We Lay These at Your Feet. "IT 9 Q0Q00Q en Oct VP If Five distinct and genuine bargains in Ladies and Misses' Shoes. 9 1 i 6 i) -a t if LADIES'. Cloth top, hand welt, button. Were $4.00 '. now $2.25 Vici kid, hand welt, button. Were $4.00 now 2.25 Viei kid, hand welt, coin toe. Were $4.00..... now 2.50 MISSES'. Kid button, coin toe.ll j to 2. Were $1.75 '. now 1.00 Kid button, square toe, to 2. Were $2.00 now 1.00 This is our shoe story in a nutshell. There'll be some left for to morrow's selling, but sizes will be harder to find. Better come today. These goods are displayed in our Furnishing G-oods -window. A,,s-t,r - ftHbt & mHTo, i ne uanes, ur. $ Sour and Dill Pickles in Bulk, Cranberries, Celery, Sauer Kraut, Sweet Potatoes, New Orleans Molasses, Maple Syrup, Maple Sugar, Swiss Cheese, Cream Cheese, Young America Cheese, Apples, Pears, Etc., 'Also a Full Line of Groceries. ...fOaierSGeolon ..THE Hfi'OTBSE DEALERS.. 167 Second St THE DALLES, DR. The Dalles Daily Gitfoniele. TUESDAY - NOVEMBER 8, 1898, WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Eighteen in. air tight heaters. $2.50. I Twenty-one in. air tight heater9, $3.00. Twenty-four in. air tight heaters, $3.50. Also a full line of the celebrated "Wil son" heaters at Maya & Crowe's ;' Courtland Green, whose trial for the murder of John Linn has been going on in Eugene, was sentenced yesterday to life imprisonment, he having confessed to complicity in the crime. Last night Jackson Engine Company had a fire drill. Quite a number oft members were present, and it is intend-) ed to occasionally have such drills, for the purpose of keeping in practice. j Prof. Ryan informs us that the Wilder Quintette Club, who are musicians of a high order and well known in Portland will be in this city on Thursday, No-r vember 17th, and give a concert in the Baldwin. This will be good news to' the music-loving public. One dozen of tboee extra finish Platino Fotos, made by Gifford, will make you twelve fine presents for Christmas. Nothing would be appreciated more, and now is the time to sit for them. Don't put it off too long and then espect to have them finished in time. 1-lui The frost is now on the "punkin," and the flowers as well, compelling all who wish to keep their plants alive to cover them. The chryeanthemume are just now beginning to be the most beauti ful and it seems cruel for the hoary frost to nip them eo mercilessly. Mr. Kinersly has eolved a problem of great moment to the ladies of The Dalles, and from now on they may finish their shopping without being com pelled to go home and find out whether their hats are on straight. In one of his show windows he has arranged mir rors galore of all descriptions. Whether this is to attract the ladies has not been determined, but the aforesaid gentleman no doubt has an eye to business. Last night after the regular practice of the mandolin and guitar club at Frater nity hall about thirty young people joined them and the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. The music furnished by the club proved to be excellent, as the time was perfect and me selections gooa. ihoee who were present hope this will not be their last invitation to spend a few hours eo pleasantly. f Another serious accident occurred this which took place this morning at 9 o'clock in the Catholic church, was one of the largest ever held in The Dalles, and the long procession which followed the re mains to the cemetery evidenced the re gard felt for the deceased, who met Buch an untimely death. The order of Catho lic Knights preceeded the bier, which was carried by Messrs. M. T. Nolan, K. McLellan, F. McRae, A. Bettingen, J. Malone and Henry Meier. Father Bronsgeest conducted the service, which; was extremely affecting, the eorrow of the children of the deceased over the loss of their only parent making the scene doubly sad. . MRS. ERHART'S DEATH. Funeral Will Take Place at the M. Church Tomorrow Afternoon. Shia mornTngTSTessfs. Ji,d Uleason and Tom Condon arrived in the city from Antelope with Joe Aubin, nicknamed "Slim," and Raymond Chavies, who are held as accessories to the murder of Philip Brogan. The last heard of For ester, the murderer, he was at Trout creek, fourteen miles from Antelope, and it was expected he would be cap tured last night. Leaving Antelope directly after committing the deed, he went to Eagle valley and from there to Trout creek. As there was not euffi cent men at the place to attempt to take him, word was sent to Antelope and a iorce ot men were cuspatcnea im-1 mediately to capture him. S TheTrTheviIIe Review says concerning the large traction engine which was in The Dalles some months ago on its way to Silver Lake: "Last week we said that the people of Silver Lake might hear the whistle of Christman's engine next 4th of July, but we were mistaken. He hs come to grief or rather the engine has. After being laid up at Haystack for sev eral weeks undergoing repairs, another start was made. When near what is called Mud Springs, the engine blew up and we understood it is a total 'wreck. No one was hurt. The engine will be abandoned and another trial made next spring. We'll extend the time a little and