolulu will be ordinary things in
two years.
A clever Trie lc.
It certainly looks like it, but there is
really no trick about it. Anybody can
try it who has lame back and weak kid
neys, malaria or nervous troubles. We
mean he can cure himself right away by
taking Electric Bitters. This medicine
tones up the whole system, acts as a
stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a
blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures
constipation, headache, fainting spells,
sleeplessness and melancholy. It is
purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and
restores the system to its natural vigor.
Try Electric Bitters and be convinced
that they are a miracle worker. Every
bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at
Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 3
The Teresa Investigation.
Washington, Nov. 17 The secretary
of the navy has ordered a court of in
quiry to meet at tbe navy yard at Nor
folk Tuesday for tbe purpose of invest!
gating the circumstances attending the
abandonment ot tbe Spanish cruiser
Maria Teresa, with a view to determin
ing the necessity and responsibility
Tbe speech of Father Abraham in the
last number of Poor Richard's Almanac,
published by Benjamin Franklin in
1757, "Contains the Wisdom of many
ages and nations assembled and formed
into one connected discourse." When
first published it attracted world wide
attention and was copied in all tbe news
papers in America and England and
translated into many- foreign languages
Would you not like to read it? Get a
copy free of charge at Blakeley & Hough
ton s drug store.
Deatneaa Cannot be Cared
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear
There is only one way to cure deafness
and that ia by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it Is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine casas out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an' in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars ; free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
CySold by Druggists, 75c. ' 6-10
A Sure Sign of Croup.
Hoarseness in a child that is subject
to croup is a sure indication of the ap
proach of the disease. If Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is given as soon as tbe
child becomes hoarse, or even after the
croupy cough has appeared, it will pre
vent the attack. Many mothers who
have croupy children always keep this
remedy at hand and find that it saves
them much trouble and worry. It can
always be depended upon and is pleasant
to take. For sale by Blakeley & Hough
ton. Cash tn Your eneefcs.
All countv warrants registered prior
to . Feb. 1, 1895, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Nov. 14,
1898. C. L. Phillips,
Countv Treaanrer.
Wood. Wood.
Best grades of Dry Fir and Oak Wood
always on band for sale at minimum
rate. Jos. T. Petsrs.
'Phone 25.
Wood for Sale.
Oak and pine, leave orders at Richard-
sons blacksmith shop on Third street.
9-17 3mo H. H. Flemming.
Teacher of Vocal Culture.
Sight Beading and Harmony.
Studio at Residence, Cor. 6th and Liberty,
nvesgtion olicitea. THE DALLES, OR.
Office over French & Co.'s Banlc
Collections a Specialty.
3eeond Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
Art Studio.
Room 3, Chapman Block.
China painting a specialty.
Physicians and Surgeons,
Special attention given to surgery.
Rooms 21 and 22. Tel. 82S . Vogt Block
Office otw First Nat. Bank.
Office ovei First Nat. Bank.
Approved by the Board of Underwriters of the
Pacific, November t, 1898.
rOF2 4. CENTS.
Own your own Gas Plant. Run your own me
ter. A complete gas plant within the lamp;
portable, hang it anywhere. Maximum
light at minimum cost.
novlS. Agent for Wasco County.
if; m
- s?-X" q1i10 Ladies' double-texture Mackintosh Cape
J-liVLl C. V CXI LAC Coat, made of an all-wool navy blue
Cashmere, lined throughout with wine color changeable silk ; 'has double
breasted detachable cape, with two box plaits in back, velvet inlaid
collar "... . .$9.00
Mackintosh Coats for men and women, boys and girls.
R. JW. Williams & Co.
Rockford "Quick Shot"
12-Plate Magazine Camera.
"Turn tbe lever and you are ready for
another." No plate holders with slides
to draw. No sleeve or changing bag. No
chance to fog plates. No failures.
If you want 12 pictures quick, buy the
"Quick-Shot.'! the only magazine cams
era that holds the plates securely after
tbey are exposed. No rattling or break
ing of plates. Best on earth.
3lxil4 ...$6.00
4x5 $9.00
- With one dozen plate holders.
Manufactured under the Conley patents by the
Rockford Silver Plate Co.,
We sell only through local agents. Ask our
agents to show you this "Quick Shot."
Wasco Warehouse Gompany
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain oteii kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, ?t?LVkrE
Headquarters for "Byers Best Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flour
We sell our goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if you don't think bo
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
...He pmWL oitfOio Fino saloon...
90 Second St., second door from Court.
118 October 15
The Dalles, Or.
SI -worth of rhenks
nor ioc drink, q Kpst Inmfistifi
Jc or cigar. 3
Whether you want a Mackintosh Coat
for a lady or gentleman, boy or girl,
it will be to your interest to see our
lines before buying elsswhere.
We sell a
Coat for
A better one at $4.85.
Ladies' Mackintoshes, made with
double-breasted, detachable cape, at
$3.95, $4.75 and $6.95.
Quick Sellers
No Complaints
The Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
AGENTS, The Dalles, Oregon.
is manufactured expressly for family
use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Tom Burke's iP Homestead Whiskey
Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac.
,iinnrs. Winfis ana mm.
The Largest and Best of Angust Buchler's
Home-made Beer and Porter.
for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York.