The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 17, 1898, Image 3

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Clearance Sale of Bicycles.
Our Leader comes in Black only, at $2.8 T
' .
Our Next garment comes in Black, Navy and Mottled Kersej-s, an
excellent wearing garment, only" $4.25
Our next special is an extra heavy Boucle cloth with a bautiful
lustre and curl,onl3r ... $6. 1 5
A Garment made from fine English Beaver with strapped seams, in
Green, Black and Navy, only $T.69
Plush Capes handsomely trimmed with braid, jets and fur, at sweep-
ing reductions: $2.35, 3. 1 5, 5. 1 O, 6.90, 7. 1 5
All Goods Marked in
Plain Figures.
Th3 Dalles Daily Chronicle.
At the Baldwin
The Wilder Quintette concert.
For every purchase" amounting to ten
cents ask for a ticket at A. Keller's
If one of the many seats engaged for
tonight's concert ia not yours, be wise
and eecure one or pay' your 50 cents at
the door.
This morning about 11 -.30, three spe
cial cars, occupied by officials of the O.
R. & N., O. S. L. and U. P., passed
through the city east-bound.
The Leaguers invite their friends tc be
present at their reunion Friday evening
at the M. E. church. A good time will
be had, and they say: "Come and bring
your friends."
All those who take part in the pro
gram of Cedar social at Fraternity Hall
Friday evening are requested to be at
the hall at 8 sharp. Program to begin
at 8:15. All be on hand promptly. By
request of the committee.
The boys are busily engaged in practic
ing their turn for the Catholic bazaar.
Four will take part in the turn, which Is
to be extra good. This will assure the
ladies a crowded house, not mentioning
other excellent features ofJ.he program.
Cedar Circle, women of Woodcraft,
have issued invitations to 150 Woodmen
of Mt. Hood camp and their wives, to
meet with them for a social evening and
banquet, at Fraternity Hall tomorrow
evening (Friday.) Doors open at 7:30
What is commonly known as the Pa
louse section of Washington, claims to
be the banner wheat raising country of
the world. Within a radius of six miles
a crop to the amount of 2,000,000 bushels
was raised, and harvested this year. The
record is a good one and hard to beat.
All Foresters are requested to be at
the hollow log at 7 :30 6harp, Friday,
Nov., 18th. Two most worthy heralds
will be in attendance to assist Rovin
Hood with his haversack which will be
well tilled. The Friar will have his can
teen on tap. -Business of the evening,
This evening at the Baldwin a on
cert will be given which deserves the
patronage of every Dallesite who has
the slightest ear for music. These peo
ple have entertained a large audience in
every city where they have given con
certB, and The Dalles should not be be
hind in its appreciation of such talent
At Tuesday's election in Multnomah
county Dr. 8. E. Josephi, Republican
candidate for statu senator, was elected
to succeed Hon. Joseph Simon in the
state senate. Although the vote was
light, being less than half of what it
was at the general election in Jane, the
result ehowe that the Republicans of
Multnomah county are still very much
alive. Out of a total of 7733 votes cast.
Dr. Josephi obtained 4646, a majority of
1559 over all of his competitors.
The "Pulse of New York" Company,
which was billed to appear in the Vogt
on the 21st of this month, has changed
its date until the 5th of December. We
had hoped to have the Bittner company
with ns soon, but Manager Kinersly has
had no word from them recently and
they are now playing ia the Kootenai
Today has been one of those days that
must be dark and dreary ." It rained
and the wind was never weary. But we
have no complaint to make unless it is
that it didn't rain enough. Yesterday
the fall was .10 of an inch : today it has
been much less. However, it is to be
hoped that it has been more plentiful in
the country surrounding as.
The will of Hampton Kelly, who died
on Juniper Flat, October 16th, was filed
for probate in the county clerk's office
yesterday in Portland. He bequeaths
nil of his personal property and real es
tate to his wife and children, with the
exception of $400 to Helen O. Manly, a
span of horses to Delward Lloyd Tru
man, and the use of certain property to
the Methodist Episcopal church. -
A number of changes are being made
in the agents of the O. R. & N. company
at different stations along the line. J.
