o t fcl busy We Lav These at Your Feet .-. BUtOFSannooQ Five distinct and genuine bargains in Ladies and Misses' ghoes. 7 t Clotli top, hand welt, button. Vici-kid, hand welt, button. Vici kid, hand welt, coin toe. Kid button, coin toe,ll to 2 Kid button, square toe, All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. .9 3 7 9 9. 9 PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles, Or. (? LADIES'. AVere $4.00 ........now Were $4.00 now Were $4.00 : now $2.25 2.25 2.50 MISSES'. . Were $ 1 .75 -. now 11J to 2. 00 00 Were $2.00 now This is our shoe story in a nutshell. There'll be some left for to morrow's selling, but sizes will be harder to find. Better come These goods are displayed in our Furnishing Goods window. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY - NOVEMBER 7, 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Eighteen in. air tight heaters. S2.50. Twenty-one in. air tight heaters, $3.00. Twenty-four in. airtight heaters, $3.50. Also a full line of the celebrated "Wil Bon" heaters at Mays & Crowe's. Mays & Crowe are now domiciled in their temporary quarters on the corner of Second and Federal streets. Yesterday's OregonUn announces that the marriage of Miss Laura Knowles, of Portland and Mr. Frank Sommerville, of tt r,oi- -.n r polphmtfid on Thurs- "-''"1 ..... , i dav. December 8th. If the boys who found the horse-shoa scarf pin, advertised last week, will call at the Chronicle office and return it', they will receive a liberal reward. The? owner values it much more highly than they can. Hich bowline ecores at the Umatilla last week were as follows: Monday, Nolan, 53 : Tuesday, J. Flemming, 67 Wednesdav, Maetz, 71 -.Thursday. Maetz, 71; Friday, Maetz, 70; Saturday, Maetz, 65; Sunday, S. Cathcart,6G. At a meeting of the members of the Christian church last evening their pae tor, Rev. Boltz, gave notice that it was his intention to enter the evangelistic field at the close of this year's work, ae that has always been the work most preferable to him. One dozen of those extra finish Platino Fotos, made by Gifford, will make you twelve fine presents for Christmas. Nothing would be appreciated more, and now is the time to sit for them. Don't put it off too long and then expect to have them finished in time. 1 lm Yesterday morning the body of Charles Shanks was brought to this city and taken to the Crandall & Burget undertaking parlors. At 1 :30 the funeral procession left for the cemetery, followed by members of the orderB of Workmen and Foresters. The services were con ducted at the grave by Rev. J. H. Wood. A gypsy outfit was in the city yester day and left on the boat this morning. They must have belonged to the gypsy "400" from their outfit, one wagon of which they claim was worth $550. Whether a gypsy's character may be known by the coat he wears we know not ; but as far as we have learned they worn uprv npfiPAh!e. C Th Pn.rah Diron was delaved Bome what yesterday on account of the heavy wind, which is always morenoticabie on the river. -However, she arrived at the wharf last evening about 7 :30 o'clock with the Dalles City and Regulator bulls. Work was commenced on the Regulator this morning and it is ex pected the house can be placed on her new hull in about ten days. J Residents awoke this morning to be greeted by a "cold frost," the coldest of the season, the thermometer being down to 29 degrees. At about 10 o'clock a few stray enow flakes were seen flitting in to don their win snally the leaders? at 1 :30 o'clock'at trie air, reminuing us mat winter ia k hand, while the Klickitat bills looked as if thev were preparing to don their win ter garb, for they are usn in the winter styles. Yesterday afternoon a the home of the bride's parents about five miles west of The Dalles, Oliver Bowers and Ida L. Ganger were united in marriage Dy jMaer w m. jvucueu. About twenty-five of the relatives of the young people were present, and after congratulations bad been extended to them, a wedding dinner was served and the occasion proved a joyous one for all. In spite of the many privations and homesickness which our soldiers seem to be passing through, they have not forgotten their Dalles friends and many souvenirs have been received here. In the window of Van Norden's jewelry store a collection is displayed which was received Saturday by Miss Bertie Glenn, and Mr. Garretson's window also cony tains many interesting souvenirs which Fred Grunow brought with him fropi historical placeB which he visited. I K For the nast week the friends ofrarf. Joseph Erhart, who was taken to the hospital in Portland about a month ago to be treated tor stomach trouble, have been hearing of the hopelessness of her case, and feared the worse, as her disease was pronounced cancer of the stomach This morning a message was received telling of her death at that place last night and that her remains would be brought home this evening. Her hus band and daughter, Miss Edna, were at her bedside and will accompany the re mains. Mrs. Erhart has always been considered a very healthy woman till within the past few months, and her friends can scarcely realize she is to be brought home a corpse. Deep sympathy is expressed ior tne nusoana ana daughter, the latter seeming to so fully rely upon her mother, not only as a daughter always does, but for a close companionship, having no sisters nor brothers. 