The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 02, 1898, Image 3

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!OTHiMr, RFrnMiiyr.
All Goods Marked in
Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Eighteen in. air tight heatere. $2.50.
Twenty-one in. air tight heaters, $3.00.
Twenty-four in. air tight heaters, $3.50.
Also a full lineof the celebrated "Wil
son" heaters at Mays & Crowe's.
Now is the time to have your Xmaa
Fotos made by Gifford. 1-lra
Put your money in the bank and treat
with the German specialist.
Next comes the bazaar by the ladies
of the Catholic church on the 23 J and
24th of next month.
Jgckson Engine company will hold a
meeting this evening at the usual place.'
A full attendance is requested.
Mr. Nestor informs us the telephone
to Prineville is a foregone conclusion, 4
sufficient amount having been subscribed
. to assure its success.
The teachers of the public school are
; busily engaged in preparing theVLa
fayette entertainment which will' be
given Saturday night at the Vogt opera
house. All are expecting a treat, as
their programs are always first-class.
The Oregon Telephone company is to
start immediately to connect every town
in Clatsop and Tillamook counties with
Portland. As it will extend through
Astoria to Tillamook, seaeiders next
eeason will have the benefit of a' 'phone.
Tonight and all day tomorrow you can
consult the German specialist free of
charge at the Umatilla House. Will re
turn December 1st, 2d and 3d. Cross
eyes straightened without the knife.
Catarrh a specialty.
Yon certainly have seen it already ; if
not look over the ad ot the new cloth
ing store, which will open tomorrow in
the building lately occupied by W. A.
Johnston. They will make themselves
known by their prices.
Yesterday morning the Regulator hull
left Portland about 4 o'clock in .tow of
the Hustler, and was taken as far as
Kelley's Landing, below the Cascades
It ha9 been impossible so far to secure a
boat to tow her to this city, and it is
thought the company's boats will be com
pelled to undertake the job.
The Omaha exposition closed Monday
nignt, 75,000 people attending on the
last day. The exposition was a financial
success, something over $400,000 remain
ing to be divided among the stockhold
ers. It was not only a financial success,
as will be attested by everyone who at
tended, but a success in every way.
, The steamer Hattie Belle now floats
in the waters of the Columbia as grace
' fully as if she had never known an ac
i cident, having been successfully launch
J. ed at 2 o'clock today. She will be taken
5 to Portland at once, and the D. P. & A.
N. company will no doubt keep her in
8ervice, the desire being to run her be-
ween The Dalles and the Caacadee.y
Ko-maaoaR estimate the damage be
ing done this year to the Oregon frui
a young man as a
designed and carefully
ored top coat of light colored
Covert Cloth or Whipcord. These
We show them in all sizes, and
fabrics suitable for yount, middle
aged or elderly men.
industry by the marketing of the prod
uct of infected apple orchards. It will
take ten years to overcome the ill repute i
created by the mistaken policy of a
single season. It would have been in
finitely better if the apple crop of
the state had been a total failure. Ore
gonian. Lillian Russell Thompson, the eldest
of the little tots who so delighted the
audience on the appearance of the "Pulse
of New York" company in The Dalles
last winter, died in Seattle Sunday night
of Brigbta disease. She was only 8 years
old and the younger sister is about 5.
They completely captured everyone who
heard them here, and were born actress
es. Their home is in Chelsea, Mass.
Yesterday afterriOon"Fred Burchtorf
was working on the roof of an addition
which is being built to the residence of
Polk Mays, on Ninth street, when he
stepped on the apron which be wore and
stumbling fell to the ground,' about
fifteen feet. He was helped up and im
mediately taken hoine,medical aid being
summoned. ; It is impossible to tell as
yet to what extent he is injured, but he is
confined to his bed at present, and may
be for some weeks.
Portland has a new daily paper, which
will be published every evening with J.
S. Delimiter, formerly of Astoria, aB
manager. It will be .Republican in
principle and has been christened as the
Portland Daily Times. Somehow there's
nothing new under the sun when it
comes to newspaper names ; but we wel
come it just the same and hope it will
be an exception to the general run of
papers started in Portland, and prove
that it haa come to stay. '
There seems to be quite a move in
newepaper circles in Oregon of late.
Whether for the same reason that in
dividuals change their place of residence
often (to avoid paying rent or cleaning
house) we could not say; at least we'd
rather not, for we might want to move
ourhelves. The latest paper to seek
greener fieldsis the Republic, which has
been published at Waeco and will now
be a Moroite, making its debut on No
vember 10th. Moro can now divide her
kicks between three different sheets, and
her interests should be well represented
between an Observer, a Leader and a
whole Republic.
Agent Ireland is at present the happy
possessor of a genuine HooBiercorn drill.
Not that be contemplates starting out
tn a doctor of "corns, bunions and in
grown toe-nails;" 'tis not this kind of
an instrument, but one such as is used
in old Indiany for planting corn. Mon
day a man came tearing into the depot
for the purpose of checking his baggage.
