The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 10, 1898, Image 3

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    017 Tor
Comfortable kinds for round-the-house at work- '
aday times. Made prettily, too. No need to be
otherwise when the styles are properly planned.
Afl sizes fall ; skirts liberal ; stitching well done
all through, "these prices
At 75c, $1.00 and $1.25
Wrappers made from the best grade Indigo Blue Print.
At $1:50
An elegant line of Fleece-lined Wrappers, nicely finished in braid.
At $1.75 and $2.00
A much heavier quality of -Fleece-lined Domet, trimmed back and front.
At $2.25, $2.50 and $3.00
Beautiful styles in extra fine qualities of Twilled Domets, fleeced; trimmed
with velvet braid.
PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles, Or. I
All Goods Marked in
Plain Figures.
Tho Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Eighteen in. air tight heaters. $2.50.
Twenty-one in. air tight heaters, $3.00.
Twenty-four in. airtight heaters, $3.50.
Also a full line of the celebrated "Wil
son" heaters at Mays & Crowe's.
Furnished rooms to rent. Steam heat
and electric lights. Apply to Max Vogt
& Co. Chapman block.
Clerk Kelsay still continues to do his
duty and today issued a license to JoBeph
Studenecka and Anna B. Weberg.
Members of the Rebekah order are re
minded of the meeting this evening,
when Miss Kline, president of the as
sembly of Oregon, will be present.
The society of Christian Scientists In
this city has secured the small K. of P.
hall in which to hold services. Every
Sundav at 11 o'clock meetings will be
held, to which everyone is invited.
Mr. T. J. Driver received word late
this afternoon from J. B. McAndy that
Forester was seen ten miles from Mit
chell Monday evening. This report is
authentic, coming almost directly from
those who saw him.
One dozen of thoee extra finish Platino
Fotos, made by GifTord, will make you
twelve fine presents for Christmas.
Nothing woald be appreciated more, and
now is the time to sit for them. Don1
put it off too long and then expect to
have them finished in time. Mm
Know thyself, parents; know thy chil
dren. Have a phrenological examina
tion, and be successful in life. Prot. W
L. Stahl can tell yon the position in life
you were born to fill. Examinations and
private consultations daily from 9 a.m.
till 9 p. m. 113 Washington street.
A letter received from r . A. Seufert,
who is at present in Pittsburg taking
items as to the best means of drilling for
coal and oil, informs those interested in
the coal beds here that an appliance is
to be had which will drill a bole from
2400 to 3000 feet in ninety days, taking
only two men to run it.
Late newslrom Frank Forester, the
murderer of Brogan, is to the effect that
be had headed for seems that
there must have been a plan on hand
among his friends in the vicinity of
Trout creek to assist him to escape, as
the officers were no doubt misled by
several as to hia whereabouts.
J. P. Mclnerny was yesterday appoint
ed administrator of the estate of Philip
Brogan, deceased, which estate is said
to be valued at $30,000. Mr. Brogan
evidently believed in providing for those
whom he left behind, as it is said he
held insurance policies amounting to
$17,000, $5,000 of which he took with the
Massachusetts Mutual Life only about a
month ago. '
The steamer Battie Bell, which was
taken to Portland from the Cascades
last Sunday for repairs, has been bought
by Capt. Allen, who will Uke her to
Shoal water bay. It was thought that
this steamer woald be purchased by the
D. P. & A. N. Co., but more satisfactory
arrangements have been made, and the
little craft will leave her usoal haunts to
ply waters heretofore untried by her.
Another drowning occurred al Oregon
City yesterday . morning at 9 o'clock,
when Ed. Browu and Ed. Boyles acci
dentally went over the falls in a rowboat.
Brown jumped out of the boat on a
bench of rock and eaved himself, while
Bovles went over the falls. The latter,
resided in Oregon City and was 25 years
Yesterday Otto Grazer, son of Casa
Grazer, died at the family home on Pine,
Ridge, near Dufur. The young man was
17 years old and had been sick but al
few day a, taking suddenly ill Saturday,
evening. He was a promising young
fellow and his death came as a shock to;
his parents, who had many plans for his
Adjutant-General B. B. Tattle, has
informed Lieutenant Bartell that he
will be in the city some time daring the
week and will swear in recruits for the
Oregon militia. Forty men are required,
and as a number have signified their in
tention to enlist, they are requested to
be present at the armory each evening
during the remainder ot the week at
7:30 o'clock. Others who desire to join
are also asked to meet with them.
Now is the newspapers' opportunity
to get in an item about the "beautiful,"
which fell last night. However, it was
short-lived and thoBe who failed to rise
earlythis morning missed the firBtsnow-
ball tournament of the eeaeon, for by
noon it waR summer again. A gocd
heavy rainfall would be more welcome
than anything that could make its ap
pearance at present. It may not be so
beautiful, but it would be more substan
tial and beneficial to everyone.
