r i. V 8VJ I ota 7 5 6 Homage to Truth is to Use It." We use it always our statements are easy for yon to verify and the can get his money back. 'man with a doubt" Perhaps you need a new you drop in and see our stock. Overcoat. Suppose We will sell you a a good one. good overcoat, not the best we have, but For S5.I5 For S6.75 beaver, well made, well lined, velvet collar. J Aft You can take your choice from a large line of Box Coats and lOi OwiOw Ulsters. Splendid values at their regular price of $10.00 and and $12.50. The best styles in Coverts, Meltons, Chinchillas and Irish Friezes. In the whole round of our experience we have never seen as good offered for so little money. We would like to show you this overcoat and let you decide if it can be matched elsewhere for the money. It is of black A good coat. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles ,0r. 3 9 7 9 9 3 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY - NOVEMBER 16, 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. 7 1 will', Tomorrow night At the Baldwin The Wilder Quintette concert. For every purchase amounting to ten cents ask for a ticket at A. Keller's bakery. Five-room house for rent; hard finish. $7.00 per month. Farm for rent. In quire of H. F. Dietzel, trunk factory. 14-2t The admission to the Wilder concert tomorrow night will be 50 cents. It is worth twice that amount. Secure your seats at once. Today the Oregon Telephone Com pany let the contract for delivering the poleB for their line from The Dalles to Tygh Valley, to Peter Godfrey. You need make no arrangements to procure turkeys and chickens for Thanksgiving dinner, as the ladiea of the Catholic church will have them sale at their bazaar. A meeting of the United Artisans be held this evening at 7 :30, at the K. of P. hall. Members are re quested to be present as matters of great importance will be discussed.-? ' -A letter received from Mrs. W. H. -Biggs by her Sunday school claes tells of .the safe arrival of herself and Mr. Biggs at Canton, Mo., where they are greatly en-. joying their visit with lelativee. J TJnclcTSariY today-adopted areoa In the person of Ludwiz Maier, a German by birth. Those German boys always make good citizens, and Uncle Sam has an eye to business when he adopts them. Friday evening at the Methodiet church the Leaguers will have a reunion to which they invite all their friends. A good entertainment is being prepared!, and you may enjoy yourselves "free'i grtrtis, for nothing." For Thanksgiving the ladies of the Lutheran church will sell cakes, pies, etc., at the music store of I. O. Nickel een on Wednesday, Nov. 23d, and -they invite all their friends to give them a call ; especially those who desire a sup ply of pastry for Thanksgiving. Albert J. Frye, engineer for the Pacific Bridge Co., is up from Portland arrang ing to have work begun immediately laying the new water roams in the city. The foreman will arrive this evening and tomorrow the job will be begun ac cording to the contract let. It will re quire a month or six weeks in which to complete the work. tne ualies nas a new ifiale Quarter.. ?.which was organized lastSaturday even in? at Prof. Lundell'a stndio. and in composed of the following members : M. V. Phelps, first tenof; J. S. Landers, second tenor; Rev. P. V. Polling, first bass; Prof. A. W. Lnndell, second base. It will be known as the Columbia Quartet of The Dalles. Prof. A. W.Lan- OUR BOYS MUST STAY. dell is director and J. S. Landers j manager. 1 nest) gentlemen are each j known to be good musicians, With hne ;IN0 Immediate Prespect of Their Return voices, and The Dalles is fortnnate in having such an organization in her midst. - Even the Mormons know a good thing when they see it, and have therefore purchased a half section' of sugar beet land near La Grande; also 500 acres near the Pierce tract, and other reality, mak ing a total of $40,000 worth. They have platted the land, eurveyetl a street through the center of the entire tract, and divided the land into 40-acre lots. A Mormon family will be placed on each 40-acre tract. Next spring they will put in a large department store and settle a colony of Latter-Day Saints there. Presumably a goodly number of polygamists will be