Expecting to find a small blac' -glazed
valise the baggage master proceeded to
get out his checks, when he was invited
to come out on the platform' and tie the
tag on the aforesaid corn crill. Refus
ing to allow it to go as baggage, the valu
able article was presented to the com
pany. Anyone who is willing to sell
chances is welcome to the encumbrance
or the cash they may obtain from it.
At the homes of Mr. and Mrs. W. M.
$15.00 s
Blakeley and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blake
ley, in Pendleton, a pleasant reunion of
the brothers of these two gentlemen is
being enjoyed. The event, under any
circumstances of exceeding pleasant na
ture, is made all the more so in this case
by the fact that not before in thirty
years have all the brothers been togeth
er. So widely scattered and so pressing
are the demands of business and home
life, that it is not likely they will ever
again be all together. The five broth
ers are: W. M. Blakeley, ' sheriff of
Umatilla county ; Joseph Blakeley, dep
uty sheriff of Umatilla county;- James
Blakeley, of Joseph, Walla Walla coun
ty ; Henry Blakeley of Brownsville, Or.,
and George Blakeley of The Dalles.
Meeting the five sons, is the aged father,
a venerable old gentleman in his 87th
year, having been bornjnheyearjf
Teacher.' Examination.
Notice is hereby given that for the
purpose of making an examination of
persona who may offer themselves aa
candidates for teachers of the schoola of
this county, the county superintendent
thereof will hold a public examination
at The Dalles, Oregon, beginning
Wednesday November, 9, 1898, at 1
o'clock p. m. C. L. Gilbert,
County school Superintendent.
Wasco county, Oregon.
Dated this 31st day of October, 1898.
Hook and Ladder Meeting.
There will be a regular meeting ot the
hook and ladder company this evening
at the council chambers.
Victor Harden, Secy.
Wood. Wood.
Best grades of Dry Fir and Oak Wood
always on hand for sale at minimum
rate. Jos. T. Petkbs.
'Phone 25.
An Important Difference.
To make it apparent to thousands,
who think themselves ill, that they are
not afflicted with anv disease, but that
the system simply needs cleansing, is to
bring comfort home to their hearts, aa a
costive condition ia easily cured by using
Syrup of Figa. Manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and, sold by
all druggists.
Ranch at the mouth of John Day
good for grain, cattle or eheep. E. R.
Wingate. Inquire of J. H. Dietzel, at
at the trunk factory. 482 acres at $7
per acre.- o29-lw
It is the fine-quality of
Schilling's Best .
tea baking powder
coffee flavoring extracts
soda and spices
that makes them go far
ther than great quantity
of inferior things. w
For sale by
L. Rorden & Company
We have iust received a larsre stock of
Cole's Air Tight heaters, which will
sell from $3.50 to $12.00. Every stove
warranted. Call and see our stock of
heaters before purchasing.
167 Second St. THE DALLES, (JR.
Tho Manner In Which It Is Carried On
Should be One for Girls.
The Dalles has added another boy to
its list at the state reform school, George
iVl. Bonner, a lad of 12 years baving
been taken to Salem on Sunday by
Sheriff Kelly. Thia makes about a
dozen incorrigibles wliich have been sent
from our city in the past few years to be
"done over" by the superintendent and
teachers there, and it ia certainly the
best move to make.
Those who have visited this institu
tion find it conducted in a most system
atic manner, and not in a way 'that
Would repulse the bov as he enters.
but rather commends itself to him as the
months go by. The superintendent ia
firm, but not burly, the matron kind,
and the teachsrsand officers well chosen.
The building ia situated in a beautiful
spot, and the surroundings the very
best that could be found. Every hour
of the boy's time ia employed with his
atudiea and work giyen him to do about
the premises, while sufficient time is
given for recreation, when the inmates
are allowed to go to the play grounds or
otherwise amuse themselves, under the
supervision at all times of the officer in
charge. On Sundays they are taught in
a manner in keeping with the day, while
occasionally an entertainment is given
for them in which all take part. Some
Have two lots of Ladies' Shoes which
they desire to close out. To those who
want a genuine bargain we will say, call
early, as the price quoted will make
them quick sellers.
Ladles' Hand Turn, Button, Pointed
toe., widths B, C, and D, sizes 24 to 5.
$5.00 shoe for .
Ladies' Kid, Button, Narrow Square
toe, widths B, C and D, sizes 1 to 5.
$3.00 shoe for
Inaddition totheabove we offer
Misses' Kid, Button, Coin toe, sizes 11
to 2, at
65 cents.
Misses' Pebble Grain, Button. Good
school shoe, -
Boye Veal, Congress, 2 to $2.00
shoe for
Our Fire Sale is still on. All goods
from 25 to 50 per cent reduction.