The greatest excitement prevails in
Portland at present, and the topic of
conversation everywhere is in regard to
the two dreadful tragedies which have
occurred there. While officers were
busily engaged in ferreting out the mur
der of Angelo Sericko, which happened
Friday, a double tragedy was enacted
Tuesday afternoon, when Andrew
Groom, a traveling medicine vender, in
a fit of jealousy shot and killed his wife,
and having the good judgment to take
into consideration the fact that the of
ficers bad their hands full with the other
case, saved them the trouble of looking
op such a small matter as himself, by
blowing the surplus air out of his own
The Times-Mountaineer evidently
loves darkness rather than light, and
seems mncb concerned over the fact that
we.are to have onr streets lit by elec
tricity. If this were a needless expense
there would be some excuse ' for com
plaining as to the action taken by onr
conucilmen. who have weighed the
matter well, and have made sufficient
provision for the wherewithal to pay for
said lights by levying an extra tax,
which our citizens are perfectly willing
to pay, and more, too, for. the sake of
Sour and Dill
Pickles in Bulk,
Celery, Saner
Kraut, Sweet
ePotatoes, .New
Orleans Molasses,
Maple Syrup,
Maple Sugar,
Swiss Cheese,
Cream Cheese,
Young America
Cheese, Apples,'
Pears, Etc.,
Also a Pull Line
ef G-roceries.
161 Semi St THE BA1IA OR.
Carload of the celebrated Wil
son Heaters just received. All
sizes and kinds at your own
Our Fire Sale is still on. All goods
from 25 to 50 per cent reduction.-
Old Fitz 'Gerald Building.
Washington Street.
: :
the benefit derived. Several neighbor
ing journalists since reading these
articles of onr contemporary, have con
sidered it their duty to inform us as to
the proper manner in which to run the
finances of the city, for which informa
tion our citizens are duly thankful, and
wnen we get our arc iignts they are re
spectfully invited to visit the city, when
we will in turn give them a little light
on the question of making their own
cities as prosperous as ours.
About noon today another honored
name was added to the long list of thoee
who have answered the "roll call up
yonder," and Elder G. W. Barnett
called to his reward
but about a week, and to many the
news of hia death came very suddenly,
although they knew the days of his pil
erimage could not be many more, his
Btgp growing more feeble day by day.
Nothing definite as to his life, which we
all know was exemplary, could be ob
taired this afternoon. His daughter-in-law,
Mrs . J. E. Barnett, will arrive this
evening, Mr. Barnett being at his bed
side when he died, and his eon, Clarence,
larriving last nignt. j
ie Episcopal Guild were fortuni
United In 'Wedlock at the Home or
Bride Lt Biesluc,
, Last night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Sylvester, on Fourth street,
was celebrated the marriage of their
daughter, Nellie, to MeTvin Murchie.
The wedding was a quieone, a very few
outside of the immediate families being
present. Rev. Woodofficiated, and as
the contracting parties took their places
under a bower of flowers, with 35 r.
Eddy Michell andMiss Dottie McFar-j
land as groomsman and bridesmaid,
Episcopal Gaud were fortunate
in being entertained at the home of Mrs
Hugh Logan yesterday afternoon. The
patriotism of the hostess was shown in
the decoration of the parlors, which
were beautiful in the display of red,
white and blue. The ladies took great
interest in a game which tested their
knowledge qt the recent war and gave
them an opportunity to recall the names
of the heroes who figured therein. ' It
therefore seemed very appropriate that
Mrs. Hobson should receive the bead
prize. When invited into the dining
room, where light refreshments were
served, the guests were still privileged
to be surrounded by our national colors ;
but were compelled to draw comparisons
of their good fortune as they sat ear
rounded by the daintiest, and that of
those whose patriotism led them to leave
home and friends to serve their countrv
and were now feasting on bard tack
Many a lady was no doubt heroine
enough to wish she might share the
good things before her with our boys
at Manila.
County Court.
The present session of the county
court will be a short one, as there is not
a great amount of business to transact
Today a license was granted to-,W. A
Gilliam to operate a steam ferry between
Klickitat Siding Landing, Or., and Lyle,
Wash,, for the term of one' year. The
ferry boat to be used is now being con
structed here..
In the matter of the Hood river right-of-way,
condemnation proceedings will
be commenced by the county court for
the purpose of condemning all real prop
erty along Hood river through which
right-of-way has not been obtained, for
the purpose of making Hood river a
public highway.
ocarfpln Lost.
J. H. CROSS has removed his stoje to the Vogt
Block, next door to the Ppsf office, where he will be pleased
to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
GRAIN" and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him. - -
She Set
J4ef fteapt
On a "Ludwlg" Piano that she saw in our magni
ficent assortment, but debphired of getting it till we
bold her one at suoh a reasonable price, and on
Mien easy termn, that her (tesiro was gratified.
Everyone that hears a nute struck on one of these
sweet toned instruments, ttmt has any music in the
soul, is charmed into wanting one. They can be
fouad in The Dulles only nt.J.70 Second Street.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co
w T
Eastern Oregon's
Leading- Music House.
Mrs. Oliver, sister of the bride-played
.1 i i - i J Tnj iT."