among them, which will be encouraging to many lone women who are now resorting to newspaper ad vertising to secure some one to support. Cuurt Motes. I ino case oi me oiaie vs. vviiuam IDaly, charged with burglary committed on June ZiHn, when (Jbrisman's slaught er bouse was broken into and several sheep pelts were stolen, was before the court thiB morning. N. Gates appeared' for the defendant. YTjJo decision nas .as yet-be&n rearhedL The attention of the court was occu pied almost the entire day in the hearing of the case of John Dee, vs. W. D.Jones. At the time of going to press the case was eubmitted to the jury. The grand jury today brought in two indictments. One against David Patter son, Jr., for burglary. The other against Thomas Rilev for larcenv in a etore. It ItalDeth andAll Are Happy. i ou welcome was lun euuwer una mam Ling that not a single individual was beard to remark "Rain, rain go away," for Johnnie is perfectly willing to postyl pone bis play indefinitely for the sake of listening to ine paiier oi me rainapon the roof : but more Dartictthrrfvon the parched earth.J Eon the workmen. who have been endeavoring to get the work on the new bnildings in such a shape that the coming shcwers would not affect them, would not deign to ra'83 their voices in complaint ; nor have we yet heard a murmur from a young lady in reference to new hats or bange. All are content, and especially the farmer, for from reports the shower has extended into the country, where it is sadly needed. The petition that goes up now is that it may rain supreme and continue to do so'until its effects are felt far and near. A bill has alp been In troduced praying that the weather re main warm and that frost be prohibited so that the most good may come from the shower. Last and Final Notice. I hereby give notice that on and after the 1st of November, 1898, 1 will, with out farther notice, proceed to levy upon all property nponxwhich taxes remain unpaid for the year897. Robert Kelly, Sheriff, Wasco County, From Manila. xr. was uopea inai some arrangements would be made whereby Oregon's sol dier boys might soon return home. However, neither those who have en listed nor their friends would ask for their recall if their services are yet need ed, for did they not enlist with the un derstanding that they belonged to their country to be used for the maintenance of its principles and to uphold its honor? The following dispatch puts a quietus on any hopes which might have been entertained as to their speedy return to home and friends: Washington, Nov 14. Adjntant-Gen. Corbin said today, when asked if there was any prospect of the early return of the Oregon volunteers, that there is not at present, and that there are no regi ments now available to take their place. There has of late been a strong demand to have the volunteers at Manila brought 1 back to this country, but all such re quests bad to be refused, pending the ! peace negotiations. If it is determined in the end to maintain a garrison at Ma nila, congress will tave to provide regu lar troops to replace the volunteers, all of whom are anxious to return to this country. v While relatives and friends of those who are to be held at Manila do not aek for their return unless their etay there is deemed unnecessary, yet they do ask, and it should be demanded by our governor, that they be treated as human beings. While reports are con flicting concerning their treatment, enough has been written to assure ns that the government or its officers are rem IBS in duty ; and to such a degree that their slackness becomes criminal. The very fact that the men have been de nied that which rightly belonged to them, or required to purchase what had already been given them, is proof sufficient ; but such extracts as the fol- j lowing, taken from letters' written by men whose statements we cannot deny, make even those who have no loved ones who are compelled to stand such treat ment, fairly wild, or almost determined to snatch them as brands from the burning. One letter says: "Of the quarters provided us, you can not depict the honors of oar present ones. We are quartered in an old Span ish building, the closet of which is in the same room. The sewerage is de fective, and