say be may arrive at his destination Eome time next fall." The chapter of accidents and fatalities still continues, and we are compelled to chronicle one after another of these sad news items. About noon today Mr. C. G. Whitmore, who lives on the right fork of Mill creek, arrived in town bear ing the newB of the death of bis father-in-law, James Hartinan. He had been engaged in work on the road and last night after eating a hearty supper re tired. Being called this morning no response was heard and upon going into his room he was found dead in bed. Heart disease is said to be the cause. It was thought best that an inquest be The body of Mrs. Joseph Erhart was brought to the city on last evening's train, accompanied by her husband and daughter, Miss Edna. They were met at the depot by me inhere of the Eastern Star, of which order Miss Erhart is a member. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at the M. E. church at 2 o'clock, and will be conducted by Rev. J. H. Wood, in-the absence of the pastor of the First Baptist church, of which deceased was a memberi Mrs. Alice Erhart, whose maiden name was Laycock, was born in Placer county, California, and was 44 years of age. She has resided in The Dalles for the past sixteen years, and has alwavs been esteemed for ber sweet, disposition and generous nature. During her illness, which developed into heart trouble, she suffered much, but uncomplainingly, en deavoring to meet her fate with resigna tion. one leaves, beside tier nusoand, a daughter, Edna, son, Arthur, and three Bisters and two brothers, her father and mother being dead. All her brothers and Bisters reside in California except Wm. Laycock, who lives in Portland, and will be present at the funeral. PKKSONAL MENTION. Beckman is over from Golden- Johnson is down from Wasco G. C, dale. J. S today. Wm. Davey, of Ridgeway, is in town today. J. E. Rand is a Hood River visitor in the city. County Commissioner Evans from Hood River. 13 up afternoon when Hon. Robert Mays, who 'vheld and Coroner Butts went tout for was assisting the workmen to remove eome heavy stones which are being used in his new building, from the wagon, mashed his left hand very badly. The atone fell on his hand cutting a deep gash in the center of it, and it is feared it will be rendered nseless. This acci dent is doubly unfortunate as Mr. Mays 1 lost the use of hia right hand about two years ago from rheumatism. The funeral service of Philip Brogan, hat purpose this afternoon. Mr. Hart man, who was 50 years old, was an old soldier, and made bis home with bis son-in-law. The funeral will be held at their residence-on Mill creek on Friday. To Care a Cola In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refnnd the money if it fails to care. 25c. Everybody reads The Chkonicls. fjeo. MeL.eod, of Jvingsley. is seen on the streets of our city today. urea fisher, ot I'ortland, came up yesterday ana is .visiting relatives here, Mrs. J. E. Dean and daughter, Miss ra.i 1 i : . i i.tll I , ICbUlUCU IBM CVCUlUg II U ill tX L I i J to jroriiana. E. E. Allen, one of Mitchell's promi nent men, is in The Dalles today on business Dent. M. Morran and wife and James Sare- feld and wife are over from Centerville to attend the Brogan funeral. Misses Cassie Neal and Gueeie Kav- anue, cousins of the Misses Brogan, came up irom Portland last night. Mrs. S. Trneman, of Dixon, Washing ton, came in on the train this morning and is visiting her -sister, Mrs. J. F Stephens. H. E. Tagg and R. E. Wrenn have returned from their trip into the Prine- vitle country, and left last night for Pendleton. - S. B. Ormsby, superintendent of the forest reserve, returne i yesterday from a trip into the interior, and left for Portland this morning. Among those who are in the city from Antelope to attend the funeral of Philip Brogan are Frank Irvin, Wm. Ashby, F. McRae and K. McLellan., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Laycock, of Port land, will arrive in the city this even ing to attend the fnneral of Mrs. Erhart, who wai a sister of Mr. Laycock. TAKE WARNING. Carload of the celebrated Wil son Heaters just received. All sizes and kinds at your own price. Our Fire Sale is still on. All goods from 25 to 50 per cent reduction. Noxt Door to Land Office, - Washington Street. OTICE. J. H. CROSS ha3 removed his store to the Vogt Block, next door to the Post office, where he will be pleased to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. HAY, GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop ular prices. Call and see hirn. Notice is hereby given to all property owners that all flues and chimneys must be constructed in accordance with the ordinance against danger by fires, and if said chimneys and flues are not con structed in accordance therewith, the full penalty will be inflicted on the offender. The following is a copy of said ordi nance, regulating the building of flues and chimneys : Section 9. That everv chimney or flue that hereafter may be built in any frame building; within the 'city shall have walls of (rood quality of brick or stone at leaBt four incnee in thickness, and be laid in good lime and mortar and be plastered on