The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 11, 1898, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
One week , .$ 15
One month 50
One year 600
TRIDAY - - NOVEMBER 11, 1898
The course of four of the most
prominent nations of Europe at this
moment shows in a striking way the
great influence which the United
States is beginning to exert in the
politics of the Old World. Until a
few weeks ago England's course in
Asiatic and African affairs aroused
great dissatisfaction among her citi
zens, but all this has been changed.
Some of the leading British papers
asserted that their government was
being deluded and beaten by France,
Germany and Russia, in the contest
which was being waged by them for
territorial aggrandizement in China.
Marchand's march across the Nile
region was interpreted by English
newspapers as not only an indication
that France desired to appropriate a
large part of Egypt, but as an evi
dence that she would get it. Liberal
journals charged Premier Salisbury
with weakness. The Tory press made
apologies for him, and attributed his
laxness to ill-health. But both ac
cusations and apologies have ceased.
The England of Salisbury has begun
to show some of the vigor she dis
played under the elder Pitt. The
change in England's course i one of
the surprises of the Old World's poli
tics. It all has come since the war
of the United States with Spain, the
strength which the United States
showed in that conflict, and the evi
dences of friendship by this country
for England displayed during that
struggle and since.
It was noticed and commented
upon by the British papers that the
only foreign diplomat present at the
banquet just given in England to
General Kitchener was the United
States representative. "In thus as
sociating our American kinsfolk with
our national rejoicings," says the
London Times, 11 we' desire to show
the warm appreciation of the sym
pathy with which General Kitchener's
victory has been commented upon
beyond the Atlantic." It is this
American sympathy, frequently and
conspicuously displayed of late, which
lias nerved England to turn upon her
enemies. America's moral aid would
be extended to England in any con
flict between that country and the
nations of continental Europe. Every
nation in the Old World knows this,
and has commented upon it. Ameri
ca's Influence in this way is decisive,
though not a shot need be fired by an
American vessel or soldier. The
fact that the United States would be
unfriendly to any combination
formed against England, so long as
England, as now, is fighting the
battles of civilization, has a deterrent
effect upon continental Europe which
turns the scales in favor of England.
Thus we see England preparing her
self at this moment to strike France
n Africa and France's ally, Russia,
in Asia, if provocation is furnished.
As a consequence France is evacuat
ing Fashoda and Russia's activity in
Chi nese affairs has suddenly ceased.
This evidence of the decisive char
acter of the United Slates influence
in Old World affairs will give time
liness and point to a prediction made
more than a century ago by a con
spicuous Englishman, "North Amer
ica is become a new primary planet
in the system of the world, which,
while it takes its owu course, must
bave its effect upon the orbit of every
other planet, and shift the common
center of gravity." The author of
these words was Thomas Pownall,
formerly a British governor in the
colonies, and then a member of the
House of Commons. The words were
uttered in 1780, and, a little over a
century afterward, they have become
literaly true. The United States, as
Pownall said, has become a new
primary planet, in the system of the
world, and it has moved the common
center of gravity of the universe. Its
voice will have a commanding po
tency hereafter in the councils of the
nations, and it will be directed in
the interest of civilization. Only
one of the great countries of the Old
World is in harmony with its methods
and aspirations, and its moral aid for
that country in this crisis gives the
latter a courage and a potency which
enable her to hold the primacy in
European affairs. Through England,
as against the continental European
nations, speaks America, civilization,
the twentieth century, the world's
newer and grander
age. Globe
From Portland, Will Be at tbe Umatilla
House December 1, 2, 3, 1998.
If you have a Chronic Catarrh, con
sultation is free of charge.
Do you blow mucus from the nose?
Are you troubled with bleeding of the
Are tbe nostrils obstructed, making
breathing difficult.
Are you hoarse at times?
Is the mucus dropping down from the
back of nose into tbe throat?
Is your nose stopped up?
Is your hearing affected?
Is your throat eore at times?
Do you spit a good deal when rising in
the morning?
Do you hem and hawk to cleai your
Catarrh is a dangerous disease, wbicb
leads into consumption.
Weak eyes cured ; Cross eyes etraight
ened without operation ; Catar
acts removed without a knife ; Glasses
fitted where all others have failed; Rup
ture and Hernia cared without trusses
or operation, sure cure for kidneys.
Chronic Rheumatism cured.
' Do not fail to see tbe German Special
At. A friendly talk, will cost you noth
ing, and is bound to result in a great
deal of good to yon. Will return monthly.
A Clever Xrlcfc:
It certainly looks like it, but there is
really no trick about it. Anybody can
try it who has lame back and weak kid
neys, malaria or nervous troubles. We
mean he can cure himself right away by
taking Electric Bitters. This medicine
tones np the whole system, acts as a
stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a
blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures
constipation, headache, fainting spells,
sleeplessness and melancholy. It is
purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and
restores the system to its natural vigor.
Try Electric Bitters and be convinced
that they are a miracle worker. Every
bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at
Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 3
In Business Again
...R. B. HOOD...
Haa opened a
Second Hand Store
In His New Building cn
He carries a full stock of new an'1 second
hand furniture, and is prepared to buy furniture
of those who desire to leave the city paying a
icnouuuuit; pnue lur iue Htuue.
C. E.
Next door to
Purity Soda Works.
Candies, Nuts,
Soda Water;
Ice Cream Soda, .
and Tobacco.
All kinds of Soft Ciders .
and Summer Drinks.
GiGDKsmiins I
...AND... B
Wagon and Carriage Werk.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Third ana Jefferson. Phone 159
i EvBigDodu I
Buy B
oofl Closing Cheap.
Having intended to start a branch of the White House Clothing Store, of
Portland, and having been disappointed in securing the store room which we
figured on, rather than to ship our stock back, we will therefore offer the
Entire Stock of Clothing Below Manufactory Prices
As the entire stock must be closed out within 30 days. Call and exam
ine goods and prices and you wiirbe convinced' that we mean business. Stock
consisting of
lothing, Furnishing Goods, Mats, Gaps
Remember the name and place,
166 Second Street
W. A. Johnston's old stand,
The Dalles, Or
The importance of having pre?crip
tions filled with drugs of absolute and
undoubted freshness impels ua to urge
you to allow us to do tbe compounding.
Tbe benefits accruing to the 6ick will
be greater, the cure speedier and the
cost to those paying the bills less. There
is no possibility of mistakes in our pre
scription department.
...DRUGGIST... '
Are You a Plunger?
Just What
You itiant.
When you go in for anything vou no
doubt want the best to be had. It pays
to have your toilet articles a little better
or a little cheaper and just as good. We
make a feature of selling you standard
toilet articles at prices below the stand
ard. Because we recommend it yon
may depend upon it.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greatest American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHISKEY from $2.75 to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 15 years old.)
IMP0BTED C0GNA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 years old.)
AL II01KIA PBABDIIS from $3.25 to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.)
HOP GOLD BEEE on draught, and Val Blatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottles
Imported Ale and Porter.
175 Second Street. THE DALLES.
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as we are showing never be
fore graced a single stock. Real imita
tion creton effects- at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
JMegam designs, tastemi colorings, yours
tor a small price, at oar store on Third
street. Also a full line of house paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
$6.50 PER TON
For car load lots call on
E. KURTZ, Agent,
Tel. 38. The Dalles, Or.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes,
War or No war
You will always have the benefit
of Low Prices at
fiydrqw feller's 5afe.
Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and.
Oysters in any style.