The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 15, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. XI
NO 191
His Death Was Entirely Un
expected. HIS CAREER AN
Was Appointed a Bishop When Only
36 Years of Age Under His Ad
ministration the Pacific Coast Has
Made Great Strides.
Portland, Nov. 14. Aichbiehop Wil
liam Hickley Gross, of the Oregon Ro
man Catholic church, died at St. Jo
seph's hospital, Baltimore, Md., this
morning, His grace had been in ill
health for some time, and daring the
first week of last September, he decided
to visit bis old home in Baltimore.
Tben he did not expect his ailments
would terminate fatally. But almost a
week ago be took to his bed, from which
he never arose, passing into a tranquil,
eternal sleep, from general debility. His
death was an unexpected one, as up to
within a few hours of bis grace's demise
he gave evidence of recuperation.
The Catholic clergy of this city were
startled upon receiving the mournful
news, as they hoped for something bet
ter. On the late archbishop's personal
request, he will be laid to rest in hie
native city Thursday, and there will be
no time for any prealate from the Pacif
ic coast to reach Baltimore for the fu
neral. On Thursday there will be ft
grand requiem mass (Corcare Absenti).
The Most Reverend William H. Gross,
D. D., C. SS. R., third archbishop ot
Oregon, was born in the city of Baltimore,
Md., on June 12, 1837. The GroBS fam
ily came originally from Alsace, and its
American founder, Jacob Gross, and his
eon, John J. Gross, took part in the de
fense of Baltimore in 1812.
The archbishop received his early ed
ucation at the parochial school, attached
to St. Vincent's church, Baltimore. In
this chnrch he also made his first com
munion. In 1857 he was invested with the re
ligious habit and formally began bis ca
reer as a Redemptorist novice. On April
3, 1858, he made his first vows, when his
aim was centered upon becoming a per
fect Redemptorist. In March, 1863, the
deceased prelate was ordained a prelate
at Annapolis, Md., by Archbishop Ken
rick, of Baltimore.
He remained a part of the time as
army chaplain at Annapolis. His ex
periences during the civil war were of a
trying order. He was almost incessant
ly in the hospital, the field of battle, the
skirmish line or the lonely outpost.
When Archbishop GroBS was promoted
to the archiepiscopal see of Oregon in
1885, he could point to a splendid cathe
dral erected by bis exertions among a
people of scanty means, the number of
priests increased to" twenty-seven,
churches and chapels to thirty, institu
tions and orphan asylums to fourteen.
And all this was done in a Catholic popu
lation not exceeding 25,000.
When Archbishop Seghers resigned in
1S84, in order to devote his ,life more
particularly to the Indian missions of
the extreme Northwest the holy see
selected Bishop Gross to succeed him.
It was at his instance that the Bene
dictine Fathers at Mount Angel opened
a college for the higher education of the
young, which is advancing yearly in the
number of its pupilB and the efficiency
of its training. Later on, at his request,
a lesser and a greater seminary have
been added, so that young Oregonians
are now provided right at borne with
all the facilities seeded for attaining the
education, required by the church in
candidates, for the priesthood.
The Christian Brothers have also been
ntroduced into Oregon to take charge of
St. Michael's college and the parachial
school attached to the. cathedral. Acad
emies for the education of young ladies
have increased from eight to twenty. In
addition to the religious orders of wo
men already in the diocese, six addition
al orders have been introduced. In other
works of charity his zeal bas been no
less manifested.
On the 26th, 27th and 28th of last
April the silver jubilate cf Archbishop
Gross was celebrated here. On this oc
casion, which was the greatest church
event in the history of Oregon, a beauti
ful residence was presented to him.
Fatal Wind-up of a Debate in Coos
County Ray Hollenbeck Stabbed
to Death by Guy Beckford.
Empire City, Or., Nov. 13. Saturday
evening, about midnight, afatalstaboing
affray occurred near Fairview in what
was known as the North Fork school
bouse. From what can be learned of
the occurrence, the particulars are as
follows :
A debate had been held in the school
house that evening, and after it a dis
pute aiose between Ray Hollenbeck and
Guy Beckford, two young men. . The
cause of the dispute was the moving of
the blackboard and the desks. One word
brought on anotber, until Hollenbeck,
who seemed to be the aggressor, wanted
Beckford tc fight. They were separated
once by Frank Pierce, and left alone in
the school house for a few moments. On
Pierce's return he found that they had
renewed the quarrel, Hollenbeck again
pressing Beckford to fight. He was told
to stand back, but still kept coming.