the stench which arises from this cesspool of disease is beyond de scription. There is no smell in America equal to it. ' To reach the cloeet proper, we have to wade through human offal, thns laying the foundation for the fevers which are prevalent, and generally end ing in death. We are forced to sleep in this loathsome atmosphere, and if we were not the strong, healthy men that we are, could not stand it. . As it is, we arise in the morning with headaches and sick stomachs. No wonder oar hospitals are. full. Could this be remedied? Of couree it could ; bat the officers only laugh and do nothing." How much can be gleaned by reading between the few lines of the following: t I Sour and Dill Pickles in Bulk, Cranberries, Celery, Saner Kraut, Sweet Potatoes, New Orleans Molasses, Maple Syr np, Maple Sugar, Swiss Cheese, Cream Cheese, Young America Cheese, Apples, Pears, Etc., Also a Pull Line of Groceries. piaie r mm V .THE DEALERS.. 167 Second St. THE DALLES. OR. "Please excuse this scratching, as five months in the army does not improve a man's handwriting, especially when he is eating government grub. It is near supper-time now, and the chef is an nouncing the ten-course bill of fare." If they most remain, can we not de mand thot they must have proper treatment. The Greatest Offer Made Yet. As a compliment to our many patrons, and the public generally, for a short time, we propose to give to every cus tomer making Cash Purchases to the amount of $20 a handsome three quarter, life-size. Crayon or Water Color portrait Free. To this end we have made a con tract with one of the leading portrait bouses of America, to furnish ns with their celebrated portraits. Remember you are not required to buy a frame. We are presenting yon the portrait as an appreciation of your patronage. How ever we shall carry a large line of frames which we will sell to portrait customers at wholesale price. If you can buy one cheaper elsewhere, it is your privilege to do so. Maier & Benton, Hardware and Grocery Dealers. Wasco Tribe No. 16, I. O. It. M. All members of the tribe are requested to attend the funeral of P. fe James Roberts, of Pocahontas Tribe, No. 11, of California, at Hood River, Thursday, Nov. 17th. Arrangements have been made by the committee for reduced rates on the D. P. & A. N. Co's. line. Departure by boat at 7 :30 a. m. By order of the Sachem, H. S. Fbaziee, To Every The buying of shoes is Rn Important Step. 7 be economical buyer especially wants something tbat looks well, wears well, and is comfortable. Here's where we assist you If yon doubt it, read these prices. Men's, calf, lace, broad toe, tbat were $5.00, now $2 50 Men's, felt, lace, that were $1.50 now l.OO Ladies', kid, lace, coin toe, tbat were $1.50, now l.OO Ladies' glove grain, button, that were $1.50, now. 75c Infants' kid, button, 0s, Is, 2s that were $1.00, now .- 25C Pease & Mays Clearance Sale of Sieyeles. NEW A"NT 2d HAND WHEELS For Less than Half Price . .We wish to clear out all old stock before mov ing into new store and have some bargains. This is an opportunity to get a bicycle cheap. All wheels sold at half regular price. lh&irvs& c&? Orowe- ' "Opposite old stand. She Set Hi Heart. On a "Ludwlg" Piano that she saw in onr msgDr flcent assortment, but despaired of getting it till we sold her one at such a reasonable price, and on such easy terms, that her desire was gratified. Everyone that hears a note struck on one of these sweet toned instruments, that has any music iu the bouI, is charmed into WHiiting one. They can be fouud in The Dulles only at 170 Second Street. Jacobsen Book & Music Co Eastern Oregon's Leading Music House. oming t o the Front Slowly, but surely, J. H. Cross with a magnificent stock of staple find fancy groceries. His constant and enormous daily sales gives evi dence ot satisfaction to the people. In connection with his splendid gro cery trade, be does a marvelous Hay, Grain and Feed business. He carries in stock Oat Hay Wheat Hay, Barley Hay, Timothy Hay, Wild Grass Hay, Alfalfa Hay. S Baled Straw, Wheat, Kye, Barley, Oats, Corn, Buckwheat, Roll Bar ley, Middling, Shorts, Bran and Shorts and Lite Brau. He also has the largest and best assortment of garden and grass seeds in