1 STABBED TO DEATH PHILIP BROGAN MURDERED AT ANTELOPE SATURDAY. Frank Forcatcr. If Ja Camp Packer, Commits tne Dreadful Deed and Escapes Officers Sent In Pursuit of the Fugitive From Justice. FnddiD' Head Wilson Says: "The fool saith, 'Put all thy eggs in different baskets;' which means, scatter your money and your attention ; but the wise man saith: 'Put all your eggB in one basket, and watch the bas ket."' We have only one basket, and we are watching it in optics. Having made a thorough study of the subject, graduat ing from three of the best colleges, we are enabled to give - you a scientific ex amination. It doesn't matter whether you buy a $10 glass or a $1 glass, or and classes at all, you get an examination. and a thorough one at that, which alone is worth your time to know your eyes. I fit all cases of eyes, and am permanent ly located in The Dalles. I am no traveling fake, and best of all I guarantee all work in optics to give you entire satisfaction. Yours to serve,' Pkof. P. G. Dact, the optician Two doors west of Keller's bakery, The Dalles, Oregon. One Minute Cough Cure, cures That is what if was made lor- This seems to be a season of accidents Mid fntalttipa snH The DaIIpr hflH Tint (for vears been so afflicted in the loss of citizens as during the past year or more. Yesterday morning residents were shocked to learn of the murder of one of its highly respected and promineilt men, Philip Brogan, at Antelope. A telephone message received from Grass Valley first conveyed the news to friends here, and it was not many minutes un til the subject was nppermost in the conversation of all. , 1 'Many conflicting reports may be beard in regard to the manner in which the dreadful affair took place, but as nearly as can be determined the facts are as follows: A man by the name of Frank Forester who has been working for Mr Brogan for some time as camp packer owed Brogan $100, which he was to work out, and there was some misuuder standing as to its settlement. Friday Brogan was thrown from his horse and hurt very badlv, so that when Forester wished a settlement Saturday his em ployer asked that it be left until Sunday when he would be feeling better, and it was so decided. Saturday night Mr. 'Brogan was i Silvertooth'a saloon in Antelope, when man nicknamed "c-lim," another man a Mexican, and Forester entered. A they stepped to the bar, Brogan was in vited to take a drink, but he refused Baying be did not feel well. In a short time a man named Frank Gumm and Forester began quarreling, when the former knocked the latter down. "Slim then took a hand and pulled Gnmm off of Forester.' McRae, who was in the sa loon at the same time, in turn separated "Slim" and Gumm. At this juncture Brogan, who had previously stayed in the back part of the room, walked to the front, and 'Slim" thinking he meant to leave, picked up a chair and was about to knock him down, when 'McRae in terfered. Forester .then made a dash at Brogan with a knife stabbing him in the heart. He lived but . about two minutes after. The murderer then dashed out of the saloon and escaped. Sheriff Brown at once sent a posse in pursuit, but no word has been received as to the result of their search. . "Phil" Brogan is a man of about 56 years, and was perhaps as widely known as any man in the county, having been in the sheep business near Antelope for years. That he should have met such a violent death ia greatly to be regretted. About eight years agohe moved to this city, built a borne on Third Btreet where Sour and Dill f, Pickles in Bulk, Cranberries, Celery, Sauer . Kraut, Sweet Potatoes, New Orleans Molasses, Maple Syrup, Maple Sugar, Swiss Cheese, . Cream Cheese, Young America Cheese, Apples" Pears, Etc., Also a Pull Line of Groceries. .THE peiwpi Carload of the celebrated Wil son Heaters just received. All sizes and kinds at your own price. Our Fire Sale is still on. All goods from 25 to' 50 per cent reduction. lkL&L-r& c&5 Crowe, Noxt Door to Land Office, Washington Street. REMOVAL "NOTICE.-- flJitlDWRSE DERLEflS.. . 61 SecoM St . THE DALLES, UR. J. H. CR03S nas removed his store to the Vogt Blocknext door to the Posfoffice, where he will be pleased, to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new. ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY,. GRAIIT and FEED, SEEDS and I'KUlTb, Sec, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop ular prices. Call and see him. his family now resides. A short time previous to Lhat his wife ' died and was brought here for burial, so that the six children, five daughters and one son, are now left motherless and fatherlees. Reports as to Foresters' character., are conflicting, some saying he was not of a quarrelsome disposition, but that his deed must have been caused from a biain fired by liquor. Others say he was always hot-headed and ready - for a fight, having the reputation of being de cidedly "tough." This morning Brogan's remains were brought to this city, accompanied by a number of friends of the deceased. The funeral will take