the inside, and when passing through or near the wood work to be plastered on the outside. No chimney or flue shall be built which shall have any joist or timber resting on or entering into the same further than will have at least six inches between the end thereof and the chim ney or flue. They shall be well secured and shall extend at least four feet above the roof of the building to which they are attached, measuring from the point where each cbimnev or flue passes through the roof, and should such chim ney or flue be deemed unsafe to the building or buildings adjoining by the fire warden, they shall be carried up to such height as may be deemed neces sary , not to exceed four feet above the extreme height of said building or build ings adjoining. And notice is further hereby given that all chimneys and flues now in use, She Set J4et J4eait. On a "LudwigV Piano that she sow In our magni ficent assortment, but tlcsptiired of getting it till we. sold ber one at such a reasonable price, and on snch :asy terms, that her desire was gratified. Everyone that hears a note struck on one of these sweet toned instalments, that has an; music iu the soul, is charmed into wanting one. They car be fouud in The Dalles only at 170 Second btreet. Jacobsen Book & Music Co Eastern Oregon's Leading Music House. F- S. GUIlG, - BLACKSMITH and VVAGQNMAKER. Blacksmith's Supplies. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Second and Langhlm Streets, THE DALLES, - - - - - OREGON". Great Bargains in Ladies', Misses' and Children's, Our Great Leader at $3.25 comes in Navy, Black and Mixed Tweeds. Our Next Leader Goes at $4..T5. Special Value. Black only. At $ Y.OO we have a grand collection of Garments in plain and fancy black. Solid colors in Kerseys and Bea vers. Eyery Garment a Special Value. Pease & Mays All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. contrary to the above ordinance must be removed on or before December 1, '9S George J. Brown, 11-8 lw FireWarden. 1000 BEWBBD !1 For the arrest, dead or alive, of Frank Forester, who killed Phil Brogan at Antelope, Or., Saturday evening, Nov. 5. $400 of this reward is offered by the county court of Wasco county, $100 by the sheriff of Wasco pounty and $500 by the citizens of Antelope. Forester is 35 or 40 years of age, about 6 feet 2 inches high, sliahtly stooped, walks with a swinging gait ; blue eyes, dark hair and heavy sandy mustache. A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk. Puddin' Head Wilson Says: "The fool saith, 'Put all thy eggs in different baskets which means, scatter your money and your attention ; but the wise man eaith : 'Put all your eggs in one basket, and watch the bas ket.' " We have only one basket, and we are watching it in optics. IlaviDg made a thorough study of the subject, graduat ing from three of the best colleges, we are enabled to give you a scientific ex amination. It doesn't matter whether yon buy a $10 glass or a tl glass, or and glasses at all, you get an examination, and a thorough one at that, which alone is worth your time to know your eves. I fit all cases of eyes, and am permanent ly located in The Dalles. I am no traveling fake, and best of all I guarantee all work in optics to give you entire satisfaction. Yours to serve, PKOsi P. G. Dact, the ODtician.' Two doors west of Keller's bakery, The Dalles, Oregon. Solicitor Wanted. Dear Editor: If yon know of a so licitor or canvasser in your city or else where, especially a man who has solicit ed for subscriptions, insurance, nursery stock, books or tailoring, or a man w bo can sell goods, yon will confer a faror by telling him to ccrrespoud with U9; or if you will insert this notice in yonr paper and such parties will cut this notice out and mail to us, we may be able to furnish them a good position in their own and adjoining counties. Ad dress, American Woolen Mills "Co,, Chicago. o-12 2w For Bale Cheap. Four lots in Fort Dalles Military Res ervation. Good lota and very cheap. Apply at this office. d-w 2w An Important LMA'erence. To make it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, than they are not afflicted with any disease, but that the system simply needs cleansing, ia to. bring comfort home to their hearts, as-a costive condition is easily cared by using: Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and, sold by all druggists. Constipation prevents the body from ridding itself of waste matter. De Witt'a Little Early Risers will . remove the trouble and cure Sick Headache, Bili ousness, Inactive Liver and clear the Complexion. Small, sugar coated, don't gripe or cause nausea. Snipea-Kinersly Drug Co. Overcome eyil with good. Overcome your coughs and colds with One Minute Cough Cure. It is so good children cry for it. It curea croup, bronchitif, pneu monia, grippe and all tiiTD.it and lung diseases. Snipes-Kinersly lrng Co. When yon ask for De Witt's Witeh. Hazel Salve don't accept a counter fit or imitation. There are more cases of piles being cnred bylhis than all others combined. , One Minute Cough Cure, cures. - That Is what it was tnrOe tor. DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve , . Cures Piles. Scalds. Barns.