Becktord told him that if he came any
closer that he would stab him. Hollen
beck said if there was any stabbing that
he could stab, too. And as he reached
for his knife, Beckford struck him a
fatal blow. On receiying the blow Hol
lenbeck called out, "I am killed," bent
over and began to vomit, and died al
most instantly.
Beckford made no attempt to escape,
but went to his father and mother, who
were staying close by in the house of
a neighbor. He told them what be
had done. He is almost heartbroken
over the awful consequences of his rash
act. The body of Hollenbeck is still in
the school house where he was killed.
Millions Given Away)
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern in the land who
are not afraid to be generous to the needy
and suffering. The proprietors of Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Caughs and Colds, have given away over
ten million trial bottles of this great
medicine; and haye the satisfaction of
knowing it hasabeoluteIy cured thous
ands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bron
chitis, Hoarseness and diseases of the
Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely
cured by it. Call on Blakeley A Hough
ton, druggists, and get a trial bottle free.
Regular size 50c. and $1. Every bottle
guaranteed, or price refunded. - 3
Dawson Visited by a Fire.
Skagway. Alaska, Nov. 7, via Victoria,
B. C, Nov. 14. Returning Klondikers
today bring news that the city of Daw
son has been visited with a $500,000 fire,
in which forty buildings were burned.
The blaze was started as the result of a
row between two women of the town, in
which one of them, Belle Mitchell, threw
a lighted lamp at the other. The lamp
oroke, the oil Bpread, and in a few sec
onds the building was on fire. The fire
of a year ago was caused by this same
woman, who threw a lamp at a man
with whom she had a quarrel.
Constipation prevents the body from
ridding itself of waste matter. De Witt's
Little Early Risers will remove the
trouble and cure Sick Headache, Bili
ousness, Inactive Liver and clear the
Complexion. Small, sugar coated, don't
gripe or cause nausea. Snipes-Kinerely
Drug Co.
When you aek for De Witt's Witch
Basel Salve don't accept a counterfit or
imitation. There are more cases of
piles being cured bythis than all others
Hangs on Nature of Their
Next Proposal.
Dons Will Probably Refuse to Sign a
Treaty Which Yields No More to
Spain for the Philippines Than Has
Thus Far Been Offered, and When
The Americans Refuse to Concede
More, Announce Their Withdrawal
From the Negotiations.
Paris, Nov.14. Owing. to the inability
of the Spaniards to prepare a memoran
dum for presentation as expected, there
will be no joint session of the peace com
mission today. The next meting will
be held Wednesday.
Importance is attached to the delay,
it being indicative that the Spaniards
are preparing for a final stand, and it
may be definitely stated that they will
not sign a treaty of peace which yields
no more to Spain for the Philippines
than has thus far been offered or indicat
ed by the Americans.
Should the latter announce that the
United States is only willing to reim
burse Spain for her pacific expenditures
in the Philippine islands, the Spanish
commissioners will reply that their mis
sion is finished. Should this occur, it is
possible the Spaniards will suggest the
suspension of negotiations through the
commission and the resumption of nego
tiations between Washington and Ma
drid. At the next meeting, the Americans
will learn the definite attitude of Spain
on any proposition thus far made. The
Spaniards, however, in this presentation
will not declare all negotiations closed.
They will insist that the sovereignty of
Spain over the Philippines is beyond
question, but will announce Spain's
readiness to yield that sovereignty for
adequate equivalent, and will invite ne
gotiations under the Spanish construe'
lion of the protocol. Thus Spain will
be able to say to her creditors that she
has done her utmost, and the issue must
rest between them and the United
From New Zealand.
Rekfton, New Zealand, Nov. 23, 1896.
I am very pleased to state that since
I took tbe agency of Chamberlain's
medicines tbe sale bas been very large,
more especially of tbe Cough Remedy
In two years I have sold more ot this
particuliar remedy than of all other
makes for the previous five years. As
to its efficacy, I have been informed by
scores of persons of tbe good results tbey
have received from it, and know its
value from the use of it in my own house
hold. It is so pleasant to take that we
haye to place the bottle beyond, the
reach of the children.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Bought by the Union Pacific.