place from the Catholic church tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Later Reports received here late this Sfternoon are to the effect that two per ons have been arrested as suspects, lewards have been offered, and the heriff is now contemplating Bending out posse from here in pursuit of the flee- ng fugitive from justice. She Set Hep Hat. On a "Ludwig" Piano that she saw in our magni ficent assortment, but despaired of getting it till we sold her one at such a reasonable price, and oiv such easy terms, that her desire was gratified. Everyone" that hears a note struck on one of these sweet toned inHtiumcnts, that has any music in the soul, is charmed into wanting one. They can ber found in The Dulles only at 170 Second Street. Jacobsen Book & Music Co Eastern Oregon's Leading Music House. Every Thursday the Year Round. In more than half a million homes The Youth's Companion comes every week, the welcome guest of young and old read with equal interest by every member of the household. The best of fiction, poetry, sketches f travel, in structive articles, comment on current Great Bargains in. F- s. BLACKSMITH and VAGONMAKER. Blacksmith's Supplies. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Second and Liaughlin Streets, THE DALLES, OREGON. ackdts Ladies', Misses', and Children's, O ur Great Leader at $ 3 . 2 5 comes in lsa,vy, Black and Mixed Tweeds. Our Next Leader Goes at $4.75. Special Value Black only. At $7.00 we have a grand collection of Garments in " plain and fancy black. Solid colors in Kerseys and Bea vers. Every Garmtmt a Special Yalne. Pease & Mays All Goods Marked in - - Plain Figures. eventB and selected miscellany and anecdotes fill its columns from week to week and from year to year. The pub lishers promise that the volume for 1899 will surpass all former ones, in variety, interest and value. Among the two hundred distinguished contributors al ready engaged are Hon. John D. Long, Secretary of the navy, Edward Everett Hale, Henry M. Stanley, Sarah Orne Jewett, W. D. Howells, Poultney Bize- low, Herbert E. Hamblen, Hon. Carl Schurz, Rt. Hon. James Bryce, John Burroughs, Robert Barr, Thomas Nelson Page, Bret Harte. William Black, Al fred Austin, Andrew Langand Dr. Will iam A. Hammond. All subscribers to the 1899 volume will receive The Com panion's new calendar, exquisitely colored, with a border of stamped gold. The paper will be given free also from the time subscription is received until January 1, 1899, then a full year to Jan uary 1, 1900. A handsome illustrated announcement and eample copies will be sent free to any one addressing The Youth's Companion, 211 Columbus Ave., Boston, MasB. d?ss" and "Unveiling the Lafayetter Monument." In the former Miss Anna Haslam represented the Goddess, of Lib e ty and Carrie Zeigler.France. In the lat ter George Ruch, mounted on a pedes tal, represenedt the statue of Lafayette,, which Clarence- Gilbert unveiled,' and the little children dropping their tribute of flowers, made a beautiful scene as the red light was thrown on it. ' The chorus "Marseilles Hynin"and,Battlo Hymn ofc the Republic," which were sung-bysev-eral children dressed in costume, wot particularly pleasing, the march being; executed perfectly and the singing good. But we must refrain, for each number ia deserving of mention,' but space for bids. . The receipts of the evening, which will be forwarded to the Lafayette fund,, werft over $50. The lafsy&i te Entertainment. An Important Difference, to thousands. that they are The interest taken in anything given by our public schools was shown Satur day night when the Vogt opera house was crowded with an audience eager to bear the Lafayette entertainment. We will defy any city in Oregon to excel The Dalles in the standard of school programs rendered. Whether. we have unusual talent or -whether the interest and energy manifested by our proficient teachers, assistsd by parents who en courage the children, is accountable for the successes acheived, we know not; but certain it is that they can't be beat. Saturday evening was not an exception to the rule, and choruses, solos, essays, tableaux and recitations showed that talent and training were both predominant. To mention any particular numbers would not be justice to the rest, but we cannot refrain from noticing the two tableaux, "France Coneoling the God. To make it apparent who think themselves ill, not afflicted with any disease, but that the system simply needs cleansing, is to bring comfort home to their hearts, as costive condition is easily cured by using; Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and, sold by all druggists. Reward! Reward! Wasco county offers $400 reward for the capture and delivery to juttice of Frank Forester, who murdered Ptiilip Brocan at Antelope on Saturday night, Nov. 5th. The sheriff' also offers $100, and the city of Antelope $500. A. M. Kelsat, County Clerk.. Constipation prevents the body fron ridding itself of waste matter. De Witt'a Little Early Risers will remove the trouble and cure Sick Headache, Bilf- Complexion. Small, sugar coated don't gripe or cause nausea, bnipee-iwjnersly Drug Co. DeWitfj Witch Hazel Salvo Cures Piles, Scalds. Burns.