Noxt Door to Land Office,
J. H. CROSS has removed his store to the Vogt
Block, next door to the Posf office, where he will be pleased
to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
GRAIN" and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him.
of the best of talent is found among the
boys, and this is not allowed to remain
latent, but cultivated by the teachers,
who take a great pride in those commit
ted to their care, never allowing a word
to be spoken against them when it can
be avoided.
The writer was much amused, when
visiting the school, at a remark made by
a very bright, fine-looking lad to wbom
she was talking and of course interrogat
ing, when he said : "Oh its good nough
here ; but there ought to be a reform
echool for girls, boys alius gets all the
blame, and the girls is just as bad."
While realizing that the boy was hardly
old enough to understand how far wrong
be was in the. latter part of his statement
when he said "boys gets all the olame,"
the contrary having been proven in the
case of our Father Adam and Mother
Eve and being verified every day since,
we coincided with his first remark,,
"there ought to be a reform school for
girls." Superintendent Gardner, of the
Boys and Girls Aid Society in Portland,
realizes this fact perhaps more deeply
than any one else. This society is doing
a noble work under the greatest of dif
ficulties, and Mr. Gardner is often at a
loss to know just which way to tarn
when day after day are brought to him
girls who do not come under his direct
supervision, being too old cr too incor
rigible for that institution to look after.
They are also not criminals, and there
fore should not be placed where they are
compelled to meet such characters as are
found in the Magdalene Home, which is
one of the grandest institutions to be
found any where on the globe, bnt not
the one in which to place girls not
willfully wrong, but young and foolish.
A place between the Boys and
Girls Aid Society and the home should
be instituted in the state where, as the
boy said girls that are "just as bad"
could be sent.
It's Human Nature.
This readiness to accept the wonderful
and miraculous in preference to com
monplace truth. A plausible and glib
tongued doctor can go from town to town
curing, or trying to cure, people, and
have a great influx of shekels, while
every community in which the so-called
doctor goes is supplied ' with quiet,
learned practitionors, who have forgotten
more than the fakir ever learned, and
they can give you the best treatment
within the reach of human knowledge.
While your home doctors carry you from
year to year, get np at all times' of the
night and are your servants during the
dry, and yoa pay them when yoa are
Carload of the celebrated Wil
son Heaters just received. All
sizes and kinds at your own
Washington Street;. f
She Set
fief fLe&Pt.
On a "Ludwig" Piano that she saw In our magni
ficent assortment, but despaired of getting it till we
sold her one at such a reasonable price, and on
such sy terms, that her desire was gratified.
Everyone that hears a note struck on one of these
sweet toned instruments, thnt has any musio iu the
soul, Is charmed into wanting one. Tbey can bei
found in The Dalles only at 170 Second Street
Jacobsen Book& Music Co
Easter nJOregon's
Leading'Muslc House.
well or able, the fakir gets the cash, and
is gone forever. If your eyea are troub
ling you in any way, call on Prof. P. G.
Daut, the only graduated optician or
doctor of refraction in The Dalles, two
doom west of Keller's bakery. I am.
here to stay, and guarantee all eye work..
Prop. P. G. Daut.
Solicitor Wanted.
Dear Editor : If you know of a so
licitor or canvasser In your city or else
where, especially a man who has solicit
ed for subscriptions, insurance, nursery
stock, books or tailoring, or a man who
can sell goods, yoa will confer a favor
by telling him to ccrrespoud with us; or
if you will insert thi6 notice In your
paper and euch partiea will cut thia
notice out and mail to us, we may be
able to furnish them a good position in
their own and adjoining counties. Ad
dress, American Woolen Mills Co,.
Chicago. o-12 2w
The Eye Specialist.
Mrs. Dr. Frank is one ot the few
women of America who is included in
the list of professional women and ia
considered in the very first rank. Her
methodB are the best and most modern
used by the profession in the large East
ern cities and Europe.
Persons suffering from impaired eye
eight, or who may have any indication
of weakness or aberration of vision
should not neglect calling on the cele
brated lady eye specialist, MrB. Dr.
Frank, room 38, Chapman Block, over
U. S. Land Office and have their eyes
examined. One pair of the genuine
Brazilian rock crystal lenses, euch as
Mra. Dr. Frank uses in her profession
cost her about aa much as a dozen pair
of the common glasses others use. Don't
you see a gooI reason why they do not
want to use and recommend the Brazil
ian diamond rock crystal lenses? Mrs.
Dr. Frank guarantees all her work to be
first class in every respect and if any one
baB any doubt regarding th value ot
her guarantee they can easily obtain- in
formation regarding her reliability from
the German Savings Bank, of San Fran
cisco. Constipation prevents the body from
ridding itself of waste matter. De Witt's
Little Early Risers will remove the
trouble and cure Sick Headache, Bili
ousness, Inactive Liver and clear the
Complexion. Small, sugar coated, donl
gripe or cause nausea. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co. , .
Aek your grocer for Clarke & Falk'a
pare concentrated flavoring extracts, ti