Spokane, Nov. 14. Zera Snow, of
Portland, representing Receivers Mink
and Wilson,' of tbe Union Pacific, today
bid in tbe union depot property here for
$245,000, being tbe minimum bid pro
vided by the order of Bale. The sale was
made by Master-in-Chancer Wakefield
under a decree of Federal Judge Hanford
in the suit brought by the American
Loan & Trust Company to satisfy a $473,
000 bonded debt. The property consists
of the depot, 100 acres of land, city
trackage and three locomotives.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That is what It was m-do for.
Royal makes the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for the
teeth. tf
Fresh Sboalwater Bay Oysters at An
drew Keller's.
Fresh Eastern Oysters in bulk at The
Dalles Commission Co.
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotine for
sunburn and wind chafing. tf
Use Clarke & Falk's Quinine Hair
Tonic for dandruff and falling hair. tf
The Vive Camera is the best In use.
For eale by the Postoffice Pharmacy, tf
You need have no boils if you will
take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
For the best results use the Vive
Camera, For sale by the Postoffice
Pharmacy. " tf
Furnished rooms to rent. Steam heat
and electric lights. Apply to Max Vogt
& Co. Chapman block.
For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
that will take larger pictures than any
other Camera on the market. For sale
by Clarke & Falk. . " tf
One dozen of those extra finish Platino
Fotos, made by Gifford, will make you
twelve fine presents for Christmas.
Nothing would be appreciated more, and
now is tbe time to sit for them. Don't
put it off too long and then expect to
have them finished in time. ' 1- lm
Spanish Troops Have Mutinied.
Key West, Nov. 14. Private reports
from Pprto Principe and NeuvitaB, Cu
ba, state that 7000 regular Spanish sol
diers mutinied, demanding their pay
before embarking for Spain. Four
thousand of them, fully armed, sur
rounded tbe military governor, General
Emilio March, who finally induced them
to return to their quarters. The cruiBcr
Alfonso XII and two gunboats are on
their way to Neuvitas to compel the sol
diers to embark.
Teacher of Vocal Culture.
Sight Reading and Harmony.
Studio at Residence, Cor. 6th and Liberty,
tnvesgtion olloitea. THE DALLES, OB,
Office over French & Co.'s Bank
Collections a Specialty.
Seeond 8treet, THE DALLES, OREGON,
Art Studio. ,
Room 3, Chapman Block.
China painting a specialty.
Physicians and Surgeons,
Special attention given to surgery.
Booms 21 and 22, Tel. 328 Vogt Block
Office otm First Nat. Bank.
Office ovei First Nat. Bank.
. v .,- jffifj pyspff1" 111111
The make that
ells itseli.
Rockford "Quick Shot"
12-Plate Magazine Camera
"Turn tbe lever and vou are readv for
No plate holders with slides
to draw. No sleeve or changing bag. No
chance to fog plates. No failures.
If you want 12 pictures quick, buy the
Quick-Shot.'; tbe only magazine cams
era that holds the plates securely after
tbey are exposed. No rattling or break
ing of plates. Best'on earth. .
3Xx4X $6.00
4x5 $9.00
With one dozen plate boldera.
Manufactured under the Conley patents by the
Rockford Silver Plato Co.,
We sell only throupfh local agents,
agents to show you this "Quick Shot."
Ask our
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ? kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, STtEran
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
"-vyi TplO'llT' This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
t,v"' J"1 A.x. . nse . everv fiack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any bonse in the trade, and if you don't tnink so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
...Be fiep.fg ok did Fino saloon...
90 Second St., second door from Court.
118 October 15
The Dalles, Or. -
$1 worth of checks
good for 10c drink,
or cigar.
check witn each purchase
will both be interested In our introductory sales of boys and
youths' attire. It means Another Mighty Bargain Week
another week of spirited, furious selling another compe
titionless seven days in the big, busy, popular store, where
" bring it back if wrong" is insisted upon where dependable
wearables only are sold, and where goods are generously
priced in your behalf and straightforwardly told.
Quick Sellers
No Complaints
The Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
I AGENTS,. The Dalles, Oregon.
dalles, Oregon.
Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey
Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac.
Best Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars.
The Largest and Best cf Angust Buchler's
Home-made Beer and Porter.
Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York.