A. Walden, who has acted as night
operator here during the absence of I:
II. iCeffer, has been appointed agent at
Tekoa to relieve J. E. Crane, who goes
to Arlington, F. C. Hindle, who has been
agent at the latter place having been
appointed to fill a vacant place at Day
ton, Wash.
This morning twenty-one members of
Wasco tribe, 1. O. R. M., left by boat to
attend the funeral of ' James Roberts,
which occurred at Hood River this after
noon, tie was a member ortne order m
California and was also a Past Sachem.
At such a time the brotherhood of the
various orders is shown to be genuine,
for whether it be a personal friend or
one who is only known as a fellow
brother, the same respect is shown and
the eame offices performed...
Incorporation papers of the Columbia
& Klickitat Railway Company have
been filed in the secretary of state's of
fice. The capital is 300.000, and the
incorporators are E. E. Lytle, D. C.
O'Reily and A. E. Hammond. The of
fice will be located at Wasco, Sherman
county. The purpose of the corporation
is to construct and equip a railway and
telegraph line from a point on the Co
lumbia river at or near Lyle, Klickitat
county, Washington, to Goldendale in
the same county; to consolidate with,
lease or operate any road or roads in
Oregon or Washington ; to facilitate the
construction and equipment of any rail
road or steamship line in either state,
and to do a general railroad business
To Care aCula la One Pay
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to care. 25c.
The Dalles ,0r.
Astoria la Awake to the Intercut of Oar
State and Demands an Open Itiver.
At a meeting of the Astoria Chamber
of Commerce Monday evening, the fol
lowing resolutions were adopted, which
are of great interest to the people of
Eastern Oregon :
"The joint committee of the Astoria
Progressive Commercial Association and
the Astoria Chamber of Commerce re
port the following resolutions for adop
tion by Iheir respective bodies :
: "Resolved : That the phenomenal de
velopment of the Columbia river valley
within the states of Oregon, Washington
and Idaho, and the rapid growth of the
coast and ocean commerce of the Pacifi
states, require the removal of all ob
atructions to free and easy navigation o
said river from its head ot navigation
to the sea.
"Resolved, That the government of
United States should take prompt ac
tion to secure the early removal of said
obstructions to free and easy navigation.
Resolved, That the government of the
United States should make adequate ap
propriations, in accordance with ttie re
port of its engineers, for the early (com
pletion of the ship railway, to be built
within the state of Oregon from Celilo
to The Dalles, for which $250,000 have
been appropriated, as this single im
provement when finished, will permit
continuous navigation of the Columbia
and Snake rivers from Priest rapids and
Lewiston to the sea,
"Resolved,- That the government of
the United States ehould afford the com
merce of said river temporary and im
mediate relief, in accordance with the
recommendations of its engineers, by
constructing a portage railway between
Celilo and The Dalles ; and, if practic-
ble, so locate and build the said por-
age railway that it may be operated
during the construction ot the said ship
railway and finally adopted as a part
"Resolved, That the efforts of the
United States government in promoting
the commerce of the Columbia river
(should t$e continually directed and ap
plied in tne construction ot tne alorsaid
portage railway and ship railway until
the same are completed.
"Resolved, That a copy of thesa reso
lutions be sent to the Oregon congres
sional delegation, urging them to take
all proper steps to secure the early com
pletion of the improvements that are re
ferred to in these resolutions."
It was also recommended that an open
jriver convention of the citizens of Ore
gon an'd Washington, to be held in eome
Convenient city in Eastern Oregon, early
in December of this year; and . farther
suggested that the secretary be instruct
ed to correspond with commercial bodies
tributary to tte Columbia river to the
end that unanimity of action be secured.
Last and Final Notice.
I hereby give notice that on and after
the 1st of November, .1898, I will, with
out further notice, proceed to levy upon
all property upon which taxes remain
unpaid for the year 1897.