He bad been Bick7 weu"B " ceremony u-
ing coTrcitraeJ aud tbe beet wishes of ail
expressed, a bountiful wedding eupper
was enjoyed, during which time the
strains of eweet music were heard on
tbe outside, aud the bride and groom
stepped ou the veranda to be greeted by
a number of their young friends who
were expressing their congratulations in
song, other expressions ot good will
were evidenced in the large .number of
presents received. v
Mias Sylvester, whose home has been,
in The Dalles from childhood, is known
by all as a modest ' lady-like young
woman, fitted to make the, young man
who has had the good taste to choose her
as a life-companion, a model wife and
.one of which any man might, well feel
proud. !
Mr. Murchie has lived in Tbei Dalles
but a few years, having made his v home
in Wasco previously. He is one of those
steady, business men who cannot fail to
Blacksmith's Supplies. ' Horse-Shoeing a Specialty
Second and Laughlin Streets,
make a success in life.
The Chkonicle takes great pleasure
in joining their many friends in congrat
ulating Mr. and Mrs. Murchie in their
A stick pin, with garnet set, was lost
Tuesday. Finder please return to this
office and receive reward
jn our
is intended to convince you that we have
accomplished the seemingly impossible :
the union of real -
with undoubted and
This store has been unique in that re
spect in the past, will be more so in the
future. Until yon have seen these re
markable shoe values you'll hardly ap
preciate these prices :
Kid Button, Cork Sole. $2 00
Kangaroo Calf, Lace, Cork Sole ... 3 00
Pebble Grain Button ; were $1.50,
now.. : $1 00
Kid Button, Sq. Toe; were $1.50,
now 1 00
(Sizes 11 to 2.)
Pease & flays
new relationiiv, life.This morning's
train conveyedthebride and groom to
Portland, where they will spend a short
time. ( "t -1 1
Present at the ceremony were: Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Sylvester, Mrs. M, A.
Murchie, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Oliver,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Murchie, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Murchie, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Murchie, Miss Addie Murchie, Mrs.
Gertrude Sylvester, Frank Sylvester,'
Harry Sylvester, Rev. and., Mrs. J. H.
Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Teague, Mr,'
Eddy Michell, Miss Dottie McFarland;
of Seattle. - '-
V Church Societies ICntcrta
Perhaps the most pleasant time ever
enjoyed by the ladies otbe Aid Society
of the Congregationalchurchand, those
of the GoodlntentSocietyof the Method
ist church was upon their entertain
ment by MraY N." Harris yesterday
afternoon. Every feature of the after
noon was so replete that it was a con
tinual round of surprises and pleasures.
A program was first rendered, consisting
of an instrumental duet by Mrs.
and Miss Cowles, a vocal duet py
dames Hontington and Corson a
ing by MrB. Myers, remarks by
Smith French, responded IjS by Mrs. S,
L. Brooks, both of which were very
apropos, and a trio by Mrs. Huntington.
Mrs. Wm. Condon anj Mrs. W. Groat.
The ladies had been given slips of
paper on which was a number and a
question, tbe corresponding number and
slip containing the answers, which were
in many cases ridiculous enough to
cause a great deal of merriment as the
ladies thus found their partners for
lunch. This was served in a rarost unique
manner, the guests passing from table
to table, being servejr with different
dishes at each, untilthey were finally
seated at small tables provided in an ad
joining room.
Mrs. Harris on this occasion, eclipsed,
if possible, her former efforts at enter
taining and her reputation as a hostess
who never failB to entertain perfectly
has been greatly enhanced.
It's Hainan Satan.
This readiness to accept the wonderful
and miraculous in preference to com
monplace truth. A. plausible and gltb-
tongued doctor can go from town to town
curing, or trying to cure, people, and
nave a great mnui oi eneaeis, wniie
every community in which the so-called
doctor goes is supplied with quiet,'
learned practitionore, who have forgotten
morn than the fakir ever learned, and
they can give you the best treatment
within the reach of human knowledge.
Whire your home doctor3 carry you from
year to year, get up at all times of the
night and are your servants during the
dey, and you pay them when you are
well or able, t he fakir gets the cash, and
is gone forever. If your eyes are troub
ling you in any way, calt on Prof. P. G.
Daut, the only graduated optician or
doctor of refraction in The Dalles, two
doors west of Keller's bakery. I am
here to stay, and guarantee all eye work.
. ' Peof. P. G. Daut.
The Greatest Offer Made Yet.
As a compliment to our many patrons,
and the public generally, for a short
time, we propose to give to every cus
tomer making Cash Purchases to the
amount of $20 a handsome three quarter,
life-size. Crayon or Water Color portrait
Free. To this end we have made a con
tract with one of tbe leading portrait
houses of America,, to furnish us with
their celebrated portraits. Remember
you are not required to buy a frame. We
are presenting 'you the portrait as an
appreciation of your patronage. How
ever we shall carry a large line of frames
which we will sell to portrait customers
at wholesale price. If yon can buy one
cheaper elsewhere, it is your privilege
to do so. -
Maiee & Benton,
Hardware and Grocery Dealers.
An Important Difference.
To make it apparent to thousands,
who think themselves ill, that they are
not afflicted with any disease, but that
the system simply needs cleansing, is to
bring comfort home to their hearts, as a
costive condition is easily cured by using
Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by tbe Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and, sold by
all druggists.