Eastern Oregon. Experience has demonstrated the wisdom of fall planting in many lines of seeds, such as onion, tnrnip, lettuce, spinach, peas and others. He deals in Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese. Also daily bays and sells fresh eggs. All orders intrusted to bis care will be filled with fidelity and dispatch and delivered free to any parr of the city. Thankful to the public for their confidence and patronage in the past will endeavor by fair dealing to merit a continuance of the same. Cor. Second and Federal St a., The Dalles, Oregon. J. H. CROSS. KILLS ALLOWED. A Portion of the Bills Allowed by the Circuit Court. .Fred Verbes, putting in wood . . $ D W M unger, work on bridge. . S J Brown, sawing wood Lewis & Dryden Co, records Hugh Glenn, book case circuit judge's office Irwin-Hodson Co, supplies sher iff's office Irwin &Hodson, supplies clerk's office Cbas Wallace, constable fees. . . . John Reigan, dept eheriff at election A H Heekman, witness fees. . . . Oregon Telephone & Telegraph Co, messages and rent L Rorden & Co, pitcher for court house Lucas Blank, repairing and cleaning county jail ; Glass & Prudhome, supplies. WH Whipple, assessor J Sutherland, witness fees Ida Wakefielk, wk on tux rolls Joeie Jenkins,. .. .. . do Sen neck & Beall, insurance pre mium I C Nickelaon, supplies Dalles City Water Works, water rent Robert Ke'ly, boaid of prisoners Chronicle Publishing Co, print ing and publishing Peter Godlrey.work on road. . . . L L McCartney, co Van Duyn & Adams, supplies county road P H Meeker, labor on road J A Campbell, do Marion Hunt do Mays & Crowe, supplies. .' Ward & Son, timber for bridge J T Peters & Co, wood and lam - ber. H H Tomlinson, balance on bill J B Goit. surveying Wm Rawson, viewing road H M Morgan, do David Stewart, do D D Nelson, cbainman. J E Obrist do D L Cates, juror inquest Peter son -. C H Trask, do John Trana do A B Glazier, do C Memri, do W H Glazier, - do Francis Conlin, witness Jack McCamy, - do James Vasom, do Andrew Frasers, do W H Butts, coroner, , . Dr M F Shaw, attending pauper Mrs M S Noteman, caring tor . 8 75 3 00 1 75 32 25 11 95 13 05 9 50 43 20 2 00 3 50 15 70 90 15 00 2 90 208 00 4 00 25 00 25 03 75 00 3 25 11 25 304 79 67 75 170 00 3 00 1 32 12 00 2 00 3 00 17 15 38 40 159 14 5 11 4 4 4 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (10 53 50 60 50 20 75 54 00 pauper. . . .' 16 00 Williams & Brosius, tcedicine for pauper 10 95 Cbas Coandler, assistance for pauper 12 50. Dr R J Pilkingtou, assistance for pauper (not allowed) 13 50 Boys and Girls Aid Society, keeping Wasco county chil dren .'. . 10 00 Mm 1VT Cvliflan hnapfl nnd InHtv. ing paupers 80 00- St Vincent Hospital, care pau pers 60 00- J B Goit, establishing section corner , t 50 F C Brosius, services and medi cine for paupers 16 30 Dr O C Holheter, examining in sane and care for pauper 40 00L L Klindt, labor on road 4 00 C E Baard, fees justice of the peace 76 15 F N Hill, fees constable 94 95 Fnddiu' Head Wilson Says: "The fool saith, 'Put ail thy eggs in different baskets;' which means, scatter your money and your attention ; but the wise man .saith: 'Put alljoutr eggs in one basket, and watch the baa ket. " We have only one baeket, and we are watching it in optics. Having made a. thorough study of the subject, wradnat ing from three of the beet colleges, we are enabled to give yea a scientific ex amination, it doesn't matter whether you buy a $10 glass or a $1 glass, or and ftlasses at all, yon get an examination, and a thorough one at tbit, wh'ci ( one is worth your time to know your eyes. I fit all cases of eyes, and am permanent ly located in The Dalles. 1 am bo Iratrolinn f .1 i . I V.i.a t nt u T r. . ...a all work in optics to give you entire satisfaction. Yours to serve, Pkof. P. G. Dadt, the optician.. Two doors west of Keller's bakery,. The Dalles, Oregon. An Important Dlffftrence. To make it apparent to thowancte, who think themselves ill, that they are not afflicted with any disease but that the system simply needs cleansinir, is to bring comfort home to their heart?,, as a costive condition is easily cured by using Syrupof Figs. Manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only nJ sold by alldrugglsts. -'