Robeet Kelly, Sheriff,
Wasco County,
Sour and Dill
Pickles in Bulk,
Celery, Sauer
Kraut, Sweet
-31 Potatoes, New
Orleans Molasses,
r Maple Syrup,
Maple Sugar,
Swiss Cheese, -
Cream Cheese,
Young America
Cheese, 'Apples
Pears, Etc.,
Also a Pull Line
of Groceries.
...Tflaier S Reriton
167 Seuoni St. THE DALLES, OR.
Circuit court has not been very lively
today1, as the attorneys seemed elow in
preparing their cases, causing the judge
to remind them that be was there for
. David Patterson, Jr., who was charged
with- burglary, has entered a plea of not
guiHy, and W. H. Wilson waa appointed
to defend him.
This morning Thomas Riley, charged
with larceny of steel traps from Mays &
Crowe, plead guilty. His case was be
fore the court this afternoon and will go
to the jury this evening. J. F. Moore
represented the defendant. '"H
""The grand jurf feTUTfiea a true HTT
against N. B. -Myers, charged with
larceny, and R. B. Sinnott was ap
pointed by the court to appear in his de
tense. '.
- Au lmpmtaut IMfTerehce.
To make-it apparent to , thousands,
who think themselves ill, that they are
not afflicted with any disease, but that
the system simply needs cleansing, is to
bring comfort home to their hearts, as a
costive condition is easily cured by using
Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the Cali-.
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and j sold by
all druggists.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
- That is what It was nde or.
A word said to. be of Persian origin
It was in former times the most vener
ated of thotie magical formulas that were
constructed out of ' the alphabet. Sere
nuB Sauionicas gives the following direc
tions for its use: Write the letters ot
the word so as to form a triangle (as
above) capable of being read in many
ways, on a equare pieci of paper. Fold
the paper in such a way as to conceal
the writing, and stitch into the form of a
cross with white thread. This amulet
wear in the bosom, suspended by a linen
ribbon, for nice days; then go in dead
silence, before sunrise, to the banks of a
stream that flows eastward, take the
amulet from off the neck and fling' it
backwards into the water. If you open
or read it the charm is destroyed. All
who conscientiously do this may be sure
of getting the following low prices on
shoes at Pease & Mays': Men's calf
lace, broad toe, for $1.50 ; Ladies' hand
tarn, square toe, button, for $2.00; La
dies' glove grain, button, for 75c; Misses'
patent leather, kid tops, for $1 ; Childs'
calf, heel shoes, lace, for 50c.
For Less than Half Price
We wish to clear out all old stock before mov
ing into new store and have some bargains.
This is an opportunity to get a bicycle cheap.
All wheels sold at half regular price.
3Ia,vs Crowe.
ming to
Slowly, but surely, J. H '. Cross with a magnificent stock of staple
and fancy groceries. His constant and enormous daily sales gives evi
dence ot satisfaction to the people. In connection with his splendid gro
cery trade, he does a marvelous Hay, Grain and Feed, business. He
carries in stock
Oat Hay '
Wheat Hay,
Barley Hay,
Baled Straw, Wheat, Sye, Barley, Oat?, Corn, Buckwheat, Roll Bar
ley, Middling, Snorts, Bran and Shorts and Lite Bran.
He also has the largest and best assortment of garden and grass seeds
in Eastern Oregon. Experience has demonstrated the wisdom of fall
planting in many lines of seeds, such as onion, turnip, lettuce, spinach,
peas and others. He deals in Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese.
Also daily buys and sells fresh egns. All orders intrusted to bis care
will be filled with fidelity and dispatch and delivered free to any part of
the city. Thankful to the public for their confidence and patronage in
tne past will endeavor by fair dealing
Cor. Second and Federal Sts..
The Dailes, Oregon.
A Portion of tne Kills Allowed tj the
Circuit Conrt.
C W Deitzel $ 1 50
J L Kelly 1 50
M Randall 1 50
H H Riddell 1 50
C L Phillips 1 50
CFLauer 1 50 j
Geo A Meloy 9 00
Jasper Ensley 8 60
L Davis 8 60
H Pitman . . . . 4 50
W Wilson... .... 1 60
CFLauer 1 50
Ah Chow 1 50
W H Morris 1 50
Monroe Drake 3 10
Mrs S J Drake 3 10
Mrs Lizzie Dufur 6 00
A B Dufur 6 00
Chas Sparling. . 46 00
Elmer Rouse : 6 00
Calep Shorty 1 00
Fred Wittle 1 00
I) J Cooper 1 00
Otis Burford 1 00
Fred Wickman 2 00
O L Walter "2 00
J F Smith 1 00
Ben Morgan 2 00
W A B Campbell . 52 00
C H Kope 1 00
H FWaeon blast 2 00
M W Freeman 1 00
T J Brown 1 00
Mrs J W Thomas - 1 00
H Snipes 1 00
Ralph Doyle 2 00
Frank Gable 23 00
W J Davidson 1 00
T Wilson 3 00
J W Russell 3 00
W C Gordian ' 1 00
August Reese 100
Geo A Malorv 3 00
Calvin Durna'kin 3 00
A Y Marsh . . 1 00
D A Turner 2 00
OL Walters 1 00
E EGustin 1 00
A K Thompeen 2 00
Clarence Dunsmore 1 00
Peter Fleck 3 00
J L Confer 3 00
W FGuyton 2 00
J F Smith ........ 200
August Deckart .1 1 00
3 T Davenport 2 00
J W Elton 3 00
H F Woodcock . . 15 00
B Bellinger 4 00
Robert Leasure..... .. 5 00
AG McCarney.. 1 00
Henry Snipes 2 00
old stand.
She Set
On a "Ludwig" Piano that she saw In our mHirni
flcent n'sortraent, but Jespuiri-d of getting it till we
sold her one at such a reasonable price, and on
such easy terms, tbat her desire was gratified.
Everyone that hears a note struck on one of these
sweet toned instalments, that bus any music in the
soul, is. charmed into wanting one. They can be
found in The Dalles only lit 170 Second Street.
Jacobsen BookS Music Co
Eastern Oregon's
Leading: Music House.
the Front
Timothy Hay, .
Wild Grass Hay,
Alfalfa Hay.
to merit a continuance of the same.
J. H. CROSS. 5 -
Frank Johnson...-. . 1 00
Thompson (Indian-) 1 00
Jesse Flemmiug.. 2 00
Stockmen's Union 108 00
W R, Winans 1 00 '
It'a oman Nature.
This readinees to accept the wonderful
and miraculous in preference to com
monplace truth. A plausible and glib-'
tongued doctor can go from town to town
curing, or trying to enre, people, and
have a great influx of ehekels, while
every community in which the so-called
doctor goes is supplied with quiet,
learned practitionorp, who have forgotten
morn than the fakir ever learned, and
they can give you the best treatment
within the reach of human knowledge.
While your home doctors carry you from
year to year, get up at all times of the
night and are your servants during the
d?y, and you pay them when yon are
well or able, the fakir gets the cash, and
is gone forever. If. your eyes are troub
ling you in any way, call cn Prof. P. G.
Daut, the only graduated optician or
doctor of refraction in The Dallep, two
doors west of Keller's bakery. I am
here to stay, and guarantee all eye work.
Pbop. P. G. Daut.
Reraovo Pimpleo. PreTent
II j" Tur"J ne Blood,
Care Headache and UnneniV ,
i "fi """'he enpe nor sickon. To con'
i? 5i jni! ""'.mail sample froe, or fall box for
Bc-SoU b dJgit. DR. BOSANttO CO. Philau Psu
For Thanksgiving.
For Thanksgiving the ladies of the
Lutheran. church will sell cakes, pies,
etc., at the music store of I. C. Nickel
sen on Wednesday, Nov. 23d, and they
invite all their friends to giv them a
call ; especially thoje who desire a sup
Dly of pastry for Thanksgiving.
The members of Mt. Hood- Hone Co.,
No. 4, will please remember to a'tend a
meeting of said company- tomorrow (Fri
day) evening at 7:30 o'clock to elect a
foreman vice, Julius Wiley resigned.
J. W. Lewis, Secretary.